VOL. 42 NO. 1
Monthly Publication of the Relief Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Belle S. Spafford ------ President
Marianne C. Sharp - ... - First Counselor
Velma N. Simonsen ----- Second Counselor
Margaret C. Pickering ----- Secretary-Treasurer
Mary G. Judd Evon W. Peterson Christine H. Robinson Charlotte A. Larsen
Anna B. Hart Leone O. Jacobs Alberta H. Christensen Edith P. Backman
Edith S. ElUott Louise W. Madsen Mildred B. Eyring Winniefred S.
Florence J. Madsen Aleine M. Young Helen W. Anderson Manwaring
Leone G. Layton Josie B. Bay Gladys S. Boyer Elna P. Haymond
Blanche B. Stoddard
Editor --....--.-- Marianne C. Sharp
Associate Editor ---.-..-. Vesta P. Crawford
General Manager ------... Belle S. Spafford
Vol.42 JANUARY 1955 No. 1
Greetings for the New Year 3
ReUef Society Women As Home Missionaries Mark E. Petersen 4
Award Winners — Eliza R. Snow Poem Contest _ 8
Three Scenes in Oil — First Prize Poem Eva Willes Wangsgaard 9
My Peace — Second Prize Poem Caroline Eyring Miner U
Dedication — Third Prize Poem Hortense Richardson 12
Biographical Sketches of Award Winners _ 13, 21
Award Winners — Annual Relief Society Short Story Contest 14
Wallflower — First Prize Story Alice Morrey Bailey 15
Infantile Paralysis and the March of Dimes Basil O'Connor 33
Faith and Prayer and Johnnie Morton Maryhale Woolsey 22
Grandma's Responsibility _ Mary C. Martineau 35
Contentment Is a Lovely Thing — Chapter 4 Dorothy S. Romney 43
From Near and Far „ _ _ 1
Sixty Years Ago _ 28
Woman's Sphere _ Ramona W. Cannon 29
Editorial: Morning and the New Year Vesta P. Crawford 30
New Serial "Green Willows" to Begin in February 36
Notes to the Field: Relief Society Assigned Evening Meeting of Fast Sunday in March 32
Bound Volumes of 1954 Relief Society Magazines ...— 32
Award Subscriptions Presented in April _ 32
Notes From the Field: Relief Society Activities ~ Margaret C. Pickering 47
Mimosa Eggs _ _ 37
There Is a Time for Formality Helen S. Williams 38
Bathroom Tricks: Novel Towel Holders Elizabeth Williamson 41
Her Hobbies Bring Joy to Others (Mary Elizabeth Jensen Bingham) 42
Theology: Helaman, Son of Alma, and His Two Thousand Sons Leland H. Monson 51
Visiting Teacher Messages: "For That Which Ye Do Send Out Shall Return Unto You Again,
and Be Restored" > Leone O. Jacobs 56
Work Meeting: Vacuums Rhea H. Gardner 58
Literature: Aaam Bede by George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans) Briant S. Jacobs 59
Social Science: The Constitution of the United States, Articles XI-XV — Amendments Eleven
Through Fifteen Albert R. Bowen 66
Erratum in Social Science Lesson for February 40
"Let Me Then Answer," by Frances C. Yost, 21; "Winter Song," by Thelma J. Lund, 21;
"Driftwood," by Natalie King, 31; "Before the Storm," by Zara Sabin, 33; "White World," by
Gene Romolo, 34; "A Boy,' by Sylvia Probst Young, 41; "Wintertime Cafe," by Bernice T
Clayton, 50; "The Difference," by Ing Smith, 57; "On Measuring," by Mabel Jones Gabbott, 71;
"New Years Prayer," by Vesta N. Lukei, 71; "Back Fence Neighbors," by Christie Lund
Coles, 71; "Playtime Is Over," by Ivy Houtz WooUey, 72.
Editorial and Business Offices: 40 North Main, Salt Lake City 1, Utah, Phone 4-2511; Sub-
scriptions 246; Editorial Dept. 245. Subscription Price: $1.50 a year; foreign, $2.00 a year;
payable in advance. Single copy, 15c. The Magazine is not sent after subscription expires. No
back numbers can be supplied. Renew promptly so that no copies will be missed. Report change
of address at once, giving old and new address.
Entered as second-class matter February 18, 1914, at the Post Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, under
the Act of March 8, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in
section 1103, Act of October 8, 1917, authorized June 29, 1918. Manuscripts will not be returned
unless return postage is enclosed. Rejected manuscripts will be retained for six months only.
The Magazine is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts.
Qjrora 1 1
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I have been a subscriber to The Relief
Society Magazine for more than thirty-
five years, and had access to the Wom-
an's Exponent when my mother was a
Rehef Society president.
— Mrs. Arthur Eskelsen
Midvale, Utah
I have been sent to the hospital so
much, and when I would come out they
would send me to a different place. I am
a shut-in, seventy-eight years old, and I
haven't walked a step alone for seven
years. I have a cane, and a nurse has to
hold me while I move my limbs. I love
the Magazine to read to keep my mind
off the rain clouds and the war clouds.
I have taken the Magazine every year but
one since 1921. I feel like I ought to
take the Magazine, because my father's
aunt, Jane Snyder Richards, years ago,
was an officer in Relief Society. I have
been in her house a lot of times.
— Laura M. Atwood
St. Helens, Oregon
I enjoy the poetry and stories in the
Magazine very much, as well as every-
thing else .... I don't know of another
place we could get literature that would
compare with it. I always especially en-
joy the "From Near and Far" and "Notes
From the Field" departments. I watch
them closely to see if any of my old
friends from the "Y" might be there.
— Peggy J. Hardin
Kermit, Texas
I enjoy our Magazine very much. I
have a friend I let read my Magazine, and
now she attends Relief Society. I love
to visit and talk with women of the
Church about our wonderful Magazine.
— Fannie Christensen
Ucon, Idaho
The Magazine has been a great help to
me in presiding over the Relief Societ}' of
our ward. It has given me subject ma-
terial for talks, as well as many entertain-
ing moments in reading stories, poetry,
and recipes.
— Afton C. Hill
Idaho Falls, Idaho
I received the letter and check for my
poem ("The Pumpkin Pie Glorified,"
November 1954). I think every woman
should have the experience of writing a
poem and having it published. It lifts
her out of the routine of her days. My
husband and my one remaining son at
home had a very respectful gleam in their
eyes when I showed them the check. For
the first time in months they didn't seem
to associate me with the pots and pans.
Yesterday in Relief Society the women
were just as pleased and proud as if I had
done each of them a personal favor ....
I have been surprised at the thoughtful-
ness expressed by so many, even by mail
and phone, over that one poem. It just
goes to show how kind most people really
— Bertha F. Cozzens
Powell, Wyoming
I think The Rehef Society Magazine is
the most uplifting woman's magazine pub-
lished today, because it does not print
material of a questionable nature. The
articles written by Elsie Carroll, my very
dear friend, on the First Ladies (series
published in 1953-54) ^^^ ^^ themselves
worth a year's subscription. Also I ap-
preciate the lovely verse published from
month to month. I was especially im-
pressed with the poem "Poetry" by Mary
Gustafson (November 1954). It illustrates
the theme perfectly — truly it is poetry,
not just verse. I also like the serial
"Contentment Is a Lovely Thing," by
Dorothy S. Romney. The Magazine edi-
torials are also very pertinent and fine.
They are usually the first pages to which
I turn.
— Gene Romolo
Provo, Utah
There is no Relief Society here, but I
wish to keep up with the lessons. Although
we move around, The Rehef Society
Magazine helps to keep us in touch with
the Church, to guide and inspire us. The
family enjoys the lovely stories. We read
them aloud in the evenings. Even the
teenage boys enjoy them.
—Mrs. Viola F. John
Dove Creek, Colorado
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(greetings for the /Lew LJear
'TTHE general board of Relief Society extends our love and the season's
greetings to our beloved sisters throughout the world. May the year
1955 be marked in the lives of all of us by advancement in the understand-
ing of our purpose here upon the earth and in our righteously fulfilling that
purpose. In this New Year may all of us overcome weaknesses and
develop additional virtues, and may we continue to be a comfort and
a guide to each other. May our Father in hea\'en richly bless us in our
homes and in our labors in his kingdom. May the burdens that come to
each be borne cheerfully, the trials met bravely, and the temptations over-
come triumphantly. May peace dwell in the hearts and homes of all man-
kind everywhere.
The Cover: "Snow People," Mount Spokane, Washington, Photograph by C. W. Tramm,
Relief Society Women As
Home Missionaries
Elder Mark E. Petersen
Oi the Council of the Twelve
[Address Delivered at the Annual General Relief Soeiety Conference,
September 29, 1954]
SURELY, it is a great inspira-
tion to see this building so
well filled with stake officers
of the Relief Society. It is a great
privilege to meet with you. It is
very inspiring to observe the great
work that you do, and we express
sincere appreciation to you for your
very effective efforts.
This afternoon, I would like to
talk with you about missionary
work. I would like to mention three
different phases of missionary work.
But before doing so, I would like
to read to you from a bulletin
which was issued by the First Presi-
dency in 1952 on the stake missions,
giving reference therein to the co-
operation expected by the First
Presidency on the part of the aux-
iliary organizations of the Church.
In the paragraph or two devoted to
this subject, the First Presidency
say this:
The stake and ward auxiliaries, with
their enlistment committees and other fa-
cilities, should lend the fullest possible
assistance and cooperation in aiding the
stake missionary program. They should
gather information on investigators and
others who might be interested, and cause
such information to be transmitted to the
mission presidency. They should, wherever
possible, adapt classes to meet the needs
of investigators and new converts.
Stake presidencies will arrange for a
proper correlation of the auxiliary organ-
izations with the stake mission.
Now, the first phase of my discus-
Page 4
sion has to do with the stake mis-
sions. Our stake missions are doing
a tremendous work. They are bring-
ing into the fold thousands of men
and women, and boys and girls who
live within the stakes. They are
your neighbors and mine. These
stake missionaries, as they go out
among the people, have a definite
program to follow. They are using
the uniform missionary plan which
is being used in the foreign missions
as well as in the stake missions. They
go into the homes, and, in an order-
ly manner, give lessons by which
they take up various principles of
the gospel so that the people can
readily understand those principles.
We expect that in the ordinary
proselyting work, the first contacts
with non-members usually will be
made by the missionaries. Of course,
as members of the Church, you and
I should be missionaries and be will-
ing to preach the gospel or explain
about the Church to anyone who
seems interested at any time. But
I mean to say on a proselyting basis,
as we go from house to house per-
forming missionary work, the orig-
inal, the initial contacts are general-
ly made by the stake missionaries,
who will begin to give the lessons
outlined in a manual to the inter-
ested families.
Now, after the missionaries have
brought the family up to a certain
point of interest where they believe
it would be profitable and helpful, ly and friendly with these investi-
they may well notify you as Relief gating ladies. We in the Church
Society officers so that you may organizations have a great responsi-
send your teachers or other repre- bility to new converts who have
sentatives to these investigating fam- been brought into the Church. The
ilies, inviting them to come out to tendency in some areas is for the
your Relief Society meetings. We missionaries to bring them into the
do not ask that you as Relief So- Church through baptism, and then
ciety workers, go from house to leave them hoping that the other
house proselyting, but of course you organizations will ''pick them up"
could invite your non-member and carry on with them. However,
neighbors to go with you to your too many of the organizations do not
meetings. We ask that you carry ''pick them up." Too many of
on your usual Relief Society work, these converts become forgotten
But when the time comes that the men and women,
missionaries have developed suf- This we must change. We must
ficient interest in an investigator to encourage our auxiliaries and our
make it profitable for that investi- Priesthood groups to become inter-
gator to be invited to your socials, ested in these new converts im-
to your class work, your lesson work, mediately, and assist them to be-
or to participate in some other way, come integrated into the Church,
we would be grateful if you would as well-established, active members,
then step in, as Relief Society Above all, we hope that the
workers, and help them to become Relief Society sisters will do all they
interested in Relief Society work. can to help the members of the
Church live exemplary lives so that
"IITE would be glad if you would there will be no violations to tear
talk Relief Society, so that down what the missionaries are try-
these women can become acquaint- ing to do. One of the big hurdles
ed with and interested in the Relief we have to meet in stake missionary
Society program. The missionaries work is the inactivity and the diso-
will take care of the proselyting part bedience of persons who are mem-
of it, so far as teaching the prin- bers of the Church who are not
ciples of the gospel is concerned, keeping the commandments.
But we would like, so very much. Now, under assignment from the
to have the women who are investi- bishop, the stake missionaries may
gating, even before their baptism, also call on part-member families,
invited to come to our Relief So- Some people have spoken of them
ciety organizations, and those invi- as split families, but we do not like
tations could well be given by your that designation— part-member fam-
visiting teachers. But I would ilies is the way we speak of them,
always plan to make those visits in Now, if the wife is the non-mem-
harmony with the plan of the stake ber in a part-member family, we
missionaries themselves, so that would like to suggest to you that
there will be no conflicting visits or you approach her in the same way
conflicting program of any kind, as I have described for a total non-
We hope that you will be neighbor- member family because, of course.
she is still a non-member of the
However, if, in a part-member
family, the wife is a member of the
Church, certainly she should be
treated as a member and encouraged
and warmed in every way you can.
And that leads me up to my next
point. We hope that we may have
full co-operation from the Relief So-
ciety in connection with our Senior
Aaronic Priesthood activity, which
is a definite missionary program. We
find that many people are inactive
in the Church because they are not
converted to it— they do not under-
stand it. Some are inactive because
they feel a little bit left out, some
say that they have actually been froz-
en out in some wards where they
have lived. We would like to build
up in the minds of the wives of
Senior Aaronic Priesthood members
a definite sense of belonging. We
would like for you to treat them as
sisters and labor with them and en-
courage them to come out as far
as you are able to do so.
ND I believe that one of the
most effective ways by which
you may accomplish missionary
work in regard to these Senior
Aaronic Priesthood families is that
you take into their homes some
definite recommendations and plans
encouraging them to observe the
Family Hour. I don't know of any
way by which you may bring the
spirit of the gospel more readily in-
to the home of a Senior Aaronic
Priesthood member than to help the
wife institute the Family Hour in
that home. Especially is this ef-
fective where the children are
small. As the wife and mother
makes the plans for these Family
Hours and the children participate,
it will not be long until the warmth
of the spirit will penetrate to the
heart of the man of the house, and
he will be able, then, to understand
the spirit of our program far more
I believe that the Family Hour
program likewise will be very ef-
fective in a part-member family
where the wife is the member of the
Church. The same penetration of
the spirit of God will be seen in the
heart of the non-member man when
his children and his wife participate
in a Family Hour program such as
Then, of course, we hope that you
will continue to urge observance of
family prayer in each of those homes
because, as the wives and mothers
and the children pray, they will have
a great effect upon the men who
live there, whether they are cooled-
off Senior Aaronic Priesthood mem-
bers or not even members of the
Church at all. That is missionary
work. That is right in the line of
Relief Society work. After all, we
are all missionaries. The worth of
souls is great, and each one of us
is called to cry repentance and save
as many as we can for the work of
the Lord.
Now my next point is this— I be-
lieve there is no greater mission
field than your own homes. I be-
lieve there are no more precious
souls to save than the members of
your own family. Satan is making
a great attack upon us these days.
He seems to sense that his time is
short, and he is doing all within his
power to destroy that faith which
we try to establish in the home. We
encourage every Latter-day Saint,
every woman especially, to exert all
the power you have to bring con-
version into your own homes.
Now, if you will examine carefully
the attack that is being made by
the powers of Satan, you will see
that those attacks are more and
more assaults upon virtue. It is al-
most frightening when you pick up
magazines and newspapers and
when you go to movies and when
you see the billboards and you hear
the radio programs to note that
everything is tainted with this at-
tack upon virtue— just about every-
Now, we must meet that. I be-
lieve the first line of defense for vir-
tue is modesty— modesty in dress—
and my appeal on this point to you
sisters is to remember that you are
trying to save souls. That is your
responsibility. Will you remember
that your first responsibility in re-
gard to salvation is to those of your
own family, and that you must do
all you can to save the members of
your family? Will you, as the sis-
ters of the Relief Society, be willing
to use this first line of defense for
virtue as a means of preserving the
very souFs salvation of your daugh-
ters and your sons, and will you, the
sisters, take a leading part in it?
Will you set the example?
"I^TE have had some difficulty with
mothers on this matter of
modesty. Where the M.I. A., for
instance, has been trying to get the
young ladies to avoid wearing strap-
less gowns, usually the girls have
been willing to comply. We have
had our difficulty with the mothers
of those girls who insist on putting
strapless gowns on their daughters.
Will you sisters clothe your own
selves in modesty, and then will you
clothe your daughters in modesty?
I have often wondered what went
on in the mind of a girl when she
has observed her mother in some of
these sun-suits and other immodest
things that mothers ought to know
better than to wear. What does that
do to the values of virtue and chas-
tity in the mind of the girl?
And I have often wondered what
goes on in the minds of the sons of
those women— sons who are just
emerging into that age when they
begin to take notice of the opposite
sex. Now, this is not a matter of
fashion. Good taste and modesty
are always in fashion— always.
As for the men, and I believe
that I can speak for the men, I don't
believe there is a man living who
respects a woman for exposing her-
self, not even the evil men whose
interests are strictly predatory. If
you want to save your daughters,
teach them modesty in dress, and if
you want to save your sons, teach
them a proper understanding of
modesty and of virtue so that they,
in turn, will appreciate true woman-
hood when they meet it.
There is no salvation in immod-
esty. Salvation rests upon the
foundation stones of virtue. No un-
clean thing can come into the pres-
ence of God. The worth of souls
is great in the sight of God. Do you
remember what The Book of Mor-
mon says, "I, the Lord God, delight
in the chastity of women" (Jacob
Will you be good missionaries in
all phases of your activity, and will
you uphold the standards that make
for salvation? That is my prayer
for all of you, in the name of the
Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.
fyiwarci vi/inners
ibliza U\. Q>no\s> iPoera (contest
T^HE Relief Society general board
is pleased to announce the
names of the three winners in the
1954 Eliza R. Snow Poem Contest.
This contest was announced in the
June 1954 issue of the Magazine,
and closed September 15, 1954.
The first prize of twenty-five dol-
lars is awarded to Eva Willes
Wangsgaard, Ogden, Utah, for her
poem 'Three Scenes in Oil/' The
second prize of twenty dollars is
awarded to Caroline Eyring Miner,
Sandy, Utah, for her poem ''My
Peace." The third prize of fifteen
dollars is awarded to Hortense Rich-
ardson, Salt Lake City, for her poem
This poem contest has been con-
ducted annually by the Relief So-
ciety general board since 1924, in
honor of Eliza R. Snow, second gen-
eral president of Relief Society, a
gifted poet and beloved leader.
The contest is open to all Latter-
day Saint women, and is designed
to encourage poetry writing, and to
increase appreciation for creative
writing and the beauty and value of
Prize-winning poems are the prop-
erty of the Relief Society general
board, and may not be used for pub-
lication by others except upon writ-
ten permission of the general board.
The general board also reserves the
right to publish any of the poems
submitted, paying for them at the
time of publication at the regular
Magazine rate. A writer who has
received the first prize for two con-
secutive years must wait two years'
Page 8
before she is again eligible to enter
the contest.
There were one hundred thirty-
seven poems submitted in this year's
contest. Many of the poems re-
vealed a discriminating choice of
subject material and a careful use
of poetic technique.
Twenty-two states were repre-
sented in the contest entries, the
largest number of submissions came,
in the following order, from Utah,
Idaho, California, Arizona, Oregon,
Wyoming, Washington, Indiana,
and Nebraska. Five entries were
received from Canada and two from
The winner of the first prize this
year, Eva Willes Wangsgaard, was
awarded first prize in 1942, 1946, and
1953, and second prize in 1939 and
1947. Caroline Eyring Miner, win-
ner of the second prize this year,
was awarded the second prize in
1950, and the third prize in 1945
and 1946. Mrs. Hortense Richard-
son is a first-time winner in the
Eliza R. Snow Poem Contest.
The general board congratulates
the prize winners and expresses ap-
preciation to all entrants for their
interest in the contest. The general
board wishes, also, to thank the
judges for their care and diligence
in selecting the prize-winning
poems. The services of the poetry
committee of the general board are
very much appreciated.
The prize-winning poems, togeth-
er with photographs and biograph-
ical sketches of the prize-winning
contestants, are published herewith.
l/^nze ' Vi/ifiriing LPoems
ibliza irioxey Snow 1 1 iemonal LPoem L^ontest
First Prize Poem
cJnree Scenes in y:yil
Eva Willes Wangsgaard
I— Winter and Childhood
She knew this canvas well where rushes grew
In rank profusion down a marshy stream.
No ripple marred the surface of the slough,
Yet shape of wind was everywhere the theme
Caught in a bronze-white January world.
Tall reeds bent, wind-cupped, over shrunken snow
And, while the sails of storm were tightly furled,
She felt its lashes ready to let go.
Yet stood waist-deep in summer reeds instead,
Heard killdee calls and blackbirds' loud alarms.
All love was lamplight and a path that led
To mother's kiss and father's playful arms.
Remembered voices bringing childhood near—
But loneliness had marked her even here.
Page 9
II— May and Love
She mused a long time, staring at a wall,
And suddenly the painting hanging there
Was not a scene in oil. The aspens' tall
White limbs shook spangles down the waiting air
And lightbirds chased thin shadows over grass
Where daisy-yellow nudged delphinium-blue —
Live gold too warm to let the sunbeams pass,
Too radiant to let the shadows through.
The snowflakes on her windowpane grew warm
And melted into springtime. Jim walked in,
Bringing the gay lost years. All thought of storm
And loneliness grew pale and snowflake-thin.
They melted into patterned mist where May
Held time forever in one love-filled day.
Ill— October and Summer Memories
She hugged its warmth and watched lost years go by
Down love-warmed pathways of another scene.
Here bright October blued the hills, the sky.
And shaggy meadows wore a golden sheen.
Behind the willow shrubs, just out of sight,
Jim's shovel caught peace signals from the moon.
And now, as then, his task would be made light
Because she waited. He'd be coming soon.
She felt his joy embrace her as he came
Warming the room and pushing shadows back.
She heard his silenced lips caress her name.
And life held neither loneliness nor lack,
But living years caught by three artists' brushes
In aspens, golden grass, and river rushes.
Second Prize Poem
1 1 ill [Peace
Caioline Eyring Miner
''My peace I leave with you'' ... in quiet way
Of soft-voiced water lapping at the shore;
In whisper of a scented breeze at play
With silvery mist the magic time before
The sun floods heaven and earth with morning gold;
In softness of late shadows tucked in hills
Like purple velvet laid in gentle fold;
In these my peace. I understand. It spills
Like perfume over me. His peace I know,
His love. He found it in blue Galilee,
On Mount, and in Gethsemane. No foe
Can overcome if I have eyes to see
And heart to understand this earth so fair
Where beauty ever breathes a solemn prayer.
Page 1
Third Prize Poem
HoTtense Richardson
Grant me this— that I may always be
Humble and prayerful unto thee,
That I may guide these little tots of mine
In ways of truth .... I do not pine
For worldly goods, or fortune's kiss
Endowing me with power . . . only this,
That I may serve another in his need.
And know contentment . . . and sow the seed
Of happiness into a world grown sad.
Giving of myself to make another glad.
Only this . . . that perhaps through me,
A portion of the world returns to thee.
Page 12
{Biographical Sketches of jA^ward Vi/inners
in the ibliza U\. o/iow LPoetn (contest
Eva Wi7Jes Wangsgaard was born in Lehi, Utah. She attended the University of
Utah and became a schoolteacher in her home town. She married David Wangs-
gaard, who had been her teacher in high school, and who later became Superintendent
of Ogden City Schools. He died in 1946, the day after their oldest son returned from
Japan at the close of World War II. There are three children, all living in Cache Val-
ley. Mrs. Wangsgaard took postgraduate work at the University of Utah and Utah
State Agricultural College after her third child was born and taught in Ogden City
schools for ten years. She did no writing of poetry until after her fortieth birthday.
Her first book, Singii7g Hearts, was published within fifteen months of the writing of
her first poem. She learned to type and studied technique diligently. Her publications
have kept a regular pattern, uith three other books: Down This Road, After the Blos-
somings and Within the Root. She has published hundreds of poems in newspapers
and magazines and has won numerous national and local contests. In 1943 she was
guest of honor for a week at Huckleberry Mountain Writer's Colony in North Caro-
lina; in 1948 she was invited to Norfolk, Virginia, to give a poetry program in the
Civic Hall; in 1954 ^^^^ ^'^^ invited to Corpus Christi, Texas, to be a member of the
staff of the Southwest Writers' Conference, where she acted as poetry critic.
Caroline Eyring Miner, a gifted and versatile writer, has won three previous awards
in the Eliza R. Snow Contest, in 1945, 1946, and 1950. Most of her writing has been
done for Church publications and Church organizations. Many of her essays have ap-
peared in The ReUei Society Magazine.
*'I am grateful for the Church and for Relief Society," Mrs. Miner tells us. "Be-
cause of the Eliza R. Snow Poem Contest, I am challenged to write a little in the
midst of a very busy life, when I might otherwise not do so. I have written several
hundred articles, poems, and stories. Most of my writing time now goes into M.I.A.
work, as I am a member of the general board of that organization. 'We are very rich,'
as my little daughter says. Our jewels are our eight children. Our oldest daughter is
married and has a little daughter of her own. Our oldest son left recently for a mission
in Argentina. My husband Glen D., is a statistician with the Employment Security,
and I teach school in Salt Lake City. We live on a dairy farm near Sandy, Utah."
HoTtense Richardson, Salt Lake Cit}', Utah, is an author currently being introduced
to readers of The Re/ief Society Magazine with her prize-winning poem "Dedication."
Her responsibilities and her interests are manv and varied. "I seriously started
writing poetry in 1941," she says, "and won the prize in The Deseret News Christmas
Poem Contest in 1941;. Some of my poems have been included in anthologies. I con-
ducted a weekly poetr)' program over Radio Station KOPP in Ogden in 1949 and part
of 1950. A friend plaved the piano accompaniment, and another assisted with the
poetry. Many of my own poems and poems of other local writers were presented
on this program. One of my poems has been published in The Improvement Era. My
husband and I recently celebrated our twentieth wedding anniversary. We have eight
children, five girls and three boys, from three to nineteen years of age. Some of my
other interests are: oil painting, dramatics (ward and stake leader), sewing (fortunately,
with mv famiiv), ceramics, and studying television arts and production. I am thirty-
six (or doesn't a woman tell her age?). I have been the literature class leader in the
Burton Ward Relief Society for over a year, and am now switching over to work meet-
ing leader."
Page 13
fyiward Vl/inners
fyinnual uielief Societii Snort Story Contest
npHE Relief Society general board Forty-one stories were entered in
is pleased to announce the the contest for 1954. Most of these
award winners in the Annual Relief stories were well organized and un-
Society Short Story Contest which usually well written, with careful
was announced in the June 1954 is- consideration being given to charac-
sue of the Magazine, and which ter representation and development,
closed September 15, 1954. ^^^^ contest was initiated to en-
The first prize of fifty dollars is courage Latter-day Saint women to
awarded to Alice Morrey Bailey, Salt express themselves in the field of
Lake City, Utah, for her story fiction. The general board feels
''Wallflower." The second prize of that the response to this opportun-
forty dollars is awarded to Mabel ity continues to increase the literary
Harmer, Salt Lake City, for her story quality of The Relid Society Maga-
''A Home for Holly." The third zine, and will aid the women of the
prize of thirty dollars is awarded to Church in the development of their
Leola S. Anderson, San Bernardino, gifts in creative writing.
California, for her story ''Survival Prize-winning stories are the
Under Protest." property of the Relief Society gen-
Mrs. Bailey was awarded first eral board, and may not be used for
prize in the Relief Society Short publication by others except on writ-
Story Contest in 1942 and 1948, ten permission from the general
and second place in 1946. Mrs. board. The general board also re-
Harmer received the first prize in serves the right to publish any of
1952, second prize in 1953, and the stories submitted in the con-
third prize in 1944. Mrs. Anderson test, paying for them at the time of
is a first-time winner in the Relief publication at the regular Magazine
Society Short Story Contest. rate. A writer who has received the
This contest, first conducted by first prize for two consecutive years
the Relief Society general board in must wait two years before she is
1941, as a feature of the Relief So- again eligible to enter the contest,
ciety centennial observance, was The general board congratulates
made an annual contest in 1942. the prize-winning contestants, and
The contest is open only to Latter- expresses appreciation for all those
day Saint women who have had at who submitted stories. Sincere
least one literary composition pub- gratitude is extended to the judges
lished or accepted for publication for their discernment and skill in
by a periodical of recognized merit, selecting the prize-winning stories.
The three prize-winning stories The general board also acknowl-
will be published consecutively in edges, with appreciation, the work
the first three issues of The Rehef of the short story committee in
Society Magazine for 1955. supervising the contest.
Page 14
cfirst U^rize'vi/inriing Q>tory[
t^nnual [Relief Society Snort Stoiy (contest
Alice Aiorrey Bailey
ARY Ellen felt as though her
face had frozen in a stiff
smile as her last girl friend
was chosen to dance, and she was
left on the long, bare bench of the
amusement hall by herself. She
could not control a swift glance
over near the entrance where there
were a few boys looking out across
the dance floor with the supreme in-
difference that only boys can
achieve; nor could she control the
fervent wish that once, just once,
one of them would come and ask
her to dance.
The saxophone wailed and the
floor rocked slightly with the
rh\thm of the dancers whirling past.
There were laughter and gay snatch-
es of chatter, and bright colors
mingled in a dizzying spectograph.
Mary Ellen, watching them, felt
wretchedly conspicuous and hurting-
ly alone. Why was she left out?
It wasn't ''see your dentist"— not
with her own father a dentist, and
taking mighty good care of her
teeth. It wasn't her clothes. Her
mother had very carefully bought
her the right brands when Mary
Ellen had explained the importance
of it.
'I 'he dance seemed interminable.
Marv Ellen caught herself slump-
ing, the lines of her mouth droop-
ing, and brought herself up short,
pretending absorbing interest in the
couples, leaning out to watch them,
turning the corners of her mouth
up in pleasant approval. It would
ne\^er do for envy to show on her
face, black as it was in her heart.
What more could you do? You
bathed until you were raw, you
shampooed your hair until it felt
like nvlon, and you ate this and
didn't eat that, and still you didn't
dance. It was a phase. Mother said,
but she thought everything was a
At last the set was ended and
they were coming back to their
seats. "I've had five dances," Ge-
neva Anne was saying, and a quick
Page 15
chorus chimed in: "Vve had four"—
"I've had six"— and "I've danced
every dance." That was Beh^a Jean,
and it was no wonder. Her father
was there, and two older brothers,
all of whom seemed to love danc-
ing with Belva Jean.
Mary Ellen said nothing. It was
good to slip inconspicuously into
the crowd, as if she, too, had just
come off the dance floor.
The music was starting up with
tingling interest. Mnigled hope
and dread built up with it, intensi-
fied every time one of the boys start-
ed across the floor toward the girls.
Sometimes it seemed to Mary Ellen
as if one was coming straight toward
her. Jerry Farley was now, and it
looked as if— Mary Ellen's heart be-
gan a slow pounding.
"Oh! No!" Geneva Anne was
wailing. "Hide me! Jerry's a full
head shorter than I am."
lyf ARY Ellen's eyes flew to him.
He was a full head shorter
than she, too, but she would have
danced with him gratefully. He
lived around the corner, and Mary
Ellen sometimes played rounders
and kick-the-can in his bunch. He
was snub-nosed, and looked quite
different with his hair slicked down,
his suit nicely pressed. He must
be past fourteen.
Geneva Anne had guessed right,
but she regarded him with round,
china-blue eyes and shook her head.
"Sorry, Jerry, but I have this dance."
Jerry knew she wasn't telling the
truth, and he stood his ground.
"Who with?" he demanded.
Geneva Anne was lucky. She was
looking wildly around when Flip
Nelson came up.
"May I have this dance, Geneva
"Yes, this is our dance. Flip,"
Geneva said, trying to pass it off that
way, but Jerry was not fooled. His
face got red with anger and em-
barrassment. Mary Ellen felt so
sorry for him she wanted to cry.
She took a step toward him and
said: "I'll dance with you, Jerry."
But Jerry didn't look her way,
only stumbled over his feet getting
away. All the girls were looking at
Mary Ellen. Somebody giggled,
and she wished the floor would open
to swallow her shame. The enormity
of it overwhelmed her. She had
asked a boy to dance! And he had
refused her! Cold and sick with
misery, she backed to a seat and
sat down, waves of mortification
drenching her. One by one the
girls were chosen to dance until she
was sitting alone once more.
Mary Ellen had meant to stay
until the very last dance, and now
she wanted to stay more than ever,
to show that none of it mattered—
Jerry, or not dancing, or the quick
and unfortunate impulse— but now
she couldn't bear another minute.
If she tried once more to lift her
head and smile she was going to
There was a startled look in Jer-
ry's eyes as she went past him to
get her coat, and she wondered
what the girls would think, laugh
and say she was dumb, probably.
The sobs were forming deep within
her. It didn't help to remember
Johnny Ray singing "When Your
Heart Aches . . . ."
If onlv Mother and Daddy had
gone to bed— but they hadn't. She
made one last, desperate effort at
composure when they looked up in
surprise at her coming home so
early, and alone. It had been ar-
ranged for Daddy to pick her up at
"How was the dance, baby?'' her
father asked.
"Fine! Just fine!" Mary Ellen
said brightly, but her voice came
out high and brittle.
"What's the matter, dear?"
Mother asked. "What went wrong?"
"Nothing! Everything was
just . . ." she began, but in her
mind Johnny Ray was singing "Let
Your Hair Down and Cry," and she
did. ". . . was just horrible," she
flung back over her shoulder, as she
raced to throw herself on her bed.
Her mother followed and tried to
talk through her anguish, asking
questions until she had pieced out
most of the story, even the part
about asking Jerry to dance.
"I don't think that was shameful,
Mary Ellen," her mother said. "I
think it was a generous impulse that
came straight from a kind heart."
"Kind hearts aren't popular any
more. Mother. You just don't un-
"I understand more than you
think, dear. I've been through all
this myself, when I was your age."
"Things were different then."
"No, this is just a phase."
"Oh!" groaned Mary Ellen, un-
able to bear more, and broke into
fresh sobbing.
"I'll never go to another dance.
Never, in my whole life," she said
"Not even the Teen Gold and
Mary Ellen hesitated. The Teen
Gold and Green was the high point
of the year, but she had driven her
stakes. "No," she said.
AS the days wore on, though, and
the girls talked of the coming
dance, Mary Ellen thought wist-
fully and sadly of it. In unguarded
moments she wanted to go, but she
had onlv to think of the last dance
to change her mind.
"Mother, would it be all right if
I go to a show on that night?"
"Which night, darling?"
"The night of the Gold and
"I don't know. I'll think about
it," her mother answered absently.
That had always meant consent be-
fore, but somehow Mary Ellen felt
vaguely disappointed. It was almost
as if she had asked, instead: "Moth-
er, is there the least little hope that
I will go to the Gold and Green?"
and her mother had said "No."
It didn't help matters to talk to
Jerry. He was wheeling past on his
bike, but he pulled up short when
he saw her.
"Hi, Mary Ellen."
"Hi, Jerry."
"You going to the dance?"
"I don't think so," Mary Ellen
told him.
"Gee whiz! You ought to go.
I'm going."
"Are you, Jerry?"
"You bet! I'm going to be the
best dancer around. And when I
am, I'm not going to dance with
Geneva Anne— ever."
With that he cut a figure eight
on his bicycle and rode off. He
hadn't said a word about her asking
him to dance, but Mary Ellen felt
as if he had made a kind of apology.
Anyhow, he had been friendly, as
if the terrible thing had never hap-
pened, so he must not absolutely
despise her.
Maybe it was a phase, as Mother
said, and if you didn't keep going
and keep trying, you never would
dance. Mary Ellen began to be
sorry she had said she wouldn't go,
but it was too late now. Besides,
she didn't have anything to wear.
All the other girls were getting their
first formals. It made her feel like
an orphan. Maybe she was an or-
phan, and Richard and Mildred
Field were not her parents at all.
She could almost hear them talking
in some dim past.
''Look, Milly. Someone has left
a baby on our doorstep."
"Ob, how awful/ Whatever shaJJ
we do with it?''
"I dont know. Maybe we should
keep it. Somebody has to take care
oi the poor httle unwanted thing."
Perhaps she was an orphan, a
sort of stepchild. It might explain
certain things— lack of understand-
ing of her problems— lack of inter-
est, like her mother looking directly
at her while she related the craziest,
most hilarious goings-on at school,
and then not laughing, but saying
instead something like, ''Did you
remember to buy bread at the groc-
ery store?" Anyone could tell Belva
Jean's parents were real, her father
dancing with her, her mother mak-
ing her brothers dance with her.
lyiARY Ellen was even more sorry
she had taken such a definite
stand when her father brought her
the silver sandals and the taffeta
dress. It was her first real date
dress— pink, ballerina length, scal-
loped at neck and hem, with rhine-
stoncs dotted here and there like
shimmering drops of dew on rose
petals. Rhinestones crusted the
straps of the silver sandals, and the
little silver handbag which was
tucked in the folds of the dress.
It took the utmost self-control for
Mary Ellen to keep from s^liouting,
screaming, or swooning at their
beauty. She reached toward them,
but drew back. If she so much as
touched a little finger to them, all
her defenses would crumble, and
she would go to the dance. It would
be twenty times as horrible to sit
on an empty bench wearing these,
for then she could no longer pre-
tend she had just dropped in to
look at the dancers, or that she was
only casually interested. The girls'
remarks took place in her imagina-
"Look at Mary Ellen— all dressed
up and no place to go.''
"Poor thing! She must have had
some fantastic notion someone
would ask her to dance."
"How fantastic!"
"hlow utterly fan . . . ."
Mary Ellen sensed, rather than
saw her father's face in an agony of
waiting. She drew a deep breath
and recovered her composure.
''Daddy, it is very exquisite, the
most exquisite I have ever seen."
Still he was waiting, so she floun-
dered, "Of course they aren't exact-
ly what I would have bought for
myself. Still, I would wear them,
if I were going to the dance . . . ."
It was then her father's face fell,
but her mother's cool voice cut in
over her head.
"I'm sure wc can return them.
Rich, and no harm done. Mary El-
len doesn't want to go to the dance,
and I don't blame her one bit."
ARY Ellen caught her breath.
She had been braced for argu-
ment if anyone tried to make her
go, but she hadn't meant to go that
far— to return the beautiful clothes.
Mothers should better understand
the desires of a daughter's heart. No
doubt true mothers did.
''Swing around, swing around . . ."
Daddy sang suddenly, turning up
the radio and starting to dance.
''Come on, Millie."
He grabbed Mary Ellen's mother
and danced her around the living
room. Mother laughed and pro-
tested, and finally disengaged her-
"Such goings on, and me with
supper to get," she said.
There was no doubt that Mary
Ellen's mother was not very per-
ceptive. Couldn't she tell that the
music was beating up in Daddy just
as it was in her? Poor Daddy! You
could tell he loved to dance. He
must have been quite handsome be-
fore he got so old. It was hard to
tell what a man thirty-five had
looked like at sixteen. It would be
just terrible to get so old and still
be interested in dancing when his
wife had lost all interest.
"Come on, chickadee. Let's cut
a little rug," he said to Mary Ellen.
"I get lonesome to dance."
Mary Ellen felt a little funny—
both reluctant and proud that he
had asked her. They danced a lit-
tle way and then her father stopped.
"See here, babe, you dance with
your body, not just your feet. Re-
lax, now."
Mary Ellen relaxed and tried it
the way he showed her. They tried
it over and over, and the feel of it
came to her. It was such fun! She
could ha\e danced with Daddy all
"I'm not so rusty as I thou3ht,"
he bragged at dinner. "Don't you
think we ought to spruce up and go
to dances again, Millie?"
He looked hopefully at Mother,
but she was slicing more bread for
the table and didn't answer. Mary
Ellen felt real sorry for him. While
she was wiping dishes she tried to
do something about it.
"Daddy really likes to dance,
doesn't he. Mother," she said in a
hinting sort of way.
"Oh, yes," agreed mother heartily.
"He was the best dancer in our
crowd when we were young; he's
really disappointed you aren't going
to the Teen Gold and Green. That's
one of the reasons he sacrificed to
get you the new drecc and slippers.
lie was hoping you would ask him
to go with you."
"He v/as?" Mary Ellen exclaimed.
This was falling out better than she
expected. Mother would be easy to
manage. "He must be real disap-
pointed. Mother, why don't you go
with him?"
"I would, darling, if you were go-
ing, but surely you can see we
couldn't go unless you did. Your
friends would think us characters."
"I guess so," admitted Mary El-
len, feeling very deflated and self-
ish. She thought about it all
through the knives and forks.
"Mother," she finally said, "if
Daddy can sacrifice to buy me a
dress, I guess I could sacrifice so he
could go to the dance."
"Why, Mary Ellen! How thought-
ful of you, dear. You don't need to
go that far, though."
"I don't mind, really," said Mary
Ellen, trying to speak coolly
through the excitement that began
to shiver along her veins.
\\7"HEN the big night came, she
could bear to go into the dance
hall in her new clothes with Daddy
and Mother. She looked quickly to
verify that other girls' fathers were
there. Belva Jean's mother was sit-
ting on the side bench, and Mother
went directly to her. Of course,
some of the girls had dates, but not
many, and you couldn't say actually
that Mary Ellen was unescorted,
not with both Mother and Daddy
Daddy did look distinguished,
compared to the other fathers, most
of them beginning to go bald. He
was already looking at the dance
floor, his dark eyes shining.
''How about it, Mildred? Like
to dance?" he asked Mother.
"No, you go on. My feet hurt."
The orchestra struck up one of
the very tunes they had practiced,
and he held out his arms for Mary
Ellen. She shrank back.
"Oh, no! Not the first couple on
the floor. Daddy."
"Why not? Come on, let's show
them how it's done."
With the feeling of diving off the
high board, Mary Ellen went, and
after the first few stiff seconds, she
relaxed and didn't care who saw
them. She noticed with satisfaction
that some eyes were following them.
They danced and danced again.
It was after the Bunny Hop that her
father asked if she would mind sit-
ting this one out. Perspiration was
running down his face, and he
looked tired, sort of. Mother and
Belva Jean's mother were talking
when they came up, and didn't see
"You have to play the wallflower,
too, I see— act as if you don't care
to dance, and all that," Belva Jean's
mother was saying.
"My feet hurt," began Mother
"You can't fool me," Belva Jean's
mother laughed. "The touchy lit-
tle things have to be managed pret-
ty cleverly."
Mary Ellen turned sick to her
toes. She wasn't so dumb that she
couldn't understand. Instead of
managing her mother, she had been
managed into coming to the dance
—and very cleverly, too. The pieces
clicked into place— her father's per-
spiring face, her mother's excuses
and withdrawals— pushing her gent-
ly forward to practice the other
night, to dance tonight— but some-
how the whole picture made her
heart swell with humble gratitude.
Only real parents would care so
much; only a real mother would
understand the desires of her daugh-
ter's heart.
Mary Ellen felt a little pushing
in her mind, as if of growth. Sud-
denly she didn't care at all that she
had been tricked, especially since
Jerry was coming across the floor to-
ward her, his hair sleek and shining,
his snub-nosed face clean scrubbed.
This time she knew without a
doubt that he was coming for her.
She flashed her parents a misty smile
as she followed him onto the dance
Alice Money Bailey, Salt Lake City, Utah, has achie\ed recognition in many
artistic endeavors, including music, composing, sculpture, and art. She is now
studying marble carving under Dr. A\ard Fairbanks at the Uni\'ersity of Utah.
She has won prizes and awards in playwriting, fiction, articles, and poetry.
Readers of The Relief Society Magazine are familiar with her poems, short
stories, and serials. Her story "The Wilderness" placed first in the 1941 Relief
Society Short Story Contest, and "The Ring of Strength" placed second in 1945.
In the 1948 Relief Society contests, Mrs. Bailey was awarded first prize in the
short story and second prize in poetry. Her poem "Lot's Wife" won first prize
in the Eliza R. Snow Poem Contest in 1951. Her serial "The Deeper Melody"
appeared in the Magazine in 1953-54. ^^^^- Bailey's poems have been published
in many anthologies, and in many magazines and newspapers of national circula-
tion. Since girlhood, Mrs. Bailey has been active in Church work. She is at
present drama director in WHiittier Ward, Salt Lake City. Alice and her husband
DeWitt Bailey are the parents of three children and they ha\e three grandchildren.
Mrs. Bailey is a member of the Utah Sonneteers, the League of Utah Writers,
the Associated Utah Artists, and at present is acting as compositor of technical
reports. University of Utah, Salt Lake City.
Vi/inter Song
Thelma /, Lund
A wind-ruffled sparrow on a brittle bough
Sings to a world of snow-bent reaches now;
And when his chill, staccato song is spent,
The solitude will echo his brief lament.
oLet I fie cJhen Answer
Frances C. Yost
He answered promptly when the call first came.
He lit his lamp and went unto Eli.
The call heard twice, and then a third the same,
And every time young Samuel made reply.
At first, he thought the call from earthly spheres,
Yet did not falter, did not find excuse.
With reverence he spoke, "Thy servant hears."
Even today this prophet's words effuse.
When there is hunger on my village street;
When I see tears or sense a lonely waif;
When little ones pass by with faltering feet;
And even older people find the world unsafe;
When God needs help, in keeping their faith high;
Let me then answer, "Master, here am I!"
Page 21
Faith and Prayer and
Johnnie Morton
Maryhale WooJsey
IT seemed to Johnnie that Satur-
day morning, that breakfast
was an awfully long time and
that food was harder to swallow
than he'd have ever thought it
could be. It was a good thing, he
thought, that Grandma was pretty
busy with the waffles and that Dad-
dy's own gladness was so big he
didn't pay much attention to John-
nie. Not really, even though he
talked to him almost all the time,
and Johnnie had to answer.
Talk like . . . ''Isn't it wonderful,
Johnnie! This is the day we'll have
Mommie home again, all safely get-
ting well. Aren't we the happiest,
luckiest people in town?"
*'We sure are!" Johnnie said,
hoping his face looked really happy.
Daddy's did; his blue eyes were all
sparkle, his mouth all smile; and
his shoulders had their swing-and-
sway look— as Mommie called it—
as if they were secretly doing a
dance to secret music.
''We ought to have some flowers
in the bedroom for her, don't you
think?" Daddy went on. 'Tefs see
—how about a pot of tulips? Real
bright, gay pink ones— for a snowy
February day— what do you think,
'Teah, sure," Johnnie replied. "I
'spect Mommie'd like tulips better
than anything."
''Okay, then. Tulips it shall be.
I'll order them first thing this morn-
ing, and put both our names on the
card— I mean, all three of our
Page 22
names. Grandma's name should be
on it, too."
"Sure it should," said Johnnie.
He managed a smile at Grand-
ma, and hurried to take a big bite
of waffle and honey while she was
looking at him, so she wouldn't ex-
pect him to say more. Usually,
Grandma seemed to think he talked
too much. He didn't want her to
wonder why he was so silent this
morning! He almost wished it was
a school day, so he'd be in a sort
of a hurry and not have time
to think about the troublesome
thoughts .... And yet, he needed
to think about them— or how would
he ever get them settled in his
He thought again, taking a long
slow drink of milk, of the words
Daddy had said in his prayer at the
beginning of breakfast: ". . . And
we are grateful, Heavenly Father,
for the great blessing you have be-
stowed upon us, in that our dear
Mommie is safely recovering from
her illness and is about to return
home to us again. May we be wor-
thy of this blessing and make her
life fine and happy, which you have
spared for our sakes . . . ."
How could Daddy say, Johnnie
thought again, that Heavenly Fa-
ther had made Mommie well
again? Mommie had had to go to
the hospital and have an operation,
and have all those doctors and
nurses taking care of her for days
and days? Heavenly Father had
been asked first; at the very begin-
ning, even when Mommie had
been only a httle bit sick, Daddy
and Johnnie had prayed for Heav-
enly Father to make her well. John-
nie himself had pra}ed dozens of
times— all by himself; in his room
when he was supposed to be
asleep, he had got out of bed and
knelt and prayed o\'er and over.
"Please, Heavenly Father, make
Mommie well. She has such a lot
of work to do, taking care of
Daddv— and me— especially me. She
needs to be well and strong . . . ."
And later, when Mommie had got
sicker instead of better, and some-
times in the nights her moaning
would waken Johnnie, he had
prayed harder: "Please make Mom-
mie get well, Heavenly Father!
Please let this prayer be granted,
'cause it's the most important
prayer I ever prayed. We need
Mommie so awfully much, Heaven-
Iv Father! Please make her get well
right away!''
OUT still Mommie had got worse
and worse; and at last the doc-
tor looked \'er\- worried and said
that an operation was the only
chance for her. So she had been
taken to the hospital.
Daddy and Grandma, ^^'ho came
to stay with them to look after
Johnnie and the house and meals,
and Johnnie with them, had con-
tinued to prav for Mommie to be
made well. But in Johnnie's mind
a doubt had come, and grown hig-
her and bigger: what was the use
of keeping on asking Heavenlv Fa-
ther to do it, when it was the doc-
tors and nurses who had to take
care of her? If Heaxenlv Father had
wanted to, he could ha\'e made
Mommie well without all this fuss
and worry! What good were faith
and prayer, if after all you had to
depend on the doctors and nurses
and the hospital?
rkNCE the thought had come, it
brought up other times Johnnie
had prayed, and thought his prayers
answered— like when he prayed for
a bike, and got it. But Daddy had
bought it for him, and Johnnie
knew how Daddy and Mommie had
talked \ery seriously about it, be-
cause it wasn't easy to spare the
money, just when Daddv had had
to ha\e a better car. Daddy had
paid for everything Johnnie had got,
that he'd wanted enough to pray
for. And Peter Ellis had prayed
for a bike like Johnnie's— but Peter
didn't ha\e a daddy at all, and Pet-
er had not got a bike yet! A fine
lot of good praying had done Peter!
Johnnie had wanted to ask Dad-
dy about it, but somehow he
couldn't find words for asking. He'd
heard grownups talk about how
your faith had to be very strong,
sometimes; maybe Johnnie Mort-
on's faith wasn't very strong .... It
might e\en be his fault that Heav-
enly Father hadn't been able to
make Mommie well! It was a dread-
ful thought, that was.
At the end of breakfast, while
Daddy and Grandma talked plans,
Johnnie put on his jacket and cap
and boots and went outdoors to
play. Or rather, to work; he'd shovel
the snow off the walks, he decided.
Mommie would like having them
clear when she came home, and
she'd be proud that Johnnie had
done them by himself. The snow-
ing had stopped, and there were
light places in the clouds and even
one small patch of blue sky over by
the mountains. Johnnie got his
small push-shovel out of the garage
and got busy.
Daddy, coming out in his go-to-
office clothes, said, ''Good boy,
Johnnie! How's it go— hard work?"
"No, it's easy," Johnnie an-
swered. "It's not very deep, not
even to the top of my boots. I
could do twice this much!"
Why, he'd be through in just a
little while— and then what'd he
do? The morning seemed sudden-
ly long and longer, stretching away
with emptiness.
Daddy was smiling with a wise
understanding look in his eyes.
"Could vou, now?" he asked. "Well
. . . how'd you like to go down and
do Mrs. Grimes' walks? I was in-
tending to, but it will be clear into
the afternoon before I can, and
maybe she needs her paths this
Mrs. Grimes was a very old lady
who lived all by herself in a small
house at the edge of town. Folks
said she oughtn't to stay there, with
nobody to help her and not even
a telephone; but Mrs. Grimes said
it was her home and she wanted to
stay there till she died, and any-
way as long as she could carry her
own coal, she wasn't going to leave.
Besides, with so many lovely friends
to look after her now and then,
there just wasn't any reason she
couldn't stay right where she was!
Daddy and Mommie often looked
in on Mrs. Grimes, and did things
to help.
"Sure I will," Johnnie said now.
lie liked the walk to Mrs. Grimes'
house, he was thinking. "I'll go as
soon as I'm through with ours."
"Fme!" said Daddy. "Be sure
to step in and tell Grandma where
you're going, and that I said you
could. And you might ask Mrs.
Grimes if she needs anything we
could bring her, or if she needs any-
thing special done, besides the
"I'll remember." Johnnie stood
by while the car rolled backward
out of the garage and down the
drive, its tires leaving firm small pat-
terns of squares in the snow.
Daddy called, "Don't forget to
be here promptly for lunch, if you
want to go with me afterward to
bring Mommie home!"
AS if he'd forgot that/ Johnnie
thought, waving his hand and
shouting, "Sure thing!" and think-
ing how Daddy's voice fairly sang
with gladness in it. Johnnie wished
h\^ voice would sing like that. But
you couldn't be entirely glad, he
guessed, when you had doubts in
your mind about Heavenly Father's
power to do things. It was so im-
portant to believe in Heavenly Fa-
He shoved the pusher busily
along the sidewalk, and dumped
the snow in small hills and peaks
along it.
"Hi, Johnnie!" called pretty Mrs.
Dexter, the young woman next door.
She was sweeping snow off her
front porch, and as Johnnie looked
o\'er towards her, she thwacked her
broom against the railing to clear
it of its clinging load.
"Where's your whistle this morn-
ing? Did you leave it in bed with
vour shadow? With your Mommie
coming home today, I should think
you'd be the whistlingest boy any-
"I ... I was busy, thinking, is
all." Johnnie began immediately to
whistle, and Mrs. Dexter smiled at
him and went on with her sweep-
ing, and Johnnie kept whistling,
but couldn't make anv tune out of
it. When Mrs. Dexter had gone
into her house again, he ga\e up
trying, and shoveled in silence un-
til all the walks were clear.
Grandma came out to look and
said he had done a fine job; and
then Johnnie started for Mrs.
Grimes' house. It was down near
the end of Willow Street, at the
end of a little lane all its own. Push-
shoN'el over his shoulder, John-
nie walked rapidly, his troubled
thoughts heavy in his mind.
Down where the lane began, the
snow was clean and soft, and un-
marked until Johnnie's boots made
small deep wells as he stepped care-
fullv along. Then he disco\ered
some tinv tracks ^^'here a bird had
run along on the snow, and the
mark of where its wings had brushed
the snow as it took off in flight.
After that, Johnnie watched intent-
Iv for other little tracks, and for a
brief time his trouble was forgot-
ten. But it came back \ery soon;
almost as if it had gone ahead to
wait for him at Mrs. Grimes' house.
It was a small, gray house with a
red door and red-and-white shutters,
and it looked as pretty as a picture
on a Christmas card, with the soft
snow rounding the roof lines like a
w^hite fur bonnet, and the trees all
white-and-dark lace ruffled around
it. He felt a little disappointed be-
cause no smoke was coming out of
the chimneys; smoke often made
spirals and whirls that he liked to
watch, and besides, the picture-
house wasn't quite right without
smoke rising up tall from it.
Mavbe— a thought came to him
suddenly— Mrs. Grimes had emp-
tied her coal bucket and hadn't
wanted to go out in the snow to
get more. Maybe he'd better do
the back yard walk first .... No,
first he'd better tell her he was here,
and ask where she'd rather have
him begin! He stood his pusher
up against the porch and went up
to the red door, planning what he'd
say: ''Good morning, Mrs. Grimes.
I came to shovel your walks for
you . . . ."
OE knocked, and stepped back to
wait for the door to open. But
it didn't open; instead, a voice called
from inside, "Come in! Come in,
please— and hurry!"
It was Mrs. Grimes' voice, all
right, but extra qua\'ery and with a
sound in it like crying. It gave
Johnnie a sort of fright; he wasn't
sure he should open that door, for
Mrs. Grimes had always, before,
come to open it and ask folks to
step in.
But quickly the call came again:
"Whoever you are, please come in!
I need— help.'"
Johnnie stomped the snow off
his boots and opened the door.
Nobody was to be seen in the
red-carpeted living room. But the
quavery voice came again, this time
from behind an arch where a flow-
ered curtain hung.
"Come this way, please."
Following the voice, Johnnie
found himself looking into the bed-
room; and there, huddled on the
white rug beside the high, old-fash-
ioned bed, with a patchwork quilt
over her, lay Mrs. Grimes.
"Thank God! Thank God vou
came, little boy— why, it's Johnnie
Morton, isn't it!" she said, her old
eyes squinting to see him.
'Tes'm, Vm Johnnie. What's the
matter, Mrs. Grimes? Are you sick?"
He was puzzled. If she was sick,
she ought to be up in her bed.
'Tm— hurt, dearie. I slipped and
fell, when I was getting out of bed
away early this morning; and I can't
get up. I think .... I'm afraid I've
broken my leg. I've been praying
and praying for help, Johnnie.
Thank the good Lord for sending
Johnnie gasped a little. She'd
been praying for help— and he had
come— a small boy, who suddenly
felt very small indeed, wondering
what he could possibly do to help
an old lady with a broken leg.
''Do you think— J can help you?"
he asked doubtfully, and with his
own faith problem swiftly and
sharply bigger inside him.
''Of course you can!" Mrs. Grimes
answered. "That is, you can go
after someone who can do what
needs to be done, that you—
couldn't." Her eyes, dark and pain-
filled, suddenly twinkled. "I didn't
tell the Lord what help to send me,
Johnnie. I just asked him to pro-
vide it, and left the rest to him."
"Oh!" Johnnie said, still not
quite understanding. Then, "I'll go
after anyone you say, Mrs. Grimes.
I'll go as fast as I can."
"Fine, Johnnie! The Jensens are
the nearest folks that have a phone.
They live just around the corner of
Willow and East Five, the white
house near the little store. Ask
Mrs. Jensen to call Doctor Herrin,
and then come over if she can. And,
oh . . . before you go, Johnnie,
would you haul me down another
quilt off the bed? I couldn't reach
it for the pain— and my fires are
out and I'm getting cold."
Johnnie pulled the quilt off the
bed and tucked it carefully around
her as she directed; then he hurried
Mrs. Jensen said, "My goodness,
how awful!" She was holding a
babv and a nursing bottle, and she
laid the baby in his crib, gave him
the bottle, and hurried to the phone.
"I'll call the doctor first, and you
hurry back and tell Mrs. Giimes
I'll be right over. The poor thing
... on the floor all this time, you
said? Goodness sakes!"
JOHNNIE hurried back. He bet-
^ ter get the front walk done real
fast, he was thinking; folks would
be tracking in a lot of snow if he
didn't, and Mommie said it was a
shame to track snow onto carpets.
But first, he'd go in and tell Mrs.
Grimes that her help— her real help
—was coming soon.
"I'm so grateful to our Father!"
she declared. And suddenly John-
nie burst out with the question he
hadn't wanted to ask Daddy be-
cause he didn't want Daddy to
know Johnnie's faith wasn't as
strong as it ought to be! He sat
down on the floor and asked earnest-
"Mrs. Grimes, why didn't Heav-
enly Father send you real help right
away, instead of just sending— me?"
"Oh, my goodness, Johnnie! I
don't know, but I'm sure he had
good reasons. What matters, is that
he saw to it I got my help."
Johnnie sat still a moment, think-
ing hard. Then, "Would he have
good reasons whv my— why some-
body had to go to a hospital, in-
stead of getting well at home?"
'Tm sure he had good reasons.
Why, Johnnie? Tell me, dear."
'Well— I was thinking about
how we prayed and prayed for
Mommie to get well, but she only
got worse until she had to go to
the hospital and be operated on,
before she could get well. I— I can't
see why Heavenly Father couldn't
have made her get well without all
that fuss and . . . and worry."
''What you mean, Johnnie— you
sort of wanted an out-and-out
''Well ... I s pose "
"Oh, Johnnie dear! Of course
he could ha\e done it that way; but
if he just went around doing mir-
acles for us, how would we ever
Jearn anything for ourselves? What
good would life be to us. if we just
played around and had riea\'enly
Father fix everything fine for us
when things go wrong? He has to
let us learn things for ourselves."
"Gee!" said Johnnie. And again,
"Gee! I never thought of that."
Mrs. Grimes smiled through her
pain. "Johnnie, I bet I can guess
why Hea\'enly Father sent you to
me this morning. He wanted me
to help you understand something
that was troubling you. That was
his way of helping you. Do you
"Gee! Yes'm, I think I see. You
mean, he lets us help him do the
. . . the things somebody else pravs
"Yes, Johnnie. Everyone who
does helpful things for others, is
helping to accomplish the Lord's
good will. Whether it's doctors
and nurses and teachers, or good
neighbors— even little big boys who
go to shovel snow for old ladies
who can't do their own."
"Gee. And . . . and nice old
ladies who tell kids things they need
to understand? Even if I didn't
think to pray about . . . that . . . ."
"But maybe you did, Johnnie.
Prayer isn't always kneeling and
asking in exact words; you know
what the song says, 'Prayer is the
soul's sincere desire, uttered or un-
expressed.' You can understand
that, can't you?"
"Sure I can— now. I guess I just
never did quite, before . . ." He
stopped short as a knock came at
the door, and the sound of the knob
turning, and then Mrs. Jensen's
voice calling, "Hi! Here I am . . . ."
"Oh, gosh!" Johnnie exclaimed,
here's Mrs. Jensen already, having
to wade through the snow!"
And Johnnie hurried out again,
out into the crisp morning. He felt
something big and wonderful inside
him; it seemed to warm him all
through. He looked up to see the
sky clearing, the sun breaking
through. Never had the blue been
so blue, the sunshine so golden as
now, shining down and making daz-
zling diamond flashes all over the
snow. He drew in a deep, long
breath and went to work, feeling
big with happiness and sureness.
Like Mommie alwavs said, it was a
beautiful world God had made, and
you might know he'd never be very
far away from it. And you ought
to know, Johnnie told himself, that
fine folks like Daddy and Mommie
would be right about . . . things;
you just had to find out how to
understand. He guessed maybe he
still had lots and lots to learn, but
one thing he'd never doubt again,
that was sure: prayer— faith and
prayer were certainly— okay/
Sixty Ljears Jtgo
Excerpts From the Woman's Exponent, January i, and January 15, 1895
"For the Rights of the Women of Zion and the Rights of the
Women of All Nations"
SPEAK NO ILL: If we will institute a thorough and candid investigation of our-
selves, there is no doubt but the results will prove profitable; they may reveal to our
view some traits in our character that we were not aware of, and impress us with the
necessity of a speedy reformation, and if so we will feel more lenient towards the fail-
ings of others, and not so anxious to make them known, but will "speak of all the best
we can."
— L. M. W.
TO THE YOUTH OF THE LAND: And oh, ye youth of this much favored
land, think not to make the excuse of ignorance. It will no longer be accepted. This
is the golden age of opportunity; hold not back and think there is nothing left for you
to do; rouse yourselves and look around you; there are fresh hills for you to climb;
there are new discoveries for you to make; there is work for you to do.
— Phoebe C. Young
Dearest; the year is new,
And the roses silent sleep,
But the hearts that are most true
All their vows of love will keep.
Though the roses fade and wither,
Love survives the stormy weather ....
— Edson B. Russell
Home industry, in the way of carding, spinning, knitting, and weaving was encouraged
.... and ideas advanced in relation to the planting and caring for trees and small fruits
adapted to our climate .... Several looms are in operation, and the hum of the old-
fashioned spinning wheel may be heard in a number of our homes. The strawberry, a
plant that thrives and yields well, is being cultivated .... President Kittie E. Dixon
encouraged the sisters to continue their labors, and strive to meet all the requirements
made of them, whether spiritual or temporal.
— Lucy E. Call, Sec.
A WOMAN LAWYER: Miss Phoebe Couzins of St. Louis, distinguished lawyer
and lecturer, and at one time United States Marshal of the Eastern District of Missouri
(serving out her father's term after his decease), has been for some weeks in our city
at the Templeton Hotel .... After Miss Couzins graduated from the high school of
her native city, she chose the law as a profession, her application for admission to the
Washington University in St. Louis in 1869 was granted without a dissenting voice. She
has been admitted to practice in all the courts of Missouri, the United States District
Court, and in the courts of Kansas and Utah; she was the first woman in the United
States appointed to a federal executi\e office.
. — Editorial
Pcige 28
Woman's Sphere
Ramona W. Cannon
E^LIZABETH, Queen Mother of
England, visited in the United
States and Canada in November.
This was the Queen Mother's sec-
ond visit to Washington, D. C,
where she was entertained by Presi-
dent and Mrs. Eisenhower. Among
other honors for EHzabeth was a
dinner sponsored by the Enghsh-
Speaking Union in New York City,
at which she was presented a check
for $433,000 to set up a scholarship
fund in memory of King George VI.
Minister for Health in the In-
dian government, recently visited
America as a guest of the Rockefel-
ler Foundation. A devout disciple
of Mahatma Ghandi, and his secre-
tarv for fifteen vears, she has been
president of the All-India Women's
Conference and has presided over
the World Health Arjembly, and
has acted as a delegate to UNESCO
in London and Paris. Two of her
published books are To Women
and Challenge to Women.
"lirOMEN are taking a more
prominent part in politics,
and their acceptance as public of-
ficials was exemplified in the No-
vember elections. All of the ele\'en
incumbents of the House of Repre-
sentatives were re-elected, and two
others were added— Mrs. Iris Blitch
of Georgia and Mrs. Edith Green
from Oregon. Margaret Chase
Smith of Maine is back in the Sen-
ate, and Mrs. George Abel of Ne-
braska was elected to the Senate to
fill two months of an unfinished
r\R. MABEL COCHRAN, associ-
ate curator of the division of
reptiles and amphibians in the Na-
tional Museum, Washington, D.C.,
has 40,000 specimens preserved in
alcohol under her guardianship. She
is a world authority on snakes,
frogs, and lizards. During World
War II her suggestions on how to
cope with dangerous reptiles were
distributed to the armed forces in
snake-infested jungles.
"DIRTHDAY congratulations are
extended to Mrs. Ruth May
Fox, Salt Lake City, Utah, 101;
Mrs. Hilda Erickson, Grantsville,
Utah, ninety-five; Mrs. Jane Reid,
Rexburg, Idaho, and Mrs. Nancy E.
Schvaneveldt, Dayton, Idaho, nine-
ty-one; Mrs. Cora Lindsay Ashton
and Mrs. Mary Bates Egan, Salt
Lake City, both ninety.
pEARL S. BUCK, Nobel and
Pulitzer prize winner in the
field of literature, and member of
the American Academy of Arts and
Sciences, has written her life story
in a new autobiography, My Several
Woi\d^. She relates the humorous
and tragic happenings of her many
years in China, and of her adjust-
ments to American life in the
Page 29
VOL. 42
NO. 1
1 1 ioniing and the /Lew L/(
". . . in the morning will I direct my prayers unto thee, and will look up"
(Psalms 5:3).
'pHE coming of the New Year
means a new beginning for all
of us. No matter where we may
stand in the journey between our
past and our future, the coming of
another year brings fresh oppor-
tunity, brighter vision, and opens
the door to accomplishment. The
New Year is like morning, when the
way to unknown treasures is opened,
when the pathway lies unmarred be-
fore us. It is the time in which the
Lord has given us another chance to
prove ourselves worthy of his mer-
cies which 'are new every morning."
Many of our activities, our ideals,
and our aspirations partake of the
spaciousness of the New Year and
of the measure of morning. Suppose
we are to take a journey, perhaps to
a place we have never seen before,
the sea, or the mountains, or to an-
other city. A journey is traveling
into a new experience. And even
if it be a journey to a familiar place,
there may have been changes in the
land, or it may be another season.
Always, too, we may meet strangers
who can lift our spirits, or people
who need to walk briefly with us to
see some inviting aspect of life
which we can reveal to them. All
journeys, near and far, are new in
their significance — they are new,
like the year and the morning.
Meeting a new friend, or one who
is to become a friend, has the possi-
Page 30
bilities of giving us new growth of
the spirit and an entrance into the
beauty and strength of another
personality. It is our opportunity
to bestow something of our own
perspective upon one who may have
been looking upon life from a dif-
ferent point of view. A new friend-
ship may be the threshold of new
pleasure and new illumination.
Even more humble activities are
as a journey into the delightful un-
known. A woman's day is often
composed of a series of exhilarating
experiences. Prosaic tasks may as-
sume great expectancy and promise,
if they are performed with a feeling
of adventure and anticipation. The
whir of a sewing* machine in making
a little girl's dress, the further
stitches in needlepoint, even the
matching 0' colors and shapes in
patches for mending— these are small
adventures, but they may be tribu-
tary to the satisfying wholeness of
homemaking. Expectancy and an-
ticipation prevail in the challenging
efforts of re-decorating a home— new
color on the walls, the harmony of
tints and tones in rugs and drap-
eries, a kitchen cheerful all over
again in a different decoration.
Even so familiar an act as to open
a book mav partake of the nature of
regeneration. Not long ago an
elderly woman opened the Bible and
turned to the Book of Psalms. Her
scriptural reading, for the most part,
had been confined to the New
I'estanient, and she had not experi-
enced for sometime the loftv lan-
guage and the noble thoughts of the
Psalms. She turned the pages re\-
ercnth and said, "I'o me, this is a
new thing." To her there was the
presence of morning and the cle-
ment of disco\"er\'. in the sacred
pages. She read also Psalm ro2,
which describes the beauties of
Zion, "For thy ser\'ants take pleas-
ure in her stones, and faxour the
dust thereof." And the elderlv
woman had found words which ex-
pressed her deep thoughts, for she
had so long lo\ed her own humble
home and the encircling land. e\en
so much that she had loved its
stones and dust. But nc\'er before
had she found the right words for
so deep a realization. Any great and
good book gives to us the spirit of
newness and of mgrning.
The most precious of all new^
treasures gi\en to women are the
children, lo\'elv as morning, and hav-
ing within them infinite possibilities,
which mothers may help to develop
along the wide pathways of life's
responsibilities and joys and achieve-
The \ear is new, and it is the time
of morning, a time of closeness be-
tween the hea\ens and the earth.
"For lo, he that formeth the moun-
tains, and createth the wind . . . that
maketh the morning . . . and tread-
eth upon the high places of the
earth. The Lord ... is his name"
(Amos 4:3).
-V. P. C.
^J) rift wood
Nntahc King
The \xilcl. \\'ct sweep of ocean \\n\cs along the beaeh a dozen years.
Has buffeted this slender l)ranc]i uith elementary sobs and tears;
Solaced too seldom b\- the ra\s of w elcome sun upon the sands,
Allowed scant healing time before the sea repeats its harsh demands.
Turn the full circle, sun, the storm, the biting winds and bitter cold.
Bent to one purpose, that to fit this broken branch into its mold,
Leaving at length the beauty of silver perfection polished smooth;
Unmarred by flaw, content to lie where unseen forces bid it move.
Not swift this state of beautv comes, each agony is singly borne.
Despair, first deep, becomes resigned, then grateful for each perfect morn.
Time, the abrasi\e, wears and wounds to cut the pattern plain,
Scoring the finallv finished work with half-remembered pain.
So are the old. contented in their places.
Showing God's hand in fine etched, tranquil faces.
uxelief (bociety^ ^yissigned (bvening 11 Lee ting oj
QJast Q^unaaii in 1 1 Larch
'T^HE Sunday night meeting to be held on Fast Day, March 6, 1955, has
again been assigned by the First Presidency for use by the Rehef
Suggestive plans for this evening meeting have been prepared by the
general board and sent to the stakes in bulletin form.
It is suggested that ward Relief Society presidents confer with their
bishops immediately to arrange for this meeting. Music for the Singing
Mothers should be ordered at once.
[Joouna Volumes of ig^Jf Lrie/ief Society 1 1 Lagazines
OELIEF Society officers and members who wish to have their 1954
issues of The Rdiei Society Magazine bound may do so through The
Deseret News Press, 31 Richards Street, Salt Lake City, 1, Utah. The
cost for binding the twelve issues in a permanent cloth binding is $2.50,
including the index. If a leather binding is preferred, the cost is $3.50.
See schedules of postage rates in this issue of the Magazine, page 71. If
bound volumes are desired, and the Magazine cannot be supplied by the
person making the request, the Magazines will be supplied for $1.50 by the
Magazine Department, General Board of Relief Society, 40 North Main
Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Only a limited number of Magazines are
available for binding.
It is suggested that wards and stakes have one volume of the 1954
Magazines bound for preservation in ward and stake Relief Society li-
J^wara Subscriptions LP resented in Jripnl
T^HE award subscriptions presented to Magazine representatives for hav-
ing obtained 75 per cent or more subscriptions to the Magazine in re-
lation to their enrolled Relief Society members, are not awarded until
after the stake Magazine representatives' annual reports have been audited.
Award cards for these subscriptions for the year 1954 ^^^^ ^^ mailed to
ward and stake Magazine representatives about April 1, 1955.
Page 32 <
clnfantile [Paralysis and the 1 1 Larch of Jjirnes
Basil O'Connor
President, The National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis
TT will be a great day for everyone when the world can be told that Dr.
Salk's trial vaccine actually protects against polio. We hope that day
arrives early in 1955. The theme of the 1955 March of Dimes reflects ex-
pansion for the fight against polio in the longed-for realm of prevention.
On the other hand, we must face the possibility that an inconclusive
report may be issued by Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr. of the University of
Michigan, who is responsible for determining whether or not the vaccine
is effective. As hopeful as this is, the fact remains we have no proven
vaccine, yet. Millions more must be spent on the Salk vaccine studies.
At the same time, our responsibilities continue for children and adults
crippled by polio.
Either way, our problems and our responsibilities multiply. Even if
the vaccine is declared highly effective, we cannot see the end of polio
in 1955 ^^ 1956— or, for that matter, in 1957.
Certainly all of the more than 50,000,000 young Americans under
eighteen years of age (the most polio-susceptible group) cannot possibly
be vaccinated in time to prevent thousands of new attacks in the years im-
mediately ahead.
What I'm getting at is that the news from Michigan will have little
immediate effect on the huge job of mending lives, refining preventive
techniques, and training professionals. That is why I am appealing again
for your support this coming January. The crippled child who is cut off
from her playmates lives only half-a-life. The disabled wage-earner needs
more than just plain courage to carry on. Only with expert treatment,
good equipment, and understanding care can the stricken overcome crush-
ing handicaps. These are the things money can buy.
Your continued help in supporting the 1955 March of Dimes, January
3-31, will most certainly evoke the gratitude of those born too soon to
benefit from any polio vaccine, as well as those who look to the March of
Dimes to protect them from polio in the future.
[He fore the Storm
Zara Sahin
Even this cold, gray day is beautiful —
The upturned sod where late the farmer plowed.
Now locked to earth by winter's icy breath,
Is edged with flowers of frost. A pewter cloud
Hangs low on the horizon, while a crow,
Scarce darker than the limb on which it sits.
Awaits the snow.
Page 33
Bob Bishop
WAke World
Gene Romolo
In a white, white world I have awakened
To clutch again the tenuous strands of life
That dormant lie while slumber holds us captive
A white world, for the moment free from strife.
Night has wrought this lovely, soft white wonder;
With needles of the frost, has knitted it
In motifs, hexagon-shaped replicas of stars,
And with artistic deftness, made each fit
The place appointed for a perfect piece
Of handiwork, earth's beauty to increase.
Grandma's Responsibility
Mary C. Martineau
FOR some reason, no one
thought anything of leaving
the cat with Grandma when
the family went on their vacation.
They left the cat without a qualm
for its safety and care, and Grand-
ma, dear old soul, never dreamed of
not allowing the cat to be left.
What's a cat to take care of?
That's nothing. But to have the
family return to find the cat gone-
strayed— stolen, that was different.
Grandsons, Jimmy and Johnny,
just couldn't feature Grandma in a
careless role, but, as Jimmy re-
marked, ''Our cat is gone, and he
was Grandma's responsibility."
Then Grandma knew by the
look in Jimmy's eyes and in the
tone of his voice that his confidence
in her was forever shaken unless she
found the cat and proved her fidelity
to a trust. Poor Grandma!
It all happened this way: Grand-
ma was to go to Jimmy's house
every morning in the absence of
the family and feed the cat, water
the flowers, collect the mail, see
that the house door was locked se-
curely, and then walk home again
to take up her own housework. And
very faithfully did Grandma per-
form these morning duties. Old
Puff, the cat, always came mewing
off the porch to meet her as she
came up the walk, and he rolled
over on the pavement before her
for his own enjoyment, and then
brushed past her skirts and arched
his back as she came up the steps
to feed him.
She always poured some milk in-
to his saucer and doled out his
'Tuss in Boots" on a dish, and left
him happy and eating in content-
ment while she sprinkled the lawn
and flowers.
For three mornings all went well.
Then came the fateful morn. As
Grandma came up the walk, she
was humming a little tune, when
she stopped short. ''Where's the cat,
I wonder?" she murmured in a
startled way, for no cat came to
meet her.
Around the house went Grand-
ma, calling softly "Kitty, Kitty, Kit-
ty .. . ." But no kitty came.
Gone to catch a mouse, thought
Grandma. So she proceeded to
water the flowers and gather the
mail, but still no Puff appeared.
I'll just put his milk in his dish
and put his food out, for I can't
wait for him any longer. He'll be
here when I come again in the
morning, she thought. And home
went Grandma, trusting to a cat's
nine lives to take care of him for
one day.
But it was more serious than she
thought, for next morning when she
came. Puff's dishes were licked
clean, but no Puff was to be seen,
and the next day and the next were
the same until the whole week was
gone and the family returned.
Grandma told them of Puff's
curious actions, but that she, Grand-
ma, was sure they would see Puff
when he came back each morning.
Grandma was wrong. The very
next morning Jimmy saw the neigh-
bor's cocker spaniel come over and
eat Puff's food, and in his heart
Page 35
Jimmy then and there convicted
Grandma of gross neglect and care-
lessness in the performance of duty.
/GRANDMA could have borne the
loss of the cat with great forti-
tude, for many cats had disappeared
along the trail of Grandma's long
life, but Grandma could not bear
the loss of Jimmy's confidence. She
decided she must find that cat if
she possibly could. So she began
to lay plans and to execute them.
She offered little rewards to
youthful searchers; she took even-
ing and morning walks in personal
search; she sent out scouts and
made inquiries.
''Don't worry over that cat any
more, Grandmother," comforted
Edna Lee, Jimmy's mother. 'I'm
kind of glad the cat's gone; it's not
your fault, anyway. A full-grown
cat ought to be able to take care of
himself in the summertime."
"It's not the cat I worry about,
it's little Jimmy," said Grandmoth-
er. "He loved the cat and feels so
badly. He holds me accountable
and has withdrawn his trust and
confidence from me. He is like a
polite little stranger," and there was
a tear in Grandma's eye.
But what could Grandma do?
Why, nothing. So that's what she
did. She just did nothing and wait-
ed. Time smooths many sorrows,
and so it was as the days went by.
Jimmy found his way to Grandma's
house again and to Grandma's cook-
ie jar again and again. Jimmy
smiled at Grandma and Grandma
smiled at Jimmy.
And that might have been the
last of it, if the telephone hadn't
rung so wildly late one night. When
Grandma said "Hello," a vexed
voice said loudly, "Mrs. Gray, I
wish you'd come over in the morn-
ing and get your cat. We can't
have our bedroom window up be-
cause he keeps jumping in to find
our children. He adopted our chil-
dren when your daughter's family
was away. They used to live in this
house once you know. I'm sick
and tired of this cat."
"Oh, thank you for calling me,"
said Grandma happily. "I will be
right over in the morning."
Next morning, Jimmy went with
Grandma to get Puff, for it was he
all right.
"Grandma, may I carry him?"
asked Jimmy, as they were return-
ing triumphantly with their prec-
ious burden.
"Yes, Jimmy," said Grandma,
lovingly placing the big gray and
white cat in Jimmy's eager little
arms. "He is yours to have and to
Hew Serial (^reen V(yuiows to iJO
egin in
\ new serial, "Green Willows," by Deone R. Sutherland, will begin in the February
-^^ issue of The Relief Society Magazine. This entertaining and realistic story nar-
rates the adventures of Lillian and Pat, two young friends who complicate and help to
straighten out the problems of Pat's three unmarried aunts: Agnes, Margaret, and Karen.
Mrs. Sutherland, a daughter of George Cecil Robinson and Linnie Fisher Robinson
of Magna, Utah, is a young wife and mother of two sons, who now lives in San Fran-
cisco, California, where her husband, a doctor, is serving his internship. Seven short
stories and a serial by Mrs. Sutherland have appeared in The Relief Society Magazine
since 1948.
Courtesy National Cotton Council
6 eggs
2 packages frozen spinach
3 tablespoons shortening
2 tablespoons flour
2 cups hot milk
Yz cup shredded cheese
salt and pepper
2 tablespoons shortening
Hard cook eggs. While eggs cook, cook spinach according to directions on pack-
age. Make cheese sauce by melting shortening in top of double boiler over hot water.
Stir in flour. Add hot milk gradually, stirring constantly. When thickened, add cheese,
stirring to melt cheese. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Cover and keep sauce
hot. When eggs are done, run cold water over them. Shell. Cut eggs crosswise
into halves. Remove yolks. Slice whites thin and add to cheese sauce, reserving a
few slices for garnishing, if desired. Drain spinach, add 2 tablespoons melted short-
ening. Arrange in well-greased shallow baking dish or in individual bakers. Pour
cheese-egg sauce over spinach, letting spinach show at edges. Press yolks through sieve,
making a mound of yolk on top of each serving. Set under broiler for 2 or 3 minutes,
keeping dish at least 3 inches from heat. Serve with corn muffins and crisp relishes.
(Makes 6 servings)
Page 37
cJhere Us a cJime for cJormality^
Helen S. Williams
'THHERE are certain places and special occasions where formal elegance of floral ar-
■■• rangements must be used. The table pictured opposite is a perfect example of formal-
ity at its loveliest. This table was originated and executed by Florence Williams for an
afternoon reception where approximately 2,000 people attended.
The table was set in a spacious room with high ceilings. The walls and draperies
were a soft sage green — a perfect setting for the colors and flowers used. Of course the
table had to be scaled to the size of the room, and it had to be beautiful from all
angles, for there were those who were seated, and those who stood to be served, and
there were many who viewed it from a distance.
Had the table or its appointments been too small or less sensational, the effective-
ness of its beauty and color would have been lost completely in the magnitude of the
To do unusual, beautiful tables Florence Williams dares to be dramatic and com-
pletely original. One rarely forgets the table decorations which she does because they
are never ordinary.
For this table she decided to use a beautiful old Paisley shawl for her tablecloth.
The shawl belonged to her husband's mother. It had never been used, and for years
had been wrapped in tissue for safekeeping. Safekeeping for what? thought Florence.
Here was a precious old heirloom five yards long which would be perfect for this special
occasion. The center of the shawl was a bold, daring black. It would be a perfect
background for golden flowers, brass bowls, massive candelabra, and tall, tapering candles.
The border of the shawl combined all the glorious shades of autumn. The rich
golds, copper, and brass colors, the reds and the yellows that blanket our hills and
mountains when the first frost touches them in the fall, this lovely old heirloom had
captured in its woven border. All these warm, deep colors of Indian summer gave a
richness and elegance to the table.
With the Paisley shawl as the basic note for the table, Mrs. Williams had a
startling and unusual setting for the magnificent centerpiece. As you see, the flowers
were arranged in a half-circle design. This half-circle design is basically excellent when
using a large or massive centerpiece on a long table, and it is particularly good when
used in a raised or footed container. The length of the rhythmic line was extended
from the focal point of the raised Cupid. This gave a harmonious feeling of flowing
rhythm and balance for the long table and large room.
The container was an old-fashioned brass jardiniere, polished to dazzling bright-
ness. It had been turned upside down, and on top of it rested a great flat brass bowl.
This was filled with a solid mass of flowers — yellow daffodils. These daffodils were
bordered with daisies that had been dyed in colors to repeat the border of grandmother's
Paisley shawl. Shimmering green magnolia leaves framed the round bowl and blended
into the soft greens of the surrounding draperies. Then the brass Cupid, holding a
ivw flowers, topped the entire floral design and kept the table in perfect proportion.
It was a picture of harmonious colors — the black cloth, the brass container, the yellow
and rust flowers, and the Paisley border.
Florence filled the big brass bowl with twigs and stems, then covered the greens
with fine chicken wire. This made a firm, solid container to hold the flowers in posi-
tion. The daffodils had been cut to about two-inch stems. This was the depth of
the bowl.
Poge 38
Hal Rumel
The sweeping half circle of daffodils that extended so gracefully from the bowl
and down the table, was wired together with very fine wire. These flowers had also
been broken off into two-inch stems and were wired together to give an illusion of
solid yellow. The wire was twisted around each flower securely, and the streamers
of daffodils were about five inches across.
The massive brass candelabra at either end of the table, with the tallest of tall
yellow cathedral candles, completed the regal beauty of the table. The candles matched
the daffodils perfectly. Their height gave perfect balance to the table and proportioned
it beautifully to the massive room. This same centerpiece arrangement has been used
by Florence for other affairs at other seasons of the year.
In the fall, button chr}'santhemums in all the rich fall colors lend themselves
wonderfully well to this arrangement. Fall fruit, with deep purple grapes, make a dra-
matic and luxurious appearing table when the grapes are combined with flowers. The
grapes can be wired as are the flowers and draped over the bowl and down the length
of the table. They are dramatic and beautiful.
Many, many designs can be evolved from this same idea. With a little practice,
a generous degree of daring, and a bit of originality, anyone can learn and enjoy the
technique of flower arrangement.
It is well to keep in mind a few basic fundamental principles which will help your
own instinctive ability.
First, consider the relationship of the length of the table, the color, and container,
to the size of the room. If the room is small, keep the table and centerpiece in good
proportion. Don't let them overpower their surroundings. In the picture above, the
room is large, the ceiling high, and the walls are soft green. A massive table was indi-
cated— ^thus the big, high bowl and the massive candelabra.
Second, watch the design of your centerpiece. The ones that lend themselves best
are \ariations of the triangle, the circle, or half circle, or an open "s" curve.
Third, carefully plan the balance of your arrangement. Group flowers, candles, and
decorations within a definite pattern, so that an impression of stability, unity, and
serenity is achieved. An artistic, balanced design is lovely from any viewpoint. Re-
member this.
Fourth, have a focal point or a center of interest. In the above picture, it is the
Cupid perched on the top curve of the half circle.
Fifth, for teal beauty in design, there must be a feeling of rhythm or motion.
Sprays of flowers, greens, fruit, ribbon — anything which gives graceful lines from the
center out can create this feeling of rhythm and motion.
Sixth, remember that accent is the added something which makes a table unusual.
In this illustration it is undoubtedly the black of the Paisley shawl. Also, accent may be
achieved by contrast in color of flowers or container or accessories. It is one of the
elements in table decoration that one has to work hard at and has to practice to
Seventh, and last, is harmony. Without harmony of design, color, and arrange-
ment, the beauty is lost. Colors, materials, containers, and all accessories must express
an idea — unified and perfectly blended.
ibrratum in Social Science JLesson in
I Lovemoer iQj^ H iagazine
TT has been called to our attention by Dr. Richard D. Poll, of the Depart-
ment of History and Political Science at Brigham Young University,
that an error occurs in the February social science lesson (The Constitution
of the United States) as printed in the November Relief Society Magazine,
on page 779. Dr. Poll makes this correction:
It is stated that "this method of amendment [ratification by state legislatures] is
the one which has been universally followed in all the amendments thus far adopted."
As a matter of fact, Amendment 21, repealing the prohibition amendment was adopted
by conventions in the states, rather than by state legislatures. This is not a profoundly
important point, but, inasmuch as it was the Utah Convention which was the thirty-
sixth to ratify and repeal amendment, it is not without some interest to our people.
[Jo a th room cJncks
Novel Towel Holders
Elizabeth ^^iWiamson
There never seem to be enoiigh to\\el racks in the bathroom, guest bath, or
powder room. Old door knockers come to the rescue. For individual towel holders,
these are distinctive and most unusual.
Sylvia Probst Young
A boy is adventure, noise, and fun.
With a smudge of dirt, and his knees
Are forever out of his o\eralls —
He's a genius at climbing trees.
He has no use for a pair of shoes
Or a shirt when the days are long;
Forever he's munching on jam and bread,
And singing a tuneless song.
A boy is a king in his own small world —
A boy is exasperating —
And whatever he might be doing next
There is no use contemplating.
But a boy holds the strings to his mother's heart,
And his sudden kiss is a cure
For any ill — oh, a boy is grand —
I am glad that I have four.
Page 41
uier uiobbies ioring ^oif to (^ythers
Mary Elizabeth Jensen Bingham, Behedere Ward, Los Angeles,
Is a Needlccraft Artist
■jViTARY Ehzabeth Jensen Bingham, at the age of eighty-nine, still gives joy to her
family and her friends, and serves her Church by making exquisite handicraft
articles. During the past year she has embroidered twenty pairs of exquisite pillowcases,
all with crocheted edges. Also, she has made many sets of dish towels and numerous
crocheted doihes. She is an expert at quilting and has designed several original quilt
patterns. She has recently completed a lo\'ely crocheted altar cloth to be presented to
the Los Angeles Temple when it is finished. Mrs. Bingham's custom of giving a
crocheted doily each month to the eldest sister having a birthday during that month,
has gi\'en much pleasure to the members of her ward Relief Society. At an early age
she was responsible for spinning the yarn for her brothers' and sisters' clothing, and she
learned habits of industry and service.
Sister Bingham was born in Logan, Utah, and married Benjamin Franklin Bingham
in 1885. Mother of six sons and a daughter, Mrs. Bingham still found time for service
as a practical nurse in many communities in Cache Valley. In her early married life
she subscribed to The Woman's Exponent, and The Relief Society Magazine has been
in her home since its first issue. Mrs. Bingham remembers the time when she regularly
took her team and wagon and gathered up her neighbors and took them to Relief Society
meetings; sometimes there were as manv as sixteen women and children in the wagon
at one time. She has served as a Relief Society president, as a counselor, and as secre-
tary. Her years have been full of work and happiness, and she has enlarged her own
personality by serving others.
Page 42
Contentment Is a Lovely Thing
Chapter 4
Dorothy S. Romney
Synopsis: Margaret Lansing, whose hus-
band Jed has become a farmer contrary to
the wishes of his parents, is taken ill just
before Jed's father, a prominent brain
surgeon, and his wife arrive at the farm
for a visit. The young couple cannot get
help, and the mother-in-law assumes the
household duties and takes care of Kimmy,
the baby. The hard work makes her
more than ever opposed to country life,
and she tries to persuade her son to go
back to the city and resume his medical
studies. Finally, when Margaret is able
to attend to her household, the parents
leave, although they had planned on a
longer visit. Margaret and Jed attend a
ward party, and their intimate friend
Mrs. Andrews asks why the elder Lansings
left the farm so soon.
MARGARET knew that her
friend was wise and under-
standing, and perhaps she
might suggest some way of persuad-
ing Jed's parents that he had chos-
en the work he loved and that he
was contented.
Mrs. Andrews moved over on the
bench. ''Better sit down and tell
me all about it Maybe it will make
you feel better," she said, and Mar-
garet knew from past experience
that it was a genuine wish to help,
rather than curiosity that prompted
her words.
So she told Mrs. Andrews every-
thing that was troubling her— of the
letters that came twice weekly from
Jed's parents which, however, con-
tained no reference to a return visit
in the future, nor an invitation for
tliem to visit Jed's parents, and of
Jed's obvious disappointment over
the results of his parents' visit.
Mrs. Andrews listened carefullv,
and then was silent for a time after
Margaret had finished speaking.
''Don't let it worry you too much,
dearie," she finally said. "Parents
often have a strong hold on their
children, too strong a hold, as seems
to be the case with Jed's parents. Jed
is probably torn between his love
for you and Kimmy and the duty
he feels he owes his parents. Didn't
you once tell me that they had lost
an older boy? Perhaps that has
something to do with their clinging
to Jed, although I don't see why it
should," she mused. "Be patient,
my dear, and things will work out."
Her words comforted Margaret,
and seeing all her neighbors soon
erased the troubles from her mind.
She felt contented and happy when
the deliciously cooked food had
been eaten.
After ten minutes of dancing
Margaret's cheeks were pinker than
they had been for some time.
"The next time Jed's folks come
to town," Ez Owens, who ran the
general store, said in his jovial man-
ner, as he escorted Margaret back
to her seat, "give us a chance to
meet them. I hear they're real nice
She was still pondering Ez's last
remark when Jed came out of the
kitchen minus his chef's cap and
apron, and swung her into a group
of dancers that was forming on the
dance floor. Everyone must be won-
dering, she thought, why they
weren't invited to meet the elder
Page 43
The unusual excitement of the
evening completely tired Margaret
out, and she asked Jed to take her
home as soon as they finished the
dance. As they drove along she
looked at Kimmy's form in the clear
shadow of the moon, and thought
how much he already resembled his
Grandfather Lansing, right down to
the tips of his fingers.
Suddenly her musings were inter-
rupted by Jed.
"Kimmy already has the hands
of a good surgeon," he said.
It was amazing how often she
and Jed had the same thought pat-
'Terhaps Kimmy won't want to
be a doctor," she reminded as gent-
ly as she could. Who could say
where the destiny of a pair of hands
lay without first developing the in-
tellect that guided them?
'Tes, of course," he assured her,
''Kimmy will be free to choose his
own career." He put his hands out
to cover her warm fingers.
CHE could see in the brightness of
the night, the circle of trees that
surrounded their home. It gradually
emerged from the silver of the
night, and took the shape of the
home she loved so dearly. If one
could look into the future and see
the outline of one's destiny taking
shape as clearly as this house had,
it might greatly simplify things,
Margaret thought. But perhaps
meeting the challenge of the un-
known was what made life worth
living, she decided.
When they reached home Jed let
Margaret and the sleeping Kimmy
out at the kitchen door and drove
the station wagon down to the barn.
She undressed Kimmy without wak-
ing him, then went into the kitch-
en, reveling in the warmth of the
still air, glad to be home.
She took cookies from the jar,
set them on a plate, and was pour-
ing two tall glasses of cold milk
when the telephone rang. The first
thought that crossed her mind was
that it was the telegraph office call-
ing with a message for Mrs. Jack-
son, unable to reach her at her own
cottage. She hoped it wasn't bad
news of her son, Dick. But she was
wrong, the call was a person-to-per-
son, and it was for Jed.
'Tm Mrs. Lansing," she ex-
plained to the operator, completely
puzzled as to who would be calling
at this hour. 'Terhaps your party
will talk to me."
''No, I must talk to Mr. Lansing,"
the reply came back. Margaret rec
ognized Jed's mother's voice, and it
held an urgency that was unmistak-
"Call back in five minutes," she
told the operator, and ran breath-
lessly to the barn to get Jed.
They lost no time in getting back
to the house. The telephone was
already ringing when they reached
the kitchen.
"Hello, Mother," Jed said. "What
is it?" He listened for a matter of
minutes while his mother talked, a
stricken look on his face, and then
said, "I'll be down on the first train
in the morning. There's one that
leaves the junction at two a.m. It
may not be as bad as you think.
Goodbye until I see you."
He turned to Margaret, white-
faced and visibly shaken. "Dad has
injured his hand on a fishing trip.
He fell on some broken glass and
cut the arterv and tendons. There
was no competent doctor near to
take care of it. They're operating
tomorrow. It could mean the end
of his career as a brain surgeon/' he
ended flatly.
''But they're not sure yet," said
Margaret hopefully. "There's still a
chance that the hand can be sa\ed?"
''Mother didn't seem to think so
—not for his own particular work
anyway. It will break his heart. He
has taken such pride in his work."
"There may still be a chance,"
Margaret persisted. "Come, I'll
help you pack and drive you down
to the station. Stay as long as they
need you. I'll manage here."
"But there's so little I can do,"
he said, as he moved toward the
bedroom. "I've failed Dad at every
turn. It would make all the differ-
ence in the world to him now if I
could carry on his work."
Margaret made no reply. She had
no answer. But I'll find one, she
told herself determinedly. I'm sure
that Jed was right in choosing the
life he loves. She followed him in-
to the other room and opened a
dresser drawer. "It's a good thing
you have plenty of clean socks,"
she commented casually.
The tension left Jed's face. "Yes,"
he agreed. "You always manage to
have everything right for me."
f\N the drive down to the station
Margaret asked, "Why must
you always feel conscience stricken
over having given up your medical
training? You made your decision.
You have to live vour own life. Whv
torture yourself now with these
"You knew that I had an older
brother who died?" Jed replied.
"Yes, of course."
"He had just been graduated
from high school the year before
his death. He was a brilliant stu-
dent and intensely interested in
everything pertaining to the medi-
cal profession. 'A born doctor,' Dad
used to say proudly. And he was.
It was his whole life, just as it was
Jed paused and when he spoke
again it was with an effort. "He and
Dad were great pals. It was a man-
to-man relationship, rather than fa-
ther and son. They were always
planning hunting and fishing trips
together. The only trouble was,
Dad never had time to take them.
He was still a general practitioner
and always busy. Then, the summer
after John was graduated from high
school, Dad made a special effort to
get away for a trip. The two of
them were off for a week of fishing
and hunting. It was to have been
the most glorious week they had
known. Instead, it ended in tragedy."
He gripped the wheel, and the
lines in his face tightened. "There
was an automobile accident. Dad
was hurt, but John had a brain in-
jury. He died before they could
operate. After that Dad took up
brain surgery. He felt that it might
compensate in some way for the
loss of his own son if he could help
save other men's sons."
"And vou were to have taken
John's place in everything," she said
"Yes," he answered. For a mo-
ment his hand closed over hers—
the work-roughened hand of a farm-
She watched from the station un-
til the train disappeared in the dis-
tance then drove quickly homeward.
Exhausted from the events of the
long night, she slept deeply, in spite
of her concern. When she awak- of the long lane where the mailbox
ened the sun was threading the stood. But there was another still
room with shafts of gold. She could more exciting letter, a letter ad-
hear Mrs. Jackson already in the dressed to Mrs. Jackson. It was type-
kitchen taking care of Kimmy's written and the printing in the left-
needs, hand corner indicated that it was
She dressed rapidly and went in- from the War Department,
to the kitchen to break the news, She prodded Kimmy on until
thankful that they both had strong they had covered about half the
backs and willing hands. With what distance back to the house, and
time Jim Hawkins could spare from then, at once fearful and hopeful
his own farm work, they decided of what the letter addressed to Mrs.
they could manage to keep things Jackson might contain, she picked
going until Jed returned. The spring him up and ran the rest of the dist-
planting was all finished, fortunate- ance to the house,
ly. She half forgot her own letter in
The days passed swiftly, so work- her anxiety to learn what news
filled that almost her only recrea- there was of Dick. With trembling
tion was the daily walk down to fingers, Mrs. Jackson finally man-
the mailbox. Accompanied by a aged to open and unfold the letter,
chattering Kimmy, she enjoyed it to She looked at it briefly, and then
the utmost. The letters from Jed handed it over. ''Here, you read
were the bright spots of her days, it," she said.
and reports on the injured hand 'Tour son is coming home,''
were awaited with hopeful anxiety. Margaret told her, after summariz-
She had learned from one of the ing the message in one quick glance,
first letters that a second operation "I can't believe it," Mrs. Jackson
had been performed, but there was declared finally,
little chance that the hand would It wasn't until Margaret was
ever regain the delicate precision alone, her friend having gone down
and sureness that had given Dr. to her own little cottage, that Mar-
Lansing a reputation of fame in his garet remembered she hadn't read
chosen field. her own letter as yet. She tucked
Kimmy in bed for his afternoon
npODAY, eager as Margaret was to nap, then sat down in her favorite
reach the mailbox and learn the chair in the kitchen to open the let-
news from Jed, she forced herself ter.
to walk slowly, stopping often to Jed's letter was heartwarming,
satisfy Kimmy's curiosity— first that His father's hand was doing quite
of a bluebird singing on a fence post, well, and he would be home before
then of a wild flower that grew the week was out, bringing his par-
along the edge of the lane. A child's ents with him if they would consent
curiosity to learn— to know, was a to come. 'They both need a change
wonderful thing. and a rest," the letter read, "and
Her spirits soared high at the sight this time we will give them a real
of Jed's dear, familiar handwriting, welcome."
when they finally reached the end ' {To be -concluded)
Margaret C. Pickering, General Secretary-Treasurer
All material submitted for publication in this department should be sent through
stake and mission Relief Societ}' presidents. See regulations governing the submittal
of material for "Notes From the Field" in the Magazine for April 1950, page 278, and
the Handbook of Instructions, page 123.
Photograph submitted by Laura Millard
May 28, 1954
Front row, seventh and eighth from the left: Anne W. Jones, chorister, and Elva
Fletcher, organist.
Back row, left to right: Louise Gaboon, First Counselor; Laura R. Millard, Presi-
dent; Bernice Cheshire, Second Counselor.
Page 47
Photograph submitted by Ruth Mae Witt
Front row, second from right (in dark dress) : Ruth Mae Witt, President, Wasatch
Stake Relief Society.
Second row, at left: Florence Whiting, chorister.
Third row, second from the right: Yvonne Miller, accompanist.
Photograph submitted by Verna A. Hunter
February 23, 1954
This pageant was presented in honor of the past presidents of the stake, most of
whom were in attendance. The pageant also commemorated the fiftieth anni\ersary of
Liberty Stake. Marianne C. Sharp, First Counselor in the general presidency of Relief
Society, was in attendance. Music was presented by the Singing Mothers under the
direction of Vera Clayton, with Nan Jones as accompanist. Representing Mother Lib-
erty and Father Time were Gwen Jones and Abraham L. Stout, with \\^innifred H.
Smith and Mildred Elggren as narrators. A committee, consisting of Verna A. Hunter,
Irma Keller, Kathr)'n Hopkinson, and Ruby Hunt of the stake Relief Society presidency,
and all stake board members assisted in this production, with forty people participating.
Verna A. Hunter is president of Liberty Stakp Relief Society.
Photograph submitted by Joan W. Coombs
Kneeling in front, left to right: Counselors Meliame Vaisa and Mele Tonga.
At the extreme right: the president of Ilihifo Distriet Relief Society, and next to
her, Levila Mokofisi. The other women represent several branches in the district.
Joan W, Coombs, President, Tongan Mission Relief Society, reports the success
of this shirtmaking project and other activities in her mission: 'This is a picture of our
first district sewing class on shirtmaking without a pattern, that we are teaching now in
all the districts. About twenty attended this first class, and three-fourths of them fin-
ished a good shirt .... Since then wc ha\e had increasing attendance and wide inter-
est and have held about ten classes, some in districts and others in large branches, con-
tacting about sixty to eighty women who actually sewed a shirt, and many others who
came to watch, as they couldn't afford material at this time .... We have had a
lot of nice comments from husbands .... I want to report on the success of our first
mission Relief Society conxention held on the second week in April here in Nukualofa
.... The conxention plan is new here, but we had considerable success with it and
very good attendance. Three of our four districts were completely represented, and
one district, which couldn't come because of boat difficulties, sent their district officers
. . . who then took materials back with them, and are now holding a very good district
convention there. We had between one hundred eighty and two hundred at each
meeting .... W^e ha\e finished translating and printing a Relief Society Handbook
for officers, taking the parts from the English Handbook that are most pertinent to the
work here. We had a two-dav convention, with meetings on explanation of the re-
ports, the Handbook, duties of officers, and other phases of the work. Also, one session
was a songfest, with our district Singing Mothers' choruses each introducing a new
translated song we got from Zion, along with some quartets. Each district is now plan-
ning a songfest or Tongan concert."
Photograph submitted by LaPriel S. Bunker
District Presidents, left to right: June Turley, Imperial District; Jetta T^'rrel, San
Gorgonio District; Fay Curtis, Colorado River District; Elizabeth Merwin, Oak Creek;
Myreel Lewis, Yuma; Rhea Carrick, Mt. Whitney; Fawn Wilcox, South Coast; Addie
Smith, immediate past president, Mt. Whitney District, who has served eight years;
LaPriel S. Bunker, President, Cahfornia Mission Relief Society.
Sister Bunker reports this convention as an occasion for rejoicing: "We were very
pleased with the excellent attendance and the co-operation we received from the sisters
and the Priesthood members. They traveled long distances and the women brought many
handwork pieces for our display, which was very outstanding. At the noon hour we
served luncheon to 120 people in the patio of our lovely new mission home. It was a
delight for the sisters to see the new mission home and our beautiful Los Angeles
temple for the first time . . . .We felt the Spirit of the Lord in rich abundance through-
out our convention. Everyone who took part went the extra mile. I feel that the
fasting and praying which many of us did proved once more how ready the Lord is to
answer our prayers."
Viyinterttme L^afe
Bernice T. Clayton
When Daddy and I picked the apples last fall,
He said, "Now remember, son, don't pick them all;
There are plenty for us, so leave some on the tree."
"But why?" I asked Dad, but he said, "Wait and see."
I waited and watched, for I wanted to know.
But not a thing happened until the big snow.
Then birds found the apples and sent out the \\'ord
That here was a feast for each cold, hungry bird.
They came then bv dozens; the tree, almost bare.
Just burst into blossoms of birds everywhere.
They twittered and chirped, and they chattered away,
Each one saving, "Thanks, for this fine birds' cafe."
Qjheologyi — Characters and Teachings
of The Book of Mormon
Lesson 31— Helaman, Son of Alma, and His Two Thousand Sons
Elder Leiand H. Monson
(Text: The Book of Mormon: Alma, chapters 50-58)
For Tuesday, April 5, 1955
Objective: To show the power of mothers in teaching their children to obey the
commandments and not to doubt, but to put their faith in the Lord for their preser-
DissQusion With the King-Men
I7VEN though there was tempor-
ary peace in the land, Moroni
continued to prepare for war. In the
twentieth year of the reign of judges
he further fortified the cities and
the boundary line between Zarahem-
la and the land of Nephi. The Ne-
phites were blessed by the Lord in
accordance with the promises if they
would keep his commandments.
In the thirty-fourth year, however,
a boundary dispute arose between
the people of the land of Morianton
and the land of Lehi. Morianton,
leader of the rebellious inhabitants
of Morianton, tried to escape north-
ward with his followers '\ . . which
would have been a cause to have
been lamented . . /' but Teancum,
one of Moroni's great leaders, killed
Morianton and carried his army
back as prisoners to Moroni. Upon
covenanting to keep peace, they
were restored to their lands.
That same year, Nephihah, sec-
ond chief judge, died. The record
states that while filhng '\ . . the
judgment-seat with perfect upright-
ness before God ... he had refused
Alma to take possession of those
records and those things which were
esteemed by Alma and his fathers
to be most sacred; therefore Alma
had conferred them upon his son,
Helaman" (Alma 50:37-38). Ne-
phihah's son Pahoran was appoint-
ed chief judge and governor over
the people.
In the beginning of the next year
Page 51
a part of the Nephites sought to de-
throne Pahoran because of his un-
wilhngness to alter the law so that
the free government could be
changed to a monarchy. The dis-
senters were called king-men and
they were of high birth; but the
voice of the people favored the
cause of the freemen and Pahoran
retained the judgment-seat.
At this critical time Amalickiah
again stirred up the Lamanites to
battle against the Nephites. The
army of the enemy was so great that
they were unafraid to come down
even to the land of Zarahemla.
When the rebellious king-men
heard of the approach of the Laman-
ites, they refused to take up arms to
defend their own country. Moroni
was given the authority either to
compel them to fight or to put them
to death. Four thousand were killed
in the ensuing struggle and their
other leaders were thrown into pris-
on. The remainder:
. . . yielded to the standard of liberty,
and were compelled to hoist the title of
liberty upon their towers, and in their
cities, and to take up arms in defence of
their country (Alma 51:20).
Ammaron New King oi Lamanites
While Moroni was thus engaged
in overcoming internal troubles,
Amalickiah was able to capture
many Nephite cities. These were
so well fortified that they afforded
strongholds for the Lamanites when
they fell into their hands. Teancum
with his great warriors, however, re-
pulsed the enemy as they were
marching to take possession of the
land Bountiful. That night Tean-
cum with his servant stole into the
camp of the Lamanites and killed
Amalickiah as he lay asleep in
his tent. Ammoron, Amalickiah's
brother, was then appointed the
new king of the Lamanites. At this
time Moroni instructed Teancum to
'\ . . secure the narrow pass which
led into the land northward, lest
the Lamanites should obtain that
point and should have power to
harass them on every side" (Alma
Moroni with the help of Lehi
and Teancum won a great victory
over the Lamanites. The Nephite
city of Mulek was recaptured, but
the beloved leader Moroni was
wounded. Lehi, we are told:
. . . was a man who had been with
Moroni in the more part of all his battles;
and he was a man like unto Moroni, and
they rejoiced in each other's safety; yea,
they were beloved by each other, and also
beloved by all the people of Nephi (Al-
ma 53:2).
Teancum, at the order of Moro-
ni, caused the Lamanite prisoners
to fortify Bountiful and they were
guarded therein, but on another
front the Lamanites captured other
Sons of HeJaman
At this time the converted La-
manites, known as the people of
Amnion, who had covenanted never
to bear arms again and who had
been protected by the Nephites
while they helped support the army
with provisions, became so con-
cerned over the reverses of the war
that they felt they ought to take up
arms in defense of their country.
They felt themselves to be a burden
to the Nephites. Helaman, however,
". . . feared lest by so doing they
should lose their souls . . ." (Alma
53:15). However, they had many
sons who had not entered into the
covenant and they assembled to-
gether, two thousand of them, and
asked Helaman to be their leader:
And they were all young men, and they
were exceedingly valiant for courage, and
also for strength and activity; but behold,
this was not all — they were men who
were true at all times in whatsoever thing
they were entrusted. Yea, they were men
of truth and soberness, for they had been
taught to keep the commandments of
God and to walk uprightly before him
(Alma 53:20-21).
Moroni Rejects Piisoner Exchange
In the twenty-ninth year of the
judges, Ammoron and Moroni wrote
letters concerning the exchange of
prisoners. Moroni agreed to ex-
change one of Ammoron's men for
a Nephite man, his wife, and chil-
dren. In Moroni's answer he
Behold, I would tell you somevvhat con-
cerning the justice of God, and the sword
of his almighty wrath, which doth hang
over you except ye repent and withdraw
your armies into )'Our own lands, or the
land of your possessions, which is the
land of Nephi. Yea, I would tell you
these things if ye were capable of heark-
ening unto them; yea, I would tell you
concerning that awful hell that awaits to
recei\e such murderers as thou and thy
brother have been, except ye repent and
withdraw your murderous purposes, and
return with your armies to your own
lands . . . and except you withdraw your
purposes, behold, ye will pull down the
wrath of that God whom you have re-
jected upon you . . . and ye shall soon be
visited with death (Alma 54:6-7, 9-10).
In his reply, Ammoron closed his
letter with the words:
And as concerning that God whom ye
say we have rejected, behold, we know
not such a being; neither do ye; but if
it so be that there is such a being, we
know not but that he hath made us as
well as you. And if it so be that there
is a de^'il and a hell, behold will he not
send you there to dwell with my brother
whom ye have murdered .... I am Am-
moron, and a descendant of Zoram, whom
your fathers pressed and brought out of
Jerusalem (Alma 54:21-23).
Moroni was so incensed by the
false assertion of Ammoron that he
refused to exchange prisoners; but
by strategy he won the Nephite pris-
oners in the city of Gid, and, also,
the city without any bloodshed.
This was pleasing to Moroni who
delighted in saving his people from
By the close of the twenty-ninth
year, Moroni was making prepara-
tions to attack the city of Morianton
which the Lamanites were daily
Letter of Helaman to Moroni
In the beginning of the thirtieth
year, Moroni received a letter from
Helaman set forth in chapters 56,
57, and 58 of Alma. The contents
of this letter comprise the remain-
der of this lesson. Helaman ad-
dressed Moroni as ''. . . My dearly
beloved brother, Moroni, as well in
the Lord as in the tribulations of
our warfare . . .'' (Alma 56:2). He
then recounted the circumstances,
four years previously, which had sur-
rounded his coming with his two
thousand sons (''for they are worthy
to be called sons") to support the
army of Antipus in the city of
Antipus, Helaman wrote, rejoiced
exceedingly to have them because
the Lamanites had killed such a vast
number of his men:
... for which cause we have to mourn.
Nevertheless, we may console ourselves in
this point, that they have died in the
cause of their country and of their God,
yea, and they are happy (Ahiia 56: 10-11),
Capture of City of Antiparah
When Animoron learned of the
added strength of Antipus' army he
forbade the Lamanites to go against
Judea. Thus Antipus was given add-
ed time to prepare. During the kih
he received two thousand other rein-
forcements from Zarahemla and
many provisions from the fathers of
Helaman's two thousand sons. With
such strength Antipus devised a suc-
cessful stratagem to recapture the
city of Antiparah. According to the
plan, the sons of Helaman lured on
the Lamanites for two days into the
wilderness. On the morning of the
third day the Lamanites halted.
Helaman asked his sons whether
they should turn and attack the
Lamanites, who might be laying a
snare, or attack them in case Anti-
pus had caught up to the rear of
the Lamanites, according to the
plan, and a battle might be in prog-
ress. Helaman asked:
Therefore what say ye, my sons, will ye
go against them to battle? And now I
say . . . my beloved brother Moroni, that
never had I seen so great courage, nay,
not amongst all the Nephites (Alma
Helaman continues:
For as I had ever called them my sons
(for they were all of them very young)
even so they said unto me: Father, behold
our God is with us, and he will not suf-
fer that we should fall; then let us go
forth; we would not slay our brethren if
they would let us alone; therefore let us
go, lest they should overpower the army
of Antipus. Now they never had fought,
yet they did not fear death; and they did
think more upon the liberty of their fa-
thers than they did upon their lives; yea,
they had been taught by their mothers,
that if they did not doubt, God would
deliver them. And they rehearsed unto
me the words of their mothers, saying: We
do not doubt our mothers knew it (Alma
They found that Antipus had in-
deed attacked the rear of the La-
manites and had fallen by the
sword, and his army was about to
fall into the hands of the Laman-
ites. Instead of winning a victory,
there would have been a disastrous
defeat had not Helaman and his
two thousand sons returned.
After the surrender of the Laman-
ites, Helaman numbered the young
men, fearing that many were slain.
But behold, to my great joy, there had
not one soul of them fallen to the earth;
yea, and they had fought as if with the
strength of God; yea, never were men
known to have fought with such miracu-
lous strength; and with such mighty pow-
er did they fall upon the Lamanites, that
they did frighten them; and for this cause
did the Lamanites deliver themselves up
as prisoners of war (Alma 56:56).
Capture of City of Cumeni
In the twenty-ninth year, Hela-
man received reinforcements and
provisions from Zarahemla, and six-
ty more sons of the Anti - Lehi-
Nephis joined the two thousand.
With this strength the city of Cu-
meni was taken. Helaman decided
to send the great number of pris-
ers back to the land of Zarahemla,
since he did not have sufficient pro-
visions to feed them, and he was
reluctant to slay them. After the
prisoners had left under a heavy
guard, a new army of Ammoron's
attacked Cumeni. The guards in
charge of the prisoners, being warned
by Nephite spies, returned to the
city to help Helaman in the battle.
A part of the Lamanite prisoners
fled; but the greater number were
slain in trying to escape from the
As the guards arrived at Cumeni,
the Lanianites were about to over-
power the Nephites:
But behold, my little band of two
thousand and sixty fought most desperate-
ly; yea, they were firm before the Lanian-
ites, and did administer death unto all
those who opposed them. , . . Yea, and
they did obey and observe to perform
every word of command with exactness;
yea, and even according to their faith it
was done unto them; and I did remember
the words which they said unto me that
their mothers had taught them (Alma 57:
19. 21).
It was to the sons of Helaman
and the guards who returned, that
Helaman gave credit for the great
victory in holding the city.
Miraculous Preservation oi Sons of
After the Lamanites had fled,
Helaman ordered the wounded to
be taken from the dead. He found
that two hundred of his sons had
fainted from loss of blood, but, to
the astonishment of the whole army,
not one of the two thousand sixty
died, although every one had re-
ceived many wounds. It was ascrib-
... to the miraculous power of God,
because of their exceeding faith in that
which they had been taught to belie\e —
that there was a just God, and whoso-
ever did not doubt, that they should be
preserved by his marvelous power (Alma
Helaman was under the necessity
of maintaining the parts of the
land which his army had won, be-
fore seeking to capture Manti, their
next objective. He waited for re-
inforcements to arrive from Zara-
hemla, and sent an embassy to the
governor with a dispatch telling of
the happenings in that part of the
land and asking for new strength.
After many months two thousand
men came to their assistance, bring-
ing food, just as they were about to
perish from hunger.
Capture of City of Manti
In addressing Moroni, Helaman
remarked that he did not know why
more strength had not been sent
to them as they were opposing an
innumerable enemy. While in these
precarious circumstances, Helaman
reported, he and his men did '\ . .
pour out our souls in prayer to God
. . ." that he would give them
strength to retain the cities and
possessions for the support of their
people. And the Lord, Helaman
asserted, visited them with an as-
surance that he would save them.
Peace and great faith then came
to comfort the small army, and
Helaman decided to go against the
city of Manti without waiting for
Because of Helaman's small num-
ber of soldiers, the Lamanites al-
lowed themselves to be lured out of
the city and sent their numerous
army into the wilderness in pursuit
of only a part of Helaman's forces.
The two small detachments which
he left hidden near the city, then
overpowered the few guards left in
Manti and took possession of it.
The Lamanite army finally feared
an ambush as they were drawn
nearer to Zarahemla, so they began
to retreat and pitched their tents
for the night. Helaman then led
his troops, under cover of darkness,
back to Manti, which was retaken
". . . without the shedding of blood."
The Lamanites were so struck
with fear that they fled out of all
that quarter of the land, but carried
away many Nephite women and
children with them. Helaman re-
ported that all the Nephite cities
which had been taken by the La-
manites in that part of the land
were in the Nephites' possession
once more, bnt he did not have
sufficient strength to maintain them
against a new invasion of the La-
manites. In the letter, Helaman
asked Moroni if all the reinforce-
ments had had to be sent to Moroni.
If that was not the case, then Hela-
man said, he feared that there must
be factions in the government which
denied him assistance.
Helaman finished his letter in the
latter part of the twenty-ninth year.
The Lamanites had fled back to the
land of Nephi. Before closing his
letter to Moroni, Helaman again
spoke of his two thousand sixty
And those sons of the people of Ammon,
of whom I have so highly spoken, are
with me in the city of Manti; and the
Lord has supported them, yea, and kept
them from falling by the sword, insomuch
that even one soul has not been slain.
But behold, they have received many
wounds; nevertheless they stand fast in
that liberty wherewith God has made
them free; and they are strict to remember
the Lord their God from day to day;
yea, they do observe to keep his statutes,
and his judgments, and his commandments
continually; and their faith is strong in
the prophecies concerning that which is
to come. And now, my beloved brother,
Moroni, may the Lord our God, who has
redeemed us and made us free, keep you
continually in his presence; yea, and may
he favor this people, even that ye may
have success in obtaining the possession
of all that which the Lamanites have taken
from us, which was for our support. And
now, behold, I close mine epistle. I am
Helaman, the son of Alma (Alma 58:
Questions for Discussion
1. How is the character of Moroni
shown by the words "... he would not
fall upon the Lamanites and destroy them
in their drunkenness"? (Alma 55:19).
2. Relate instances which reveal Hela-
man's great character both as a spiritual
leader and a military leader.
3. Show how the teachings of mothers
can train their children in righteousness
and instill faith in God.
viSiting cJeacher 1 1 Lessages
Book of Mormon Gems of Truth
Lesson 31: "For That Which Ye Do Send Out Shall Return Unto You Again,
and Be Restored . . /' (Alma 41:15).
Leone O. Jacobs
For Tuesday, April 5, 1955
Objective: To lend incentive to the performance of good deeds
T^HIS truism is as certain to be ful- the physical universe and applies
filled in each of our lives, as that, equally to God's children and their
in the usual course of things, the behavior here on earth. Many pas-
sun will rise and set. The law of sages of scripture verify this prin-
cause and effect is ever at work in ciple:
... for whatsoeNer a man soweth, that
shall he also reap ( Galatians 6:7).
Even as I have seen, they that plow
iniquity, and sow wickedness, reap the
same (Job 4:8).
Cast thy bread upon the waters: for
thou shalt find it after many days (Ec-
clesiastes 11:1).
There is a law, irrevocably decreed
in heaven before the foundations of this
world, upon which all blessings are
predicated — And when we obtain any
blessing from God, it is by obedience to
that law upon which it is predicated
(D. & C. 130:20-21).
The quotations using the sowing
of seeds and reaping the harvest are
particularly applicable, in that seeds
always yield their own kind. Seed
wheat always produces wheat, weeds
bring forth their kind, and it is
ineyitable, too, that good begets
good and evil brings forth evil.
Sometimes in this life we see
evil apparently go unpunished, but
we need not be concerned over this
seeming neglect of punishment. The
law of retribution is infallible, and
punishment will be meted out in
the Lord's own due time.
This same law of cause and effect
applies to matters other than re-
wards and punishment of good and
evil deeds. We cannot expect more
from life than we put into it.
''Smile and the world smiles with
you," is very true. For every good
thing there is a price required. ''If
you wish to have a friend," we are
advised, "be a friend."
Think of the people to whom
you are very much attracted. What
qualities do they possess that make
them attractive to you? In all prob-
ability they have cheerful disposi-
tions, are friendly, thoughtful of
others, and sincere. You may say,
"Oh, I wish I might be like her!"
You can, by making those same
qualities a part of your own person-
This principle of sending out that
which one would like returned in
kind, is especially applicable to the
home and members of the family.
Mothers and fathers definitely set
the atmosphere of the home by their
own conduct. If they radiate love,
patience, encouragement, and con-
sideration for each other, the chil-
dren will, through both example and
teaching, do the same. If, however,
parents quarrel, scold, and criticize,
there is a strong tendency for such
conduct to be echoed by the chil-
dren, resulting in discord through-
out the entire household:
Then give to the world the best you
have and the best will come back to you
(Masterpieces of Religion, "Life's Mir-
ror," Madeline Bridges, page 365).
By a whisper sow we blessings;
By a breath we scatter strife;
In our words and looks and actions
Lie the seeds of death and life.
(H}mns, "We Are Sowing," page 192).
sriie Cbiff,
ere nee
Jng Smith
The road was long and hard as stone;
Because of pride I walked alone.
That long road now too quicklv ends:
The reason's clear — I walk with friends.
M/ork 1 1 ieeting — Selection, Care, and Use of
Household Equipment
(A Course Recommended for Use by W^ards and Branches at Work Meeting)
Lesson 7— Vacuums
Khea H. Gardner
For Tuesday, April 12, 1955
vacuum cleaner represents a
large expenditure for most fami-
lies. It is an important piece of
home equipment, since it protects
the investment you have made in
carpets, rugs, furniture, and other
There are two main types of
cleaners, straight suction or tank
vacuums, and motor-driven brush or
upright vacuums. Uprights have a
brush that sweeps the dirt loose and
a sucking action which carries it up
into the bag. The tank and canister
type of vacuum operates on the
powerful suction principle. If there
are many stairs to be cleaned, this
kind will likely prove more conveni-
ent to use.
Before buying a vacuum keep the
following suggestions in mind:
1. Try out different kinds of cleaners in
your home. See which is easiest for you
to operate and which does your work best.
2. Check to see if the dirt may be dis-
posed of easily without the use of costly
features that add materially to the cost
of the vacuum.
3. Make sure there are guards to pre-
vent marring furniture.
4. See if the nozzle and handle on an
upright vacuum can be adjusted to dif-
ferent heights for convenient and effective
5. Look over the cleaning tools. A
well-designed assortment of cleaning tools
Page 58
when used regularly, will greatly lighten
such housccleaning chores as removing
dust from window hangings, furniture, pic-
tures, lamp shades, mattresses, bed springs,
and polished floors.
6, Check to see if service and replace-
ment parts can be readily available when
Several short cleaning periods are
kinder to your rug and much more
effective in removing carpet soil
than one longer cleaning period.
Rules to Remember in Caring for
Your Vacuum:
1. Before connecting the cord to the
wall outlet, make sure the switch on your
cleaner is turned to "off." Otherwise,
contact in the plug may be seriously dam-
aged. To disconnect, grasp the plug firm-
ly. Never tug on the cord.
2. Pick up pins and other metal objects
by hand. They may seriously damage
your cleaner.
3. Operate your cleaner slowly. The
slower the upright is operated, the faster
and more efficient will be the cleaning
job. Operate a tank type with twice as
many strokes as an upright. With either,
do not skimp on cleaning time.
4. For best results, operate your clean-
er in the direction of the pile of a rug,
not across the weave.
5. Always be sure the nozzle of an up-
right cleaner as at the correct height. The
bristles should touch the carpet pile. Oc-
casionally turn your vacuum over, place
a straight-edged object across the nozzle
opening. If the bristles are worn so they
do not touch and cannot be lowered, the
brush should be replaced. A brush that
is lower than necessary, soon wears out
and does less efficient cleaning than one
that is just the right height.
6. Start each cleaning with an empty
dust container. Dust bags are made large
to provide a large filtering area and not
to hold a great quantity of dirt. To oper-
ate a vacuum with a dust-filled bag is like
driving a car with the breaks on. Tank
cleaners have a smaller filtering area. This
makes the frequent emptying of them
especially important if the highest degree
of air flow is to be maintained.
7. Before you put your vacuum away,
empty the dirt container. See that the
brush bristles are free from hair, thread,
string, or lint. Occasionally turn cloth
bags inside out and give them a good
brushing after emptying them.
8. Wind the cord loosely around the
hooks provided for it. Avoid kinking,
twisting, and stretching. Alternate the
winding plan so any wear that might re-
sult from winding will be distributed over
several points.
9. Refer back to your instruction book
Thoughts for Discussion
1. It is extravagant to pay for unused
2. Do you use your vacuum attachments
as frequently as you would like to, or do
you need them more readily accessible or
in a more convenient place so you will use
them oftener?
3. If so, why not replace the box they
came in for a self-made convenient-to-use
holder. Then place it near the spot they
will be used most. When put to efficient
use, vacuum attachments can save you
time, energy, and money.
JLiterature — Literature of England
Lesson 47— "Adam Bede" by George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans)
Elder Brian t S. Jacobs
For Tuesday, April 19, 1955
Objective: To enjoy Adam Bede and gain a greater understanding of some uni-
versal human problems.
npHROUGHOUT time the best
gift any great artist has left his
fellowmen is himself. Or if we turn
this coin over, on the other side it
reads: ''No enduring work of art
has ever been conceived and exe-
cuted by a puny person." George
Eliot left six novels, some poems
and sketches, to vindicate both her
character as a person and her stature
as a novelist. Of her best-known
works Adam-Bede (1859), The Mill
on the Floss (i860), Silas Marner
(1861), and Middlemarch (1871),
Adam Bede through almost a cen-
tury has SDld twice as many copies
as any of her other works, and, for
us, it is the tool best-shaped to our
purpose of appreciating George Eliot
and her contribution to the English
Born in 1819 the youngest of five
children, Mary Ann spent the first
thirty-one years of her life in the
peace and security of the rural
countryside where she was born.
Her father was a carpenter, as his
fathers had been for generations, mained together until his death,
When, because of his honesty, in- twenty-four years later. Not only
dustry, and respect for his betters, did these two support Lewes' sons,
he was appointed overseer of an but the boys' mother also,
estate by a local nobleman, it was Thus it was Mary Ann Evans
Mary Ann who rode with him in adopted the pen name of George
his buckboard as he spent endless Eliot. She had already written a
hours driving about the countryside series of sketches for her magazine
meeting the commonfolk and mak- dealing with the happy years of her
ing financial arrangements with youth. These were so successful
them. Thus Mary Ann spent her that she wrote a novel; however, all
childhood absorbing the ways and her books were published under the
beliefs, the language and the per- name of George Eliot. Only Dick-
sonalities of her own kind. It was ens and a few other identified the
at firsthand that she acquired her author as a woman, and her secret
three life-long loves: love of nature was kept until after her novels had
and her beauties; love of common achieved an overwhelming popu-
humankind, despite their many larity with the English reading
shortcomings; and love of a high public.
moral code of belief. Q^^rge Eliot had strong, almost
Mary Ann was with her father masculine intellectual powers, and
constantly, nursing him for years loved ideas and the stimulation of
before his final illness in 1849, when discussion and spirited conversation,
she was thirty. It was not until after But she had a most feminine tem-
his death that she felt she had a perament, and the great need of
right to her own career, which ex- her life was for love and tender-
plained her long delay in leaving ness. Because so many other values
her country home for the intellec- of life were shut off to her, her in-
tual challenge of the city, in 1851. tellectual, artistic world was her
She came to London as assistant only world. Contrary to so many
editor of the Westminster Review, Victorian novels, her books were
one of the most prominent journals not written to entertain, but to give
of the English reform movement, life and body to her beliefs. In her
She soon fell in love with George books we find an intense moral
Henry Lewes, one of the prominent earnestness; in each plot the moral
contributors to the Westminster problem is a choice between good
Review, who had long been mar- and evil; and the moral values which
ried, and was the father of three she honors, are a great justification
sons. Separated from his wife for of the Christian ethics which were
several years, he was nevertheless the core of her life. Her "religion
unable to remarry, since at this ^f humanity," already familiar to us
time divorces in England could be .^ ^^^ ^.^^^ ^^ .^ ^.^^^.^^ .^^^
granted only by a special act ot , ^ . , \
Parliament memorable statement m her best-
Realizing the hopelessness of the ^"«^" ^ork, Adam Bede, which
situation, Mary Ann became George ^i^^ also been spoken of as "our
Lewes' common-law wife. They re- . supreme novel of pastoral life.''
A Perry Picture
(George Eliot)
The Tempo of Adam Bede
As we grow older, the delicious,
ruminating pastime of conversing
with lifetime friends about "the
good old days" becomes more and
more rewarding. Nothing really
"happens" during the first 150 pages
in this novel, so busy is George
Eliot doing just this. Her portrait
of young, strong Adam Bede obvi-
ously is based on her father. Dinah
Morris, the beautiful, sincere Meth-
odist preacher, contains elements of
both George Eliot and her aunt,
Mrs. Samuel Evans, who had spent
her life as a preacher. We can safely
conclude that the scene, texture,
movement, and at least some of the
main characters are autobiographi-
cal. And with what loving care
does she handle each character or
family group as she plucks them
out of her memory-bag and on her
page draws them into life.
But often, in life as in literature,
it is in those unspectacular, rou-
tine days of leisurely, serene con-
tentment when nothing "happens"
worthy of entry in a diary or news-
paper that the most sustaining es-
sences of the good life are to be
found. If we might accept this last
statement as her purpose in writ-
ing the warm, gentle, meandering in-
troduction, then we see how closely
the ponderous, yet delightful move-
ment of this first section matches
her idea. Gountry life is beautiful,
quiet, healthy, vigorous, and good.
So, then, are the characters who live
in the scenes she portrays.
While the book is named for
Adam Bede, while Mrs. Poyser is
the earthy, truth - speaking comic
character; and the central tragic
figure is Hetty and her betrayal into
child-murder, the heart of the story
lies within the community as a col-
lecti\e, mutually sustaining unit.
George Eliot takes us to dairies,
farms, birthdays, weddings, carpen-
ter shops, schoolrooms, and the
open fields so that we may see the
individual members of the whole-
ness that is Hayslope Village. Her
peaceful, contented pace is domi-
nant from the first page:
The afternoon sun was warm on the
fi\e workmen there, busy upon doors and
window-frame, and wainscoting. A scent
of pine-wood from a tent-like pile of
planks outside the open door mingled it-
self with the scent of the elder-bushes
uhich were spreading their summer snow
close to the open window opposite; the
slanting sunbeams shone through the
transparent shavings that flew before the
steady plane, and lit up the fine grain of
the oak panelling .... On a heap of those
soft shavings a rough, grey shepherd-dog
had made himself a pleasant bed, and was
lying with his nose between his fore-paws,
occasionally wrinkling his brows to cast
a glance at the tallest of the five work-
men ....
A panoramic view of the country-
side near Hayslope again details in
real, living tones the pastoral peace
of this ''pleasant land":
Migh up against the horizon were the
huge conical masses of hill, like giant
mounds intended to fortify this region of
corn and grass against the keen and
hungry winds of the north; not distant
enough to be clothed in purple mystery,
but with sombre greenish sides visibly
specked with sheep, whose motion was
only revealed by memory, not detected by
sight. ... It was that moment in sum-
mer when the sound of the scythe being
whetted makes us cast more lingering looks
at the flower-sprinkled tresses of the mead-
ows. . . . Now and then there was a new
arrival; perhaps a slouching labourer, who,
having eaten his supper, came out to look
at the unusual scene with a slow bovine
gaze, willing to hear what any one had
to say, but by no means excited enough
to ask a question.
She speaks of the sun as ''hidden
for a moment, and it shone out like
a recovered joy"; likewise shines
forth the sound of laughter as
Adam walks in the fields of an early
. . . and perhaps there is no time in a
summer's day more cheering, than when
the warmth of the sun is just beginning
to triumph over the freshness of the morn-
ing— when there is just the lingering hint
of early coolness to keep off langour under
the delicious influence of warmth.
Theory of Literature
From the time she first wrote,
and throughout the rest of the cen-
tury, George Eliot was one of the
most popular of Victorian noveh
ists. If there were some before her
time who opposed the novel as evil,
they were surely won over by Adam
Bede and similar moralizing works.
In chapter seventeen the author
stops the progress of her story to
tell her method and her goals. And,
in telling her story, the only thing
she fears is falseness; she wants to
tell things as they are: "Have I any
time to spend on things that never
existed?" she asks. No. She pledges
herself to tell the life of the country-
folk exactly as she knew it, without
"prettying it up"; how should the
truth be told about a husband:
. . . who has other irritating habits be-
sides that of not wiping his shoes? These
fellow-mortals, every one, must be ac-
cepted as they are: you can neither
straighten their noses, nor brighten their
wit, nor rectify their dispositions; and it
is these people — among whom your life
is passed — that it is needful you should
tolerate, pity, and love: it is these more
or less ugly, stupid, inconsistent people,
whose moments of goodness you should
be able to admire — for whom you should
cherish all possible hopes, all possible pa-
In painting life, she says, let us
search for beauty of form, but let
us also search for "that other beauty
too, which lies in . . . secret deep
human sympathy." We must be al-
lowed to paint Madonnas, but we
must not be prevented from finding
beauty in "those old women scrap-
ing carrots with their work - worn
hands." Beautiful heroes and hero-
ines are so very rare, and they must
not receive more than their share
of reverence.
It is more needful that I should have
a fibre of sympathy connecting me with
that vulgar citizen who weighs out my
sugar in a vilely-assorted cravat and waist-
coat, than with the handsome rascal in
red scarf and green feathers — more need-
ful that my heart should s\^•ell with lov-
ing admiration at some trait of gentle
goodness in the faulty people who sit at
tlie same hearth with me.
Or as Adam Bede says of religion,
''religion's something else besides
notions. It isn't notions sets people
doing the right thing— it's feelings."
And finally these right feelings to-
wards one's fellow man are ''a kind
of knowledge," the most precious
kind for George Eliot and her
world. For her, human nature is
lovable, and the common here-and-
now the hest anyone can dream of.
Plot of Adam Bede
Adam and his brother Seth are young,
industrious carpenters who live with Lisa-
beth, their loving but jealous mother, and
Thais, their father, formerly a workman
proud of his trade but now addicted to
drink. Seth loves Dinah Morris, the beau-
tiful niece of Mrs. Poyser, a kind, sharp-
tongued neighbor, but Dinah desires only
to minister to the needs of her fellow
Methodists through her preaching. Also
living with the Poysers is Hetty Sorrel,
beautiful, vain, and shallow. Adam's love
for her grows, but she is having a secret
affair with Captain Arthur Donnithorne,
handsome, dashing, and heir to the local
estate. Hetty tolerates Adam, but her
dream is to be Mrs. Donnithorne, and
Lady of the Manor.
When Adam accidentlly discovers Ar-
thur and Hetty kissing, he accuses Arthur
of dishonorable intentions, and forces him
to break off his relationship with Hetty,
since quality folk like Arthur never marry
commoners. Arthur leaves Hayslope, and
soon Adam is betrothed to Hetty, who at
first is indifferent, then terrified when she
discovers she is pregnant by Arthur. Only
a short time before their wedding day she
leaves the farm, pretending to visit Dinah
Morris, but actually she undertakes the
long trip to Arthur at Windsor. Desti-
tute and weary, Hetty arrives to find that
Arthur is in Ireland. Distraught, she sells
her precious earrings and plans to go to
Dinah, but her baby comes too soon.
Filled with shame, dread, and animal
fright, Hetty leaves her baby to die of
exposure, then plans suicide, but she has
not the courage, and is taken to court.
The Poysers, Adam, Re\erend Irwine,
her belo\ed minister, and Bartle Massey,
the local teacher, attend her trial. She
seems struck dumb, responding to noth-
ing until Dinah Morris arrives, prays with
her, and stays with her constantly until
finally she confesses her crime. When
Hetty is sentenced to hang, Adam is com-
pletely broken, but he can do nothing.
As Hetty travels in the cart to the hang-
ing, Arthur arrives with a last minute
Hetty goes to prison, Arthur goes to
the army, and the Hayslope folk return
home. Gradually Adam finds himself
drawn more and more to Dinah, and after
asking approval from his brother Seth,
who once loved her, he asks Dinah to
marry him. She admits her love, but re-
mains true to the ministry. She goes away,
but when Adam finally follows her, she
confesses her feeling that now it is the
will of God that they marry.
SigniEcance oi Adam Bede
George Eliot introduced a new
realism into the history of the Eng-
lish novel. Her delineation of the
virtues of the humdrum peasant
life is one of the most sympathetic
and detailed in English literature.
More important, she furthered the
technique of describing what goes
on within her character's mind and
heart, as well as narrating outward
events. Hetty's "Journey in Des-
pair" reveals with rare power the
inward workings of the female heart;
she knew the psychology of woman
as have few writers. She could also
portray her male characters con-
vincingly. Adam incarnates the vir-
tues which George Eliot most ad
mired: courage, industry, gentle-
ness, integrity, patience, love, and
strength. Mrs. Poyser's racy tongue
is memorable for such comments as
the following on being a wife:
I know that the men like — a poor soft,
as 'ud simper at 'em like the pictur o'
the sun, whether they did right or wrong,
an' say thank you for a kick, an' pretend
she didna know which end she stood
uppermost, till her husband told her.
That's what a man wants ina wife, mostly;
he wants to make sure o' one fool as
'ull tell him he's wise.
And on gossip:
I say as some folks' tongues are like the
clocks as run on strikin', not to tell you
the time o' the day, but because there's
sunmiat wrong i' their own insides.
And when, defying all common
sense, she tells the greedy Squire,
their boss:
We're not dumb creaturs to be abused
and made money on by them as ha' got
the lash i' their hands .... An' if I'm th'
only one as speaks my mind, there's plenty
o' the same way o' thinking i' this par-
ish ... for your name's no better than a
brimstone match in e\'erybody's nose ....
Sometimes, with the slowness of
her movement, her habit of asking
questions and then answering them,
long inserted editorials, and warping
her story to make justice triumph
and good be rewarded, George Eliot
taxes the modern reader. But her
deep love for humankind, her
description of rural life in patient,
exacting detail, and her belief in
the supremacy of high moral prin-
ciples make her works permanently
Questions on the Lesson
1. Why did Mary Ann Evans assume
a pen name?
2. What group of Englishmen are "her
3. How might the slow-moving begin-
ning of Adam Bede be justified?
4. George Eliot's novels were not writ-
ten merely to entertain; what, then, was
her purpose in writing as she did?
Q^octai Science — The Constitution
of the United States
(It is recommended that each Relief Society member read the text of the Constitution
relating to each lesson as printed before the lesson.)
Article XI
The Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any
suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by
Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of any Foreign State.
Article XII
The Electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for President
and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state
with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and
in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct
lists of all persons voted for as President and of all persons voted for as Vice-President,
and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and trans-
mit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the Presi-
dent of the Senate; —
The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of
Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted; —
The person having the greatest number of votes for President shall be the Presi-
dent, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and
if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not
exceeding three on the hst of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives
shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President the
votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a
quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the
states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House
of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall
devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-Presi-
dent shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability
of the President. The person haxing the greatest number of votes as Vice-President,
shall be the Vice-President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of
Electors appointed, and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest num-
bers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice-President; a quorum for the purpose
shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the
whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible
to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United
Article XIII
Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntar^• servitude, except as a punishment for
crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United
States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legisla-
Article XIV
Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the
jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they re-
side. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or im-
munities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life,
liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its juris-
diction the equal protection of the laws.
Section 2. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according
to their respecti\e numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, ex-
cluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice
of Electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, Representatives in
Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legisla-
ture thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one
years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for par-
ticipation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be re-
duced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the
whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.
Section 5. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of
President and Vice-President, or hold any oflfice, civil or military, under the United
States, or under any State, who, haxing previously taken an oath, as a member of Con-
gress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or
as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the
United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given
aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of
each House, remove such disability.
Section 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law,
including debts incurred for pa\'ment of pensions and bounties for services in suppress-
ing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor
any State shall assume or pav any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or
rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any
slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.
Section 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the
provisions of this article.
Article XV
Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or
abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous con-
dition of servitude.
Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate
Lesson 13— Amendments Eleven Through Fifteen
Elder Albert R. Bowen
Texts: Your Rugged Constitution, (Y. R. C), pp. 219-237; The Constitution of the
United States Its Sources and Application, (C. of U. S.), pp. 228-251
For Tuesday, April 26, 1955
Objective: To study the Amendments to the Constitution which were adopted fol-
lowing the Bill of Rights down through the Civil War to 1870.
A Limit on the Powei of Federal
Courts— Amendment Eleven (Y. R.
C, pp. 220-221; C. of U. S.J page
The Judicial power of the United States
shall not be construed to extend to any
suit in law or equity, commenced or prose-
cuted against one of the United States by
Citizens of another State, or by Citizens
or Subjects of any Foreign State.
TN 1793 the Supreme Court of the
United States, in a celebrated
case known as Chisholm vs. Georgia,
affirmed a judgment obtained by
Chisholm of South Carolina against
the State of Georgia in a Federal
Court. The case created a furor
among the states because it was re-
garded as an affront to the dignity
of a state that it should be sued by
a citizen of another state or of a
foreign state. This ruling by the
Supreme Court was perfectly con-
sistent with the Constitution before
the adoption of the Eleventh
Amendment. Within a matter of
days after the decision was an-
nounced, the Eleventh Amendment
to the Constitution was introduced
in Congress. It was finally ratified
in 1798 by the required number of
states and became part of the Con-
stitution on January 8, 1798. Now
a state may not be sued without its
consent by a citizen of another state
or of a foreign state in any United
States court.
Election of the President and Vice-
President— Amendment Twelve (Y.
R. C, pp. 222-225; C. of U. S., pp.
The language of the Twelfth
Amendment to the Constitution is
rather voluminous. Its provisions
have no substantial effect upon our
constitutional rights. Consequent-
ly it is not deemed of enough im-
portance to set forth the language
of this Amendment verbatim. It is
of interest, however, to note the
historical reason for its adoption.
The purpose of this Amendment
was simply to change the method
of voting in the Electoral College
for the office of President and Vice-
President. In the election of 1800
there was a tie vote in the Electoral
College in the contest between
Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr.
The election of the President was
therefore thrown into the House of
Representatives where Jefferson was
finally elected. Under the original
wording of the Constitution, Presi-
dential Electors voted for two per-
sons for the office of President and
Vice-President, with no designation
of their choice for either office, and
the person having the highest num-
ber of votes was declared to be Presi-
dent and the second highest candi-
date the Vice-President. The
growth of party politics and the
party system made imperative the
change which was effected by the
Twelfth Amendment. Under this
Amendment Presidential Electors
are required to designate the person
they are voting for as President and
Vice-President respectively. This
Amendment became a part of the
Constitution in 1804.
Abolition oi Shvery— Thirteenth
Amendment, (Y. R. C, pp. 226-
227; C. of U. S., pp. 232-235)
Section 1, Neither slavery nor involun-
tary sen'itiide, except as a punishment for
crime whereof the party shall have been
duly convicted, shall exist within the
United States, or any place subject to their
Section 2. Congress shall have power to
enforce this article by appropriate legis-
After the adoption of the Twelfth
Amendment in 1804, the Constitu-
tion of the United States remained
unchanged for sixty-one years.
The Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and
Fifteenth Amendments were all
adopted as a result of the great con-
troversy over slavery. These Amend-
ments are commonlv referred to as
the "Reconstruction Amendments."
It is of great importance to ob-
serve, as has been previously men-
tioned, that the first Ten Amend-
ments to the Constitution, which
we know and refer to as the Bill of
Rights, were direct limitations upon
the power of the National Govern-
ment over the lives and property of
the states and of individual citizens.
The Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and
Fifteenth Amendments, on the oth-
er hand, operate upon the power of
the states and limit their power over
the lives and property of individual
citizens and persons. While, in the
beginning, the power of a strong
central National Government was
distrusted and feared, the conviction
finally developed that unlimited
power in the states was likewise to
be feared.
The Thirteenth Amendment was
introduced in Congress in January
of 1865, just prior to the end of
the Civil War. It was ratified as
part of the Constitution the same
year. This Amendment abolished
slavery and involuntary servitude in
the United States except imprison-
ment for crime.
Before the adoption of the Thir-
teenth Amendment, Lincoln had
freed the slaves by the Emancipa-
tion Proclamation. The Emancipa-
tion Proclamation operated only in
the states engaged in Civil War
against the United States. Slavery
in the District of Columbia and in
the territories had also been abol-
ished. Congress had likewise passed
laws freeing slaves serving in the
Union cause. None of these en-
actments, laws, and declarations,
abolished slavery. It was deemed
necessary, therefore, to adopt an
Amendment to the Constitution
which would accomplish that result.
The provisions of the Thirteenth
Amendment relating to involuntary
servitude deserve brief comment.
This provision was designed to strike
down any laws providing for im-
prisonment for debt, forced labor,
and peonage such as existed in some
of the South American countries.
Under this Amendment, the state
law providing that a person fined for
a misdemeanor (infringement of a
minor criminal law) could confess
judgment and agree to work out
the fine imposed, was held to be
unconstitutional and in violation of
the Thirteenth Amendment. Still
another law was held unconstitu-
tional under this Amendment which
provided that a contract could be
made providing for the right to im-
prison a worker or keep him under
guard until the service which he
agreed to perform had been com-
The Supreme Court has ruled
that this Amendment operates only
upon the states and not upon indi-
viduals. Consequently, acts of Con-
gress designed to prevent individuals
from discriminating against negroes
in such matters as hotel, restaurant,
and railroad accommodations, have
been held unconstitutional.
Pnvileges of Citizens — Fourteenth
Amendment, (Y. R. C. pp. 228-235;
C. of U. S., pp. 235-250.)
Section 1. All persons born or natural-
ized in the United States, and subject to
the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of
the United States and of the State where-
in they reside. No State shall make or
enforce any law which shall abridge the
privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States; nor shall any State deprive
any person of hfe, liberty, or property,
without due process of law; nor deny to
any person within its jurisdiction the
equal protection of the laws.
The Fourteenth Amendment to
the Constitution became a part of
that great document on July 21,
1868. It was introduced in Congress
June 16, 1866. It was found that the
provisions of the Thirteenth Amend-
ment freeing the slaves were insuf-
ficient to safeguard the rights of the
negro. The purpose of the Four-
teenth Amendment was to make
him a citizen.
This great Amendment, which
has been the subject of literally hun-
dreds of interpretative decisions
by the Supreme Court of the United
States, consists of five sections. Only
one of them is set out in this lesson.
Section One defines citizenship un-
der the Constitution and laws of
the United States and prohibits the
states from abridging or denying any
of the rights belonging to such
citizenship. It makes all citizens of
the United States also citizens of
the state of their residence.
After the passage of the Thir-
teenth Amendment laws were
passed which denied to negroes sub-
stantial rights of citizenship. For ex-
ample, some of those laws forbade
his ownership of land. Others set
him apart and segregated him from
the white population except in the
form of a menial servant, and others
sought to chain him to the land
and made him incompetent to
testify as a witness in court in a
case in which a white person was
a party. These and all other similar
discriminations were struck down
by section one of the Fourteenth
Before the adoption of this
Amendment, citizenship in the
United States was derived from
citizenship in some state. The
Fourteenth Amendment reversed
this theory or rule of citizenship
and made state citizenship deriva-
tive from citizenship in the United
The Fourteenth Amendment was
designed primarily for the benefit
of the negro, but its protection ex-
tends to all persons born in the
United States or naturalized under
its laws, and makes them citizens.
It has been pointed out how the
Fifth Amendment forbids the Na-
tional Government from depriving
persons of life, liberty, or property
without due process of law. The
Fourteenth Amendment restrains
the states from doing the same
thing. The provisions of the final
clause of section one prohibit the
states from denying equal protec-
tion of the laws to any person with-
in their jurisdiction. This simply
means that no hostile or discrimin-
ating legislation of a state directed
against individuals, singled out for
its application, may be enacted or
Section two of the Fourteenth
Amendment need receive onlv brief
mention and its text is not set out
in full. In substance, section two
provides a punishment for a state
which prevents or refuses to allow
any qualified citizen of the United
States to vote in an election. It does
not prevent the enactment by a
state of laws defining qualifications
for voting which have equal appli-
cation to all citizens of the United
States. Thus, for example, a law
requiring that a voter be able to
read and write is not unconstitu-
Section two also empowers Con-
gress to reduce the basis of repre-
sentation in Congress of any state
which denies voting privileges to
citizens entitled to vote. This pow-
er, it may be added, has never been
exercised by Congress.
Section three of the Amendment
disqualifies from office under the
National Government all persons
who had been engaged in the Civil
War on the side of the Confeder-
acy. Inasmuch as the disabilities of
the section have long since ceased
to have any force or effect, its only
interest to us now is purely histori-
cal. In i8g8 the last vestiges of
this disability were removed by
Section four of the Amendment
recognized the validity of the public
debt of the United States, but ex-
pressly repudiated all debts and
obligations incurred in aid of re-
bellion or insurrection against the
United States. This section was
obviously aimed at the public debt
and obligations of the Confederacy
and made them void. On the other
hand, section four made the states
of the Southern Confederacy pro-
portionately liable for all of the in-
debtedness incurred by the United
States in prosecuting the war against
the Confederacy. As a result of
section four of the Fourteenth
Amendment, the public debt of the
Confederacy was declared void. It
amounted to at least two billion
dollars. Furthermore, it expressly
prohibited the United States or any
state from paying for the emanci-
pation of any slave. This resulted
in a property loss of another two
billion dollars to the former slave
Section five empowers Congress
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to enforce the provisions of the
Fourteenth Amendment by appro-
priate legislation.
Fianchisement of Citizens oi AJJ
Races — Fiiteenth Amendment,
(Y. R. C, pp. 236-237; C. of U. S.,
pp. 250-251)
Section i. The right of citizens of the
United States to vote shall not be denied
or abridged by the United States or by
any State on account of race, color, or
previous condition of servitude.
Section 2. The Congress shall have pow-
er to enforce this article by appropriate
The Fifteenth Amendment was
adopted March 30, 1870. It formed
the final capstone to freeing the
slaves. The Thirteenth Amendment
freed the slave. The Fourteenth
made him a citizen. The Fifteenth
Amendment made him a voter.
These three Amendments com-
pleted the restraints placed upon
the states to prevent arbitrary and
discriminatory exercise of power
over citizens and persons as the
first Ten Amendments had placed
similar restraints upon the national
Questions on the Lesson
1. How does the Eleventh Amendment
limit the judicial power of the United
2. What changes were effected in the
selection of the President and Vice-Presi-
dent by the Twelfth Amendment?
3. By what name are the Thirteenth,
Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments
commonly known?
4. What were these Amendments de-
signed to accomplish?
5. What was the specific purpose of the
Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth
6. May any state deny citizenship to a
citizen of the United States? Explain.
7. Is the protection of the Fourteenth
Amendment limited to negroes?
(cJn 1 1 ieasunng
Mabel Jones Gabhott
When I was one and five,
I stood up straight and tall,
While mother marked my height
In inches on the wall.
Now I am one and five
Times many more; it's true
My reaching up was stopped
At inches: sixty-two.
How shall I note my growth
As future years unroll —
In breadth and span of mind
And depth of heart and soul?
/Lew L/ears LP r a tier
Yesta N. Lu kei
Upon the New Year's shining scroll.
Beloved, now, let me enroll
Our names, our need for special care,
And, with humility, my prayer
To God that he protect and bless
Our pure bright love with happiness;
And guide us with his wisdom, clear
And understanding, through this year.
Enjoy a wonderful vacation in
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An L.D.S. Temple Session
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Ujack QJence I ieighbors
Christie Lund Coles
Gossips, some call them,
The women who choose
To pause by the fence
When they've hung their clothes.
Yet, neighbors are neighbors,
And sometimes, much more;
And a woman needs one
Not too far from her door,
To tell her the news
Of children and church.
To give recipes,
To aid in the search
Of small child or dog
Strayed from the place.
A true neighbor-friend
Wears heaven's own grace.
It^s awaiting
You . . .
I In, 3 there is still a tremendous amount
of outstanding instruction and use await-
ing you in this and other copies of the
Relief Society Magazine. Your editioris
may be handsomely bound at the West's
finest bindery and printing plant for $2.50
cloth bound and $3.50 leather bound per
volume plus postage for mail orders. Fol-
low these postage rates if you send your
order by mail:
Distance from
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Up to 150 miles 35
150 to 300 miles 39
300 to 600 miles 45
600 to 1000 miles 54
1000 to 1400 miles 64
1400 to 1800 miles 76
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Leave them at our conveniently loca-
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Page 71
[fiiaytune S/s ©
Ivy Houtz WooUey
Where are the children of yesterday?
The place is here where they used to play;
Its ground, packed down by romping feet,
Is parched and baked with summer's heat.
It has not fallowed by snows or rain,
But seems to hope they will come again.
The weeds grow rank near the outer edge,
And bushes which grew to be a hedge
Have thirsted and died. The brook is still,
Its shallow bed is a sandy fill.
The proud pole, flagless, seems to say,
**Come, run Old Glory up today."
There are artless carvings on the wall
Which show the carvers were not tall,
But only children, who tried to see
How nice the names they bore could be.
A white pearl button, one of brass,
Are stitched to earth by glades of grass.
An unsewed baseball, with cover spread
Like a shriveled bat, a long time dead.
Two glassies pressed down in the clay
Have been forgotten many a day.
The big one brown, the small one blue;
The brown one was a taw when new.
Splintered pencils strew the ground;
The red rim of a slate
Hangs on the only picket left
Which used to be a gate.
Some well-frayed ropes swing from old limbs
Of trees now dry and dead,
A swingboard dangles forth and back;
No shade is overhead.
The bent wheel of a broken cart
Encircles a small mound;
A toy spade stands at one end,
Suggesting sacred ground.
Where are the feet of yesterday?
Did many of them go astray?
Or did they climb the golden stair
Where fame and fortune waited there?
Did bogs beset them while they pressed
Along life's path? Or did they rest
At pearly gates, where angels meet
When heaven welcomes little feet?
Where are the children of yesterday?
Their playgrounds call them back to play!
In 1955
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Back in 1905, the year Beneficial Life
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VOL 42 "'NO.- 2^^''^^^-^^ife^--t^ssons for May
[Poet s lliother
Maiyhale Woolsey
Through all my years I marveled at the earth's unending wonders —
The spring's green revelations, the resplendent lures of fall;
A mountain's crown of snow, the vast mysterious sweep of ocean,
A twilight's calm serenity, blue and heaven-tall.
I could hear the winds and trees exchange their secret whispers.
Watch the stars flash messages across the arcs of night-
Cosmic signal-fires to which my heart responded, leaping;
But never mine were words that could transcribe their singing light.
Terrible, the yearning for songs denied the lips-
Like diamonds just beyond the reach of straining fingertips!
Terrible, when raptured heart and mind, inadequate,
Are doomed to aching silence . . . inarticulate!
. . . But I have borne a child for whom the wild white winds sing clearly.
For whom the lore of ages is revealed in simple code;
Whose pen can trace the sun- sparked crystal pattern of the morning.
Or deftly limn dark treasure from a midnight's ebon lode.
My child runs tiptoe on the heights where I would grope and tremble;
Knows cool, green-curving, fluid trails to ocean's coral caves;
Speaks languages of storms and deserts, kings and peasant shepherds.
Shares dreams of princesses, and feels the chains of ancient slaves.
All those elusive messages that teased my straining ear,
My child translates to lilting lines for all the world to hear;
My heart's old painful longings are eased as I rejoice
To recognize the urgent words— in my child's lifted voice.
The Cover: "Pattern of Birds and Waves," at Castle Rock Beach, California
Photograph by Ward Linton
Frontispiece: "Desert Fingers" (Ocotillo — Foquiera splendens) Southern California
Photograph by Josef Muench
CJrom I i
ear an
a df^c
Just a word of appreciation this morn-
ing for The Relief Society Magazine which
comes to us each month with its wonder-
ful message, here in the Banning Branch
in sunny Cahfornia. We are thankful for
the Magazine. Its precious contents are a
blessing to women. The courses in the-
ology, literature, and social science are in-
I spiring adventures in the fields of spirit-
uality, literature, and government, and
help fill in the gaps in the early teaching
and training of many a life. These courses
in these studies are equal to college cours-
es. The stories in the Magazine are beau-
tiful, inspirational, and restful when the
mind is weary. The poetry is delightful,
too. We welcome and enjoy this good
— Romania B. Benson
Beaumont, California
Thank you for The Relief Society Maga-
zine. I wait more or less patiently from
month to month, and when it comes I
put everything else aside until I have read
it from cover to cover, I have been ''ex-
posed" to this wonderful Magazine all of
my life. My mother took it all her mar-
ried life. I can remember as I grew older
and loved to read I would go down our
old cellar and get all of mother's old
Relief Society Magazines and spend many
a happy hour reading them. Now I read
with great interest the Woman's Sphere
page by Ramona W. Cannon, and espe-
cially the birthday congratulations.
— Mrs. Agnes Young
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Congratulations to President J. Reuben
Clark, Jr. for the happy laugh he gave us
in the December number of our Magazine
(page 811). When we look at the happi-
ness on his face we cannot help but feel
that all is well .... President Budge's
eldest daughter, eighty-five years old, and
I look at this picture in the morning and
it gives us an uplift. Also, the smiles of
President McKay and President Richards
are very sweet and helpful to us all. Each
Magazine seems the very best.
— Lettie B. H. Rich
Logan, Utah
I received my first two copies of The
Relief Society Magazine three days ago as
a gift from my mother. These Magazines
were very welcome, as they are the only
contact I have had with the Church for
some time. There are two branches here
on the island, but neither is close enough
for us to attend regularly, I especially
enjoy the religious fiction, as interesting,
moral fiction is hard to come by on an
army post,
— Joyce Nelson
Camp Lasey, Puerto Rico
I have had The Relief Society Magazine
by a California cousin as a Christmas gift
for several years. Although I am a non-
member of the Church, I would not want
to be without this fine publication. My
mother used to read it before she died,
and called it a ''pick-up" magazine, be-
cause the articles were short and could be
finished before she had to go on to other
— Frances Strong Helman
Indiana, Pennsylvania
I read several times the stories, lessons,
and poems, and since I especially enjoy
cooking and homemaking, I refer again
and again to the recipe sections and handi-
craft articles. I find the Magazine perfect
in both size and content. It can be held
easily in one hand, and the articles can
usually be read at one sitting. I keep the
back issues close by in the bookcase, so
that I can reread them, and often I find
an article or poem that seems to carry
just the message I need when I am tired
or blue. The Magazine is an inspiration
and a guide to the young mothers of the
— Mrs. Janell Arrington
Twin Falls, Idaho
Each new issue of the Magazine brings
me added wealth of knowledge as well
as spiritual uplift. I enjoy each lesson and
feel that I am greatly benefited by the
courses of study as outlined and pre-
— LeNore J. Parker
Layton, Utah
Page 74
Monthly Publication of the Relief Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Belle S. Spafford ------ President
Marianne C. Sharp _ . _ _ _ First Counselor
Velma N. Simonsen - - - _ _ Second Counselor
Margaret C. Pickering ----- Secretary-Treasurer
Mary G. Judd Evon W. Peterson Christine H. Robinson Charlotte A. Larsen
Anna B. Hart Leone O. Jacobs Alberta H. Christensen Edith P. Backman
Edith S. Elliott Louise W. Madsen Mildred B. Eyring Winniefred S.
Florence J. Madsen Aleine M. Young Helen W. Anderson Manwaring
Leone G. Layton Josie B. Bay Gladys S. Boyer Elna P. Haymond
Blanche B. Stoddard
Editor ----------- Marianne C. Sharp
Associate Editor --------- Vesta P. Crawford
General Manager --------- Belle S. Spafford
Vol. 42 FEBRUARY 1955 No. 2
on tents
Relief Society and the General Church Welfare Program Henry D. Moyle 76
Mama's Plants Klea Evans Worsley 144
A Home for Holly— Second Prize Story Mabel S. Harmer 83
Green Willows — Chapter 1 Deone R. Sutherland 91
A Shadowy Form Passed the Window Rose A. Openshaw 101
Contentment Is a Lovely Thing— Chapter 5 (Conclusion) Dorothy S. Romney 110
From Near and Far - 74
Sixty Years Ago 96
Woman's Sphere - Ramona W. Cannon 97
Editorial: Take Time to Safeguard Children Marianne C. Sharp 98
Birthday Greetings to Former President Amy Brown Lyman 100
Notes From the Field: Relief Society Activities Margaret C. Pickering 116
Block and Applique Quilts Velma MacKay Paul 105
Amelia EHzabeth H. Jackson Pieces Quilts and Makes Lampshades 109
Theology: Peace Comes to the Nephites Through Righteousness Leland H. Monson 123
Visiting Teacher Messages: "... My Soul Standeth Fast in That Liberty in the Which
God Hath Made Us Free" Leone O. Jacobs 123
Work Meeting: Utensils for Surface Cookery Rhea H. Gardner 129
Literature: Matthew Arnold Briant S. Jacobs 131
Social Science: The Constitution of the United States,
Amendments Sixteen Through Twenty-Two Albert R. Bowen 138
Poet's Mother — Frontispiece Maryhale Woolsey 73
Valentines for Mother Bernice T. Clayton 89
Mountain Peak Eva Willes Wangsgaard 90
River of Moses Olive Carman 100
Early Risers Pansye H. Powell 104
February Moon Ethel Jacobson 108
The Unanswerable Lael W. Hill 108
Abraham Lincoln Mabel Jones Gabbott 122
Antidote Catherine E. Berry 143
Winter Afternoon Christie Lund Coles 143
Editorial and Business Offices: 40 North Main, Salt Lake City 1, Utah, Phone 4-2511; Sub-
scriptions 246; Editorial Dept. 245. Subscription Price: $1.50 a year; foreign, $2.00 a year;
payable in advance. Single copy, 15c. The Magazine is not sent after subscription expires. No
back numbers can be supplied. Renew promptly so that no copies will be missed. Report change
of address at once, giving old and new address.
Entered as second-class matter February 18, 1914, at the Post Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, under
the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in
section 1103, Act of October 8, 1917, authorized June 29, 1918. Manuscripts will not be returned
unless return postage is enclosed. Rejected manuscripts will be retained for six months only.
The Magazine is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts.
Relief Society and the General
Church Welfare Program
Elder Henry D. Moyle
Of the Council of the Twelve
(Address Delivered at the Annual General Relief Soeiety Conference,
September 29, 1954)
And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn
that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God
(Mosiah 2:17).
Security Plan will help us immeasurably to
fulfill this law. The plan has wrought a
great work. It is a work that must be
done if we are to be what we are pretend-
ing to be — brothers and sisters in the Gos-
It is my testimony to you that President
Grant was inspired to begin this work and
this plan, and it stands on an equality
with the Relief Society, the Primary, the
Sunday School and the M.I.A. And fur-
thermore, just as these organizations have
grown and developed with the experience
and needs of the people, and so are not
what they were at the beginning, so will
this plan grow and develop, and if the
time comes when we do not need it, we
will not use it, but until that time comes,
this will be a permanent thing.
WE start out with the premise
that welfare work is service
to our fellow men. It is
the means by which we can fulfill
in a large measure the second great
commandment which in importance
is like unto the first. By satisfying
our obligation to others, we aid in
bringing to pass one of the great
purposes of the gospel restored in
these latter days.
Elder James L. Barker wrote the
following passage in his Priesthood
manual for this present year:
The gospel had been so contaminated
that religion was coming to be not the
"doing of the will," but what can I get
for myself with the least effort. Salvation
for many was not eternal progression and
service to one's neighbor, but escaping the
fires of hell, by means of the rites of the
Church. The idea. What can I do to
help in the work of the Lord, seems to
have been largely lost, crowded out by
the thought. Can I continue in my more
or less sinful life unchanged and then, by
reason of a baptism postponed as long as
possible, die with all sins forgiven? (Bark-
er, James L.: The Divine Church, volume
3> page 7)-
The First Presidency, in com-
menting on the future of the Wel-
fare Plan, said:
God's law has always been "Thou shalt
love thy neighbor as thyself." The Church
Page 76
This world is moving into a new era.
I know of no responsible authority who
challenges the forecast that within the
next few years we shall, in the normal
course, suffer a depression far more serious,
affecting intimately far greater numbers of
people, than the one we are now finish-
ing (Stewart, Walker, and McGavin,
Priesthood and Church Welfare, page
Nor was this doctrine new in the
Church in 1936 when the First
Presidency announced the plan
which we now call the Church Wel-
fare. In line with this plan, Presi-
dent Joseph F. Smith said:
It has always been a cardinal teaching
with the Latter-day Saints that a religion
that has not the power to save people
temporally and make them prosperous and
happy here cannot be depended upon to
save them spiritually and to exalt them in
the life to come (Bowen, Albert E., The
Chuich Welfare Phn, page 36).
In the words of President Brig-
ham Young:
I have Zion in my view constantly. We
are not going to wait for angels, or for
Enoch and his company to come and build
up Zion, but we are going to build it. We
will raise our wheat, build our houses,
fence our farms, plant our vineyards and
orchards, and produce everything that will
make our bodies comfortable and happy,
and in this manner we intend to build
up Zion on the earth and purify it and
cleanse it from all pollutions. Let there
be an hallowed influence go from us over
all things over which we have any power;
over the soil we cultivate, over the houses
we build, and over everything we pos-
sess; and if we cease to hold fellowship with
that which is corrupt and establish the
Zion of God in our hearts, in our own
houses, in our cities, and throughout our
country, we shall ultimately overcome the
earth, for we are the lords of the earth;
and, instead of thorns and thistles, every
useful plant that is good for the food
of man and to beautify and adorn will
spring from its bosom (J. D. 9:284).
We never ought to be without three
or five years of provisions on hand (J. D.
TN the furtherance of the Welfare
Plan we have endeavored to
keep in sight the original assignment
given us by President Grant in April
of 1936.
Our primary purpose was to set up, in-
sofar as it might be possible, a svstem un-
der which the curse of idleness would be
done away with, the evils of the dole abol-
ished, and independence, industry, thrift
and self-respect be once more established
amongst our people. The aim of the
Church is to help the people to help them-
selves. Work is to be re-enthroned as the
ruling principle in the lives of our Church
membership (Bowen, Albert E.: The
Church Welfare Plan, page 42; see also
Welfare Plan Handbook of Instructions,
page 1).
Is there a passage of scripture any-
where of greater importance to us?
It is wonderful to contemplate
that we thus received the mind and
the will of the Lord, direct through
his prophet to his people, to direct
them in the course in which they
should walk to fulfill their purposes
on earth and set upon a hill, as it
were, an ensign pointing the way
for all mankind. No wonder the
Los Angeles Times wrote at that
Apparently they are not trying to fright-
en anybody, but the Mormons are getting
ready for the next depression. As a unit
they are preparing storehouses filled with
food and clothing to "take care of their
Their leaders say that they have no
idea when the next era of bad times will
strike, but that it will come. This is not
the view of alarmists. It is a sensible pre-
caution against the hazards of the future.
The idea is old, that of laying up for
lean years in times of plenty. But ordinary
people and ordinary nations do not act
upon the obvious common sense of such
a program. They live from hand to
mouth, with no practical preparation for
the perils ahead.
This country at the moment has every
outward indication of prosperity. Yet,
instead of laying up any substance, it is
plunging headlong into deeper debt and
assuming profligate obligations. It seem-
ingly has learned nothing from the past.
The Mormons have been noted for
their canniness and ability to presage the
trend of the times. Like the busy ant,
they can be watched profitably. Their
example will bear following (Priesthood
and Church Welfare, page 296).
Articles of similar import have ap-
peared in newspapers and period-
icals since that time. The end is not
yet, the prophetic utterances of the
Presidency are fulfilled only in part.
Much more is yet to come.
addressing a special meeting of
stake presidencies, October 2, 1936,
I do not know of any activity with
which we have been associated which
promises more fruitful results in temporal
and spiritual achievement than this
Church Security Program .... It is go-
ing to stand out in Church history as sig-
nificant .... Brethren, I congratulate you
with all my heart. You are not doing it
for yourselves, but for others and for the
Lord, by providing, and contributing to
the progress and success of the Church.
To the General Conference next
day, he said:
Throughout this Conference frequent
reference has been made, and approp-
riately so, to the plan inaugurated by the
General Authorities of the Church for the
relief of those who are unemployed. It is
at present one of our greatest, and one of
the most" important concerns of the
Church. During the few minutes allotted
to me I desire to call attention to the
spiritual value of this important and far-
reaching undertaking.
In the 29th Section of the Doctrine and
Covenants, we are told that ". . . all things
unto me are spiritual, and not at any time
have I given unto you a law which was
temporal; neither any man, nor the chil-
dren of men; neither Adam, your father,
whom I created.
"Behold, I gave unto him that he should
be an agent unto himself; and I gave un-
to him commandment, but no tempoial
commandment gave I unto him, for my
commandments are spiritual; they are not
natural nor temporal, neither carnal nor
sensual" (D. & C. 29:34-35).
The development of our spiritual na-
ture should concern us most. Spirituality
is the highest acquisition of the soul, the
divine in man; "the supreme, crowning gift
that makes him king of all created things."
It is the consciousness of victory over self
and of communion with the infinite. It
is spirituality alone which really gives one
of the best in life.
It is something to supply clothing to
the scantily clad, to furnish ample food to
those whose table is thinly spread, to give
activity to those who are fighting des-
perately the despair that comes from en-
forced idleness, but after all is said and
done, the greatest blessings that will ac-
crue from the Church Security Plan are
spiritual. Outwardly, every act seems to
be directed toward the physical: re-making
of dresses and suits of clothes, canning
fruits and vegetables, storing foodstuffs,
choosing of fertile fields for settlement —
all seem strictly temporal, but permeating
all these acts, inspiring and sanctifying
them, is the element of spirituality (Bow-
en, Albert E.: The Church Welfare PJan,
page 43-44).
From my own viewpoint, and
that deep down in my heart, I am
everlastingly grateful to my Heaven-
ly Father for the opportunity I have
had to participate in this great work.
It will not be too long until some
of us can celebrate our twentieth
anniversary in this work. Each suc-
ceeding year has added joy and satis-
faction to that of the past. What a
wonderful heritage welfare workers
throughout the Church have stored
for themselves in heaven where
"neither moth nor rust doth corrupt,
and where thieves do not break
through nor steal" (Mt. 6:20). Not
the least of these treasures has been
the close association with men and
women whose lives have likewise
been dedicated to help others, and
especially to help others to help
I know what it is to assist in this
work in the ward and quorum and
stake and region as well as on the
General Committee. In fact, my
experience goes back ten years be-
fore the organization of the Gen-
eral Committee in 1936.
The Relief Society in our stake
had their own welfare project even
before my day. It still stands as a
monument to the love, devotion, and
unselfishness, and above all, the re-
sourcefulnses of our Relief Society
sisters. I speak of the Cottonwood
Stake Maternity Hospital in Mur-
ray where it was common to see our
sisters sewing, canning, washing, and
ironing and making possible the
service there rendered to those who
really were in need. The spirit of
brotherhood and sisterhood engen-
dered by the program has led us
to heights otherwise unattainable.
'The closer the connection in
a business point of view that a com-
munity hold themselves together,
the greater will be their joy and
wealth" (The Chuich Welfare
To work, to sacrifice, to give, to-
gether, for the blessings of others
make us truly brethren and sisters.
We learn each other's virtues and
do not emphasize the human frail-
ties that are inherent in us all. As
we work together on temporal proj-
ects we prepare ourselves for service
in the highest of spiritual attain-
ments. We receive strength to
serve God, obediently, and to set
the world an example worthy of
emulation, such as Sister Spafford
set the women of the world in their
great conference in Helsinki in Fin-
land, this summer, and elsewhere
throughout Europe where she trav-
eled representing the Relief Society
board, and in fact, the Church at
large. She, rather than I, should be
reporting to you the results of her
labors abroad, the manner in which
the spirit of Welfare work has fired
the imagination of our Saints in
Europe. I hope she tells you in
this conference, in particular, the
work of the Swiss saints in helping
their less fortunate brothers and sis-
ters in Austria. It has been a source
of great inspiration to have had the
general presidency of the Relief So-
ciety as advisors to our General Wel-
fare Committee all these many
years. Whatever the accomplish-
ments of our Welfare work may be,
we can truly say that the Relief So-
ciety made them possible in very
large measure.
I love the statements of the
Prophet Joseph Smith, familiar to
every Relief Society worker:
... to illustrate the object of the so-
ciety— That the society of sisters might
provoke the brethren to good works in
looking to the wants of the poor — search-
ing after objects of charity, and in ad-
ministering to their wants (Relief Society
Minutes, March 17, 1842; see also The
Relief Society Mngazine, vol. 2, January
1915, pp. 20-21; A Centenary of Relief
Society, pp. 14-17).
This is a charitable society, and accord-
ing to your natures; it is natural for fe-
males to have feelings of charity and
benevolence. You are now placed in a
situation in which you can act according
to those sympathies which God has plant-
ed in your bosoms.
If you hve up to these principles, how
great and glorious will be your reward in
the celestial kingdom! If you live up to
your privileges, the angels cannot be re-
strained from being your associates.
(D.H.C. vol. IV, page 605).
.... The society is not only to relieve
the poor but to save souls (Relief Society
Minutes, June 9, 1842).
npHIS brings me to consideration Our problem continues to be two-
of today's problems. Regardless fold. The first is to meet the im-
of our successes of the past, the re- mediate needs of families in distress,
suit of our past faithfulness, we have communities stricken with calamity;
not reached a point where we can individuals needing help; medical,
rest on our oars, as it were, and sail food, clothing, employment, etc.
along without continued effort. As Our annual allocation of products
in all great movements, the final test to be produced in our program for
is one of endurance. I am willing distribution is of prime importance,
to concede that to date we have We have in the past referred to it
fairly well met our responsibility, as the ''budget." It is a budget for
What successes we have had should distribution prepared upon the basis
serve to magnify within ourselves of need. At the same time it be-
wherein we have failed. Our constant comes the objective of the ward,
effort is to illuminate the imperfec- stake, and region, in their annual
tions one by one, and overcome and production program. The very foun-
eliminate them. From the outset dation of our work, because it is an
we have had to be patient and annual necessity, we seek to estab-
craved patience from all. One of lish ourselves in this respect on a
our problems which will always be permanent basis. Most stakes have
with us is inherent in our form of projects upon which this budget is
organization. We function through- produced. Those which do not, are
out the Church on a strictly volun- constantly urged to acquire projects,
teer basis. The inevitable result is It is our aim to eliminate the neces-
a relatively frequent turnover in our sity for annual cash contributions to
officers and workers. our program. If the leadership of
By wav of digression, I wish I had ^^^ program is followed, this can be
the necessary statistics to come to accomplished. This is definitely
an accurate conclusion. I believe, *^"^ ,^^^" P^^)^^l^ ^'^ °"^^ ^^-
however, you have less turnover in ^"^^^f maintained, and paid for,
the Relief Society than in any other ^"^ thereafter efficiently operated.
Church organization. If this be mTTT? j ^ i.j- • • r
4-^,,^ -4- •. c 4.1 £ T^Hb second 2;reat subdivision of
true, it IS a rurther reason tor your 1 , . ^ .
great stability. Even in the Relief °"'^ *.°* J^ '° |'^^, ^^F^ Pe™ja-
Society there is occasion to revert "£"*> lasting beneficial help to the
back to fundamentals and not take individual and the family and to
for granted, because some principle ^e community to make them self-
or practice is well understood by sustaming Except for the sick, the
you, that all other Relief Society '"^f^^' ^"^ the incapacitated, we
workers are in the same state of un- ^"^^^^^ best when we accomplish
derstanding. ^""^ ,^^^0"^ great ob,ective in the
° shortest time possible. We should
It is one of the difficulties under never be content to rely upon a
which the General Welfare Com- storehouse order for our relief when
mittee labors— to be ever alert to it is possible to find gainful employ-
the needs for instruction in the ment for our people. We have our
fundamental principles of our work, .projects — we perfect year by year
our means of producing our com-
modities for distribution; our ability
to survey the needs of our people.
Our distribution of the supplies
where needed improves each year,
and the cost decreases. This will
continue to be the case to the degree
to which we see to it that those who
receive help are used to produce the
same. May it soon be said of our
program that those who receive help
are the ones who produce v/hat they
receive, with the exception, of
course, of those who are incapaci-
We have a long way to go to ful-
fill our second mission. This is a
matter that could profitably be con-
sidered and discussed by every wel-
fare committee in the Church, at
each meeting. It is a matter that
should call for weekly consideration
from the Ward Welfare Committee
—the establishment of the family
on a sound, self-sustaining basis.
I must tell you of one recent step
forward. We are even now, as we
meet here, busy establishing a rag
rug industry. You should acquaint
yourselves with this project. Its op-
eration can be made almost Church-
wide. We will need rags. They
must be cut into strips and sewed
together—a work which the home-
bound can do. There seems to be
almost no limit to what can be ac-
complished to assist those who need
help to establish themselves on a
sound, self-sustaining basis. This,
I emphasize, is our prime objective.
By far the greatest opportunity we
have is to place our people in gain-
ful employment, in business, com-
merce, industry, and all other gain-
ful activities for which we can qual-
ify our people.
Such make-work activities as we
have in the Church, and we have
many, are for the benefit of those
receiving aid. They should not be
manned by others except in cases
of emergency or necessity. It is the
responsibility of you leaders in the
Relief Society, as you officiate in
your own wards and stake regional
welfare committees, to distribute
the work among those who need it,
to encourage them to accept the re-
sponsibility, so far as they are cap-
able, for their own sustenance.
Thus a twofold purpose is served.
First, we have a chance to work for
what we get, and second, we learn
how to work for ourselves, and thus
accomplish the second great objec-
■pROM the foregoing, the duties
of the respective welfare work-
ers are readily discernible. The Re-
lief Society president co-ordinates
the work of the Relief Society with
the work of the Ward Welfare Com-
mittee, under the direction of the
bishop. One counselor is a work
director, just as a bishop's counselor
officiates in a similar capacity. One
is an employment counselor for the
sisters, with her counterpart found
in the bishopric. Thus, the two
great branches of our work are car-
ried on under the inspired leader-
ship of the Ward Welfare Commit-
tee whose chairman is the bishop.
I commend the Welfare Plan
Handbook of Instiuctions to you
sisters to read and to study as to the
duties of the three officials heading
the ward Welfare Committee.
Relief Society President: Make home
visits. Analyze requirements of needy fami-
lies for report to bishop. Prepare bishops
orders for bishop's approval.
Relief Society EmpJoyment Counselor:
Collect and clear employment opportuni-
ties for women and girls of ward. Cooper-
ate with ward employment counselor in
securing employment for women and girls
of ward whose situations require them to
be bread winners.
Relief Society Work Director: Cooper-
ate with ward work director: (i) in pro-
viding work opportunities for female ward
welfarees; (2) in providing female work-
ers to fill ward work assignments. Assist
ward welfarees in producing own clothing.
Supervise clothing production for bishops
storehouses (Welfare Plan Handbook of
Instructions, Chart 3, page 10).
It is the duty of every ward bishop in
the Church, with the assistance of his
ward Relief Society president, to know the
individual needs of his ward members and
to understand the causes of that need. It
may arise from any one of a number of
unfavorable circumstances, such as in-
juries, infirmity, unemployment, lack of
education, poor management, or physical
or mental deficiency, (Welfare Plan Hand-
book of Instructions, pp. 55-56).
An intelligent study should be made of
the circumstances of every needy individ-
ual or family in the ward. This study
should be repeated as often as circum-
stances change. It may be made by the
bishop personally. In most cases, how-
ever, he will want to have it done by the
ward Relief Society president, who will
submit to the bishop her report and rec-
ommendation. Careful consideration
should be given to all known factors, both
in the administration of immediate aid
and in working out a long-range rehabilita-
tion program. The directions and forms
prepared and furnished by the Relief So-
ciety General Board under the title "Fam-
ilv Visits," if understandingly followed
will be very helpful and should be used in
making these family studies . . . (Welfare
Plan hhndhook of Instructions, page 56).
In so far as possible, bishops are to sup-
ply the needs of their people by issuing
itemized bishops orders on storehouse
stocks. It is recommended that ward Relief
Society presidents be called upon to pre-
pare such orders for the bishop's signature
(Welfare Plan Handbook of Instructions,
page 57).
T want to conclude with a further
statement made by President
David O. McKay at a Salt Lake
regional meeting held in Salt Lake
City, February 1937:
You are, as it were, in the front lines
and trenches tonight. The necessary ma-
terial is in your hands and I hope in your
minds and in your hearts, and you are
ready to go "over the top" to meet the
enemy. Perhaps you do not like this
connotation of war, but we are engaged
in a war — a war against idleness; a war
against depression, war against social
enmity. We are going to fight for the
establishing of brotherhood and of coop-
eration, two fundamental principles of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints (Stewart, Walker and McGavin,
Priesthood and Church Welfare, page
The President further said:
The Church Security Plan has not come
up as a mushroom over night. It is the
result of inspiration, and that inspiration
has come from the Lord .... Those who
have selfishness in their hearts would like
to see it fail, but it is not going to fail
(Bowen, Albert E.: The Church Welfare
Plan, page 3).
Our beloved Brother Bowen once
wrote: 'Tt is an immutable law of
life that mental or spiritual growth
comes only out of self-effort."
Brigham Young said:
The riches of a kingdom or nation do
not consist so much in the fulness of its
treasury as in the fertility of its soil and
the industry of its people {Discourses oi
Brigham Young, chapter 26, page 297).
Our Welfare Program, my be-
loved sisters, is built upon faith.
May the Lord continue to give us
the faith to carry on I pray humbly
in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Second [Prize Story
^/Lnnual uielief Society Snort Story (contest
A Home for Holly
Mabel S. Harmer
NINA had just finished adjust-
ing her hat when the door
chimes rang. ''Oh, no!" she
groaned. ''Not someone else!'' She
picked up her gloves and ran down-
stairs. Thank goodness, whoever it
was could see that she was all ready
to go out.
A small woman stood in the
doorway, plain of face and plain of
dress. Somehow or other Nina got
the impression that she was young-
er than she looked. "Good morn-
ing," she said nervously. "I have a
very fine line of lingerie."
"Fm so sorry," Nina interrupted.
"But Fm already late for a very im-
portant appointment. If you're in
the neighborhood some other time
Fll be glad to talk with you."
"Thank you," said the woman,
closing her half-open case. Before
she turned away she glanced into
the pretty living room and Nina
caught a fleeting look of hunger.
The woman left and Nina rushed
into the kitchen for the baby basket.
She put it on the floor of the car
and started for the Home. The day
had finally come! She was really
going to get a baby. It was all but
In spite of her elation she
couldn't get her mind off the wom-
an at the door. Or mavbe it was
because of that. If only everyone
else in all the world could be as
happy as she was! But no, that
wasn't possible. Hardly anyone else,
at this very moment, was driving to
get a lovely baby girl. A baby that
she had ached for almost every hour
of her ten years of married life.
She parked her car near the drive-
way and stepped out, so excited that
she was actually trembling. As she
walked along the path her eyes were
caught by a slight movement over-
head. She glanced up and saw a
girl of about ten perched in the
limb of a tree.
For a moment the child, caught
unawares, stared at Nina with the
same look of hunger she had seen
in the woman's eyes. But the in-
Page 83
stant she realized Nina was watch-
ing her the look changed to one of
insolence. She actually stuck out
her tongue.
Nina stopped short for a moment.
She wanted to say something. Just
what she didn't know. Then, before
she could find any words, the child
dropped from the tree and ran
swiftly around the corner of the
Nina walked more slowly now.
Some of the bright joy had gone out
of her day. She tried to put the
child out of her mind. Surely she
must have imagined that brief look
of hunger in the child's eyes be-
cause she had been thinking of the
woman canvasser.
Inside the front hall the secretary
said, "Oh, hello, Mrs. Warburton,
this is your day, isn't it?"
Yes, thought Nina, this was her
day. This was the wonderful day
when she would finally get Anne
to take home, to put in the pink
bassinette and to love and cuddle
all she liked.
She walked into the next room,
where Mrs. Maxwell, the matron of
the Home, was seated at her desk.
*'l do hope I'm not late," Nina
apologized. 'Tve had so many in-
"Not at all," smiled Mrs. Max-
well. "A few minutes one way or
another wouldn't matter. Sit down,
will you, and I'll send Miss Daniels
up to get her."
'M'INA was too impatient to sit.
She walked over to the window
and looked out in the yard where
two score boys and girls were play-
ing about. "Are all of these chil-
dren up for adoption?" she asked.
"Oh, no. Some are here because
their parents can't care for them—
broken homes, you know, and vari-
ous other reasons. Some of them
are available, of course, but there's
very little demand for the older
children. A woman feels that a
child is more her own if she has
her from the start. We do have
chances every once in a while to put
them into homes. But we have to
be very careful that a family really
wants to take care of a child and
not just get some cheap help with
the housework."
"There's a girl I'd like to ask you
about. There, that one in the blue
dress, swinging the little one. Is she
up for adoption?"
Mrs. Maxwell walked over to the
window. "That's Holly. Yes, she
has been ever since she was two.
She's a nice youngster— very helpful
with the younger children, but she's
such a plain little thing that no one
has ever wanted her."
"I might," said Nina impulsively.
"Would you care to let her go home
with me for a few weeks? It's just
a sudden notion on my part."
"Why, yes, we could let her go-
since there's no school right now.
Of course, you mustn't let Holly
get her hopes up that it might be a
permanent arrangement."
"I'll be careful," she promised.
"I'll send someone to call her in.
Perhaps you'd like to talk with her
for a few minutes. Then if you de-
cide you really want to take her
along she can pack her things while
we're getting the baby ready."
Nina was sorry for the girl as she
came into the room. One glance at
the visitor, and she was evidently
sure that she had been called in for
a reprimand.
' She tried at once to put the child
at ease with a pleasant smile. 'Tve
been talking with Mrs. Maxwell
about taking you home with me for
a little vacation. Would you like
to go?"
Holly said nothing. She simply
looked uncomfortable.
"Mrs. Warburton is taking Anne
home with her for adoption/' ex-
plained Mrs. Maxwell. ''Since you
are so fond of the baby, we thought
you might like to go along for a few
weeks and sort of help her get ac-
quainted in her new home."
Holly nodded. '1 guess it will be
all right/' she said.
''Run along and pack some
clothes, then/' said Mrs. Maxwell.
"Gretta will give you a box to put
them in."
"She doesn't seem to want to go/'
remarked Nina after Holly had left.
Mrs. Maxwell hesitated. "It may
be because she's suspicious. Remem-
ber she knows nothing of you. The
older girls find it hard to believe
that anyone could want them for
themselves alone. They've heard
too many stories of orphan girls be-
coming household drudges. It
would be especially true with a
plain child like Holly."
"Poor little things/' murmured
Nina. "I wish that I could take
them all."
A girl brought in the baby, and
she forgot everything else in all
the world as she took Anne in her
arms. "She's perfect! Absolutely
perfect. I still can't believe she's
really mine."
"I'm very happy for you, too/'
beamed Mrs. Maxwell. "And I think
the good luck isn't all on one side.
Anne is going to be a very fortunate
baby. We have a wide choice of
parents for our little ones, you
"I know." Nina glanced up as
Holly came into the room. She had
on a dress of some hideous shade
of green. In her arms she carried
a large cardboard box.
"All ready?" asked Nina brightly.
"Yes, Ma'am," was the unsmiling
They went out to the car. Nina
put the baby in the basket and said,
"You may keep an eye on her in
case I have to stop quickly."
"Yes, Ma'am."
Nina wished that the girl would
say something else for a change,
she was so uncompromising.
When they reached the house
Matt was standing on the front
steps. "I had to knock off early to
greet the family," he said, "and ren-
der some expert advice, in case you
need it." Then he caught sight of
the girl on the back seat.
"This is Holly," explained Nina
brightly. "She's come to visit us."
"Fine," grinned Matt cordially.
"Come right in."
Holly followed them into the
house and stood in the hallway until
Nina said, "Our guest room is the
first one to the right at the top of
the stairs. Will you find your way
The girl went up, and they saw
no more of her until dinner time.
"How come?" asked Matt, indi-
cating the guest room with a jerk of
the head.
"I can't explain it," confessed
Nina. "She looked so forlorn I
simply had to take her. I couldn't
bear to leave her there."
"But is that fair? Suppose she
gets to liking it here? It will be
much harder for her to leave."
''I know. I did it on impulse, and
I guess it wasn't a very wise one. I
could at least have slept on it. May-
be it was because I was so happy,
I couldn't bear to see anyone else
unhappy. Especially a child."
'7 List how unhappy did she
look?" asked Matt with a smile.
''She was near the gate when I
came in— up in a tree. She didn't
expect me to see her, but I hap-
pened to glance up. I can't explain
the look in her eyes, but I had to do
something about it. So I brought
her home."
''Well, she doesn't seem exactly
overjoyed to be here."
"No," agreed Nina, "but I think
it's because she's suspicious."
"Suspicious of what? Of you?
"Of me— of everyone. She can't
believe that anyone would want her
just for herself."
"That I can imagine," said Matt.
"I never saw such a homely little
"It's the clothes and the hairdo.
Partly, anyway. I could do a lot
with her."
"But you've just acquired a new
baby. Remember?"
"As if I could forget!" cried Nina.
"You watch her while I get dinner
on and make up her formula."
Trying to do the two jobs at
once proved more taxing than she
had supposed, and she was half an
hour late with dinner. She went to
the foot of the stairs, intending to
call, but on second thought went
up. When she opened the door to
the guest room she found Holly sit-
ting quietly on a chair. She had
changed from the green taffeta to a
gingham dress.
VriNA was vaguely disturbed to
see her sitting there so solemn-
ly, but she said brightly, "Dinner is
ready. We have some fresh hali-
but. I hope you like fish."
"Yes, Ma'am." It was Holly's
stock answer. Evidently her only
one to everything that was said.
She followed Nina downstairs and
stopped by the pink bassinet long
enough to pick up one of Anne's
tiny fists. Then she went in and
sat primly down at the table. When
they were through eating she jumped
up quickly and said, "I'll do the
Nina was about to refuse, but she
reasoned that Holly would be hap-
pier if she were busy, so she re-
plied, "Why, that will be a wonder-
ful lift. I'll have my hands full get-
ting the baby ready for bed." Then
she added with a smile, "Or do you
suppose we'll be walking the floor
all night? I've heard that's the
usual procedure with new babies."
"Not with babies from the
Home." said Holly a trifle grimly.
She washed the dishes and start-
ed towards the stairs again.
"Oh, it's early," protested Nina.
"Much too soon for bedtime.
Wouldn't you like to go in the liv-
ing room and watch the television?"
"No, thank you," replied Holly
and went on upstairs.
Nina finished the other chores
and dropped on the bed, worn out
from the emotional strain of the
day. "I wish Holly wouldn't be
like that," she remarked. "I should
think that any youngster would be
glad for a holiday, or a change of
some kind."
' "Maybe she likes the Home and
doesn't want a change of any kind,"
suggested Matt, weighing his shoe
carefully before he dropped it.
''No, she is starving for some-
thing. Something that I believe I
could give her, if she would only
let me."
''Isn't it possible that you only
imagined that hungry look?"
"Possible, yes, but I hardly think
so. It struck me too hard for that."
But later she wondered. Could she
be so absurd as to suppose that
everyone else was yearning for the
very things she had?
After breakfast the next morning,
Holly asked, "What would you like
me to do? Shall I start with the
"You may do the dishes if you
wish," Nina replied. "But I want
you to do whatever will be the most
fun. This is a holiday you know.
There are a couple of girls in the
neighborhood you might like for
"No, thank you. Fll help in the
She went ahead with the dishes
while Nina bathed the baby and did
the washing. As she was hanging
the clothes on the line she thought,
Fve got to buy that child some de-
cent clothes, and do something
about her hair.
T ATER in the day she dashed into
town and bought four gay cot-
ton dresses and a yellow linen for
"best" wear. Holly was evidently
pleased with them, but would put
one on only when expressly asked
to do so.
Each day Nina thought there
would surely be a change, that Holly
would relax and begin to enjoy her-
self, but after a week she still took
no part in the family conversation
and refused to go out and play.
Only with Anne was she her
natural self. It was clear that she
adored the baby.
Finally Matt said, 'Tm getting
sort of fed up having that glum kid
around. Why don't you admit
that you're getting nowhere and let
her go back?"
Nina's round chin took on a firm-
er line. "Because I don't want to,"
she said. "I want to help her. I
like her. I could love her, if she'd
only let me."
"It couldn't be that your stubborn
streak is showing, could it?" asked
Matt, tweaking her ear. "You
know how you hate to fail in any-
"It could be," she admitted. "And
I guess I can't make her like me, if
she doesn't want to. I'd really love
to keep her and adopt her along
with the baby."
"Why don't you tell her so, then?
Maybe that would make a differ-
"I don't dare. I had express or-
ders not to. Until the six weeks
probation time is up, anyway."
The next morning after Holly had
finished shelling some peas Nina
said impulsively, "You don't seem
to be having any fun here at all. Do
you want to go back to the Home?"
Holly sat taut for a moment.
There was a fleeting look of protest
on her face. Then she said in a
tight voice, "I'm ready to go back
any time you say."
If it hadn't been for the tightness
in her voice Nina would have re-
plied, "All right. We'll go now." In-
stead, she remarked with a smile,
"But I don't wish. I only want you
to have some fun."
She was canning peaches a few
days later and honestly glad for Hol-
ly's help. As she was lifting out
the last bottle from the hot water
kettle it broke and slashed her wrist.
From the way the blood was spurt-
ing she knew that she had cut an
At her sharp cry Holly jumped up
from the chair where she was peel-
ing peaches, seized a tea towel and
tore off a strip. Laying it over the
wound, where Nina was attempting
to hold back the flow of blood, Hol-
ly first put a peach stone on the
towel just over the cut, then wound
the ends back and made a knot
through which she slipped a pencil
from the memo pad.
She twisted it about until the
worst of the flow had stopped. Then
she cried, "You hold it. Fll call a
doctor." She ran to the phone and
called the first one in the book, a
doctor whom Nina knew only by
An hour later when all danger was
past, the doctor said to Holly, 'That
was a wonderful job you did. You
probably saved her life. How did
you learn to do it?"
''Oh, Fve had some first-aid les-
sons," replied Holly shyly. "Then
I saw a movie, too. I guess I didn't
think much. I just knew that some-
thing had to be done."
"You were thinking, all right,"
said the doctor. "You just thought
extra fast. It's amazing what the
human mind will do sometimes in
an emergency. Some folks go to
pieces and can't even use the knowl-
edge they have. Others, like this
child here, will do things they didn't
have the least notion they could."
Nina nodded. Now that the
crisis was past she was interested
only in dropping down on a bed.
OOLLY seemed glad to take over
the household duties. She flew
about doing nearly all of the work,
caring for Anne and cooking the
meals under Nina's direction, until
the wrist had healed again.
On the morning that the six
weeks' probation was up, Nina said
to Matt, "Fd like to keep Holly for
good. She seems happier and more
contented since the accident. Is it
all right with you?"
"Anything you want, darling, is
all right with me," he replied. "And
the child has certainly earned a
home here if she wants it."
After he had gone to the office
Nina said to Holly, "My dear, we'd
like to keep you for good and adopt
you along with Anne. Do you want
to stav?"
There was a momentary flash of
incredulous joy, then a long silence.
Finally Holly said, "No, thank you.
I'll go back to the Home."
Nina was amazed and bitterly
disappointed. "I'm terribly sorry,"
she said. "I had hoped that you
would learn to like it here. But you
must be the one to decide. Would
you like to go back today?"
"Yes, Ma'am. If you think you
can get along without me."
"As far as the work goes— yes. If
you want to pack I'll drive you back
in the car."
Half an hour later she went up-
stairs. Holly had on the green taf-
feta dress and the cardboard box on
the bed held only the old blue ging-
"But your new dresses!" ex-
claimed Nina. "Aren't you going
to take them?"
'If it's all right," answered Holly
awkwardly. She went to the closet
and took them down.
Nina was still puzzled. There was
a barrier that hadn't been broken.
How could she do it? There must
be a way. There was. It offered
only a slim chance but she would
have to take it. ''Holly," she said,
"how would it be if I took Anne
back to the Home and you stayed?"
Holly swung around. "The baby!"
she cried. "But you couldn't give
up the baby! You love her."
"I love her verv much indeed,"
agreed Nina. "But I love you just
as much. I don't want to give you
up either."
Tears rushed to Holly's eyes. "You
really want me that much?" she
cried brokenly.
"I really do. Why don't you want
to stay?"
"Oh, but I do! I thought you
were just willing to keep me because
I had saved your life."
"My dear! My own dear little
girl," whispered Nina, opening her
arms. She held Holly close for a
moment and then said, "Shall we go
downstairs? I'm sure that Anne
must be wondering what has hap-
pened to her mother and sister."
Mabe] Spande Harnier, Salt Lake City, Utah, has achieved recognition as
a writer of poetrv, fiction, articles, and biographies. A former president, and
many times an officer, of the Salt Lake Chapter of the League of Utah Writers,
she has also served as State president of the League. Her short stories and
her serials 'The Lotus Eater" (1937-38) and "For the Strength of the Hills"
(1951), are well-known to readers of ThQ Relief Society Magazine. Mrs.
Harmer's award for her story "A Home for Holly" marks her fifth appear-
ance as a prize winner in the Relief Society Short Story Contest.
Mrs. Harmer's latest book The Youngest Soldier, is a story of pioneer
days in Utah. At present she is at work on two juvenile biographies. "I divide
my time between housekeeping and writing," Mrs. Harmer tells us, "swinging
from one to the other with the greatest of ease. My husband is Earl W.
Harmer, and we ha\e five children. Three of them are married, and we have
six grandchildren, I have had seven books published, and for the past seven
years ha\'e written the children's story for The Deseret News. Recently I have
addressed writers' conferences in Utah, Idaho, and California. I have served
in all the women's auxiliary organizations of the Church and am currently
teaching literature in the Garden Park Ward Rehef Society."
Valentines for 1 1 Loth
Bernice T. Clayton
I've said I love you truly in a hundred different ways,
From sugar hearts \^•ith mottoes sweet in kindergarten days.
Through weird handmade creations made with love and lace and glue.
Plus penciled \\ords of poetry that told my love for you;
With stumbling, loving words and gifts I've struggled to reveal
The depth of the emotion and devotion that I feel,
So when you said you'd like a clock that you could see and hear
Its friendly, busy ticking sound, I bought you one, my dear,
A bossy, noisy little clock, my \alentine for you
To tell the time and mark each hour of lo\'e between us two.
Your clock still waits your gentle touch because I could not see
You'd have no need to measure time in God's eternity.
Don Knight
n Lountain Lreak
Eva Willes Wangsgaard
It stands so quiet in its azure strength,
So tall and still above the city's din
And lesser peaks which rim the valley's length.
The highest point where dawn is ushered in!
The first to wear the wintry hood and flaunt
A cape of white, the last to let it go,
Feeding it back to meet the valley's want
In silver ravelings to fields below.
I would be lost and lonely on a plain
Without its height to focus dawn for me.
My eyes would weary soon of shimmering grain
In endless waves. My heart would always see
A changeless mountain pointing heavenward
And all the hills would call until I heard.
Page 90
Green Willows
Chapter i
Deone R. Sutherland
GREEN Willows is the name
of our town. People say it
came by its name logically
long ago when pioneers, searching
for settlements, came across our val-
ley ribboned down the center by
what became at once Willow River.
Along the water grew wild, soft-
green willows, with lush meadows
fanning both sides to the hills.
People have lived here ever since.
Once I stayed with my Aunt Caro-
lyn up in Orchard City, and it was
like a toothache or a hurt in the
heart until I could get back home
I was sitting on Pat Diffendorf's
back stoop in Green Willows wait-
ing for my friend Pat to pump up
her bicycle tires. While most peo-
ple had only one bicycle tire that
leaked at a time, my best friend Pat
had two. We always carried a
bicycle pump with us when we went
riding as a necessary part of our
equipment— the same as the nickels
in change tied in our handkerchiefs
on our belts.
Pat stopped pumping for a minute
to rest. It was very hot, and Pat
was not as skinny as she used to be.
'Ton eat too much fudge," I told
"It is not the fudge,'' Pat said,
simpering in a most revolting way.
'This is the way we are supposed to
start looking."
I held my mouth to keep from
gagging and hooted derisivelv. From
the back you couldn't tell me from
my brother Beany or a board slat
from a fence, and I was proud of it.
"Okay, Patty," I said, "but I think
it's the fudge."
"Don't call me Patty; you know
how I hate that name." Pat picked
up her pump again.
"Patty!" Pat's mother came from
inside the house. "If you girls are
going selling your powdered drinks
today, you had better get started.
And don't go to Aunt Agnes' until
the very last, do you hear? Not until
you've been everywhere else. They
buy far more than they should, and
it's an imposition .... My word!"
Mrs. Diffendorf paused a moment.
"Your father's barn is on fire!"
It wasn't really; men were burn-
ing weeds along the ditchbank, and
the smoke was blowing over. But
there was one thing about it; it was
very exciting to be around the Dif-
We sat on the stoop to get our
breath after running to see the barn
on fire before we started. Then we
loaded the packages of Kold-ayde in
our baskets. Each package made
ten delicious glasses of drinks on hot
summer days and all for one nickel.
We didn't like the taste of it our-
selves, we had drunk so much of it
after long trips on our bikes, but we
sold enough to keep us well supplied
with ice-cream cones, and to create
a certain amount of respect among
our friends.
"I wondei: why it always seems up
hill no matter where we go," Pat
said, puffing hard.
"If we didn't have to stop so
often to pump up tires, we could
make better time," I pointed out.
Page 91
Where the houses were close to- house/' my father said. We always
gether in the town, we did pretty just figured they liked to drink
well, but as the distances length- Kold-ayde.
ened, we began to talk about giving Pat's Aunt Agnes sat at a table
it up for the day. ''We haven't real- up on the big front porch. She was
ly made too much yet," Pat sighed, correcting papers. She always did
She tied up our money in her hand- that on Saturdays— inside in the win-
kerchief again. ter and outside in the fall and spring.
''Well, there's still your Aunt Ag- Soon it would be summer, and then
nes' that we haven't been to," I sug- when we came, she'd be digging in
gested. the garden with gloves on up to her
"I hate to go up the hill," Pat be- elbows and a big hat to keep from
gan, then nodded resignedly. "We freckling, and wearing a chin strap
are going there last just as Mother to fight the wrinkles. She was the
said, because v/e're all through for oldest in the Diffendorf family,
the day except maybe up there." When her parents had both died,
she had helped Pat's father get
TATE stopped at the bottom of the started in his business; then she had
hill to pump up Pat's tires, put Margaret through college and
One of mine was a little low, so I riow Karen. We looked longingly
put air in that, too. We stopped at at the bench swing under the big
a couple of houses on the way up, elm in the yard, but we pushed on
but no one answered the doors. Be- up the path to the porch,
ing on a hillside that way, people "Well, what a pleasant surprise,"
could see at a distance who was com- Aunt Agnes said with a smile. "I'll
ing, and you couldn't surprise them take ten; I don't dare take any more
into answering the door. Right at or your mothers will call me and
the last it was too hard to pump, so give me the dickens."
we got off and pushed our bikes the "Which flavors?" Pat asked, sort-
rest of the way. ing the packages.
Pat's aunts were named Diffen- "We've only got orange and grape
dorf too. There were three of them, left," I said.
and Agnes was the oldest, then Mar- "Well, that's a lot of orange, but
garet, and then Karen who was just I guess I'll take five of each." Aunt
graduating from college this very Agnes put down her pencil and
spring. I had heard Mother say she'd stood up. "Here, sit down on the
already signed to teach at Valley porch, girls; you're both red as beets.
High, just like Agnes and Margaret. PH go get my purse."
"Where everybody else has no We sat down on the steps and
more than one old maid to a family, fanned ourselves with packages of
the Diffendorfs are different, as drinks. In a moment Pat's Aunt
usual, and have three," I heard Mr. Margaret came out on the porch and
Olesen at the post office say one sat down on the steps beside us. She
day. But everybodv liked Agnes and was thin, with soft hair that blew a
the Diffendorfs. They were re?.lly little when she walked. She was a
nice to us anyway. "Bought enough wonderful dramatics teacher at Val-
drinks from these kids to float their ley High. Everybody wanted to be
in her plays. Pat and I pulled our
legs together and sat up. How did
you impress a dramatics teacher so
she noticed you when you tried out
for parts? Mother said, 'Tou've got
plenty of years before you have to
worry about that/' but now it was
only a couple of years away. Pat
was sure she'd be noticed because,
after all, the coach was her aunt, but
Pat had no stage presence at all. She
giggled and noticed the audience. I
tried hard to think of something
dramatic to do each time we came,
but it was usually warm, and we
were tired from the hill. Besides,
Pat's Aunt Margaret didn't act as
if she were very easily impressed.
"Would you like to pick some
iris for your mother, Pat? You may
also, Lillian, if you like." Margaret
stood up and brushed at her hair
and then smoothed her tweed skirt.
She sat in Aunt Agnes' chair and
fumbled with a pencil.
"They remind me of funerals," I
"It^s too hot," said Pat. 'They'd
be wilted before we got home."
"You're probablv right," said
Aunt Margaret. ''I like less lonely
flowers myself— flowers that are
smaller and friendlier . . . ."
"DUT she wasn't looking at the
flower garden, but off across the
valley. Pat's Aunt Agnes came out
with her purse. It was a big, old-
fashioned purse with a long chain
across the top to prevent losing any-
'Tour Aunt Margaret gets rest-
less the end of every school year.
You might mention to your moth-
er, Pat, that she's talking of going
to Europe this summer," Aunt Ag-
nes explained.
"Well, why not?" Margaret closed
her hands nervously. '1 don't have
to go to summer school. There's
nothing to stop me. You could go,
too, if you weren't so stubborn."
''I don't think so, this year at
least," said Aunt Agnes, dumping
her change out on the table. ''You
talk nonsense because you think you
have to do something every minute
to keep from enjoying life."
Margaret stood up and walked
down the steps. "It is possible that
I'll go, and I n:iay take Karen with
me, if you won't go." She fumbled
with the bench swing a moment,
and then walked around the house
quickly beyond our view.
Just then a car stopped in front,
and Karen got out. "Thanks so
much for the ride home. Bye . . . ."
She came up the walk with her
music under her arm. "We had a
wonderful choir practice today.
They're going to start on the Mes-
siah month after next— imagine!
Christmas is ages away yet. Hi,
Pat. Hi, Lillian."
"Here you go, girls. Fifty cents.
You can count it for yourselves."
Pat's Aunt Agnes always made us
count the money twice to be sure
we had the exact amount. When
there was change, we always had to
count it into her hand, or rather Pat
did. Pat's mother said Pat was
short in arithmetic, so her Aunt
Agnes was always trying to help her.
"Sit down, Karen," Agnes said.
"Margaret's out somewhere. No-
body's inside. You can study later.
Karen's graduating in less than a
month, girls. She's the last of us to
finish college. Nobody can say that
I didn't do well by my mother's
family." Karen leaned over and gave
Agnes a hug. Then she sat down by
''Are you going to teach school at
Valley High, Karen?" Pat asked.
Karen paused a moment, and then
she smiled at Pat. '1 guess I am,"
she said.
''Now, there's no better high
school within a hundred miles or
more of here, Karen. It would be
silly to go someplace else to teach
when you can live at home with us
and go into teaching at the same
"I know," said Karen. She gave
Agnes another half hug and stood
up. "I think ril go find Margaret."
Agnes sat down at her table and
picked up her pencil. "Well, girls,
we'll see you again next Saturday,
I expect. There's fudge in the ice-
box, if you'd like some for your trip
■fATE went back through the dark,
cool rooms to the kitchen and
drank cool well water from the tap.
Then we each took a piece of rich
dark fudge with walnuts thick in
it. We nibbled on it a little and
let the creamy taste melt on our
tongues. Then we had another
drink and decided we must really get
started back. We lingered a mo-
ment in the parlor looking at the
photographs in the Diffendorf al-
bum that lay on a marble-topped
''Don't brush against any of the
fern in there," Pat's Aunt Agnes
We hastily closed the album, but
not before I'd caught a glimpse of a
loose photograph of a younger Mar-
garet, hand in hand with a boy
poised with one foot on a fence.
"Why, who is that?" I asked Pat.
"You goose; that's over to Turn-
ers, across the street. Aunt Mar-
garet and Dr. Turner, only he wasn't
a doctor then. Don't you recognize
our own doctor? That was about
their first year in college. Mama
said he'd have married Aunt Mar-
garet, but she thought she ought to
teach awhile to pay back Aunt Ag-
nes for everything. Then Karen had
to go to school, too, someday. Dad-
dy had us, and he couldn't help out
at all. He got married before he
ever finished school."
"Well, Dr. Turner's not married
now," I said. "Why don't they just
get together again?"
Pat looked at me. "Aren't you
even the slightest romantic? People
just don't get together because it's
convenient. Aunt Margaret teaches
in the winter or goes to school or
on vacations in the summer, so
everybody in the town won't say
she's after him the way they do
about Myra Johnson. It would be
worse for Aunt Margaret because
they liked each other once."
"Well, I wouldn't want to marry
a widower with a big boy almost our
age, anyway," I said.
We shut the parlor door behind
us and went down the front hall to
the porch where we said goodbye.
We looked for Margaret and Karen
when we wheeled our bikes down
the front path, but we didn't see
We stopped at the service station
and got our tires filled with air.
Then we went on down to Anas-
topolis' grocery store for ice-cream
cones. It was friendlier buving
them there than at the service sta-
tion. People were always shopping
there on Saturday for the week. We
stood outside eating our cones.
''How much do you figure we
made?" Pat asked.
''Well, after expenses, I think
about forty cents. That's twenty
for you and twenty for me."
"We made a penny on every
"We just spent a dime of it for
refreshments/' Pat reminded me.
"True/' I said.
We wheeled our bikes slowly out
to the street and started pedaling
"It's your turn to spend Sunday
at my place/' Pat said.
"I'll have to check with Mother
to make sure/' I said.
"Well, it is your turn. I was at
your place last Sunday."
We took turns going home with
each other after Sunday School,
stayed to dinner, spent the after-
noon, and then went to Church
where we met our own folks.
I turned down our driveway. Pat
rode on, waving with the stubb of
her cone.
"How much did you make?" my
father asked me at dinner.
"Twenty cents," I said.
"Minus five cents for your ice-
cream cone— fifteen cents for a day's
work. You could make more money
baby sitting."
"This is more fun for her," Moth-
er said, "and it keeps her out in the
fresh air. How many packages did
Pat's aunts buy?"
"Just five from each of us."
"Ten! Oh, Lillian, you shouldn't
impose on them like that." Mother
laid down her fork and looked at me.
"Say," said Father, "did you hear
Dr. Mark Turner's bringing Philip
back from his mother-in-law's for
good soon as school is out. They
need a good housekeeper since
Mark's mother isn't too well."
lyi OTHER sighed, 'Toor Mark. I
^ don't know how he'll manage
he's so busy. Gwennie's been gone
over two years; you'd think . . . ."
Mother looked at Beany and me and
"The boy must be about Lillian's
age," Father said. "He can take
care of himself."
"My age?" I looked up with in-
terest. "Coming here to live for
good!" I wondered if Pat knew
about it. I guessed not or she would
have told me immediately. I'd have
something to tell her tomorrow. Life
was so exciting in Green Willows.
Lillian's going to sleep in her
mashed potatoes," said Father,
"like the dormouse in his teapot."
I sat up straight. "Why didn't
Dr. Turner marry Margaret Diffen-
"I'm sure I don't know," Mother
said shortly. She was never one to
gossip. "Now hurry up. You have
to help with the dishes and get your
I hardly glanced at the reddening
western sky through our dining
room windows as I finished my din-
ner. I hoped I'd be the first to tell
Pat about Philip. She was getting
so silly about boys. I helped clear
the table.
"Boy," said Beany, "girls are
dumb— always thinking about boys."
He carried his dishes into the kitch-
I didn't bother answering him. I
didn't feel too well. It was pain-
ful to swallow, but I didn't mention
it. Everything would be all right
tomorrow, I was sure.
(^To be continued)
Sixty Ljears J^go
Excerpts From the Woman's Exponent, T'cbruary i, and February 15, 1895
"For the Rights of the Women of Zion and the Rights of the
Women of All Nations"
BROTHERS AND SISTERS: Brothers and sisters who are early taught to be
cheerfully, and lovingly helpful, and considerate towards each other will find in life
great stores of pleasure and happiness which those who are not so taught will never
know. Young people must have young associates in order to glean from youthful days
and years all the richness and sweetness which they are calculated to contain. Where
brothers and sisters are all to each other that they may be, and should be, there can be
no proper estimate placed upon the true value of the love which exists between them
.... I thank God that I v\as reared in a large family of tender, devoted, appreciative
brothers and sisters.
— L. L. Greene Richards
Afar from ocean's roar and brine
There is a distant western clime,
Round which my heart-strings fondly twine.
That is the home for me and mine,
Oh, may we there all safely meet.
And know the joys of home so sweet.
— E. R. Shipp
Mary L. Ransome read a circular letter from President Zina D. H. Young and Secretary
E. B. Wells on the necessity of making annual payments promptly and regularly . . .
then followed with a few words of explanation regarding the letters; also cautioned the
mothers to look after their children, keep them in at night, know where they are and
what they are doing . . . cautioned the officers of Relief Society to be very particular
to whom they loan their wheat and that they have good security, and that it be re-
turned with interest ....
— Sarah Webb, Cor. Sec.
WOMAN DOCTOR: Dr. Carrie Liebig of Hope, Idaho, has been appointed
division surgeon upon the northern Pacific Railroad. It is said that this is the only
instance of such distinction to a lady known in the United States.
— Selected
BREADMAKING: When preparing for bread, break up the yeast cake and cover
with cold water. Use a pint of wetting, half of sweet milk and half of hot water; the
temperature of the mixture should be about seventy-five degrees; add a teaspoonful of
salt, and into this mixture of milk, water, and salt, stir the sifted flour; stir with a
wooden spoon until the dough is stiff enough to take on the board and work with the
palm of the hand .... Place the dough in a greased bowl to rise . . . and let it stand
for three hours. Divide the dough into as many parts as you want loaves ... it
should stand about one hour after it has been placed in the pans .... The tempera-
ture in the oven for baking should be from three hundred and seventy to three hundred
and seventy-five degrees.
' — Selected
Page 96
Woman's Sphere
Ramona W. Cannon
lyjRS. OSWALD B. LORD, Unit-
ed States delegate to the
Human Rights Commission of the
United Nations, says that the at-
tempt of sixty nations to find ways
and means for respecting the rights
of their individual citizens, is some-
thing new in international affairs.
The attacks on human freedom in
recent years have convinced the
world that human rights are a prop-
er subject for international co-oper-
■pOR twenty-four years, Mrs. Wil-
liam B. Fowler of Memphis,
Tennessee, has been a dynamic lead-
er in the Memphis City Beautiful
Commission program, which has
turned dumping grounds into gard-
ens and tolerates no ugly premises.
Beautification enthusiasts have
come from all parts of the United
States, England, Germany, Austria,
and Hawaii to study the Memphis
plan. Last April America's first
conference of City Beautiful Com-
missions met, appropriately, in
■pLLEN GLASGOW'S thoughts
and attitudes towards her writ-
ing career and her personal life are
poignantly revealed in The Woman
Within, an autobiography recently
published, nine years after the death
of this famous American novelist.
wife of the Egyptian ambas-
sador to the United States, says that
of four hundred million Moslems
today, fifty million are Chinese and
Russians behind the Iron Curtain.
In Egypt six hundred and sixty-six
thousand girls are in secondary
schools and five thousand women in
universities, including medical and
engineering schools. At the time
when Islam originated (600 a.d.)
it greatly improved the status of
women, permitting them to appear
at public functions, to study and
teach in schools, enter all trades, sit
in consultative councils, possess and
dispose of property, and have the
guardianship of minors, independ-
ently of their husbands' consent.
The veil and other restrictions came
much later through national, not re-
ligious, requirements.
'T^HE General Federation of Wom-
en's Clubs has been carrying on
a vigorous crusade to do away with
objectionable comic books.
■RIRTHDAY Congratulations are
extended to: Mrs. Mary Blanche
Campbell, Smithfield, Utah, ninety-
eight; Mrs. Isabella Rowley Crafts
and Mrs. Mary Ellen Giauque
Hodge, Salt Lake City, both ninety-
Page 97
VOL 42
NO. 2
cJake cJiine to Safeguard L^hildren
child's life in any period of
world history has always been
a joyous one, if he had a sense of
loving security and a deep awareness
of the watchcare of his Heavenly
Father. Regardless of the richness
or poverty of his immediate sur-
roundings, he has lived for each day
alone, and taken from that day the
full measure of happiness and con-
tentment it offered, in the purity
of childhood.
Whether his world was confined
to a world within walking distance,
extended at infrequent intervals by
trips made by donkey, horse, wagon,
or carriage, the child's world re-
mained rather small and circum-
scribed. Today, however, the op-
portunities for travel to far places
by bus, train, plane, or ship, are com-
monplace. In addition, a child can
reach the TV set, turn it on, and
have shown to his startled and won-
dering gaze the wide reaches of the
world with its beauty and cruelty,
its riches and poverty.
All discoveries and opportunities
in this so-called Atomic Age, are, to
the Latter-day Saint, but a part of
this last great dispensation, the dis-
pensation of the fulness of times.
These scientific marvels being re-
vealed to the minds of men are in-
tended for the blessing of the Heav-
enly Father's children, but twisted
and warped by the powers of evil,
they may become a curse. To which
use each man puts this knowledge
for himself, is left for each man to
Page 98
decide. For man has his God-given
free agency.
But the uses to which these inven-
tions are put for a child, is not for
the child to decide, but the respon-
sibility falls upon the parents as
placed there by the Lord. Since the
mother in the home is constantly
with her child, a grave part of this
responsibility presses upon her
shoulders. It used to be possible to
shield children who were carefully
guarded in the home; however, with
the discoveries of the radio and TV,
these media have been invited to
enter the sacred precincts of the
home itself. The fare which they
offer may be uplifting or demoraliz-
ing to the tender understanding of
a child. It is the mother's part to
hear new programs and seek to free
a child's listening and viewing time
for worthwhile productions. While
many parents condemn all the offer-
ings, others take the stand that their
children can take a chance and see
anything. Neither of these atti-
tudes is correct and both reveal
ignorance of what is being shown.
An executive, prominent in the
television industry, states in a re-
cent article that from thirty to
forty million people a week look at
the most popular television shows,
and that a program may cost from
five to eighty thousand dollars a
week to produce. He says that
Americans devote more time to tele-
vision viewing than to any other
pursuit except eating and sleeping.
In addition to being the biggest bus-
iness for entertainment ever known,
he declares it is hkewise the most
powerful medium for distributing
merchandise. The entertainment
varies from the educational and in-
formational to the mediocre and
An intelligent appraisal of pro-
grams by the mother in the home
will enable her to plan the child's
time so he receives benefit and not
harm. And still a child cannot be
and, perhaps, should not be shielded
from all awareness of practices not
in conformity with Latter-day Saint
standards. But the mother should
point out those destructive practices
and teach to her children the truth.
Just because a program is listed for
''children" is not enough for a moth-
er. How can her son be expected
to feel the heinousness of killing,
second in evil to denying the Holy
Ghost, when he sees, almost daily,
the taking of life and is not warned
and taught by his mother against it.
And TV is more strictly censored
than are the movies. Does a moth-
er know what her child will see
when she allows him to spend Sat-
urday sitting in a movie house? Is
the mother constantly teaching
chastity and striving to counteract
influences which may attractively
portray drinking, stealing, fornica-
tion, and countenancing adultery?
The words of Alexander Pope are
especially applicable with regard to
a constant viewing of objectionable
Vice is a monster of so frightful mien,
As to be hated needs but to be seen;
Yet seen too oft, familiar \\ith her face,
We first endure, then pity, then embrace.
On the other hand, the knowl-
edge and understanding which
these new media offer can be of in-
estimable w^orth and value to the
Gone are the days when Latter-
day Saints lived to themselves. To-
day from their earliest childhood
throughout their adult life they
physically live in Babylon. Still the
words of the Lord warn: ''Go ye
out from Babylon. Be ye clean that
bear the vessels of the Lord"
(D. & C. 133:5). Not the physical
withdrawal, but the mental with-
drawal which results in a cleanli-
ness of life forbidding practices con-
demned by the Lord, is the clarion
call today. The training which will
result in obedience to the mandate,
"Be ye clean" is begun in the home
by constant warning, prohibition,
and teaching of the goodness of the
gospel and resulting blessings. The
wisdom of a mother in taking time,
in the midst of her many other
duties, to keep currently informed
on TV and radio programs and mov-
ies, so that she may train and safe-
guard the mind of her child, brings
the blessings of eternal life not only
to her but also to those souls, her
children, dearer to her than mortal
life itself. It is worth every mother's
time to safeguard her children from
partaking of evil.
-M. C. S.
Ujirthdai/ (greetings to Q/onner U resident
J^my Ujrown cLi/man
AGAIN this February, we extend birthday congratulations and best
wishes to our beloved former piesident, Amy Brown Lyman. Women
throughout the stakes and missions of the Church are grateful for her de-
voted service in shaping and directing the work of Relief Society over the
years. Many sisters from the far stakes and missions, as well as those from
the centers of Zion, were impressed and made joyous by the words of Presi-
dent Lyman which she spoke at the cornerstone-laying ceremony for the
Relief Society Building in September. Her resume of the hopes and ideals
of the sisters of the past exemplified to each one her own love for Relief
Society today and her feeling of unity and service in the great organization.
May Sister Lyman's years be filled with joy, and may she continue many
years among us.
Lriiver of I Hoses
Olive Cniman
Here at the day's end where the river runs red
Willows lean to the brooding water, along the rim
Murmur to the memory of slumber
In a bulrush bed;
To the mother of a legend they murmur of love,
Whisper of a Hebrew woman down the dusty way
Leaving hope in a wavering bulrush
On the wave's breast.
Lulled lies a secret, caressed in circling shadow;
Lulled lies a nation's dream.
Here love, watching at the water's rim.
Sees tumult, sorrow sleeping here, a Red Sea,
Ark, pillar, cloud, a serpent in the wilderness;
Sinai slumbers here, with words of stone
Long the willows lean across the ages;
Ageless willows sing to a small son.
Where the river bends they bow and murmur,
Murmur around a nestled head,
Canaan in a reedy bed.
Page 100
A Shadowy Form Passed
the Window
Rose A. Openshaw
IRENE Clifford felt more keenly She buried her face in the blooms,
the loneliness of her oversized drinking in their intoxicating per-
house, where she seemed to rat- fume, grateful that she lived in Ari-
tle around like a forsaken pea in a zona where myriads of their prince-
lonely and enormous pod, as she ly varieties bloomed even in coldest
realized that not one of her chil- winter, and where their fragrance
dren had this year remembered her seemed to rush out eagerly to meet
birthday. her.
For weeks in ad\'ance, on other She picked up the vase of roses
such occasions, they would be in- and carried it inside to glorify the
quiring, "What shall we get you, kitchen. But there she shook her
Mother? What do you need or head despairingly, for she found that
want?" or, "Now, don't make any the bouquet only tended to empha-
date for the twenty-third, the fam- size the shabbiness of the room,
ily will all be there to celebrate!" Everything in it had outlived its use-
And all was anticipation, suspense, fulness. She recalled the embarrass-
and excitement. But this year no ment she had experienced the Sun-
one had even remembered or men- day before when some of her guests
tioned it. had followed her into the kitchen
They're so busy living their own as she prepared refreshments. She
lives they don't have time to drop hadn't anticipated this when she in-
in or think of me, she reflected sad- vited them for pie after church.
ly. Then, exasperated at having She should at least have new li-
given way to self-pity, she laid the noleum, she reflected, but when
shears she had used for clipping the could she ever find time or strength
long rose stems, hard on the garden to uproot the present dilapidated
bench. one, scraping it bit by bit from the
I hope I'll never grow into one floor? And what assurance had she
of those depressing creatures who that the furnishings would not look
give up when their brood flies, in- even worse by contrast? The walls
stead of making a new life for them- were crying for paint, and that shab-
selves, she mused, her lips pressed by old stove! That rusty water-
firmly together. heater! Oh, everything! And no way
She picked up the roses she had to replenish anything at all.
just clipped, arranging them care- She smiled ruefully at the in-
fully in her basket-shaped vase, congruousness of it, and glancing in
soothed by their beauty and the the mirror as she did so, noticed
way the pink and cream petals again how like a skein of silver yarn
blended into the yellow-green tones her once dark hair was becoming,
of the vase. and the wrinkles were trying for a
Page 101
foothold on her brow and about
her wide, generous mouth.
There was no denying it; her
twenty-three years of teaching were
telhng their tale, and she did not
like its ending. She had been defi-
nitely skidding downhill for weeks.
She wondered dully whether she
would be able to hold out the half-
dozen and one seasons until her
teaeher's pension was due. The
house should be repaired before she
had to quit her work.
Where had her means gone, melt-
ing away? Schooling, sickness, op-
erations, Althea's accident— all ways
for money to vanish with six chil-
dren. How grateful she was that
she had had her teacher's certificate
to fall back on. Her eyes bright-
ened and her heart warmed as she
recalled how well the children were
doing, especially Jesse, who was a
man of property. He . . . could . . .
help . . .me, the thought came tim-
idly, if . . . Laree . . . was . . . dis-
She remembered the joy she had
experienced in providing for her
own mother, and in sharing her
means with her mother-in-law the
short time she had lived, and was
puzzled that her children could feel
npHE clock struck, reminding her
she must be leaving. Fastening
a coral necklace about her neck, and
adding a matching pin to her smart
gray dress, she placed a jaunty hat
on her trim new hair-do, and with-
in minutes her car was parked at
the school.
Her mind was removed from her-
self immediately. Thieves, she
learned, had that night entered both
the home of the school principal
and one of the business houses in
the district, relieving the two of ap-
proximately thirteen hundred dol-
lars in cash and valuables.
The air was tense with excite-
ment, and the robbery was dis-
cussed throughout the day. It was
next to impossible for either faculty
or students to get down to solid
Irene was getting her things ready
preparatory to leaving, when the
girl assigned to the oratorical con-
test came to her for assistance.
While parts of the talk were being
revised, she began grading the fast-
accumulating papers on her desk,
and finally became so absorbed that
she forgot the time altogether, not
even noticing the girl when she left.
Glancing up later, she was
amazed. Darkness had spread over
the valley. With the room arti-
ficially lighted, she had not detected
the change. Hurriedly assembling
her possessions, she hastened from
the building, so exhausted that even
the robbery had slipped from her
She thought only of getting home
and into more comfortable clothing,
with something to refresh her. Her
body sagged back, relaxed into the
car seat. But as the machine came
to a silent halt under the high ash
tree in front of her home, she be-
came instantly aware of something
amiss. A dim light was burning
within, bringing to her mind in-
stantly the tale of the robberies. She
grew tense, could it be possible
someone was at that very moment
ransacking her home? She leaped
from the car, and started to dart to-
ward a neighbor's, then halted, re-
membering it was their dinner hour.
ril ring my doorbell, let it shriek its
warning, she thought.
She gave the bell a vicious
bang, holding her breath, her feet
poised for flight, but there was no
answering sound at all— no scram-
bling as of men in startled fright.
She tried it a second time. This
time she thought she caught a
glimpse of a shadowy form, creep-
ing by the window. Her breath
came quickly now, and her heart
was palpitating wildly. What were
they up to? Were they waiting to
strike her down as she entered?
Then, all at once, she remem-
bered, and the tension relaxed. Of
course! That must be it. She had
been so busy that morning, feeling
sorry for herself, she must have for-
gotten to switch off the lights. How
foolish, wasting money when she
was about to despair because she
had so little. And, really, she could
have imagined seeing a form. It
might have been a chair with her
scarf thrown on top. A smile of
relief crept over her features.
She pushed the door ajar, but
one glance into the room beyond
stopped her short. There was no
uncertainty now — someone was
there! The kitchen was ablaze with
She stood paralyzed, trying to
back out the way she had come. But
too late! Forms were surrounding
her, hugging her! She could bare-
ly distinguish them in the dim light.
She opened her mouth to scream,
but closed it again, for lights sud-
denly blazed forth in the front
''Surprise! Surprise!'' greeted her
from a dozen happy voices.
She stood eyeing them, bewild-
ered, growing weak-kneed in her re-
lief. They were all hugging her
now, and Jesse, her eldest, was lead-
ing her into the kitchen.
She looked around. "New lino-
leum?" she cried weakly, in aston-
ishment. She had seen it at once,
stepping as she always did to avoid
the hole in the old floor.
"It's— it's beautiful! But what
work you have gone to!"
"Look further!" they prompted.
"Painted!" she gasped. "You've
painted my kitchen— and just the
colors I wanted! How could you
know I wanted yellow and tur-
"Didn't you know we are mind-
readers? Look further!" they urged
"More?" she cried, her eyes dilat-
ing and lighting on the stove.
"Oh, no! Not a beautiful elec-
tric range? Oh! Oh!" She opened
the oven, her hands caressing it.
"Keep looking," they said again.
"A water-heater? Oh," she cried,
"it's too much;" She hugged the
tank in rapture.
"Don't overlook the refrigerator!"
she was reminded.
"You— didn't buy a new refrigera-
tor?" she gasped, sinking into a
chair, overcome.
^^\\r^ sure did!" cried Beverly,
"and now I'm offended.
You haven't looked once at my
"Curtains!" exclaimed Irene. "Oh,
how pretty— how fresh and dainty
thev are!"
"The potted plant in the win-
dow," cut in Lloyd, pushing his
blonde hair back from an overhigh
forehead, "is from your next-door
neighbor, who wanted to do some-
thing, but Beverly made the cur-
"And we were desperately afraid/'
added Dick, the youngest, ''you
would return home before we got
the mess cleaned up. We just got
it out in time/' His dark eyes smiled
into hers in the intimate way he
had, and she felt a sudden impulse
to hug him to her. Tall and slender
of build, he was patterned much
after herself, but he was much more
quiet and reserved than she had
ever been.
''We wanted everything nice for
your birthday," explained Ireta, the
tiny girl who was Dick's wife.
"And I had forgotten my birth-
day entirely— that is, tonight," she
amended, "I thought you were rob-
bers surely!"
"We're worse. We're bandits, and
we've held a council meeting, and
you're going with us," cried Ernest,
a replica of his square-faced father.
"And we'll take you right now!"
put in Jesse, his keen blue eyes
"Is it peaceably or otherwise?" he
demanded, rubbing his hands to-
gether, a habit acquired when talk-
"Peaceably," smiled Irene, "but
"Home with us. Laree's got a
roast in the oven, and I can smell
it already, and the youngsters are
agog with excitement over the dec-
orations on Grandma's cake."
"What are we waiting for?" de-
manded Althea, the round-faced
second daughter, impatiently. "Get
Mother's wrap, Joel. I'll bet she's
But Irene had forgotten her
weariness, everything but that her
children had not forgotten her.
She looked up quickly. Jesse was
pushing something into her hand.
"Didn't I hear something about
turning part of this place into an
apartment?" he demanded. "This is
two hundred dollars toward it, and
maybe more to come later."
"Oh," she cried, "it's too much!"
"Too much?" he scorned, "if we
set a palace at your feet it wouldn't
be too much. You're a jewel— not
only as a parent, but as a woman."
"And haven't you slaved for us
grasshoppers all your life?" cut in
Ernest, removing the tension.
"Haven't you toted us about when
we were so helpless we couldn't
even hop?"
"Or even let out a loud chirp?"
added Marian, the oldest girl, who
could be counted on to help Ernest
in his witticisms, setting them
"And if we happen to be around
and underfoot too much from now
on," put in Lloyd, patting his moth-
er affectionately, "just put a few of
us out!"
"Oh!" was all Irene could sav,
her eyes misty. And for a moment
she could not speak for the joy that
flooded her whole being.
ibariy IKisers
Pansve H. Vowell
Dame Nature has been asleep —
Her snowcap on her head.
She'd like to rest a little more,
But now must tend, instead,
Those naughty little hyacinths
That will not stay in bed!
Block and Applique Quilts
Velma MacKay PauJ
WITH the quilt patterns lowance. However, if you plan to
being made available by copy an old one, you must do a
cotton and thread manu- little figuring and make your own
facturers and the lovely ones shown patterns. With a ruler, measure
in numerous publications, anyone each patch in a particular block and
with a desire to make a quilt can do drav^ an exact copy on a paper,
so. When contemplating the mak- With dotted lines on all sides, you
ing, however, one is often discour- allow one-quarter inch for seams,
aged, because it seems such a. tre-
mendous undertaking. Therefore, Cutting Patches and
it is well to remember that, like liv- Teaiing Blocks
ing one day at a time, we work on Patches for pieced quilts must
only one block at a time; as we learn always be cut with the pattern laid
from day to day, so we progress on the weave of the goods— never on
from block to block. the bias. When a diamond patch
The first block or patch must be is cut, as for the star quilt, the pat-
perfect— in size, color arrangement, tern is laid with the two straight
selection of long-wearing material, sides on the up and down weave,
and beauty of design. As the fin- and the two bias sides are cut on
ished blocks are put together, the the bias to meet the points of the
beauty of the whole quilt grows. two straight sides. With applique
quilts, the muslin squares on which
Pie-Washing Materials the designs will be appliqued should
It is wise to wash all materials, be torn and not cut. Since the
including the back, before starting average blocks are eighteen inches
a quilt, as all may not be pre-shrunk. square, it is easy to take one-yard
Also, if a piece is not colorfast, it is wide material and tear it in half the
good to know it and discard it for entire length of the planned quilt,
one that is. Then the one-half yard strips should
be nicked every eighteen inches on
Making a Pattern the selvage side, and the square torn
It is \'ery important when cutting apart. This method insures a per-
the original patterns for pieced fectly even quilt when the finished
quilts to use materials that cannot squares are sewed together,
stretch, such as cardboard, archi-
tect's linen, blotters, or fine sand- Sunburst or Rising Sun Quilt
paper. Various sizes of embroidery In the case of the Sunburst or Ris-
hoops are excellent for drawing • ing Sun Quilt (Plate I) only one
circles and curves. A compass, also, pattern is required. You then count
may be used. the points or sections of the star.
With present patterns, instruc- and how many patches of each color
tions are usually given for seam al- will be needed. The quilt is made
Page 105
in eight sections, each section hav-
ing exactly one hundred diamond-
shaped patches which measure two
by two inches finished. Therefore,
all patches should be cut two and
one-half inches each way with the
straight side of the pattern on the
straight of the goods.
Color Arrangement
Concentrate on a pleasing color
arrangement for just one section,
shading the dark into the light or
the light into deeper tones. When
the eight sections are sewed togeth-
er, each shade will match exactly
those of the next section, and when
completed becomes a glorious sun-
burst of color.
The one shown here began with
one patch of flowered yellow, then
two of gold, three of a figured yel-
low, four of red with tiny black
flowers, five of rose, six of figured
red, seven of figured blue, eight of
light blue, nine of another figured
blue, and ten of dark green. At
this point, the section decreases
with nine of lighter figured green,
eight of dark figured green, seven
of flowered yellow, six of gold, five
of figured yellow, four red, three
rose, two red, and one blue. Pieced
stars are appliqued in between the
outer points. This quilt is about
seventy-five years old and measures
two and one-half yards each way.
Copying an Applique OuiJt
To copy an applique quilt is very
simple. Use heavy tracing paper or
architect's linen, which is transpar-
ent and will not tear easily. Cover
the entire block of applique, includ-
ing the mushn background, and pin
securely. Trace around each flower,
leaf, bird, geometric design, or
whatever it may be. Number your
background, and write on your pat-
terns which block they belong to.
Remove and cut out the individual
patterns, and with the original be-
fore you, copy them on a paper of
the same size as the block. (I use
eighteen-inch white shelf paper for
the background, and cut the indi-
vidual patterns out of colored con-
struction paper.)
Following the original coloring,
or changing it as you desire, cut
leaves out of green, tulips of yellow
or red, etc., and make a complete
block on paper. Remember, when
cutting the applique designs out of
material to allow for seams, which
are usuallv one-eighth of an inch
for applique. When you are
through, keep your paper patches
for future ideas. On all appliques,
I use bias tape for stems, tendrils,
and fine curves. Bias tape is much
W(M«M*W»*.»j.»~~»j«o~ ^,
easier to work with than is cloth cut pulled out, head first, for about one-
on the bias. I cut away one of the third of the length of the bed. Then
turned back sides and it is exactly the children were 'out in the open"
the right width. but most of their bed was shielded
Plate II shows a very old appli- from the draft on the unheated bed-
qued quilt made entirely of reds and room floor. The muslin background
greens, plain, figured, and flowered, squares are eighteen by eighteen in-
It is wider than it is long because of ches. To make patterns of this
the sides hanging almost to the floor quilt available to readers of a na-
to give added warmth to the occu- tional magazine, I copied each pat-
pants of the trundle bed under- tern, using architect's linen, and re-
neath. The little trundle beds were produced the entire quilt in exact
pushed under the old four-poster size on paper, before making up the
beds to get them out of the way patterns for the Curtis Publishing
during the day. At night they were Company in Philadelphia.
» ♦ ■
QJebruary^ if Loon
Ethel Jacohson
This February moon is not for lovers . . .
So bleak it is, so shriveled, so blue-cold;
Theirs the friendlier dark that softly hovers.
Or the noon's gold.
This empty star that staringly uncovers
A \isage pale and pulseless as a stone — -
This Februar}' moon is not for lovers.
But for the lone.
cJhe Linanswerame
Lad W. Hill
One child is dark, with midnight eyes;
One, golden as an August day.
Shy is the dark one, wild and wise;
The gold one, placid in her play,
Flashes a smile that's honey-spun.
Her solemn sister haunts you so!
. . . Which is the prettier, dearer one
Of two little girls? you want to know . . ,
Then go — ask wind if dusk or dawn
Stirs more delight; ask the wide sea
What shore is best to break upon.
Question which clo\er suits the bee —
But never, never ask a mother
Which daughter is lovelier than the other!
tyinieua iblizaoeth ui. Jackson [Pieces Guilts
ana 1 1 Lakes JLainpsnaaes
AMELIA Elizabeth H. Jackson, Ogden, Utah, is ninety-two years old, but she has not
yet retired, but has changed her hobbies to fit her present strength and circum-
stances. In the past year she has pieced twelve quilt tops by hand, crocheted six chair
sets, and fifteen caps for babies. Also she has decorated a number of attractive lamp-
shades. She still makes fine, even stitches and takes pride in her accomplishments.
Amelia Elizabeth was born to Orin and Elizabeth Perry Hatch in Bountiful, Utah,
in 1862, only fifteen years after the pioneers came to Utah. From a traveling tailor,
she learned to be an expert seamstress and while in her teens she made overalls for the
Z. C. M. I. In summers she lived on a ranch near Wanship, Utah, and milked ten
cows or more, nights and mornings. At the age of twenty-one she was married and
tra\'eled with her young husband David Jackson to Rich County, Utah, where they
were the first to introduce Hereford cattle and establish a dairy. For many years,
Amelia Jackson was secretary of the Woodruff Stake Relief Society. She traveled long
distances to make her visits, including the 185 miles to Manila. She is the mother of
thirteen children, thirty-six grandchildren, and seventy-eight great-grandchildren. Her
life philosophy is to keep abreast of the times, think of others and serve them, trust in
the Lord, be honest and fair in all dealings, and live the very best you can.
Page 109
Contentment Is a Lovely Thing
Chapter 5 {Conclusion)
Doiothy S. Romney
JED is coming home, Margaret's
heart sang. She had been too
busy to reahze how much she
had missed him.
The next few days were busy
ones. Then one afternoon Margaret
came up from the barn after having
fed the stock. She had gathered an
apron full of fresh eggs, and before
she had time to put them in a bowl
the telephone rang. She clutched
the ends of her apron in one hand
and uncradled the receiver with the
''A telegram has just come in for
Mrs. Jackson. Her telephone doesn't
answer, so I thought she might be
with you," the operator explained,
knowing that Margaret was Mrs.
Jackson's nearest neighbor.
''Mrs. Jackson isn't here, but I'll
take the message and deliver it to
her," Margaret answered.
She wrote on the telephone pad
with a hand that wobbled slightly,
''Arriving six p.m. Wednesday," and
it was signed ''Richard Jackson."
She was so excited that she almost
forgot the eggs, but managed some-
how to get them into a bowl with-
out breakage before she flew down
to tell Mrs. Jackson the news. She
must be somewhere about the place.
Wednesday, she thought, as she
ran through the orchard to the Jack-
son cottage. But today is Wednes-
day, and it's already three o'clock.
She found Mrs. Jackson working
in her vegetable garden, and told
her the wonderful news.
Page 110
When the six o'clock train pulled
in, the Lansing station wagon was
waiting, Kimmy gleeful at the sound
of the "choo, choo," Margaret hope-
ful for Dick Jackson's physical con-
dition, and his mother too happy to
think of anything but that her son
was returning.
Margaret strained her eyes for a
first glimpse of Dick, and scarcely
noticed the several other passengers
who alighted. Dick, of course,
would be the boy in the uniform,
taller seeming, and certainly thin-
ner than she had remembered him.
His dark eyes looked enormous in a
face whose pallor told of long con-
finement in a hospital. She turned
her eyes toward his mother, wonder-
ing if she would notice how really
sick Dick looked, but there was so
much joy shining out of her face
there wasn't room for anything else.
Suddenly Kimmy clapped his
hands delightedly and shouted,
"Daddy, Daddy!" and before Mar-
garet knew what was happening
Jed's arms were around her and
Kimmy. She looked over Jed's
"Where are Mother and Dad?"
she asked, the more familiar form
of address coming easily to her lips.
"They'll be down Saturday," he
replied. "I came as an advance
"Your father's hand, Jed?" she
asked anxiously. "How is it?"
"He can use it," Jed answered
noncommittally. "I've talked them
into spending the rest of the sum-
mer with us."
''Oh, wonderful/' she said. Then,
as Mrs. Jackson finally released her
hold on her son, Margaret turned
to welcome him home. She clasped
his long, thin hand warmly and
looked up into his face, old beyond
his years, as she said, "We're all so
glad to have you back again."
Jed stored his bag and Dick's
army gear in the back seat of the
station wagon, and they all got in
and headed for home. The sun
was setting in a glorious blaze of
color and the gardens along the way
were brilliant with summer blos-
soms. Margaret was especially grate-
ful for all this beauty, realizing what
it must mean to the war-weary boy.
"I was sure glad to find Jed on
the train," Dick said.
"Let's say that we were glad to
find each other," Jed replied. "I
needed someone to talk with pretty
badly myself." His voice held an
unmistakable earnestness, something
of the terrific strain which he had
been under.
Margaret could hold back her
question no longer. "You said that
vour father could use his hand, but
will he ever be able to operate
"No," he answered heavily. "And
he knows the worst now. He will
ne\'er be able to perform another
>,■?};; sjs jj:
TED'S parents arrived on Saturday,
^ as they had promised. Naturally
Margaret had expected to see a dif-
ference in them, but she was in no
way prepared for what she saw.
Mrs. Lansing was still beautifully
groomed, with her blue-white hair
in soft, sculptured rolls, but there
were lines on her face, and her eyes
that had been so serene now told
of tragedy and weeks of anxiety.
As for Dr. Lansing, he was not
only thinner, but he had lost his
sprightly assurance. He moved now
so apathetically that Margaret could
hardly resist crying out.
We must do something for him,
she thought. But what? What
could anyone do to restore hope in
a man when the best of his life's
work had suddenly been denied
Mrs. Lansing offered to take over
some small tasks around the house,
and while Margaret at first de-
murred, she soon realized that work
was the best panacea she could have.
She wished that Dr. Lansing would
do the same. Actually there was
plenty of work on the farm that he
could have done, and Jed could cer-
tainly have used the help. Instead,
he sat on the front porch and gazed
stonily at the distant mountains un-
til Margaret longed to shake him,
just to get him to move.
Only Kimmy could draw any re-
sponse that was much more than a
monosyllable. The grandfather's list-
lessness could not be proof against
the child's happy prattle, and for
this Margaret was extremely grate-
"If only we could get him to do
something!" Margaret sighed for
the hundredth time. "If he'd pick
some fruit, or go fishing, or any-
thing! It almost sends me out of
my mind to see him sitting there so
aimlessly. You'd never know it was
the same man who was here in the
Jed nodded grimly. "Maybe some-
thing will happen to make him
snap out of it," he said. He paused
a moment and then added, "Some-
thing has to happen/'
Each morning she asked the doc-
tor to take Kimmy and walk down
to the mailbox, pleading that she
had no time to go herself. It was
almost the only thing she could per-
suade him to do, and she was glad
that Kimmy prolonged the walk by
expending his curiosity on every
bug and flower they saw along the
As she kneaded her dough this
morning, she watched their slow
progress down the long lane. "Hot
rolls for lunch," she called to Jed's
mother, who was shelling peas out
in the coolness of the screened serv-
ice porch.
"You're spoiling us," the older
woman declared. "We'll never able
to go back to city fare."
''Must you go back?" asked Mar-
garet, turning the dough over
thoughtfully. "I couldn't help hop-
ing that you would like it well
enough here to stay," Margaret
went on, a bit hesitantly. ''Old Dr.
Miller has long wanted to retire. If
Dad could only be contented . . . ."
"Oh, no! I'm sure he wouldn't
think of it," protested her mother-
"No, I suppose not," Margaret
agreed regretfully. "But we couldn't
help hoping."
npHROUGH the long, feathery
branches of the willow tree
Margaret could see Kimmy and his
grandfather returning from the mail-
box. Even with their frequent stops
she knew that they would arrive
back all too soon, and Dr. Lansing
would resume his position of wait-
ing on the front porch. Waiting
for what? Simply for the day to
Covering the dough with a fresh
cloth, she called to Mrs. Lansing,
"I'm going to run over to Jackson's
for a few minutes. Dick wasn't feel-
ing well last night. Will vou please
keep an eye on Kimmy? I'd rather
not take him along."
As soon as she knocked on the
door of the cottage, she knew there
was something wrong. There was
the sort of hushed silence that
spreads over a house when someone
is seriously ill.
Mrs. Jackson's sister opened the
door and, in answer to Margaret's
surprised look, she said, "It's Dick.
He's running an awful high fever.
We've tried to get Dr. Miller, but
he doesn't even answer his phone."
"But you must have help at
once!" cried Margaret. "He's in no
condition to stand anything more
right now. Perhaps Dr. Lansing-—
perhaps my father-in-law would . . .
but no, I'm afraid not." Then, as
she noted again the anxiety in the
woman's eyes, she said, "I'll ask
him. I can do that much at least."
She took the short cut across the
field, stopping only to ease herself
through the wire fence, thinking, as
one does of small things during such
an emergency, it's foolish not to cut
a gate here.
This might be the turning point
for all of them, she thought. If Jed's
father could just be made to realize
how much they wanted him and
needed him, maybe— just maybe—
there might be a chance of keeping
him here. She ran breathlessly
around to the front porch.
"Dad," she burst out excitedly,
"Dick Jackson is terribly ill, and
Dr. Miller can't be reached!" The
words tumbled out, one over an-
other. ''Won't you please go down
and take care of him?"
''No, Fm afraid not/' he said im-
mediately. "It wouldn't be ethical
for me to go in and take over Dr.
Miller's patient." Then he added, a
note of unmistakable bitterness in
his voice, "Besides I wouldn't be of
much help."
Oh, she thought wildly, my blun-
dering has spoiled any chance we
had of keeping them here.
"I'm sorry, in my anxiety over
Dick I suppose I forgot . . . every-
thing else," she apologized quickly.
The doctor seemed not to have
heard her apology at all, but ap-
peared to be deep in thought. Final-
ly he said, "I'm the one to be sorry,
my dear. I'm being both stupid
and cruel. I was selfishly thinking
only of my own feelings. Perhaps
I can be of some help."
He went into the bedroom for
his physician's bag and Margaret
watched him walk along the hy-
drangea-bordered path, noting the
proud lift of his shoulders. She
realized that his decision to attend
Dick meant more than changing
into the role of a general practioner.
It meant his accepting of the bitter
fact that his hand would never re-
gain its skill, and that the facing of
this fact had been the biggest hurdle
he had to overcome.
CHE bent her head closer to her
task of preparing lunch to hide
the gleam of unshed tears in her
eyes, as Jed's mother came into the
kitchen. "Maybe you'd like to
walk down to the field and remind
your son that it's mealtime," she
said. "He never seems to know of
his own accord."
While the casserole dish she had
prepared was baking, she fed Kim-
my his special foods, then tucked
him in bed for his nap. She set four
places on the small table in the
glassed-in patio.
It was a matter of twenty minutes
or so before Jed and his mother
came back from the fields.
"I was showing Mother how to
run the harvester," Jed explained
with a chuckle.
"I was doing right well, too," his
mother smiled back. "Another les-
son or two and I might be able to
take over." She glanced towards
the front porch and asked, "Hasn't
Dad come back yet?"
"No," Margaret replied, "and I'm
terribly worried about Dick. His
aunt said he had been running a
high temperature all last night."
Margaret served lunch, and they
ate in silence. There were golden
planes of sunlight slanting across the
patio, as crystal clear as the blue of
the sky through the emerald tracery
of the nearby willow trees.
Luncheon over, Jed went back to
the fields, after asking Margaret to
walk down and tell him what news
there was of Dick's condition as
soon as his father returned.
His mother picked up the mend-
ing basket, which was full to over-
flowing, as usual, and took up a vigil
on the service porch, where she had
a clear view of the Jackson cottage.
The hours passed slowly. Al-
though neither had mentioned it,
each of the women knew that the
other had found the afternoon al-
most intolerably long. Finally Mar-
garet said, "I'll run down and let
Jed know it's dinner time." She
stepped outside, glad to get away elder Lansings had at the present
from the lagging hands of the clock was the association with their only
and into the fresh air. grandchild.
She and Jed were quiet and She had just returned when the
thoughtful as they walked back to door opened and the doctor came
the house hand in hand. "This town in. His face was lined and weary,
could sure use a good doctor like but there was a look of peace in his
Dad/' was Jed's first comment, after eyes that had been missing for many
Margaret had told him that his fa- days.
ther was still at the Jackson's. "Dr. "Dick! Is he . . .?" Margaret's
Miller can't hang on much longer, voice broke.
But I'm afraid Dad would never be "The boy is going to be all right,"
satisfied here." Dr. Lansing replied, looking into
''And Fm afraid your mother the three anxious faces. "He has a
would be even less satisfied," Mar- virulent type of pneumonia that
garet said, a trifle hesitantly, "to set- strikes quickly and hard. And, of
tie down to country life." course, he was already weak to be-
"The more's a pity," said Jed, his gin with. But he has passed the
eyes intent on the faraway moun- crisis now— I stayed until I had
tains. made sure of that. All that will be
There was no mention of waiting required now is good care and a
dinner until the doctor's return, little time."
They conversed but little during the "Well, with you around, he'll get
meal, each being busy with his own the best," said Jed heartily,
thoughts. Margaret's relief for Dick was only
secondary to her other feelings. For
T ONG after the sun had gone the first time since the accident Dr.
down in a blaze of glory and Lansing had spoken like his old self
the sky grown dark, the Lansings again. Tired as he was, his step
hngered on in the comfortable farm had something of the old resilience,
kitchen. Margaret, clearing the There was a quiet triumph in his
dinner dishes from the table on the face, and it had come alive again,
patio, saw the first stars appear, "Thank goodness," she mur-
frostily aloof, in the velvet of the mured softly, and none of them
night sky. knew that she was not speaking
They had all grown restless with wholly for Dick,
waiting. Jed moved silently to the "They'll call me if they happen
window. There was a lone light in to need me again tonight," the doc-
the Jackson cottage. He watched tor said, as he moved towards his
for some time then turned abruptly, bedroom. "But I'm sure that he's
"Isn't it time Kimmy was in bed?" going to be all right."
he asked, and Margaret noted the As they went to their own room,
tenseness in his voice. Margaret turned to Jed with shining
"Let me put him in," his grand- eyes. "This may be the turning
mother said immediately, and Mar- point," she whispered. "There was
garet nodded assent. She knew that something— surely you noticed it."
the greatest pleasure either of the - "Yes, I noticed it," he replied.
''Dad was a doctor again— instead
of just a broken man. All we need
to do now is scare up another urgent
case tomorrow."
npHEY awakened early, as usual,
except for Dr. Lansing who had
been wearied by his unusual exer-
tions of the day before. Margaret
slipped over to the Jackson's to re-
assure herself and learned that Dick
had spent a restful night.
''I don't know what we'd have
done without Dr. Lansing," Mrs.
Jackson said, her voice breaking, 'Til
never be able to thank him enough.
I just couldn't have anything hap-
pen to my boy— not after all he's
been through."
Margaret pressed her neighbor's
arm lovingly. "It did something for
him, too," she said. "Last night he
was himself again for the first time
this summer."
She hurried back to the house
where Mrs. Lansing was giving
Kimmy his morning cereal. "Where
is Dr. Miller's office?" she asked.
"Around the corner from the
church, on the northeast side. It's
that white stucco house, with all
the flowers," Margaret explained.
"He plans to move to Arizona and
live with a daughter if he can ever
get away."
"Could we drive over and see it
this morning?"
"Oh, Mother!" cried Margaret.
"Do you really mean it? Would
you consider staying here? Could
you be contented here?"
"It must be Frank's decision, of
course," replied Mrs. Lansing. "But
I think after our talk last night I
might persuade him to stay . . . ."
"Plotting behind my back, eh?"
a voice interrupted, and they turned
to see the doctor standing in the
doorway. "So you think you would
like to live in the country? Do you
think you would be contented?"
"Yes," she replied with decision,
"I honestly think I could get along
happily without city diversions. In
fact, they all seem rather trivial com-
pared to what we might find here—
what we have already found," she
corrected herself.
"And you would like to see me
go back to being a country doctor?"
"It wouldn't be going back," she
replied. "The life you saved yester-
day was as important as any you
might have saved anywhere else.
Wasn't it now?"
"I've never been happier over
any, as far as I can remember," he
confessed. "And do you really
think these children of ours could
stand having us so near?"
There was a twinkle in his eyes
that brought a surge of joy to Mar-
garet's heart. "I think that we
could bear up under it," she replied.
"Then I think we'll all go over
and take a look at Dr. Miller's set-
up. But first I must have a look at
my patient! And I also might re-
mind you that Fm ravenously hun-
gry—if anyone cares."
"I'll deep-fry some scones," said
Margaret. "They will be extra good
this morning, and there's fresh but-
ter and strawberry jam."
"I'll have some, too," said Mrs.
As she lifted Kimmy down from
his high chair she held him long
enough to say gravely, "You look
well fed and contented this morn-
ing." Then she added to no one
in particular— certainly not to Kim-
my, "Contentment is a lovely
From The Field
Margaref C. Pickeiing, General Secretary-Treasurer
All material submitted for publication in this department should be sent through
stake and mission Relief Society presidents. See regulations governing the submittal
of material for "Notes From the Field" in the Magazine for April 1950, page 278, and
the Handbook of Instructions, page 123.
Photograph submitted by Alta Fuhriman
CONVENTION, August 12, 1954
Left to right: Clarissa Ashlock, stake visiting teacher message leader; Emma Tid-
well, Homedale Ward, who has served as a visiting teacher for fifty years; Susannah
Young, Homedale Ward, fifty-one years; Minnie Sorenson, Nampa First Ward, forty-
two years; Ella Bailey, Star Branch, fifty-five years; Nellie Montague, Nampa Third
Ward, forty-two years; Mary Edgley, Nampa Fourth Ward, forty-two years; Ruby Grif-
fith, Homedale Ward, thirt}'-seven years; Ethel Olsen, Marsing Ward, forty-eight years;
Hannah Call, Star Branch, thirty nine years.
These sisters were honored at the convention and presented with books as tokens
of appreciation for their long and loyal service. The Nampa First Ward was especial!}'
honored for having the highest percentage of visiting teachers present at the con\cn-
tion. Tht Doctrine and Covenants Commentary was presented to this ward Relief So-
ciety for its library.
Alta Fuhriman is president of Nampa Stake Relief Society.
Page 116
Photograph submitted by Lavonc Hoopes
Stake chorister, Gene\a Green, stands at the left in the eenter of the picture above
the rostrum (wearing white blouse); Marie Farley, who directed the chorus, stands in
front, at the left (wearing dark dress); stake organist, Lela McBride, seated at the piano;
the assistant organist, Bernice Stowell, is seated at the organ at the right.
This chorus is composed of ONer one hundred women, representing eight wards.
Many of the women traseled almost one hundred miles to be present for this occasion.
Lavona Hoopes is president of St. Joseph Stake Relief Society.
Photograph submitted by Jenna Vee Hall
Seated, front row, fourth from the right: President Hazel Gines; third from the
right. Second Counselor Edith Byington; second from the right, Secretary-Treasurer
Helen Kotter; front row, fourth from the left, Mildred Andrus, visiting teacher message
First Counselor Rachel Da\is was not present when this picture was taken.
Jenna Vee Hall is president of Gooding Stake ReHef Society.
Phot()giai)h submitted by Inez B. Tingey
Seated, front row, left to right: Louise Seamons; Lillian Evans, visiting teacher
message leader; Veressa Packer, First Counselor; Janett Bullock, President; Zelda Henin-
ger, Second Counselor; Marian Izatt, Secretary-Treasurer; Florence Morgan; Linda
Fifty women are active visiting teachers in the Logan Fourth Ward. On Septem-
ber 7, 1954; ^ lovely social was given, honoring these sisters for their faithful service to
Relief Society.
Inez B. Tingey is president of Cache Stake Relief Society.
Photograph submitted by Ruth U. Stapley
September 1954
Seated at the right side on tlie front row, left to right: Elnora Shupe, former
president of Phoenix Stake Relief Society; Permella Haggard, First Counselor; Maud
Pace, Second Counselor; Ruth O. Stapley, President, Phoenix Stake Rehef Society;
Havana May, stake Relief Society organist.
Sister Stapley reports that Pearl Shumvvay, who has been a visiting teacher for
fifty-four years, was especiaHv honored at this convention and was presented with a
gift. The oldest visiting teacher, Nettie Storey, age seventy-seven, and the youngest
visiting teacher, Aletha Turley, nineteen, were also honored and presented with gifts.
The theme for this occasion, ''Come to Rehef Society and Have Your Faith Lifted,"
mounted on a poster, was placed on a stand at the front of the chapel. Two hundred
women attended the meeting, and each was presented with a booklet "Deep Roots,"
prepared by the stake board. The slogan, "Every Latter-day Saint Woman a Member
of Relief Society," was mounted on a poster and placed at the entrance to the chapel.
Photograph submitted by Ina Ruth Perkins
Standing, left to right: Ann Gardner, San Antonio, Texas; Charlene Sorenson,
Brigham City, Utah; Alda Bradbur}% Salt Lake City, Utah; Ruth Smith, Boise, Idaho;
Norma Young, Merced, California; Mary Lou Greenfield, Charleston, West Virginia;
Pauline Rudd, Parker, Idaho,
The following members of this Relief Society were not present when this picture
was taken: Beverly Halford, Burley, Idaho; Beverly Johnson, Cambridge, Idaho; Ina
Ruth Perkins, Eagar, Arizona.
This quilt was a summer project, planned and executed entirely by beginners.
Upon completion, it was presented to Sister Rudd, wife of the group leader. Captain
Melvin J. Rudd, in appreciation for their services to the members of the Church sta-
tioned at Ramcy Air Force Base. Sister Smith designed the quilt.
Ramey Air Force Base in Puerto Rico does not belong to any organized stake or
mission, but is under the direct supervision of Elder Bruce R. McConkie, who has
charge of the Latter-day Saint groups at all the military bases.
Photograph submitted by Isabell C. Ellison
STAKE CONFERENCE, September 1954
Seated at the organ, Eva Mae Chapman, organist; seated, front row, at left, Kath-
arine Miller, chorister.
This chorus presented the music for the stake quarterly conference in September,
and the group has also presented music for many other occasions, including stake Relief
Society meetings.
Isabell C. Ellison is president of Riverdale Stake Relief Society.
Photograph submitted by Minnie C. Dills
Seated, fifth and sixth from the left, front row: Sally Murray and Nancy Sellers,
chairmen; inset, Josephine Jenkins, former President, Florida Stake Relief Society.
This group represents former Relief Society leadership of Florida Stake and former
board members, ward officers, and chairmen who, on October i, 1954, closed a most
successful fund-raising campaign. The work meeting leaders, under the direction
of Ida Starling, former stake work meeting leader, invited the members to eon-
tribute a bazaar item. This was a most satisfying project. The contributions varied
from articles for sales to lovely applique quilts and canary birds. One ward grew and
sold cut flowers. The names of those contributing to the projects are recorded on the
scrolls shown in the picture. These names are treasured in remembrance of outstand-
ing co-operation.
EfTie F. Meeks is the new president of Florida Stake Relief Society.
Photograph submitted by Marjorie M. Ward
September 29, 1954
The highlight of this opening social was a skit entitled 'The Spinisters' Conven-
tion," directed by Mary C. Neves and Tirza Eekersley, as an effective reminder of the
annual membership dues.
Front row, seated, left to right: Leona Jolley; Mary C. Neves; Maud Hartley;
Belle Sessions.
Second row, standing, left to right: Jessie Streeter; Nan S. Poll; Aurelia Shimer;
Tirza Eckerslev; Merrilla W'orthington; Irene Safford, President Seventeenth Ward Re-
lief Society; Martha Sequine.
Third row, standing, left to right: Bertha DeLong, First Counselor, Seventeenth
Ward Relief Society; Juanita Newsome; Doris Badger, Second Counselor, Seventeenth
Ward Relief Society; Isabelle Wiberg; Caroline Brown; Esther Farnsworth; Lillian Sna-
der; Joanne Roundy.
Marjorie M. Ward is president of Salt Lake Stake Relief Society.
Photograph submitted by Agnes M. Vincent
Front row, left to right: Viola Tueller, former stake chorister; Anna Beth Stucki;
Lucille Sorenson; Lvle Pratt, First Counselor, Monument Park Stake Relief Society;
Ina York; Abbie McKay; Loraine Richmond; Bessie Hopkins; Mary Merrill; Alice
Bleyl; Elaine Drake, stake Relief Society organist; Orzelle Fullmer; Grace Stevens.
Second rov/, left to right: Erma White; Mae Farthingham; Jeanette Heistera;
Millie Erickson; Orean Burton; Sylvia Weaver; Ann Kelley; Vada Bate; Annie Stoker;
Gene Smith; Margaret Emery; Carol Gray.
Back row, left to right: Nyena Nelson; Ruby Henderson; Helen Lach; Orlene
Poulsen; Fern Campbell; Florence Workman; Ruth Walton; Ida Romney; Thelma
Hammond; June Allen; Elanor Evertson; Phyllis Hansen, stake chorister.
Reba O. Calling is president of Monument Park Stake Relief Society,
« ♦ *
njLorahain JLincoln
Mabel /ones Gahhott
Lincoln stood above the crowds,
Shoulders high, they say;
Held his thoughts erect and true,
Walked the Master's way;
Lincoln spoke in simple words,
Heart to heart, they say;
Li\ing words that ring with truth
To our ears today;
Understanding filled his soul
For all men, they say;
Tall in stature, thought, and heart,
Lincoln knelt to pray.
cJheologyi — Characters and Teachings
of The Book of Mormon
Lesson 32— Peace Comes to the Nephites Through Righteousness
Elder LeJand H. Monson
Text: The Book of Mormon: Alma, chapters 59-63
For Tuesday, May 3, 1955
Objective: To show the necessity of maintaining righteousness within a country
in order to withstand the enemies without.
Moroni's Letter to Pahoran
\\rHEN Moroni received Hela-
man's letter in the thirtieth
year of the reign of the judges, he
rejoiced over the success of Helaman
in his part of the country for win-
ning back the land the Nephites
had lost. This information was sent
to all the Nephites near where
Moroni was, so that they might join
in the rejoicing.
Immediately, in response to Hcla-
man's query as to why more strength
was not sent him so that he could
continue to maintain the re-con-
quered lands, Moroni addressed a
letter to Pahoran, the chief judge,
in the land of Zarahemla. He re-
quested Pahoran to send reinforce-
ments to Helaman's armies. Moroni
then continued to make plans for
winning back the remainder of the
cities and possessions of the Ne-
phites still held by the Lamanites.
Before he was ready to proceed,
however, he learned that the gov-
ernment had also neglected to rein-
force the city of Nephihah as he
had expected, for it fell into the
hands of the Lamanites. This Mo-
roni learned from those inhabitants
who escaped and joined him.
. . . when Moroni saw that the city of
Nephihah was lost he was exceeding sor-
rowful, and began to doubt, because of
the wickedness of the people, whether
they should not fall into the hands of their
brethren. Now this was the case with
all his chief captains. They doubted and
marveled also because of the wickedness
of the people, and this because of the
success of the Lamanites over them
(Alma 59:11-12).
Moroni was angered with the gov-
ernment because of its indifference
to the cause of freedom, and he
Page 123
wrote a second letter to Pahoran,
comprising chapter 60 of Alma,
couched in very strong words. Not
only did he address Pahoran, but
... all those who have been chosen by
this people to govern and manage the
affairs of this war. For behold, I have
somewhat to say unto them by the way
of condemnation; for , . . ye yourselves
know that ye have been appointed to
gather together men, and arm them with
swords, and with cimeters, and all manner
of weapons of war of every kind, and send
forth against the Lamanites, in whatso-
ever parts they should come into our land.
And now . . . myself, and also my men,
and also Flelaman and his men, have
suffered exceeding great sufferings; yea,
even hunger, thirst, and fatigue, and all
manner of afflictions of every kind . . .
great has been the slaughter among our
people; yea, thousands have fallen by the
sword, while it might have otherwise been
if ye had rendered unto our armies suffi-
cient strength and succor for them. Yea,
great has been your neglect towards us
(Alma 60:1 ff.).
Moroni then demanded to know
the cause. ''Can you think to sit
upon your thrones in a state of
thoughtless stupor . . .?" (Alma
60:7). After setting forth the tragic
results of their neglect of the armies,
Moroni then asked and answered
a question which, has ever been of
vital concern:
Do ye suppose that, because so many of
your brethren have been killed it is be-
cause of their wickedness? I say unto you,
if ye have supposed this ye have supposed
in vain; for I say unto you, there are many
who have fallen by the sword; and behold
it is to your condemnation; For the Lord
suffereth the righteous to be slain that
his justice and judgment may come upon
the wicked; therefore ye need not suppose
that the righteous are lost because they
are slain; but behold, they do enter into
the rest of the Lord their God (Alma 60:
Wickedness oi King-Men
Moroni told Pahoran that he
feared the judgments of God would
come because of the slothfulness of
the government and declared:
. . . were it not for the wickedness
which first commenced at our head, we
could ha\e withstood our enemies . . .
had it not been for the war which broke
out among ourselves; yea, were it not for
these king-men, who caused so much blood-
shed among ourselves; yea, at the time
we were contending among ourselves, if
we had united our strength as we hitherto
have done; yea, had it not been for the
desire of power and authority which those
king-men had over us; had they been true
to the cause of our freedom, and united
with us, and gone forth against our ene-
mies, instead of taking up their swords
against us, which was the cause of so
much bloodshed among ourselves; yea, if
we had gone forth against them in the
strength of the Lord, we should have dis-
persed our enemies, for it would have
been done, according to the fulfilling of
his word (Alma 60:15-16).
In contrast, Moroni depicted the
true picture of the condition of the
Nephites, with the Lamanites com-
ing upon them, taking over their
lands, murdering the people, and
carrying women and children away
as captives. Moroni even raised the
question concerning the personal in-
tegrity of all to whom his letter was
addressed. He asked if they were
neglectful because they sat in the
heart of the country in security, and
he reminded them of the '\ . .
thousands round about in the bor-
ders of the land who are falling by
the sword, yea, wounded and bleed-
ing" (Alma 60:22).
Moroni also said to the Nephite
rulers :
. . . Now I would that ye should re-
member that God has said that the inward
vessel shall be cleansed first, and then shall
the outer vessel be cleansed also. And
now, except ye do repent of that which
ye have done, and begin to be up and
doing ... it will be expedient that we
contend no more with the Lamanites until
we have first cleansed our inward vessel,
yea, even the great head of our govern-
ment. And except ye grant mine epistle,
and come out and show unto me a true
spirit of freedom ... I will leave a part
of my freemen to maintain this part of
our land .... And I will come unto you
... if there be even a spark of freedom
remaining, behold I will stir up insurrec-
tions among you, even until those who
have desires to usurp power and authority
shall become extinct (Alma 60:23 ff.).
The great patriot Moroni, lover
of righteousness, merciful and kind,
lover of freedom, declared that he
did not fear their authority or power,
he feared his God. He closed his
great epistle with the command-
ment, "... Now see that ye fulfil
the word of God," and concluded:
''Behold, I am Moroni, your chief
captain. I seek not for power, but
to pull it down. I seek not for honor
of the world, but for the glory of
my God, and the freedom and wel-
fare of my country. And thus I
close mine epistle" (Alma 60:35-
Pahoran's Patriotic Reply
In reply, Pahoran answered Mo-
... I do not joy in your great afflictions,
yea, it grieves my soul. But behold, there
are those who do joy in your afflictions
(Alma 61:2-3).
Pahoran then confirmed the fears
of Moroni in the need of cleansing
the inner vessel. The king-men by
flattery had won over the people
and withheld provisions and free-
men from the armies. Pahoran him-
self had been driven out and had
fled to Gideon with as many men
as he could get. From there he had
sent a proclamation throughout that
part of the land, and the freemen
were rallying to Pahoran in great
numbers. While the king-men did
not dare to come out to battle
against Pahoran, they had taken
possession of the city of Zarahemla,
and had appointed a king Pachus
over themselves. This king had en-
tered into correspondence with the
king of the Lamanites and had
promised to maintain the city of
Zarahemla, leaving the Lamanites
to conquer the rest of the country
of the Nephites. When it was all
conquered, then Pachus expected to
be made king over the Nephites
'\ . . when they shall be conquered
under the Lamanites" (Alma 61:8).
While Pahoran had been cen-
sured by Moroni, he said he was
not angered, but rejoiced in the
greatness of Moroni's heart. Pa-
horan did not desire power, save
only to retain his judgment seat.
He declared, ''. . . My soul standeth
fast in that liberty in the which
God hath made us free" (Alma 61:
Pahoran stated, as had the other
righteous leaders of the Nephites,
that the Nephites would not de-
stroy the Lamanites if they had not
taken the sword against the Ne-
phites. He even observed with hu-
We would subject ourselves to the yoke
of bondage if it were requisite with the
justice of God, or if he should command
us so to do. But behold he doth not com-
mand us that we shall subject ourselves
to our enemies, but that we should put
our trust in him, and he will deliver us
(Alma 61:12-13).
Moroni was asked by Pahoran to
bring a few of his men with him,
and to gather such other forces as
he could on the way, so that they
might conquer Zarahemla. He in-
structed Moroni to leave Teancum
and Lehi in charge of the army,
''. . . to conduct the war in that
part of the land, according to the
Spirit of God, which is also the
spirit of freedom which is in them"
(Alma 61:15). When Zarahemla
would again be captured, Pahoran
promised provisions could be sent
to Lehi and Teancum.
Pahoran confided in Moroni that
he had been worried as to what
course to pursue, as to whether it
would be just to fight his Nephite
brethren. But Moroni had eased
his mind because he had said that
unless they repented, the Lord had
commanded Moroni to go against
them. Pahoran concluded:
See that ye strengthen Lehi and Tean-
cum in the Lord; tell them to fear not,
for God will dehver them, yea, and also
all those who stand fast in that liberty
wherewith God hath made them free.
And now I close mine epistle to my be-
loved brother, Moroni (Alma 61:21).
When Moroni had read the epis-
tle of Pahoran, he was very joyful
to learn that Pahoran was not a
traitor, but his heart was grieved
because of the wickedness of the
Nephites who had driven Pahoran
from the judgment-seat. Moroni
followed the instruction of Pahoran,
and in whatever place he entered he
raised the standard of liberty and
joined to his force those thousands
who wished to remain freemen and
not be brought into bondage.
King-Men Overthrown
When Moroni and Pahoran had
joined their forces, they proceeded to
go down into the land of Zarahemla.
In the ensuing battle, Pachus was
slain and his followers were cap-
tured and tried with the king-men
who had previously been cast into
prison. In compliance with the law
they were executed, as refusing to
take up arms in defense of their
country but rather fight against their
country. Thus peace was restored
to Zarahemla and Pahoran was re-
stored to the judgment-seat.
Immediately thereafter Moroni
had provisions and an army of six
thousand men sent to the assistance
of Helaman. Six thousand men and
a quantity of food were also sent
to the armies of Lehi and Teancum.
Moroni and Pahoran with a third
large body of men marched against
Nephihah. Four thousand Laman-
ites whom they captured on the
way, after entering into a covenant
of peace, were sent to dwell with
the people of Ammon.
Lamanites Driven Out
When Moroni was camped out-
side Nephihah, he desired the La-
manites to come out to battle
against him, but they feared the
courage of the Nephites as well as
their numbers, so they did not come
out to battle that day.
In the nighttime Moroni came
upon the top of the wall of the
city to discover in what part the
Lamanites were camped. He then
returned to his army and had them
prepare strong cords and ladders
which his men could let down into
the city on the west side, while the
Lamanites were asleep on tlie east
side. By morning all the Nephites
were within the walls of the city.
When the Lamanites awakened they
were so frightened that they sought
to escape by the pass, but Moroni
sent his men after them and killed
many and captured manv others.
The remainder fled to the land of
Moroni on the seashore. The Ne-
phites regained the city without the
loss of one man. The Lamanite
prisoners desired to join the people
of Amnion, so Moroni was relieved
of a great burden, and those Laman-
ites began to till the fields and raise
grain and all kinds of flocks.
As Moroni and his victorious
army approached the other Nephite
cities held by the Lamanites, they
fled before them. Moroni's forces
became joined with those of Lehi
and Teancum:
And the armies of the Lamanites were
all gathered together, insomuch that they
were all in one body in the land of Moroni.
Now Ammoron, the king of the Lamanites,
was also with them (Alma 62:33).
When the two armies were thus
facing each other, because of the
weariness of both, none but Tean-
cum conceived any stratagem. He,
howe\er, blamed Amalickiah and his
brother Ammoron for all the wars
and bloodshed, and famine, and in
his anger, he let himself down over
the walls of the city:
. . . And he went forth with a cord,
from place to place, insomuch that he did
find the king; and he did cast a javelin
at him, which did pierce him near the
heart. But behold, the king did awake
his servant before he died, insomuch that
they did pursue Teancum, and slew him
(Alma 62:36).
The death of Teancum grieved
Moroni and Lehi exceedingly, for:
... he had been a man who had fought
vahantly for his country, yea, a true friend
to liberty; and he had suffered very many
exceedingly sore afflictions . . . (Alma
On the morrow Moroni drove the
Lamanites out of the land and they
did not then return against the
Nephites. Moroni fortified suffi-
ciently the parts of the land most
exposed to the Lamanites, and then
returned to Zarahemla; Helaman
'\ . . returned to the place of his
inheritance. . . J' (Alma 62:42)
and there was once more peace in
the land in the thirty-second year
of the reign of the judges, after
many years of war.
There had been great wickedness
among the Nephites, but they had
been spared because of the prayers
of the righteous. Moroni yielded up
the command of the army to his
son Moronihah. Helaman and his
brethren again went forth to preach
the word of God and regulate the
Church. The people humbled them-
selves and again began to multiply,
to become strong in the land and
rich. Howex'cr, they remembered
the great mercies of the Lord to
them and remained steadfast.
Deaths of Hehman and Moroni
During this happy period Hela-
man died, in the thirty-fifth year of
the reign of the judges, and Shib-
lon took possession of those sacred
things delivered to Helaman by
Alma. We find that Shiblon and
also Corianton did good continually
and kept the commandments of the
Lord. Moroni the great prophet-
patriot died, ". . . And thus ended
the thirty and sixth year of the reign
of the judges" (Alma 63:3).
It was during the next year that
Hagoth, ". . . he being an exceed-
ingly curious man . . ." (Alma 63:5)
built a large ship in which many
Nephites, with provisions, sailed
away, taking their course northward.
The following year Hagoth built
other ships, and the first ship re-
turned ". . . and many more people
did enter into it. . . " (Alma 63:7)
and they sailed again northward,
but they were never heard of again.
Many people went into the land
northward and Corianton went to
carry provisions to them. In the
absence of Corianton, Shiblon, be-
fore his death, conferred the sacred
things upon Helaman, son of Hela-
man. And all the records which
Helaman possessed were written and
sent forth among the children of
men, except those parts which Alma
had instructed should not go forth.
The Book of Alma ends with the
thirty-ninth year of the reign of the
judges and completes the account
of Alma and his sons Helaman and
Questions on the Lesson
1. What comparisons can be drawn be-
tween the internal conditions among the
Nephites, and those in countries of the
world today?
2. Show how the teachings of Alma to
his sons bore fruit.
3. How do you account for the lack of
jealousy among the great Nephite leaders?
ViSitifig cJeacher f/lessages
Book of Mormon Gems of Truth
Lesson 32: ", . . My Soul Standeth Fast in That Liberty in the Which
God Hath Made Us Free'' (Alma 61:9).
Leone O. Jacobs
For Tuesday, May 3, 1955
Objective: To show that we must hold fast to that God-given liberty which
ensures our freedom.
T IBERTY is a privilege for which
men have fought and died since
the beginning of time. And why
have men been so tenacious in de-
fense of this privilege? Because
liberty is the God-given right of
every individual, and there is in-
herent within man the desire to act
for himself. The plan of salvation
was founded upon the principle that
man is an agent unto himself, and
only by his own volition may he
But liberty is often confused with
license. Liberty gives one the right
to do as he wishes only in so far as
he does not infringe upon the rights
of others, while license may mean
the abuse of freedom, or freedom
used in contempt of law.
There are two aspects to be con-
sidered regarding liberty: the free-
dom to act, and the responsibility
that liberty imposes. Often we think
only of the first, and give little con-
sideration to the latter. We may be
free to act but not free to avert the
consequences of our actions — they
are irrevocable. No one can deny
us the right to do as we wish, but
each person must pay the price of
doing as he wishes. Brother Richard
L. Evans says, ''All men have the
God-given right to think and be-
lieve as they will, and all men have
the God-given responsibility to ren-
der an accounting sometime, some-
where, for those things which they
choose to think and believe."
Repeatedly we hear people say,
''I want to live my own life," or
''It is my own life, isn't it?" — to
which we may observe, "It is your
own life to live as you wish, if you
do not touch the lives of others,
but others may easily be influenced
for good or ill by your actions."
This is part of the responsibility
incurred by the possessor of liberty.
Physical liberty is greatly to be
desired and to be defended, but
far more importnat is liberty of the
mind and spirit. To be in bondage
to sin is spiritual imprisonment.
The Lord said:
Abide ye in the liberty wherewith ye
are made free; entangle not yourselves
in sin, but let your hands be elean, until
the Lord comes (D. & C. 88:86).
Obedience to the law is the means
by which we may continue to stand
fast in liberty.
« '» ■
Vi/ofR nleeting — Selection, Care, and Use of
Household Equipment
(A Course Recommended for Use by Wards and Branches at Work Meeting)
Lesson 8— Utensils for Surface Cookery
Rhea H. Gardner
For Tuesday, May lo, 1955
OAVING the right utensils can
make the difference between a
happy and an unhappy homemaker,
and a successful or unsuccessful
There are many things to be con-
sidered in buying utensils for sur-
face cooking. The size of the pan
should be proportional to the
amount of food to be cooked. Pans
nearly the same size as the elements
over which they are to be placed will
insure the most economical use of
One utensil with a number of
uses is a better choice than several
suited to only one job. A rounded
union on the inside of a pan simpli-
fies cleaning. A lip on at least one
side is a convenience when pouring
liquids. If the cover is to be tight-
fitting, either the pan or the cover
must have a beveled edge. A close-
fitting cover permits the mainten-
ance of the boiling temperature
when low heat is used.
Handles of heat-resistant material
insure safety. One should make
sure that the handle is guaranteed
to last as long as the kettle or pan
and that it will not come loose. A
handle too long may overbalance the
pan or get in the cook's way. One
that is too short increases possibility
of burns.
The most frequently used ma-
terials for surface cookery are alumi-
num, copper, glass, enamelware, and
stainless steel. There is no one
best kind of material for all uses,
but each has qualities that make it
particularly best suited for specific
Aluminum is the most widely
used saucepan material and is mod-
erate in cost. Aluminum retains
heat well at a low temperature. It
also heats more quickly than steel
or iron and thereby saves time. Since
it is a good conductor of heat there
is less danger of food sticking, when
little or no water is added to fruit
or vegetables. Experiments con-
ducted by the United States Depart-
ment of Health and Johns Hopkins
and other universities entirely dis-
credit the theory that cancer or oth-
er diseases may be caused by foods
cooked in aluminum utensils.
If food sticks to an aluminum
pan, first try soaking. Should scour-
ing be necessary, use steel wool, or
a mild abrasive such as whiting (ob-
tainable at most hardware stores).
If an aluminum pan becomes a lit-
tle discolored, boil something acid
in it, such as water with a little vine-
gar or cream of tartar, or cook some
slightly acid food, such as tomatoes
or tart apples in the pan. This will
brighten the pan and not harm the
food. The best practice in the care
of aluminum is to give it proper
care each time it is used, and you
will not have to resort to drastic
cleaning measures.
Copper is more expensive than
other materials and requires constant
care to keep it bright. Some manu-
facturers apply copper to the bot-
tom of utensils made of stainless
steel to improve evenness of heat-
ing. This combination makes for a
more efficient utensil. For regular
care, wash copper utensils with hot
soapy water immediately after using
them. Dry carefully and thorough-
ly. Copper utensils sometimes de-
velop spots and become tarnished.
These cannot always be removed
with regular cleaning agents. Try
rubbing them with hot vinegar and
salt, lemon rind and salt, or hot
buttermilk. Do not overheat a dry
copper utensil or the copper will
come off like powder.
Glass is comparatively easy to
clean, inexpensive, and holds heat
well. However, it conducts heat
poorly, therefore, breaks easily. The
main advantage of glass is its trans-
Enamelware is glass fused onto a
steel base by firing at a high tem-
perature. Therefore, as with glass,
care must be used to see that it does
not boil dry or receive hard knocks.
Enamel lids do not fit tightly, and
this is a disadvantage in vegetable
cookery. Food sticks to the bottom
because of uneven heat distribution.
The price is a factor in its favor.
When food is burned or stuck on,
soak the utensil in water before try-
ing to clean it. Avoid sharp scrap-
ers and do not use steel wool or a
coarse scouring powder. Enamel-
ware and graniteware can be cleaned
simply by washing with mild soap
and water.
Ironware gives an even spread and
good retention of heat, making it de-
sirable for slow cooking. Its weight,
cplor, and hot handles are disadvan-
tages. It will rust if not kept dry.
Ironware seldom needs more care
than a good wash in hot soapy wat-
er. You can scour it with steel wool
and use a strong alkaline soap or
water softener to remove grease.
You may have an iron utensil that
you use only a few times a year. To
prevent rust from forming, put a
thin coat of fat on it, then wrap in
paper and put away in a dry place.
Stainless steel utensils are increas-
ing in popularity because improved
evenness of cooking has been
achieved by applying aluminum or
copper to the undersurface or by
using a special heat distributing core
between two sheets of steel. Uten-
sils made entirely of stainless steel
form hot spots and cause food to
stick because of uneven distribution
of heat. Stainless steel is easily
cleaned, is very durable and resistant
to pitting. The high cost may be
a disadvantage. It may be cleaned
with a gritless cleaning powder, such
as whiting, or extremely fine steel
wool. It usually requires only mild
cleaning methods.
A minimum number of well-chos-
en utensils in various materials may
serve a homemaker better than a
larger set all of one type of ma-
terial. Slow cooking of food under
a watchful eye and for the mini-
mum time saves energy, time, and
wear on pans, as well as preserving
food nutrients and flavor. 'Troper
care means longer wear."
Thoughts ioi Discussion
1. Did you "buy" or were you "sold"
a large part of your kitchen utensils? What
was the strongest motive in your buying
them — actual need or high pressure sales-
2. What utensils do you use frequently
enough to justify the price you paid and
the storage space they use?
3. Allow time for adequate discussion.
JLiterature — Literature of England
Lesson 48-Matthew Arnold (1822-1888)
Elder B riant S. Jacobs
(Textbook: The Literature of England, 11, Woods, Watt, Anderson, pp. 726-748;
For Tuesday, May 17, 1955
Objective: To weigh and consider Matthew Arnold's considerable contribution
to English literature.
One of the wisest men of our day, of liberty is the spirit which seeks to
Judge Learned Hand, has not pre- understand the minds of other men and
'' °,, , r Ti. -Ui.!,!, women: the spirit or liberty is the spirit
sumed to define liberty, but he has ^^.^^ ^^.^^^ \^^.^ ^^^^^^^^^^ alongside its
stated his own faith regarding it: own wthout bias. . . .
The spirit of liberty is the spirit which 0"^ i" such a spirit are we ready
is not too sure that it is right; the spirit to be taught; to be enriched; to
grow; and we should approach Mat-
thew Arnold in this spirit, as we
should approach literatures of all
times and peoples.
Matthew Arnold is not everyone's
favorite author. Throughout his
life he maintained a personal aloof-
ness which was both conscious and
deliberate; to maintain this same in-
terval between himself and later
generations he directed that no biog-
raphy be written, and he destroyed
all papers save a few letters and his
published works: it was in these
that he wanted to live. Richly his
wish has been fulfilled. Whatever
phase of Victorian life we may
choose to consider, there he stands
confronting us, too considerable to
be ignored, too penetrating to be
Some have found Arnold to be
the prophet of despair; for others
he championed excellence and
truth. All agree to his largeness
and sincerity and depth. In his
monumental work in the English
schools, in his poetry, and in his
critical writings, there is a grand
unity. Firm in his belief that
''conduct is three-fourths of life,"
Arnold, more nearly than any of
his contemporaries, exemplified in
his own life the classical virtues he
so loved: ''to think clearly, to feel
nobly, and to delineate firmly."
If the mature Arnold spent his
energies fighting to uphold the best,
he was but fulfilling the pattern es-
tablished by his father, Thomas
Arnold, the famous headmaster at
Rugby school, and the most domi-
nant teacher and personal influence
young Arnold knew. Thomas be-
lieved completely in the virtues of
a truly classical, liberal education.
This strong belief in the need for
A Perry Picture
traditional standards was bequeathed
in full measure upon his son Mat-
After leaving Rugby, young "Matt"
attended Oxford, graduating in
1844. He taught for a time, then
for two years he lived in the realm
of politics and power as secretary
to Lord Lansdowne. But Arnold
was not content amid these values,
and furthermore he was in love and
long engaged. In need of perma-
nent income, he accepted, when, in
1847, Lord Lansdowne secured him
a position as inspector of schools.
For the next forty years he traveled
England and the continent, exam-
ining students for scholastic profi-
ciency and constantly making rec-
ommendations which would give to
the great English middle classes a
thorough, free education compa-
rable in quality to schooling obtain-
able in Germany and France. When
he retired he was highly esteemed
by teachers and administrators alike.
As a student Arnold had felt the
great power of poetry, and had dedi-
cated his life to it by keeping him-
self distant from his fellow students,
since he felt their values would not
help him in his poetic ambitions.
After he became inspector he con-
tinued writing poetry, and at the
beginning of each year he meticu-
lously noted the books he intended
to read. As he read each one in a
few moments snatched in bumping
railway cars, stations, and miserable
hotels, he carefully crossed its title
off. He copied from his readings
the great and rewarding thoughts
and systematically contemplated
these throughout his life. In 1857
he was honored by being appointed
to the chair of poetry at Oxford,
where he lectured three or four
times yearly for the next decade,
the first in his position to give the
lectures in English rather than in
Latin. After his fortieth year he
wrote little poetry, devoting most
of his energies to criticism, not only
in literary matters, but in politics,
religion, and economics.
His marriage was evidently a
happy one. When he retired from
his school position in 1886 at age
sixty-six, his pension was not ade-
quate, so, at the suggestion of Henry
James and other friends, he made
a lecture tour of America. He made
money and was well received, at the
same time enjoying himself im-
His entire hfe was vigorous. At
age sixty-five, still following his life-
long liking for exercise, he went
skating; at sixty-six he continued to
go swimming. But his health began
to fail after his retirement, and he
died suddenly in 1888 at the pier
while welcoming his daughter and
grandchildren home from an Ameri-
can port.
Arnold's Creed
In one of the great periods of
dynamic change in western history,
Matthew Arnold refused to believe
that a value is valuable merely be-
cause it is new. True to his classi-
cal training, he found more of the
best in the culture of ancient Greece
than he did in his contemporary
Imagine, if you will, Matthew
Arnold circulating a questionnaire
in his official capacity as your super-
intendent of schools. It is con-
cerned with the TV habits of high
school students. Suppose he were
to receive the following answers
(as did an enquiring teacher in a
1953 survey): *Td rather sit and
look than sit and exercise my brain."
''Mr. Arnold, I suffer when I read.''
''A masterpiece is something you
don't understand." "Who wants to
read? It makes you feel sissified."
Here, in chronic form, is our mod-
ern intensification of the symptoms
Arnold feared.
Like the legions of courageous
souls who founded both our own
nation and our own Church, Mat-
thew Arnold looked about him and
found almost everywhere absent his
concept of the Ideal. The Real as
he saw it was not encouraging:
smugness, hypocrisy, self-righteous-
ness; worship of success, wealth,
energy, things; a rampant individu-
ality so uninformed, headstrong,
and extreme as to have little con-
cern for quality and excellence.
To such a generation Arnold's
constant message was, ''Repent, for
the kingdom of heaven is within
you." Arnold knew full well that
men cannot be driven either to
Perfection or Heaven, but the pas-
sion of his life, both in his private
actions as in his writings, was his
belief in the values of education.
Both within himself and his age
Arnold acknowledged a great de-
cline in faith. The most tragic re-
sult of this loss, Arnold felt, was
that it made Man something less
than complete— he became disuni-
fied, both within himself and with-
in the society which produced him.
For Arnold was profoundly con-
vinced that man is not saved alone,
but within the society or culture of
which he is a part.
The vision of the Ideal can come
only from an inward excellence—
the greatest virtue in life, but the
most difficult to earn. ''As the
Greek poet long ago said, 'excel-
lence dwells among rocks hardly
accessible, and a man must almost
wear his heart out before he can
reach her'" (text, p. 558, lines 44-
47). But if, through education,
man attains this excellence, or cul-
ture, or rightness, then the aware-
ness of perfection lies directly ahead.
And for him perfection is the goal:
Not a having and a resting but a grow-
ing and a becoming, is the character of
perfection as culture conceives it . . . and
individual perfection is impossible so long
as the rest of mankind is not perfected
along with us.
When such lofty goals are pre-
sented throughout a lifetime, in
words memorable for clarity, in-
tensity, honesty, and sincerity, we
can then begin to realize the great
influence of Arnold upon the Vic-
torian Age.
Arnold's Poetiy
Arnold's poetry is the direct op-
posite of Tennyson's: rarely rich, it
is always true. Sometimes, however,
the truth it reveals is Arnold's own
sense of being a fragment— of being
a solitary part of a larger whole never
to be realized, either within his own
life or in his writings. His poems
reveal his sense of loss; they also
record his intense search for calm,
for peace, for insight and intelli-
gence in an age of turmoil and un-
certainty. Because he probes search-
ingly into the depths and mysteries
of existence, and does this with
clarity and power, his poems can
bring each of us to a richer aware-
ness of self, and of one's own im-
mediate life.
Let us look briefly at four of his
poems. Their stanza form is no
more involved than the metrical
pattern; their tone is quiet and sub-
dued, even gray and melancholy, but
a tone perfectly controlled, and uni-
form throughout.
In his "Quiet Work" (text, page
726) Arnold praises the two duties
of working constantly and at the
same time tranquilly. Here is Ar-
nold's distrust of the superficial and
greedy values of his world, and his
affirmation of the rare values of pa-
tience and unpublicized examina-
tion of life's problems.
One of his most famous poems is
"The Scholar-Gypsy" (text, pp.
734-739), which exemplifies the
classical restraint and disciplined,
polished lines of Arnold. He tells
of a scholar who, more than two
hundred years ago, left his books to
join a band of gypsies. In escaping
with them into nature and a serene
singleness of purpose, he found a
life filled with peace, meaning, and
unity. The immediate loveliness of
Arnold's nature scenes recalls his
own happy days at Oxford when
nature sustained him, and man was
good. Lovingly, almost jealously,
Arnold recalls the many haunts
where this scholar-gypsy spent his
idyllic days:
At some lone homestead in the Cumner
Where at her open door the housewife
Thou hast been seen, or hanging on a gate
To watch the threshers in the mossy
(text, p. 736, lines 101-104)
He envies the unity and peace of
such a life, whereas our lives are
worn out by change, and shocks, and
a thousand schemes. The gypsy is:
Free from the sick fatigue, the languid
Which much to have tried, in much
been baffled, brings.
O life unlike to ours! [We]
Who fluctuate idly without term or
Of whom each strives nor knows for what
he strives,
And each half lives a hundred different
Who wait like thee, but not, like thee,
in hope. . . .
(text, p. 737, lines 164-170)
He then warns the gypsy to flee.
Before this strange disease of modern life.
With its sick hurry, its divided aims.
Its head o'ertaxed, its palsied hearts. . . .
(text, p. 738, lines 203-205)
This same beautiful, reminiscent
tone of longing for peace amid na-
ture's charms is continued and in-
tensified in 'Thyrsis" (text, pp. 739-
743) one of the great English
elegies, written in remembrance of
his schoolmate and friend, Arthur
Clough. Likewise ''Rugby Chapel"
(text, pp. 745-747) recalls happy
schooldays, but it is dedicated to
his father, Thomas Arnold. Written
fifteen years after his death, the
poem radiates the buoyant warmth
of his father's personality, his in-
tense love for the best throughout
all time, his great power to ''fill up
the gaps in our files," to encourage
lesser men to go on to the City of
And through thee I believe
In the noble and great who are gone. . . .
Yes! I believe that there lived
Others like thee in the past. . . .
. . . souls tempered with fire,
Fervent, heroic, and good,
Helpers and friends of mankind.
(text, p. 746, lines 145 ff.)
Rarely has a more noble monu-
ment to a father been erected and
immortalized by a son.
Arnold's most famous poem is
"Dover Beach," since it contains
both a flawless statement of his
poetic art and the moving revelation
of Arnold's own loneliness and his
need for human warmth in an age
devoid of faith, an age where never-
theless men fight and die ignorant of
reason or need.
Ah, love, let us be true
To one another! for the world, which
To lie before us like a land of dreams.
So various, so beautiful, so new.
Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light.
Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for
And we are here as on a darkling plain
Swept with confused alarms of struggle
and flight.
Where ignorant armies clash by night.
(text, p. 744, lines 29-37)
Arnold's Essays
In 1880, when he was fifty-seven,
Arnold published 'The Study of
Poetry" (text, page 552) as an intro-
duction to an anthology. This essay
contains Arnold's definition of
poetry (page 552), his touchstone
method of determining whether
poetry is of the highest quahty
(pp. 553-557), his definition of a
classic (page 554), and the difference
between poetry and history. Poetry
he defines, in the words of Words-
worth, as ''the breath and finer spirit
of all knowledge." The only real
estimate of poetry must be free of
the persona] estimate, in which the
individual's own tastes and preju-
dices prevent him from seeing the
enduring poetic values, as well as
the historical estimate, or poetry
which has become great merely be-
cause of its historical place. In eval-
uating poetry, then, Arnold suggests
it be compared to passages which
have proved themselves through
time, and cites several passages or
''touchstones" of high poetic value
(page 557)- Only by comparing
newer poetry with these lines of
classical power and purity can true
poetry be identified.
While many of their more im-
portant ideas have already been men-
tioned in this lesson, the two essays
in our text, "The Function of Crit-
icism at the Present Time" (text,
pp. 529-544) and "Culture and
Anarchy" (text, pp. 544-551) will
prove rewarding to those who really
accept Arnold's concept of excel-
lence and therefore read him at first
hand. While criticism is lower than
creation, it "is the true function of
man" (text, page 530).
Instead of believing in the values
of the contemporary bustle, Arnold
agrees with Goethe: "To act is so
easy; to think is so hard" (text, page
559). Action based on thought is
the way to salvation, but this pre-
liminary critical thinking, because it
is hard, will never become popular.
After finding very little that is best
in England, Arnold gives his version
of happiness:
... to have the sense of creative ac-
tivity is the great happiness and the great
proof of being ahve, and it is not denied
to criticism to have it; but then criticism
must be sincere, simple, flexible, ardent,
ever widening its knowledge.
The selection in our text from
"Culture and Anarchy" (pp. 544-
551) distinguishes between He-
braism (energy, or practical doing),
and Hellenism (intelligence, or con-
templation), as Arnold sees these
trends working about him in Vic-
torian England.
Arnold's prose, like Arnold him-
self, is clear, balanced, keen, pene-
trating, courageous, and idealistic.
Like him, also, it compromises with
nothing less than the pursuit of the
best throughout all time. For a man
of such stature as Arnold's there
will ever be a crying need, whether
he lived on the shores of the
Aegean, on the Thames in Victorian
England, or in the world of tomor-
row. Meeting such a man deepens
and strengthens us, for he forces us
to come face to face with many of
the universal experiences and con-
flicts of mortality in a world of
growing frustration and complexity.
Questions on the Lesson
1. Do you think Matthew Arnold might
be described fairly as being only an edu-
2. Why is loneliness so ominous a symp-
tom to Arnold?
3. Why did he find so little of the best
in Victorian England? Where did he
find the best?
4. What is the definition of a touch-
5. Discuss Arnold's definition and func-
tion of criticism; of poetry.
Social Science — T he Constitution
o( the United States
(It is recommended that each Rehef Society member read the text of the Constitution
relating to each lesson as printed before the lesson)
Article XVI
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever
source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to
any census or enumeration.
Article XVII
The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each
State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote.
The electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the
most numerous branch of the State legislatures.
When vacancies happen in the representation of any State in the Senate, the
executive authority of such State shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies; Pro-
vided, that the legislature of any State may empower the executive thereof to make
temporary appointment until the people fill the vacancies by election as the legislature
may direct.
This Amendment shall not be so construed as to affect the election or term of any
Senator chosen before it becomes valid as part of the Constitution.
Article XVIII
Section 1. After one year from the ratification of this article the manufacture, sale,
or transportation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation thereof into, or the ex-
portation thereof from the United States and all territory subject to the jurisdiction
thereof for beverage purposes is hereby prohibited.
Section 2. The Congress and the several States shall have concurrent power to en-
force this article by appropriate legislation.
Section 3. This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an
amendment to the Constitution by the Legislatures of the several States, as provided in
the Constitution, within seven years from the date of the submission hereof to the
States by the Congress.
Article XIX
Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or
abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.
Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this Article by appropriate legisla-
Article XX
Section 1. The terms of the President and Vice-President shall end at noon on the
20th day of January, and the terms of Senators and Representatives at noon on the
third day of January, of the years in which such terms would have ended if this
Article had not been ratified; and the terms of their successors shall then begin.
Section 2. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meet-
ing shall begin at noon on the third day of January, unless they shall by law appoint
a different day.
Section 3. If, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term of the President, the
President Elect shall ha\e died, the Vice-President Elect shall become President. If a
President shall not have been chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his term,
or if the President Elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice-President Elect shall
act as President until a President shall have qualified; and the Congress may by law
provide for the case wherein neither a President Elect nor a Vice-President Elect shall
Page 137
have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which
one who is to act shall be selected, and such person shall act accordingly until a Presi-
dent or Vice-President shall have qualified.
Section ^. The Congress may by law provide for the case of the death of any of
the persons from whom the House of Representatives may choose a President, when-
ever the right of choice shall have devolved upon them, and for the case of the death
of any of the persons from whom the Senate may choose a Vice-President whenever the
right of choice shall have devolved upon them.
Section 5. Section 1 and 2 shall take effect on the fifteenth day of October follow-
ing the ratification of this Article.
Section 6. This Article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an
Amendment to the Constitution by the Legislatures of three-fourths of the several
States within seven years from the date of its submission.
Article XXI
Section 1. The Eighteenth Article of Amendment to the Constitution of the Unit-
ed States is hereby repealed.
Section 2. The transportation or importation into any State, Territory, or Posses-
sion of the United States for delivery therein of Intoxicating Liquors, in violation of
the laws thereof, is hereby prohibited.
Section 3. This Article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an
Amendment to the Constitution by Conventions in the several States, as provided in
the Constitution, within seven years from the date of the submission hereof to the
States by the Congress.
Section 1 . No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice,
and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than
two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected
to the office of President more than once. But this Article shall not apply to any per-
son holding the office of President when this Article was proposed by the Congress, and
shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting
as President, during the term within which this Article becomes operative from holding
the office of President, or acting as President during the remainder of such term.
Section 2. This Article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an
amendment to the Constitution by the legislature of three-fourths of the several States
within seven years from the date of its submission to the States by Congress.
Lesson 14— Amendments Sixteen Through Twenty-Two
Elder Albert R. Bowen
Texts: Your Rugged Constitution, (Y. R. C), pp. 238-269; The Constitution oi the
United States, Its Sources and Application, (C. of U. S.), pp. 251-263
For Tuesday, May 24, 1955
Objective: To study the Amendments to the Constitution since 1913.
TN 1895, Congress attempted to
pass an income tax law. This
Power oi Congiess to Tax Incomes
—Sixteenth Amendment, (Y. R. C,
pp. 238-239; C. of U. S., pp. 251-252)
The Congress shall have power to lay
and collect taxes on incomes, from what-
ever source derived, without apportionment
among the several States, and without re-
gard to any census or enumeration.
law was held to be unconstitutional
because being a direct tax within
the meaning of the Constitution,
it was not made proportional in its
application. Being a direct tax, in
ofder for the law to be valid in
conformity with the Constitution, the Senate of the United States by
it was required to be levied upon the voters themselves, instead of by
the basis of population. the various state legislatures as pro-
An income tax would be both vided in Article I, section 3. This
unfair and unworkable levied upon Amendment was the source of long
a basis of population because this and protracted debate which began
requirement would place upon the as early as 1826. Because the Amend-
people of the states with large pop- nient makes no significant change
ulations a much greater tax burden in constitutional rights or guaran-
than upon citizens or residents of tees, it is not of great importance
states with small populations. The to understand more than its sub-
Sixteenth Amendment was adopted stance and, therefore, its text is
in 1913 to overcome the Constitu- omitted from this lesson.
ional objection of apportionment n ? l-x- h t 2. ■ j.- r ■
.{ 1 ,\^ Fionibition or intoxicating Liquors
among the several states. r-- 1 . ^la j ^ /^ r>
^, ^ . , , , , —LiPhteenth Amendment, (Y. R.
Ihe mcome tax laws began by r^ ^ -.r^^^nc -,^
providing only a small percentage
of the revenue of the United States
Government. This tax has now The Eighteenth Amendment is
grown to the proportion of yielding no longer part of the Constitution,
by far the greatest percentage of Consequently there is nothing to
tax revenue than from all other be gained in quoting its provisions,
sources of taxation combined. Fur- It was the Amendment which pro-
thermore, the rates of taxation have vided for the prohibition of the
tremendously increased until the in- manufacture, sale or transportation
come tax has come to be regarded of intoxicating liquors, or their im-
by many serious thinking people, as portation or exportation into, from,
confiscatory in its effect. or within the United States. It was
There is a resolution now pending adopted January 29, 1919 and was
in Congress to limit the power of repealed December 5, 1933 by
Congress in the percentage of in- the adoption of the Twenty-First
come which it may tax, except under Amendment.
certain emergency conditions. This The history of the Eighteenth
resolution has been adopted by sev- Amendment and its enforcement
eral states and it is not inconceiv- was a stormy one and forms one
able that it may be adopted as a of the saddest stories of lawlessness
limitation upon the taxing power of and corrpution in the history of our
Congress. country. It was designed to protect
Direct Ejection of Senators-Seven- ^'^ ^'^'^^"^ °/ *^\^°""^,7 ff '"'*
teenth Amendment, (Y. R. C, pp. *^ '^^^S^' "j ^'^°^°.l w.th the ac-
r^ iTTTc - ^\ companying degradation and crime
240-241; C. of U. S., pp. 252-253) ^ / , ^ .,g .. r .
^ ^ 'ri >> ^;»/ connected with its manufacture,
Reference has already been made distribution, and use. It may be
to the Se\'enteenth Amendment to argued that the Amendment was
the Constitution which was adopted a failure. Its faithful observance
in May of 1913. It provides for and proper enforcement, however,
the direct election of members of would have brought untold bless-
ings in health, civic, and economic
improvement to the people of the
Voting Rights to Women — Nine-
teenth Amendment, (Y. R. C, pp.
244-245; C. oi U. S.y pp. 256-257)
Section 1. The right of citizens of the
United States to vote shall not be denied
or abridged by the United States or by
any State on account of sex.
Section 2. Congress shall have power
to enforce this Article by appropriate
It seems strange to us now that
a Civil War should be fought to
free the slave, and the Constitution
amended to give him the right to
vote, and that this latter funda-
mental right of citizenship should
be denied to any citizen on the
ground of sex. The movement to
remove the voting disability from
women began in 1878 under the
leadership of Susan B. Anthony.
This was forty years before the Nine-
teenth Amendment was finally
adopted. Before woman suffrage
became national in scope, it had
been adopted in several states. It
became law in Wyoming in 1869,
in Colorado in 1893, and in Utah
and Idaho in 1896. (See Centenary
oi Rehei Society, pp. 65-67.) The
State of Montana elected the first
woman to Congress in 1916. She
was Miss Jeannette Rankin.
This Amendment does not take
from the states the right to fix
qualifications for voters. It merely
provides that this right may not be
denied on the ground of sex, even
as the Fifteenth Amendment pro-
hibits a denial of suffrage upon the
ground of race, color, or previous
condition of servitude.
Terms of Office Changed — Twen-
tieth Amendment, (Y. R. C, pp.
246-249; C. oi U. S., pp. 258-260)
Section 1. The terms of the President
and Vice President shall end at noon on
the 20th day of January, and the terms
of Senators and Representatives at noon
on the third day of January, of the years
in which such terms would have ended
if this article had not been ratified; and
the terms of their successors shall then
Section 2. The Congress shall assemble
at least once in every year, and such meet-
ings shall begin at noon on the third day
of January, unless they shall by law appoint
a different day.
There are three other sections to
the Twentieth Amendment. Section
three provides for the succession in
the Presidency and Vice-Presidency
in the event either or both have
not been elected, or shall fail to
qualify on the day fixed for entering
upon the duties of those offices.
Section four provides that the House
of Representatives may, by law, pro-
vide for the contingency of death
of any of the persons from whom
it may choose a President whenever
the right of choice devolves upon
them, and gives to the Senate the
same right in its choice of a Vice-
President under similar circum-
Sections five and six merely pro-
vide for the time when the Amend-
ment shall become effective and
places a time fimit upon ratification
of seven years from the date of
The Twentieth Amendment was
proposed March 3, 1932 and rati-
fied February 6, 1933.
Section one of the Twentieth
Amendment is what is known as
the "Lame Duck Amendment." Its
purpose was to provide a Congress
ready to function with a new Presi-
dent when he takes office. Under
the provisions of the Constitution,
prior to this Amendment, there was
a period from December to March
following the national election, dur-
ing which the old Congress re-
mained in office, even though it
contained members who had been
rejected by the voters. It was the
practice of the President, at the
beginning of his term, to call a
special session of Congress to con-
vene at the time he took office in
order that necessary legislative mat-
ters would not have to wait until
the regular session convened in the
December following the inaugura-
tion, as provided by the Constitu-
tion as originally adopted. In the
early history of the country, travel-
ing conditions were poor and the
time was needed to assemble the
members of Congress from the dis-
tant parts of the country. In our
modern day the members can be
in Washington in a matter of hours
from any part of the country. The
Twentieth Amendment is, there-
fore, but a recognition of changed
times and conditions, and makes it
possible for a new President to be-
gin his term of office with a Legis-
lative branch in Congress which is
truly representative of the wishes
of a majority of the voters.
Repeal of Eighteenth Amendment
—Twenty-First Amendment (Y. R.
C, pp. 250-251; C. oi U. S., pp. 261-
Section 1. The Eighteenth Article of
Amendment to the Constitution of the
United States is hereby repealed.
Section 2, The transportation or im-
portation into any State, Territory, or
Possession of the United States for dehvery
therein of Intoxicating Liquors, in viola-
tion of the laws thereof, is hereby prohib-
Reference to the Twenty-First
Amendment was made in the dis-
cussion of the Eighteenth Amend-
ment. It need only be added that
the Eighteenth Amendment is the
only Amendment to the Constitu-
tion which has ever been repudiated
by the people. Under the Twenty-
First Amendment it is still unlawful
to transport liquor into any state
for delivery in violation of the laws
controlling its manufacture, sale,
distribution or use in such state.
Limitation on Term oi ORice oi
the President — Twenty - Second
Amendment, (Y. R. C, pp. 252-
Section 1. No person shall be elected to
the office of the President more than
twice, and no person who has held the
office of President, or acted as President
for more than two years of a term to
which some other person was elected Pres-
ident shall be elected to the office of
President more than once. But this Article
shall not apply to any person holding the
office of President when this Article was
proposed by Congress, and shall not pre-
vent any person who may be holding the
office of President, or acting as President,
during the term within which this Article
becomes operative from holding the office
of President, or acting as President during
the remainder of such term.
The Twenty-Second Amendment
to the Constitution became effec-
tive February 26, 1951. This Amend-
ment was the direct result of the
controversy which arose because of
the election of Franklin D. Roose-
velt to four consecutive terms of
office in the Presidency. Tradition-
ally, no candidate had ever been
elected to that office more than
twice. The precedent against a
third or fourth term as President
was set in the beginning by George
Washington, the First President of
the United States. The Twenty-
Second Amendment will prevent
any other aspirant to this office from
duplicating the record of the second
Roosevelt. Regardless of the mer-
its of a man and his capability for
the great office, it is generally agreed
that it is politically unwholesome
for any man, no matter how capable
or honest he may be, to hold the
office of President more than two
consecutive terms.
The Pursuit oi Happiness ( Y. R. C,
pp. 256-269)
As beneficiaries of our great lega-
cy, all citizens of the United States
should know, understand, and ap-
preciate the priceless freedoms
which the Constitution guarantees
to us. Yours is the obligation to
protect those rights! Among them
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Freedom to worship according to your
religious belief.
Freedom of speech.
Freedom of the press.
Freedom to assemble peaceably and
petition Congress for a redress of griev-
The right to keep and bear arms.
The right to trial by jury.
Protection against having one's property
searched or seized without due process
of law.
Protection against trial for an act com-
mitted before the passage of a law making
such act a crime.
Protection from being tried for a crime
except upon indictment from a grand
Protection against being twice "put in
jeopardy of hfe or limb" for the same
Protection from being compelled to act
as a witness against oneself in a criminal
The right, when accused of crime, to
a speedy public trial by jury; to the help
of a lawyer; and the right to call witnesses
in your behalf.
Protection against wrongful imprison-
Protection against the requirement of
excessive bail, excessive fines, or the in-
fliction of cruel and unusual punishments.
Equal protection of the laws.
The right to be presumed to be innocent
until proved guilty.
The right of secret ballot to vote for
anyone you want, not to be denied in
any state on account of race, color, previous
condition of servitude, or of sex.
Protection by the American system of
"checks and balances," under which each
department of Government works inde-
pendently of the other and is prevented
from gaining too much power.
Meaning of Liberty — The Supreme
Court of the United States has defined
liberty as meaning the right of the citizen
to be free in the enjoyment of all of his
faculties — that is, his talents, gifts, and
abilities, whether natural or cultivated; to
be free to use them in all lawful ways; to
live and work where he will; to earn his
livelihood by any lawful calling; to pur-
sue any livelihood or vocation — that is,
calling, occupation, profession, or employ-
ment; and to enter into all contracts
necessary and proper in carrying out these
Questions on the Lesson
1. Why was the income tax unlawful
before the Sixteenth Amendment?
2. How did the Seventeenth Amend
ment affect the election of Senators of
the United States?
3. Has any Amendment to the Consti-
tution ever been repealed? Which one?
4. May the states determine the qualifi-
cations of voters under the Nineteenth
5. By what popular name is the
Twentieth Amendment known?
6. What event brought about the adop-
tion of the Twenty-Second Amendment?
Catherine E. Berry
My house has never been so clean,
My floors so shiny bright.
Each shelf and cabinet primly neat,
No clutter left in sight.
This is no sudden urge to be
Domestic on my part,
But just a woman's way to numb
The pain within her heart.
Vi/i titer Jifte
Christie Lund Coles
Here is a hushed, brief moment
Of gray and timeless weather;
The sky is like a speckled mare
Held ominously at tether;
The earth is like a charcoal scene
Erom a children's picture book;
The air is as cool as the crystal
Caught in last summer's brook.
The snow is like the silken fluff
From a milkweed pod, new-broken,
As it falls in exclamation points
Where winter has spoken.
Mason & Hamlin
The Stradivari of Pianos
Finest Toned Spinet Piano Built
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finest Low Priced Piano Built
All Obtainable At
Beesley Musk Co.
Pioneer Piano People
It^s awaiting
You . . .
1 ll b there is still a tremendous amount
of outstanding instruction and use await-
ing you in this and other copies of the
Relief Society Magazine. Your editions
may be handsomely bound at the West's
finest bindery and printing plant for $2.50
cloth bound and $3.50 leather bound per
volume plus postage for mail orders. Fol-
low these postage rates if you send your
order by mail:
Distance from
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Up to 150 miles 35
150 te 300 miles 39
300 to 600 miles 45
600 to 1000 miles 54
1000 to 1400 miles 64
1400 to 1800 miles 76
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Leave them at our conveniently loca-
ted uptown office.
Deseret News Press
31 Richards St. Salt Lake City 1, Utah ^^
Phone 4-2581 AQ
K Lama s Lrlants
Klea. Evans Woisley
AMA had a way with plants.
As soon- as the contents of a lard bucket had been made into flalcy apple pies, bak-
ing powder biscuits, or peach cobblers, Mama punched some holes in the bottom, put
in small pebbles, and then filled it with rich loam from under the Saginaw pine tree by
the dining-room window. Next, she tenderly broke off a piece of one of the geraniums
in the front-room window, or the coleus, whose brilliant colors brightened the winter
days in the kitchen. It seemed that all she did was stick the new shoots unconcernedly
into the dirt, but they always took root and grew. This went on and on until every
window sill in the house was full of plants in various stages of growth. No one ever
knew why they flourished so under her care, except we all knew she sort of loved them
Mama enjoyed sharing her plants. Whenever one of the children in the valley
was ill and had to be in bed for a long time. Mama took a small can and planted a
child-size plant, covered the can with gay tissue carefully saved from the Christmas
package, and left it at the bedside where a restless child might watch it grow. If we
had company, and one of the ladies admired the plants, or even hinted that she would
like a "start," mama's face beamed with happiness, and nothing would do but she
would wrap a generous cutting in a damp cloth, and put that in a paper cone made
from a page of the Valley Independent. We never could see that the plants seemed
to mind such pruning. In fact, two or three branches always shot up where one had
been before.
Great-Aunt Mattie was quite good with plants, too. Her husband, Great-Uncle
Homer had more money than Papa, and Aunt Mattie brought "boughten" plants home
from town, plants that had flowers on them almost as pretty as those in the seed
Whenever Aunt Mattie came to our house she hardly had her coat off before she
went around poking her pudgy fingers into the dirt around the plants and saying:
''M'liss, this scented geranium is drooping a little, don't you think?" or "The bloom
on your Martha Washington geranium isn't quite as large as it was last year, is it,
No one dared ask Great-Aunt Mattie for a start of her plants. She let it be known
that she wasn't running a nursery for anybody, and if people wanted plants they could
buy them like she did. Papa said that if the President of the United States himself asked
Mattie for a start of her commonest geranium she would turn him down. Once Aunt Sar-
ah snipped off a piece of the salmon-colored geranium when Great-Aunt Mattie wasn't
looking, and hid it up her sleeve. But somehow, when she was at the door saying
goodbye, it fell down right at Great-Aunt Mattie's feet. They didn't speak for over a
year after that.
Well, they are both gone now, but we seldom go to any of the homes in the val-
ley without seeing one of Mama's plants blooming on a window sill.
Yes, Mama had a way with plants.
Page 144
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Just For To-day — Seaver 20
King of Glory — Parks 20
Let the Mountains Shout For
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Lord's Prayer — Gates 20
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Llnto the (biect JLady[
^^^HE elder unto the elect lady and her children, whom I
love in the truth; and not I only, but also all they that
have known the truth;
For the trutKs sake, which dwelleth in us, and shall
he with us for ever.
Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the
Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the
Father, in truth and love.
I rejoiced greatly that I found of thy children walking
in truth, as we have received a commandment from the
And now I beseech thee, lady, not as though I wrote a
new commandment unto thee, but that which we had from
the beginning, that we love one another.
And this is love, that we walk after his commandments.
This is the commandment. That, as ye have heard from the
beginning, ye should walk in iV^ {The Second Epistle of
John 1-6).
The Cover: "Verbena Bouquets on tlic Desert, Near La Ouinta, California'*
Photograph by Josepli Miiench
Frontispiece: 'Tansies, " Photograph by Ward Linton
Co\er Design by Evan Jensen
Qjrofn I Lear and QJc
Since I was a girl in my teens I ha\e
enjoyed reading Tht Relief Society Maga-
zine. I always looked forward to reading
the wonderful stories. After my mar-
riage the Magazine was one of the first
publications in my home. The stories still
appeal to me, but I now enjoy also the
articles and monthly lessons. Recently I
was called to be president of our ward
Relief Society, and the Magazine has be-
come not just something to be enjoyed,
but something to help me in this new
— Ora Stoker Whittier
Rockland, Idaho
On every page I feel the need
To read and read on more,
And every single page I read,
I'm richer than before.
It is a blessing in my home,
A helping hand to guide me;
Its friendly words when I'm alone
Are always there beside me.
— Mrs. Irene O. Clawson
Hyrum, Utah
I love The Relief Society Magazine —
everything in it. I have an invalid boy
and I read it to him. I can't get to
meeting very often, because I can't leave
him alone, and I don't have anyone to
stay with him. We read the Magazine
from cover to cover.
— Mary A. Ostler
Roosevelt, Utah
I am a convert to the Church, having
been a member for the past six years, and
for five years I have received The Relief
Society Magazine regularly, and I find it
the grandest, greatest little Magazine.
Therefore in October and November
1954, ^ obtained gift subscriptions for
eight of my best friends, none of whom
are in this Church. They have all told
me that they appreciate The Relief Society
Magazine and enjoy reading it.
— Laura Jensen
I always read every article in The Re-
lief Society Magazine and often give it as
a Christmas gift to friends.
— Mrs. Lucile Roberts
Fortuna, California
The Relief Society Magazine has always
been my favorite publication, both as a
child, and especially now when the writ-
ten word is our only contact with the
Church. We are enjoying our stay in
India, but like all Americans in foreign
lands, we will return home with a deeper
appreciation for our own great land, and
the unlimited opportunities there for all.
My husband is giving technical aid in
the design section, aggregate plant, for
the Bhakra Dam, which will be the sec-
ond largest dam in the world. We have
two girls, six and three. There are thirty
American families here, and some of the
first families here organized a Sunday
School, which has been successful with
at least seventy-five per cent of the chil-
dren. I have the children from three to
seven years of age, and it is gratifying to
know that the children are forming the
habit of attending church on Sunday
morning. We have had several Christian
missionaries and Christian medical mis-
sionaries visit our group .... I miss the
stimulation of mind and spirit which I
always received at our own Latter-day
Saint meetings,
— Mrs. G. R. Anderson, Jr.
Long Island, New York
Nangal Township
District of Hoshiarpur
Punjab, India
I hope The Relief Society Magazine
continues to flourish, and that it will con-
tinue to go to many women in far-off
lands. I met a fine lady from New Mex-
ico on the bus. She said her picture had
appeared in the "Notes Erom the Field"
in a recent Magazine. I looked up the
picture and found this lady with her four
daughters, all singers, from Lordsburg,
New Mexico. It is wonderful to realize
how much good the Magazine does all
over the \\'orld.
— Mrs. Adella Waterlyn
Provo, Utah
Page ]A6
Monthly Publication of the Relief Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Belle S. Spafford -
Marianne C. Sharp
Velma N. Simonsen
Mary G. Judd
Anna B. Hart
Edith S. Elliott
Florence J. Madsen
Leone G. Layton
Blanche B. Stoddard
Editor -
Associate Editor
General Manager
C. Pickering
Evon W. Peterson
Leone O. Jacobs
Louise W. Madsen
Aleine M. Young
Josie B. Bay
First Counselor
Second Counselor
Christine H. Robinson
Alberta H. Christensen
Mildred B. Eyring
Helen W. Anderson
Gladys S. Boyer
Charlotte A. Larsen
Edith P. Backman
Winniefred S.
Elna P. Haymond
Marianne C. Sharp
Vesta P. Crawford
Belle S. Spafford
Vol. 42
MARCH 1955
No. 3
on tents
"Unto the Elect Lady"
"O Be Wise; What Can I Say More?" Aleine M. Young
I Go to Relief Society Nell B. Brenchley
Now, in the Twilight of My Life Artemesia R. Romney
A Great Tradition — The American National Red Cross Edwin H. Powers
Why Not Be Happy? Celia Luce
Nature's Bouquet Cecil G. Pugmire
Survival Under Protest — Third Prize Story Leola S. Anderson
The Legacy Ora Pate Stewart
Mother's Baked Apple Estelle Webb Thomas
Green Willows — Chapter 2 Deone R. Sutherland
From Near and Far
Eighty-One Years Ago
Woman's Sphere Ramona W. Cannon
Editorial: Relief Society for the Perfection of Women Marianne C. Sharp
Notes to the Field: Organizations and Reorganizations of Stake and
Mission Relief Societies for 1954
Index for 1954 Relief Society Magazines Available
Announcing the Special April Short Story Issue
Notes From the Field: Relief Society Activities Margaret C. Pickering
Perennials Preferred Dorthea N. Newbold
And Now It's Spring Again! Helen S. Williams
Home Laundering Rhea H. Gardner
Martha Mary Barrett Tolman Finds a New Hobby
Herbs for Modern Cookery
Dill Elizabeth Williamson 208
Of Power and Love Genevieve Wyatt 156
What Is Youth? Vesta Ball Ward 163
Field of Hyacinths Eva Willes Wangsgaard 177
"Let There Be Beauty" Maryhale Woolsey 179
Grandfather's Peppermints Elsie McKinnon Strachan 183
Winter's Last Fling Bernice T. Clayton 185
March Interlude Pansye H. Powell 187
Day Is Done Mabel Law Atkinson 191
Let Seasons Linger Iris W. Schow 197
Monday Dorothy J. Roberts 197
Fulfillment Margaret Evelyn Singleton 197
Perfume of Violets Zara Sabin 204
A Testimony Catherine B. Bowles 206
Words Christie Lund Coles 207
Editorial and Business Offices: 40 North Main, Salt Lake City 1, Utah, Phone 4-2511; Sub-
scriptions 246; Editorial Dept. 245. Subscription Price: $1.50 a year; foreign, $2.00 a year;
payable in advance. Single copy, 15c. The Magazine is not sent after subscription expires. No
back numbers can be supplied. Renew promptly so that no copies will be missed. Report change
of address at once, giving old and new address.
Entered as second-class matter February 18, 1914, at the Post Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, under
the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in
section 1103, Act of October 8, 1917, authorized June 29, 1918. Manuscripts will not be returned
unless return postage is enclosed. Rejected manuscripts will be retained for six months only.
The Magazine is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts.
"0 Be Wise; What Can
I Say More?"
Aleine M. Young
Member, General Board of Relief Soeiety
[Address Delivered at the Annual General Relief Soeiety Conferenee,
September 30, 1954]
MY dear brothers and sisters, I
wish it were possible for me
this afternoon, to express to
my Heavenly Father and to you, the
gratitude that is in my heart for the
restoration of the gospel of Jesus
Christ in these latter days, and for
the organization of our own great
Relief Society by the Prophet Jo-
seph Smith.
It is a real thrill to look out over
this vast auditorium today and see
all these wonderful sisters, and to
realize that most of you are workers
in this great women's organization.
When we add to this great number
all the sisters throughout the
Church that are members, think
what a wonderful power for good
we can be if we will all be wise and
live up to all the commandments
that have been given to us.
When Jacob, the brother of Ne-
phi, was pleading with his people to
believe in Jesus Christ and live up
to all the teachings of the prophets,
he concluded with these words: ''O
be wise; what can I say more?" This
is the message that I would like to
bring to you today, be wise.
Last summer I attended a sacra-
ment meeting and a fireside for the
young people at Bryce Canyon
Lodge. I was thrilled with the sin-
cerity of the many young people
who stood and bore their testi-
Page 148
monies. One of the things that im-
pressed me most at that time \^as
the statement of many of these
young people that their parents had
been their example; that they had
not only taught their children the
principles of the gospel, but they
had lixed it themselves. What
greater happiness could come to a
parent than to hear this and to
know it to be true? These parents
have been wise and are reaping the
This is the reverse of the words
of Emerson, who said, ''What you
are stands over you the while, and
thunders so that I cannot hear what
you say." These young people have
said of their parents, "What you are
stands over you, and thunders so,
that I, too, will be wise and follow
your example."
When the Pharisee came to Jesus
and said, "Master, which is the great
commandment in the law?" (Mt.
22:36) he replied saying:
. . . Thou shalt love the Lord thy God
with all thy heart, and with all thy soul,
and with all thy mind. This is the first
and great commandment. And the sec-
ond is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy
neighbour as thyself (Mt. 22:37-39).
I am sure that as Relief Society
workers we are all endeavoring to
live up to these two great command-
ments, but there are others that we
should also follow, if we are wise.
We should at all times accept the
advice and instructions of our lead-
ers who counsel us so wisely. We
will remember the Sabbath day to
keep it holy. This commandment
was given to us for our own good
that we might have a day of much
needed rest, and the opportunity to
improve 0-ursehes and to grow
If we are wise, we will attend our
meetings and we will urge our chil-
dren to go with us, for it is here
that we learn of Christ and his
teachings. It is here that we renew
our co\enants with our Heavenly
TF we are wise, we will keep the
Word of Wisdom, for it is God's
law and his will that we do this.
Doctors and scientists and those
who are living the Word of Wisdom
today are proving that it is the right
way of life and that everyone will
benefit by doing so.
If we are wise, we will accept in
all humility any calling that comes
to us in the Church, and gi\'e to it
our best efforts, for it is through ac-
tivity in the Church that we grow
and our testimonies are strength-
I have mentioned but a few of
the commandments that we should
adhere to, if we are wise. There are
others just as important, and we are
not in a position to choose the ones
that we feel apply to us. The Lord
tells us to keep all his command-
ments, and Jesus said:
He that hath my commandments, and
keepeth them, he it is that lo\'eth me:
and he that lo^•eth me shall be loved of
my Father . . . (John 14:21).
In Jesus' Sermon on the Mount,
and also in his great sermon to the
Nephites, he advises us in these
words from The Book of Mormon:
Therefore, whoso heareth these sayings
of mine and doeth them, I will liken him
unto a wise man, who built his house
upon a rock — And the rain descended,
and the floods came, and the winds blew,
and beat upon that house; and it fell not:
for it was founded upon a rock. And every
one that heareth these sayings of mine
and doeth them not shall be likened unto
a foolish man, who built his house upon
the sand — And the rain descended, and
the floods came, and the winds blew, and
beat upon that house; and it fell, and
great was the fall of it (3 Nephi 14:24-27).
Which are we like, the wise or
the foolish man? Are we building
our house upon the rock of obedi-
ence or upon the sands of disobedi-
If we are wise, we will build it
upon the rock and receive the bless-
ings that have been promised to us
in the sixth section of the Doctrine
and Covenants, which says:
Now, as you have asked, behold, I say
unto you keep my commandments, and
seek to bring forth and establish the cause
of Zion; Seek not for riches, but for wis-
dom, and behold, the mysteries of God
shall be unfolded unto you, and then shall
you be made rich. Behold, he that hath
eternal life is rich (D. & C. 6:6-7).
We all believe this, and we are
all working and looking forward to
eternal life in the celestial kingdom
of our Father in heaven, but in or-
der to achieve it, we must always
follow the advice of Jacob when he
said: ''O be wise, what can I say
I pray that we may all have the
strength and courage to do this, and
I humbly ask it in the name of Jesus
Christ. Amen.
cJhird [Prize Story
%/tnnuai LKelief Societii Snort Story (contest
Survival Under Protest
Leo Ja S. Anderson
THE first Monday night that
Joanna jumped up from the
dinner table to rush off to
first-aid training class, George was
''Sure, ril be baby-sitter, honey/'
he said magnanimously. ''Never
let it be said that the Georges, pap-
py and son, ever dimmed the lamp
of our own Crusader!"
Joanna pulled a face at him, run-
ning her fingers down her blue skirt
over slim, lovely hips. It was a
heady evening in early spring, with
the setting sun sending gold fingers
through the yellow organdy cur-
tains to caress the blond heads of
all three Camerons. The smell of
freshly watered lawns from this cor-
ner up both sides of the subdivision
came strongly through the open
window. Serenity ruled inside and
out, as if disaster were seven light-
years away.
Poised behind their chairs, Jo-
anna turned each blond head back
and dropped a quick kiss on two
turned-up noses, Geordy's little but-
ton one and George's strong ski-
jump one.
'"Bye, precious. 'Bye, hon."
"Not so fast!" George caught her
wrist as she zoomed past and pulled
her down into his lap. "I deserve
better than that for tubbing, pants-
ing, and bedding my son down. To
Page 150
say nothing of washing up your
"Oh, George, the dishes, too?
When you hate them so?" The
stars came out in Joanna's blue eyes.
"You're the nicest husband I ever
"Just this once, I will," he said,
"because I have an idea there won't
be another one. Just let that Red
Cross expert start talking about
great, gaping, bloody wounds, and
Mammy's life-saving career will end
at the rail."
Joanna turned a little pale, but
she swallowed hard and firmed her
lips resolutely. "No! I'm going to
get clear through this one. Why,
it may mean our very survival."
George's eyebrows went all the
way up. ''So bad?" There was
laughter in his voice.
Joanna nodded vigorously. "If we
do as the Church tells us, we don't
need to fear anything. And this
we've been told to do. Besides,
Civil Defense is warning us, too.
The time has come when every
home must be prepared for— for—
well, for whatever comes."
Geordy pounded his spoon in the
soupy mess in his plate. "Mum,
mum, mum!" he chortled.
George nodded solemnly. "You're
so right, both of you." He planted
a swift, businesslike kiss upon Jo-
anna's soft mouth and stood her on
her feet, all five-feet-two of her.
"Now you rush right out and pre-
pare to defend our home, honey,
while I mop up my son and heir."
He grinned, towering over her. Out-
side a horn honked.
Joanna flung her arms around his
neck for a moment and ran for the
door. "Never mind the dishes,"
she sang. "I'll do 'em when I get
George addressed his son, man to
man. "She won't be able to look
a greasy dish in the face by then.
Come on, boy, let's harvest that
mashed potato crop in your hair."
That was the first time.
TOANNA came home bubbling
^ with pride and fairly oozing
knowledge. Before George could
bring himself to protest, she had
bandaged him for a broken jaw, a
dislocated shoulder, and a sprained
ankle. She left him slightly shaken
and all tied up on the divan while
she made a tour of her small castle.
Geordy was sweetly, cleanly asleep
in his crib; the dishes were in their
proper cupboards; even the sink was
washed and the dishcloth wrung
dry. Joanna sighed ecstatically.
The second time, George was
"How long," he asked carefully,
as dinner again neared a precipitate
close for Joanna, "does this class go
"Nine weeks, two hours a night,
every Monday at seven," Joanna
smiled, while she stripped off her
beruffled apron, smoothed down her
skirt, and prepared to kiss her fam-
ily goodbye again. "Tonight we're
going to do leg bandages and
"Wounds, hon? Shall I send an
ambulance around for you?"
Outside the horn sounded, Jo-
anna laughed. "Oh, I'm over that!
There's Marge. 'Bye!"
With Geordy in his arms, George
followed her to the door. Marge
grinned and shook her red head at
"Isn't this something?" she treb-
led. "I've always wanted to dash
off to the wars, leaving the little
man at home!"
George grinned bravely back.
"Ours to worry and to wait!" He
flinched as the tires gripped the
asphalt and got away with a squeal.
A little frown seamed his eyebrows
together. "Your mother," he told
his egg-smeared son, "is not that
strong a character."
He was right. She came home
blanched and shaking. Marge
brought her in.
"Just let her lie down for awhile,"
she said. "She'll be all right. Little
squeamish, that's all."
George scowled. "She never could
stand the sight of blood. She can't
even stand talking about it. This
is the end of first aid here!"
Marge backed out the front door
and escaped. George laid Joanna
on the divan and put a cold cloth
on her head. After awhile she
opened her eyes and smiled weakly
at him.
"I should put my head down by
my knees," she murmured. ''Keep
me from fainting. I'll be all right
in a few minutes."
''Sure, sure/' George soothed.
"Better talk bandages."
'Tou shouldn't ever use a tourni-
quet, except as a last resort," she
said faintly. ''But if you do, mark
a T on the victim's forehead with
your lipstick."
"I will," George promised.
She swallowed. "You know, this
is plain silly."
"I'm glad you realize it," George
exploded. "Well, you tried."
"I mean giving in to it like this!"
She sat up and jerked the wet cloth
from her head. "Anyway, we just
talked about it. After all, what's
b— blood?" She stood up, shoulders
square — momentarily. Then she
wilted. "Let's go to bed, huh?"
npHE third Monday night, there
was a battle.
"Of course I'm going." Joanna's
blue eyes were never surer. "To-
night we learn artificial respiration.
You have to have artificial respira-
tion to pass the course!"
"Fll have to have it, if you pass
the course!"
She looked levelly at him. "That's
nonsense. We'll both be glad some
day that I didn't give up. Why, sup-
pose Geordy got hurt, bad . . . ."
Her face went white at the thought.
"Look, honey." George was hold-
ing his temper by a small, serrated
thread. "Dr. Peterson's office is in
the next block, a fire station and a
hospital within four. Do you really
think it's a matter of life or death
that you rush off like mad to learn
to tie square knots? You can get
that from my old scout book!"
Joanna's eyes blazed blue fire to
meet the smoke in his. "In case of
disaster . . . ."
"Disaster! Disaster! All I hear
is disaster!" he shouted. "Are you
trying to scare everybody silly? How
about a little peace at home, for a
"You don't have to wash the
dishes, George," she said with dig-
nity. "And I can bathe Geordy be-
fore I go. That's what is really
bothering you, isn't it?"
George knew when he was
whipped— temporarily. But he was
a tenacious person by nature, and
personal injuries to his masculine
pride could be laughed off only so
long. Though he pushed Joanna out
the door when Marge honked,
though he washed the dishes in ten
minutes flat (breaking only two
plates and a brown pottery bowl),
though he bathed Geordy and put
him into his crib and kissed him
goodnight, he rumbled like Mauna
Loa all the time. And with his do-
mestic duties scrupulously complet-
ed, he erupted down the block
to compare outraged notes with
Marge's husband.
"P\AN Johnson hadn't made such
good time as George. He still
wore one of Marge's aprons like a
postage stamp on his vast front.
"Don't fight it, boy." His huge
frame shook with laughter. "The
little women thrive on opposition.
And it won't last. They'll get tired
of it in a coupla weeks. 'Specially
Marge. She isn't the crusading
''Joanna is/' George mumbled
glumly. '"And she's obsessed with
the idea there's going to be a dis-
aster—on a magnificent scale— and
we must be prepared!"
But even George didn't realize
the significance of his own words.
Not then. Not, in fact, until the
night he came home from woik to
find his fishing equipment, creels,
reels, bait and all, stacked in neat
piles on the back lawn, together
with the two old tires he'd been
saving almost a year now. Premoni-
tion hit him a low blow.
He put his head in the door of
what he had always fondly regarded
as his own province, the little cub-
byhole between the furnace and
laundry. There was nothing left of
all the familiar clutter of precious
old hats, half-built wagons for
Geordy, or assorted items of tool-
craft. It was stark and bare, and
the walls' smelled faintly of disin-
fectant. Joanna was busily scrub-
bing the floor.
''It's very sweet of you, honey, to
clean out my work room, but it
wasn't really necessary to fumigate,"
he said warily.
Joanna pushed back a stray lock
of hair with a grimy wrist. "This,"
she announced proudly, "is our Sur-
vival Room."
"Our what.^" he yelled.
"When it's finished it will hold
food, clothing, bedding, first-aid sup-
plies . . . ."
But he knew she couldn't. It
was like flying in the face of a tidal
That's why he found himself,
during odd moments in the next
few weeks, nailing shelves along the
walls, lugging in folding cots, fash-
ioning a rather fine clothes closet in
one corner. The neighbors began
dropping in to admire his work.
"Why, you're quite a carpenter,
boy," big Dan Johnson rumbled.
"I almost wish Marge had got
steamed up to make me do this.
Snug little spot you've got here."
George accepted the praises
A S the green of spring ripened in-
to crisp, golden autumn, so the
bari'enness of the Survival Room
blossomed into plenty. Like mag-
ic, cans and bottles appeared on the
paper-lined shehes— the magic of a
robbed kitchen budget, George
thought morosely. Hands on hips,
hCi surveyed Joanna's folly. There
were fruits, vegetables— dozens of
them— and dry beans and split peas
and cereals and canned potatoes and
meat ....
"Hey, are we going to invite the
neighbors to share our cozy little
disaster?" he wanted to know.
"If necessary, yes, although Marge
and some of the others are planning
to start rooms like this now."
George's grin was sardonic. It-
would be pleasant to watch that,
from a distance. He held up a
bucket with holes poked through
the sides near the bottom.
"What is this?"
"A stove. When you get the
charcoal burning down in the bot-
tom of it, you put this grill on and
cook hamburgers or potatoes or
corn in husks, or what-have-you. It
also keeps us warm."
"Lights up the gloom, too?"
"Oh, no. Look!" She held up a
kerosene lamp with a glass bowl and
stand and a wick a foot long. It
brought back memories of visits to
Cramp's old ranch when George
was a kid.
Apparently Joanna hadn't forgot-
ten a thing. Silently he picked up
her Red Cross certificate of First
Aid and Civil Defense and tacked
it up over the door.
''What on earth are you doing?"
''Just hanging up your sheepskin,
honey. We are now ready for dis-
Accordingly, disaster struck.
It was nothing so dramatic as an
atomic bomb or a famine. Not even
a small earthquake. Ceorge was
coming home from work, carrying
the inevitable sack of groceries, and
between the curb and his own door
he got run over. By two racing
How it happened, or why it hap-
pened, only the testimony of two
very frightened young boys would
ever indicate. All Joanna knew was
that there was a shout, two screams,
the horrible grinding sound of metal
on cement, and a terrifying huddle
of arms, legs, and battered bicycles
right there before her front door.
Be calm, be cool, the well-trained
first aider inside her head shrieked
wildly. First, urgent rescue! Her
head began a slow, agonized swim-
ming, but her legs carried her to
the spot. Almost at once, two
bodies extricated themselves from
the mess. They were Jim West and
Paul Dean, boys who lived up the
block. Jim's shirt was ripped right
down the back, and a long scratch
began to show red beneath it. It
turned Joanna's sight fuzzy. She
shook her head impatiently.
George lay motionless on the
sidewalk, face down. She dropped
down beside him just before her
knees gave out on their own ac-
"Cosh, we didn't mean to, Mrs.
Cameron," Jim babbled, and Paul
began to sob. "He was looking
back at his car and walked right in
front of us!"
"I know you didn't mean to,"
Joanna said gently, her lips continu-
ing with a silent, steady prayer.
/^AREFULLY she ran quick, ex-
ploring fingers down George's
back before she eased him gently
over. A sickening gasp sucked itself
through her clenched teeth. It
looked as if the whole left front of
him were bleeding. On the side-
walk were scattered groceries and
the jagged pieces of a shattered bot-
tle. She shut her eyes.
"Paul, go into my house and call
Dr. Peters." Paul was moving be-
fore she finished speaking. "Jim, go
around to George's work room and
bring me the First Aid box on the
top shelf just inside the door.
Jim ran with a queer, one-sided
The soft, fuzzy fog that began
settling around Joanna's head was
stifling. "This is George," she said
aloud to keep her faculties awake.
"And he is injured. Open his shirt
and see where's he's hurt. Move!"
Her fingers did as they were com-
manded. Most of the blood disap-
peared when she pulled the shirt
back. Only the sleeve grew darker
and darker. Jim was back with the
Leoh Seely Anderson, San Bernardino, California, appears in The Relief
Society Magazine, as a first-time winner in the short story contest, with her
offering "Survival Under Protest." However, Mrs. Anderson has had consider-
able recognition for her literary efforts. "The Relief Society Magazine launched
my first article from Brigham Young University ('A Personnel Department for
the Home,' The Relief Society Magazine, October 1935), but I cut my
literary teeth (news and fiction) on I'he Deseret News, The Salt Lake Tiih-
une. The Sun-Advocate (Price, Utah), and The Toronto Star Weekly. Most
recently Reader's Digest and Faith Today have printed articles. Next to my
family, my seminary class is my greatest love, though I also teach the litera-
ture lesson in Rehef Society, and college English classes. My husband (a
language instructor at San Bernardino Valley College), and my sons, Richard
(fourteen) and Brent (nine), are presently aiding, abetting, and heckling me
in a program of "Mom Goes Back to School." Future grist for the literary
mill — when it finds a spare moment to grind! I used to be a member of the
Blue Quill (Ogden, Utah, writers) and also a member of the Southeastern
Chapter of the League of Utah Writers."
kit, and she cut the shirt away at
the shoulder. As the cloth shd
back, blood spurted with each
thrust of George's strong, young
She groped for a bandage, but
her eyes would not focus. All she
could see was that bright, red hfe
leaving George, her George. Dr.
Peters would be here in a few min-
utes—but even a few minutes
would be too late. First Aid is
what you do before the doctor
comes. Knowledge is to prepare
you to act when it is necessary. You
know what to do, Joanna. Do it!
She shut her teeth tight togeth-
er, and her nerveless fingers went
down into that warm, scarlet stream
and closed around the jagged flesh.
The blood ceased to spurt.
''Go get Marge Johnson," she
mumbled, while nausea rose in an
engulfing tide over her.
I7OR the next century Joanna
knelt there, George's blood dry-
ing in stiff little smears on her
hands, light and darkness confusing
her thoughts. That awful bump on
his forehead must have knocked him
out, and his cheek is rubbed and
bruised .... Joanna resumed her
''Joanna, baby!" Marge's voice
brought all the tension release of
the arrival of the U.S. cavalry.
"Whatever happened?"
Don't let go, Joanna commanded
herself. This is a reinforcement,
not a replacement. "Get the
stretcher from the Survival Room."
She found a dressing now, and
though as she momentarily released
her hold on the wound, the blood
leaped at her again, it was a matter
of seconds until the bandage was
in place and securely tied— with
square knots. They rolled George
on to the stretcher and carried him
into the Survival Room and laid
him on the cot.
"Fix Paul and Jim up, will you,
Marge?" Joanna said, while she
bathed the blood and catsup from
George's face. Why didn't he open
his eyes? She put a cold compress
on the lump that gleamed red,
white, and bruised on his forehead.
A car stopped out in front. Dr.
Peter's quick, efficient footsteps
and the music of his voice. "What's
up, here?"
He leaned, over George, raised his
eyelids, took his pulse. He examined
Joanna's bandage and the wound be-
neath it. He tossed a smile over
his busy shoulder.
'Til cite you for gallantry in ac-
tion, Joanna," he said. 'Tou prob-
ably saved your husband's life."
''I— I did?" smiled Joanna moist-
ly, and toppled over at his feet, ou^
That's when George Cameron
sighed and opened his eyes. '']o-
anna!' he croaked. ''What's hap-
pened to Joanna?"
Dr. Peters laid her on the other
cot. "She fainted. I promise to
give you full details when I'm not
so busy with two of you."
George viewed his own bandages
with a grimace and rubbed a hand
gingerly over his aching brow.
"Well," he mumbled, "the little
woman never could stand the sight
of blood."
ov^er a
nd JLi
Genevieve Wyatt
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a
sound mind (II Timothy 1:7).
Peace of mind I asked for,
"Oh, peace of mind," I prayed,
"God grant me this one blessing
For I am sore afraid."
And through the dark I struggled
And through the dark cried out,
For fear still lingered with me
In troubled thoughts and doubt.
Then, seeing peace in loved one's eyes,
I saw, too, perfect trust,
For peace of mind is perfect faith —
God's love is true and just.
And as my faith grows stronger
God's greatest gift is sure.
I know it will be completely mine
When faith is full and pure.
Perennials Preferred
DoTthea N. Newhold,
Deseret News Garden Editor
EVERY garden editor has been
asked — numberless times —
"Please tell me the name of
a perennial flower that will bloom
continuously throughout the sum-
Perennials are herbaceous plants
that live for many years — usually
they die down to the rootstock in
the fall and come up again in the
spring — flowering every year. But
certainly there is no one variety of
these treasures of the garden which
will bloom continuously through-
out the growing season.
By selecting from a wide assort-
ment of perennial plants, however,
the gardener may be assured of
bloom from earliest springtime until
late fall.
Preparation of Soil
Consider first the soil with which
you will be working. For, without
a rich, crumbly, well-drained soil,
all the work of creating a garden
and the expense of top quality
plants, is wasted. Soil should be
dug deeply, with ample humus ma-
terial incorporated to make an
almost inexhaustible storehouse of
food for the plants. Remember
that once planted, it will be many
years before you will move those
perennial plants.
Give Perennids a Strong
To show to the best advantage,
perennials need a strong back-
ground. A free standing border
makes a thin appearance — even
though there are generous sized
colonies of plants. Placed against
a strong background, such as a
border of shrubs, of evergreens, or
against a garden wall, or a wooden
fence (either painted or stained),
or against the side of a building, the
blooms will show oE to much great-
er advantage.
Width oi Beds
Width of the beds is very im-
portant. It is almost impossible to
achieve continuous bloom or a var-
ied effect in a narrow border. Con-
sider beds five to eight feet in width
for the best effects. However, you
may have a narrow strip in which
you prefer to plant perennials. Try
peonies or iris or phlox or chrysan-
themums for a big season splash of
colorful blooms, and use an annual,
such as petunias, for the front edg-
ing to give color throughout the
summer and fall months.
Wide borders allow plenty of
space to use low-growing, early
blooming perennials in the front of
the borders, taller growing plants at
the rear, with the medium growing
plants placed in the center sections.
This is not an ironclad rule to be
followed, for a medium tall plant
having attractive foliage — peonies
for example, mav be placed near
the back of the border, or some del-
phinium plants may be brought
close to the front edge.
Emphasis on the Old Reliables
Peonies, iris, delphiniums, daisies
of every variety, phlox, hardy asters,
Page 157
Dcrthea Nowbold
The delicately beautiful blossoms of
columbine and the attractive foliage add
airy grace to the' perennial borders.
chrysanthemums — these are the
old rehables, and plant hybridizers
have* worked wonders with them to
give us plants with larger flowers,
sturdier stock, better colors.
Use these plants with a lavish
hand, planting them in colonies of
threes, fives, sevens, nines, or more,
if desired. To create a garden pic-
ture which will have unity and
strength, repeat like plantings in an-
other section of the border. For
example, you will find that a plant-
ing' composed of three peonies, five
delphiitiums, and seven phlox care-
lessly scattered in an undesigned
border says very little. The same
number of plants grouped in col-
onies, with a like planting repeated
in another section, will give greater
pleasure and satisfaction.
Front Edging of Borders
It is extremely difficult to plan a
border of any size which will dis-
play a neat, tidy appearance and at
the same time be in bloom from
April until fall. There will usually
be unsightly spots where some per-
ennials have passed their season,
and where neighboring plants have
failed to cover the traces of the
earlier variety.
Care must be taken, then, not to
have too many of the early bloom-
ing sorts toward the front of the
border unless they will retain their
foliage until fall. The general ap-
pearance of a planting depends tre-
mendously on the blossoms and
foliage of the front of the border.
Hardy candytuft — Jberfs semper-
vireiis — produces loads of lovely
white flowers in the springtime,
then the plants may be sheared back
for a neat appearance for the re-
mainder of the season .
Courtesy Jackson and Perkins Company
Delphiniums are an unsurpassed source
of blue flowers. The tall spires of bloom
add interesting form to the perennial
Courtesy Jackson and Perkins Company
A new form of an old standby, the Shasta Daisy, a thrifty plant which blooms
Dianthus, variety Cheddar pink,
or Dianthus pJnniarius — old fash-
ioned clove pink, will provide frag-
rance unsurpassed during its bloom-
ing season, then the seed pods may
be trimmed off for a neat, attractive
appearance throughout the remain-
der of the season. The evergreen
coralbell, Heuchera, is a lovely thing,
its geranium-shaped leaves remain-
ing in perfect condition until after
hard frosts.
EarJy-FJovvering Perennials
Primroses of many varieties, Do-
Tonicum, (leopard's-bane), peonies,
Pyrethrum, iris, bearded and the
Siberian varieties, oriental poppies
— there is an endless list of May
and June blooming perennials.
However, selecting a limited
group of bearded iris is a compli-
cated business, for the varieties
number into the thousands. Great
self-control is needed on your part
or voLir garden will become a dis-
pla\ of iris and not the varied peren-
nial garden you desire.
EarJy Summer
As the springtime slips into the
summer, oriental poppies take over
the scene. Poppies need a careful
setting, for a flaming orange will pro-
test loudly if placed near a patch of
rose. Still we would not forfeit the
pleasure of growing poppies. Pop-
pies disappear after the blooming
period, leaving a blank space in the
garden. The gardener soon learns
to cover up their disappearance with
plants of Chinese delphinium, Shas-
ta daisies, Statice, or baby's-breath
(Gypsophih panfculata), variety
Bristol Fairy, planted in front of the
Perennial Phlox for
Midsummer Blooms
With midsummer and with the
coming of hot weather, the energy
of the gardener is sorely taxed, but
if the perennial phlox plants have
been grouped with a generous hand,
if they have been carefully watered
and mulched with a layer of well-
rotted manure, the borders will be
a riot of color. No perennial quite
equals the phlox for extravagance of
blooms, for persistence, or for self-
The New Day Lilies
In recent years day lilies, Hemero-
caJIis, have been undergoing some
interesting changes through the ef-
forts of plant hybridizers. A little
thoughtful study of a catalogue will
disclose the many new colors —
pinks, purples, pale creams and yel-
lows, white, deep yellow, and many
blends as well. Then, too, you may
select from long lists, varieties that
will bloom during the spring or
summer or fall. Indeed, one could
have a most interesting garden con-
taining only day lilies.
Fall Arrives
As the summer passes and the fall
season begins, hardy chrysantheums,
hardy asters, and anemones come
into their own.
No garden would be complete
without hardy asters which are so-
generous with their blooms.
Plant hybridizers have worked
wonders with the hardy chrysan-
themums, and there are dozens and
dozens of new varieties listed in the
growers' catalogues — waiting for
you to use them in every spare cor-
ner of your perennial borders. They
take up such a small area until well
into the late summer, that with gen-
erous use of small, single starts set
out in early springtime, the garden
will, in the fall months, look as if
it were a garden of chrysanthemums.
From September until killing
frosts, anemones will offer lovely
white or delicate pink waxen blooms,
lovely for either the house or the
Like people, perennials have their
limitations, so learn to allow for
these. At the same time, emphasize
all their wonderful assets. Learn to
evaluate. Though you desire a
plant of every known variety when
you begin to garden, you will soon
learn to make discriminating selec-
tions -— to please you and to suit
your personality.
fSt (^o to iKeuef S octet y[
Nell B. Bienchley
THE things that happen to me
on Rehef Society day! I am
sometimes tempted to be-
heve that if I had not such an ar-
dent love for that organization, I
should have given up trying to get
myself and two or more children
to Relief Society meeting long ago.
Somehow things seem to get all
tangled up on that particular day. I
have entertained the thought that
life might run more smoothly, if I
pretended not to be going to meet-
ing at all, And then, say about i : 30,
I would trick fate, change my dress,
grab the children, and dash off to
Relief Society without looking back.
But no. I would most assuredly
have to bathe John, my three-year-
old, you know how little boys are,
and then perhaps the baby would be
asleep or hungry or— no, I must plan
ahead. But you know when Sister
Hammond read that quotation from
Burns in her literature lesson last
year, the one which goes, 'The best
laid schemes o' mice and men, gang
aft a-gley," well, I felt like Burns
must have written that especially for
the mouse and me. Just that very
day I had hoped to be all ready to
leave, and when I called John in,
there he was with mud up to his
ears. I have almost developed a
sleight-of-hand act from some of
those quick changes. I wasn't late,
but I can't say I was unruffled.
Then there was last week. I was
going like a race horse to get things
in shape so I could leave when
the telephone rang. Goodness, I
thought, I hope it's not .... My
good husband's voice asked, ''Aren't
you going to Relief Society today?"
'Tes, dear, I am," from me.
''Why didn't you say you wanted
the car at lunchtime?" he inquired.
"Well, I did mention that I was
going to meeting, but I decided to
walk." Isn't that just like a man?
He probably didn't even listen when
I told him I was going.
He was saying, "And carry that
baby? I'll say not. I'll come and
get you."
"I can walk," I insisted, but then,
thinking that I could use those extra
ten minutes, I said, "All right, if it
won't put you out too much— meet-
ing's at two."
I did use the extra ten minutes
profitably, but at three minutes to
two there was still no car in sight,
so I wrapped up baby, and the three
of us started out, thinking we would
surely meet him coming for us.
Baby was getting powerfully heavy
by the time I reached the church,
and I was puffing like the "little
steam engine that could" or some-
thing, but still no husband in sight.
I do hate to be late. Just as I
reached the Relief Society room I
turned, too quickly I am afraid, to
see if young John was following. He
was, and I smacked him in the poor
little head with my swinging hand-
bag. He sent up a wail that would
put a banshee to shame.
I found at suppertime that hus-
band had forgotten completely
about us. He was very penitent,
but I think I shall not make anv
such arrangements another time.
Page 161
There was another day. I was three-year-old stood peacefully wash-
helping with the program for the ing his hands, with the water run-
opening social, so I was plan- ning over the basin and into his
ning to leave home a half hour early. Sunday shoes.
I was finishing up the luncheon We got to the meeting that day,
dishes and things seemed to be well too, finally. But do you know when
in hand, when John's voice called I arrived home at four o'clock, I
to me from the bathroom. found my bread still baking. I guess
''Mommy, I can't open the door." I hadn't heard the bell in my ex-
I dried my hands on my apron citement before leaving. I have
and turned the knob, and my heart heard somewhere that Brother Brig-
sank. ''John, you didn't lock the ham Young liked thick crusts on his
door, surely?" I asked. bread, but I do declare, I am afraid
"Locked, Mommy," he called even he couldn't have eaten mine
nonchalantly. that day.
"But how could you, it's too l could name other hectic in-
high?" that was to myself, but he stances, some which have been more
answered, "I standed on my toes." provoking than amusing. But I
"Well, just stand on your toes have adopted for my Tuesday creed,
agam and unlock it." I was im- "Never say die." I must go to Re-
patient. jjgf Society. I simply cannot miss
"I did, but I can't." the theology meeting. I look for-
"Keep calm," I kept telling my- ward to that day as a day when my
self, but as the minutes wore on and life is enriched, and I may drink in
his three-year-old efforts were in the beautiful spirit of our class lead-
vain, I became frantic. I thought er, our president, and her counsel-
of the one small window. It was ors, and as I listen to the staunch
my last chance. I hurried down to testimonies of the other sisters, my
find the stepladder, hoping desper- testimony grows, and I know that I
ately that the window was un- am going to try to live closer to my
locked. As I shouldered the ladder, Father in heaven and strive to un-
I glanced at the axe in the corner derstand my mission upon earth
and thought grimly to myself that more fully.
if the worst came to the worst, I j ^^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ meeting. That
could use that. -^ ^^le day that gives me courage to
OAPPILY, the window was un- be a better homemaker. (Goodness
locked, I found, after forcing the knows I could improve my Tuesday
screen, but it was far too small for schedule.) The leaders on this day
me to get through at that time. My awaken interest in so many home-
five-year-old Patty was the only one making arts that I have formerly
available, but she took one look in- thought beyond my reach. I do so
to the bathtub below and shrieked want to make of my home a place
that she was afraid. I begged, where my little family will want to
coaxed, and pleaded, and finally be more than any other,
dropped her screaming and kicking I must go to the literature lesson,
safely to the bathroom floor. The Then my soul may rise above the
commonplace things, and I may
walk briefly with great minds. Could
associations be more rich than those
with Tennyson, Dickens, or Brown-
ing? Oh, the beauty of the litera-
ture day!
I must go to the social science
lessons. I am just awakening to the
realization that we here in the
United States have some things not
to be found in any other country. I
must learn what I can do to help
preserve the liberty that God has
bequeathed upon this promised
land, so long as we serve the God
of this land who is Jesus Christ.
Yes, I go to Relief Society, come
what may. May I call for you next
What & youth?
Vesta Ball Ward
You answer.
Youth is impetuousness, hurry.
Clothed in vibrant shades of red,
Striped with rush.
Shadows chasing self,
Vainly seeking realness in shadowy future.
Distant past;
Too busy to peek between the pages of today's reality;
Too busy to taste the present pleasure
Or savor the sweetness of now.
Too occupied seeking hie, too frantic.
Too busy, always too busy.
Let the panorama slip by.
While frantically
You seek that indefinable
Something that is not found.
Though sought,
In hectic disquietude.
A sage seeketh such in quiet thought, in still depths.
In tranquility, repose, and solemn contemplation.
Youth knows not of such treasures.
Hidden only by the veil of the mind.
For only time, so little respected, can painfully teach.
Only time, relentless in scope and depth and sameness.
With cutting edge and sharp surety, need reprimand.
So what is youth?
Nothing more than youngness.
That soon is tempered or broken in the maw
Of aching search.
What is age?
You answer.
Age is youth, softened by time.
Mellowed by the ceaseless flow and surge
Of that which it pleases us to name
I Low, in the cJ\K^iligkt of 1 1 iy^ JLife
Arteiiiesia R. Roniney
AS I walked along the crowded
sidewalk of a large city one
cold, dreary day (the year was
December 1936), it seemed there
were no love or friends left in all the
world. Now that I was widowed
there was nothing to live for any
more. Suddenly, as I passed a spa-
cious store window, a beautiful oil
painting attracted my attention and
held me spellbound for some time.
I forgot my sorrow, for the moment,
as I studied the work of art. The
sun in the picture was just breaking
with new light. As I obser\ed it
more closely, a thrill ran through
me and seemed to fill my soul with
new life and beauty. I said to my-
self, 'There is no reason why I can't
do something like that, paintings
that would give joy and happiness
and cheer up those who are sad.
Everyone needs a hobby as she
grows older to keep her mind bright
and alert. Mine will be painting."
We all feel the need of self-ex-
pression, and it is very necessary for
our well-being. Anything that we
create with our hands gives us a
thrill and helps us to see the beauty
around us and to express our per-
sonality. The poet said that all the
good we send into the lives of oth-
ers comes back into our own. We
might also say that all the beauty
we send into the homes of others
comes back into our own and gives
us happiness and comfort, for a
thing of beauty is a joy forever.
Emily Dickinson once said:
If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Page 164
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.
I was determined to do some-
thing that would help someone to
see the beauty of life.
As I proceeded to work on my
chosen hobby, I found many diffi-
culties to surmount. One of the
hardest was to get registered at the
university and get started among all
those young students, but finally I
succeeded and became so interested
in my classes that everything took
on new life and beauty. The harder
I worked, the more joy I experi-
enced. I began to feel that life was
worth living after all.
There was so much for me to
learn, and so much joy came to me
in studying and progressing that my
sorrow was lessened because my
mind and hands were busy in cre-
ating something that would give joy
to others.
But I found in the hobby I had
chosen there were many angles to
master, among them: harmony, pro-
portion, balance, rhythm, emphasis,
and color. As we work, we find we
are creating a picture, and our souls
are filled with delight. We can see
beauty in everything around us.
Sunshine, mountains, valleys, sun-
sets, sky, the wind, sand, the snow-
storms, rain, smoke, and the rocks
are attractive. Even the fog in
London was dreadful and ugly until
some artist painted a famous picture
of it and it took on beauty.
Because of their perfect study of
nature, the Chinese and Japanese
paint their flowers so that one can
almost see the stems sway in the
wind and the peony's leaves waft
away in the breeze.
One artist says he can't paint the
perfume of the flower and so he
paints the very soul of it and hands
it to us. What joy he gives to his
President Brigham Young tells us
to beautify our homes with our own
handiwork, and what better wav
could we decorate them than with
our art work?
Now, in the twilight of my life,
this chosen hobby of painting has
brought many happy hours to me.
When I feel lonely I have only to
get out my paints and brushes or
study my art books, and I am soon
lost to the world in my work.
o/t i^reat cJradition — cJhe Jxniencan I Lational
uiea y^ross
Edwin H. Powers
Director, Office of Public Information
N almost every corner of the earth, the Red Cross is recognized as a
symbol of the good neighbor. It may represent you— through your
membership— in helping other people in time of trouble. Or it may repre-
sent warm-hearted people, whom you do not know, rallying to your aid
in an emergency.
There was a time in our early history when people counted entirely on
direct help from their neighbors or close relatives to see them through
periods of misfortune. Our way of life stems largely from that personal,
across- the-fence sharing of adversity.
Today life is more complex. Many of us live in the impersonal atmos-
phere of great cities. Much of our population shifts back and forth across
the country, hardly finding time to get acquainted with new neighbors.
The protective unity of families is weakened as individual members scatter
from the home community.
But people have not changed. In time of trouble, they need assur-
ance that they are not alone. To help provide this assurance, millions of
Americans turn to their Red Cross. Because they join and serve, they
are able to extend a friendly hand to those who most need help.
We see that help in the millions of pints of blood freely given through
the Red Cross for those who would die without it. We see it when a New
England fisherman who lost his boat in a hurricane is given another so he
can earn a living for his family. We see it in emergency help to the family
of a serviceman who is away from home.
When the Red Cross answers the call of those in need, Americans keep
alive one of our great traditions— friendly, neighborly help to our fellow
This is an annual appeal for good will and help. Join the Red Cross
and answer the 1955 call to service.
Q)ight^-(cJne ijears J^go
Excerpts From the Woman s Exponent, March i, and March 15, 1873
"For the Rights of the Women of Zion and the Rights of the
Women of All Nations"
Note: The heading "Eighty-One Years Ago" is substituted this month for the regular
title "Sixty Years Ago/' since no issues of the Woman's Exponent were pub-
lished during the month of March 1894. ^^^^ Woman's Exponent began publi-
cation in June 1872, and the following excerpts are from the issue of the fol-
lowing March.
A UTAH LADIES' JOURNAL: The women of Utah to-day occupy a position
which attracts the attention of intelligent thinking men and women everywhere. They
are engaged in the practical solution of some of the greatest social and moral problems
of the age .... Who are so well able to speak for the women of Utah as the women
of Utah themselves? "It is better to represent ourselves than to be misrepresented by
others." For these reasons, and that women may help each other by the diffusion of
knowledge and information possessed by many and suitable to. all, the publication of
Woman's Exponent, a journal owned by, controlled by and edited by Utah ladies, has
been commenced .... Utah, in its Female Relief Societies, has the best organized
benevolent institution of the age .... Miss Eliza R. Snow, President of the entire
Female. Relief Societies, cordially approves of the journal, and will be a contributor to
it as she has leisure from her numerous duties ....
— Louise L. Greene, Editor
Beneath high, villa-dotted hills
That in succession rise
Like rich gemm'd parapets around;
The lovely Florence lies.
The Arno, broad and gentle stream,
That flows meand'ring through.
Divides, but in unequal parts,
The city platt in two ....
I see you, Florence, all the while.
So beautiful and gay;
I ask, is this your common dress,
Or, this your holiday? . . .
— Eliza R. Snow
From Florence, Italy
ADVERTISEMENT: H. Wallace has the best, largest and purest stock of con-
fectionary in Salt Lake City. Just the place for ladies to purchase.
RELIEF SOCIETY IN TOOELE: I believe our Society in Tooele can compare
favorably with that of any other settlement. It is now nearly three years since we were
organized, and we have been trying ever since to do our best. We have excellent meet-
ings. The sisters are alive to their duties, and I believe will accomplish much good ....
— Mrs. Mary Meiklejohn, President
Page 166
Woman's Sphere
Ramona W. Cannon
been awarded the 1954 Mary
Swartz Rose fellowship by the
American Dietetic Association for
her outstanding success as a teach-
er and administrator in the field of
institution management. She is the
author of numerous publications on
food costs, meal planning, and nu-
trition. She will continue her
graduate work toward the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy in Institution
Management and Home Economics
Education at Iowa State College.
"liT'OMEN are playing a growing
role in the field of medical re-
search—a fact that was recently
underscored when the Life Insur-
ance Medical Research Fund award-
ed a total of more than $31,000 in
grants and fellowships for heart
disease research to half a dozen
women in 1954.
^ DERSLEEVE, former Dean of
Barnard College, student of inter-
national affairs, and the only woman
appointed by President Roosevelt to
the United Nations delegation at
the San Francisco Conference, re-
lates in Many a Good Crusade, the
story of her ideals and accomplish-
ments in the ''educational liberation
of w^omen.'*
npHE National Council of Jewish
Women began a "golden age"
program in 1946, to enrich the lives
of elderly people — to prevent their
later years from becoming "an
empty thing and a burden of mean-
ingless days." In 1800 the average
life expectancy in the United States
was thirty-five years; in 1900, forty-
five; today, seventy. There are now
ten million Americans over sixty-
five, and sixteen million past sixty.
Great Britain in February made
a month-long tour of the romantic
West Indies, flying in a stratocruiser
to the Caribbean as a representative
of the Crown.
OIRTHDAY congratulations are
extended to: Mrs. Anna Sten-
quist, Tremonton, Utah, one hun-
dred; Mrs. Melissa Ann Wells Dial,
Willard, Utah, ninety-nine; Mrs.
Olena M. Larsen, Moroni, Utah,
ninety-five; Mrs. Bertha Olsen, Hy-
rum, Utah, Mrs. Esther Jane Tol-
man Sessions, Syracuse, Utah, Mrs.
Ann Evans, Winnipeg Canada,
Mrs. Ann Barrus Layton Jones, Salt
Lake City, ninety-two; Mrs. Jose-
phine Gibson, Tremonton, Utah,
ninety-one; Mrs. Jennie W. Magle-
by, Mrs. Jessie Richardson Thoma-
sen, and Mrs. Josephine Erickson
Halverson, all of Salt Lake City, and
each ninety years old.
Page 167
VOL 42
MARCH 1955
NO. 3
iKelief Society for the [Perfection
I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the
voeation wherev\'ith ye are called. With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering,
forbearing one another in love; Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond
of peace (Ephesians 4:1-3).
CO wrote Paul to the Ephesians
while a prisoner at Rome, but
his words are applicable to us to-
day as much as to the early Chris-
tians in Ephesus. As the birth
month of Relief Society approaches,
one is led to marvel at the blessings
to Latter-day Saint women which
the organization of Relief Society
was. Before its organization the
women of the Church assisted in
upholding the brethren, attended
sacrament meetings, and encouraged
and inspired their own husbands
and sons, but there was no field
open to them in the Church for
teaching, exhorting, or systematic
learning. It was not by chance that
of all the auxiliaries the one for the
advancement of the women of the
Church was established first under
divine inspiration to the Prophet
Joseph Smith. Through Relief So-
ciety, women were given vocations
and called to their offices by the
Priesthood of God. In the days
of the ancient apostles there was the
term ''elect lady" given to one
by John of whom he said,
'\ . . whom I love in the truth; and
not I only, but also all they that
have known the truth" (II John
Page 168
When Emma Smith, the wife of
the Prophet Joseph Smith, had the
word of the Lord directed to her
through her Prophet husband, in
July 1830, the Lord said to her,
". . . and thou art an elect lady,
whom I have called" (D. & C.
25:3). She was also told, ''And
thou shalt be ordained under his
hand to expound scriptures, and to
exhort the church, according as it
shall be given thee by my Spirit"
(D. & C. 25:7). In the conclud-
ing verse of section 25, it states,
"And verily, verily, I say unto you,
that this is my voice unto all.
Amen" (D. & C. 25:16).
On March 17, 1842, nearly twelve
years later in Nauvoo, Illinois, when
Relief Society was organized and
Emma Smith was made the first
president of Relief Society, the
Prophet Joseph Smith wrote:
... I ga\'e much instruction, read in
the New Testament, and Book of Doc-
trine and Co\enants, concerning the
Elect Lady, and showed that the elect
meant to be elected to a certain work,
&c., and that the revelation \\as then ful-
filled by Sister Emma's election to the
Presidency of the Society, she ha\'ing
previously been ordained to expound the
Scriptures. Emma was blessed, and her
counselors were ordained by Elder John
Taylor (D. H. C, IV, pp. 552-553)-
What a glorious opportunity was
thus bestowed upon our Heavenly
Father's daughters in this the last
dispensation to be elect ladies and
be called to serve in the greatest
woman's organization in the world.
What great development i^ offered
an individual member through each
particular calling in the society.
When a calling comes to any
woman through the inspiration of
the Presiding Priesthood, that wom-
an can fit herself to be worthy and
successful in it. Sometimes it is
well to consider those attributes of
which Paul spoke as necessary in
order to ". . . walk worthy of the
vocation wherewith ve are called"
(Ephesians 4:1).
With all lowliness and meekness, with
longsuffering, forbearing one another in
love; Endea\'oring to keep the unity of
the Spirit in the bond of peace (Ephesians
Hardly attributes which the world
would hold up as a criterion for suc-
cessful filling of a calling!
One wonders at the lasting ac-
complishments performed by wom-
en who have accepted a calling in
humility and lived by the attributes
listed by Paul. One may recall
some sister who has fulfilled every
calling which came to her no mat-
ter how small it might be, and then
who has been called to a most re-
sponsible calling, such as a ward
president. Sometimes the appoint-
ment is criticized on the ground
that this particular woman lacks
leadership qualities. Yet it works
out in accord with eternal principles.
Through her loyalty, faithfulness,
and acceptance of the call, she be-
comes entitled to the inspiration of
the Lord in her calling. Then her
humility inclines her to ask for
counsel and to follow it. No word
of criticism passes her lips against
those who criticize her, for she has
learned to be longsuffering. She
meets opposition with meekness and
concludes by keeping a ''unity of the
Spirit," in her society "in the bond
of peace." Her character has been
trained to be obedient to those in
authority over her, and through the
inspiration of her calling and seek-
ing counsel from those in authority,
she gathers around her other women
who excel in the attributes which
she needs to make a perfect Relief
Society organization.
So may any woman perform a
calling given to her, no matter how
inadequate she may feel. And
through her acceptance her own
soul will be given development in
the very qualities which she may
Only one thing was needful for
the perfection of the rich young
ruler who came to Jesus. With per-
fect knowledge Jesus advised him,
"... If thou wilt be perfect, go and
sell that thou hast, and give to the
poor, and thou shalt have treasure
in heaven: and come and follow
me" (Mt. 19:21). The rich young
ruler, however, did not accept the
opportunity to gain perfection, but
went away sorrowing.
Relief Society members who seek
perfection will accept each calling
which comes to them and step by
step strengthen their weaknesses. Re-
lief Society is veritably a gift of the
Lord to his daughters to help per-
fect them for eternal life.
-M. C. S.
K^yrganizations and LKe organizations of (btane
ana ll Lission LKe/tef Societies for ig^Jf
East Phoenix
Grand Coulee
Las Vegas
Orange County
North Sacramento
South Blackfoot
West Boise
Central States
No. Central States
Western States
East Cache
East Long Beach
Farr West
Mount Logan
North Box Elder
North Carbon
North Rexburg
Palo Alto
Page 170
FornierJy Part oi
Phoenix Stake
Northwestern States
Moapa Stake
East Long Beach
Blackfoot Stake
North Jordan Stake
Boise Stake
Appointed President
Lola M. Shumway
Alfreta Gail Jardine
Alice Alldredge
Marion Almira
Edna M. Hill
Anna Wright
Paula G. Wilson
Elnora T. Loveland
Released President
Annie M. Ellsworth
Mae Pace Matis
Stella C. Nelson
Laura M. Hawkes
Annie B. Johnson
Mildred M. Dillman
Released President
Ahce W. Carlisle
Vera H. May hew
Alice S. DeMordaunt
Elnora T. Loveland
Gretta L. Karren
Lois W. Sorenson
Mildred D. Harper
Geneva J. Garfield
Josephine W, Jenkins
Ruth P. Christiansen
Lavena L. Rohner
Gladys K. Wagner
Fern R. Lay cock
Katherine Barnes
Alice Alldredge
Mae E. Jenkins
Lucille H. Spencer
Lucille L. Wight
LaPreal Richards
Adalena M. Withers
Chloe M. Howell
Agnes F. Lindsay
Appointed President
May E. J. Dyer
Hortense Robinson
Maurine M. Haycock
Dora Rose H.
Ethel E. Blomquist
Mildred P. Elggren
Appointed President
Edna S. Walker
Irene Thorley Ranker
Florence Christiansen
Edna S. Millar
Marie J. Monson
Vera H. Peart
Betsy MacNey
Geneva M. Law
Effie F. Meeks
Rebecca M. Anderson
Beth M. Stallman
Nilus S. Memmott
Ruth F. Heninger
Bertha Burch
Lola D. Bryner
Anna O. Smith
Mary Kotter
June I. Hunsaker
Elva Judd
Mary G. Shirlev
Grace C. Gamble
Violet B. Smith
Date Appointed
February 28, 1954
May 23, 1954
October 10, 1954
June 27, 1954
December 12, 1954
June 20, 1954
November 18, 1954
November 28, 1954
Date Appointed
February 26, 1954
December 1, 1954
June 11, 1954
April 16, 1954
March 31, 1954
February 24, 1954
Date Appointed
June 27, 1954
July 17, 1954
June 20, 1954
November 28, 1954
November 28, 1954
June 20, 1954
January 1, 1954
April 24, 1954
October 20, 1954
August 22, 1954
September 26, 1954
May 16, 1954
May 2, 1954
November 17, 1954
October 16, 1954
May 30, 1954
April 18, 1954
March 8, 1954
November 14, 1954
August 22, 1954
June 20, 1954
May 16, 1954
Pasadena Stake
South Bear River
South Summit
Star Valley
Twin Falls
Released President
Madge P. Fowler
Lola M. Shumway
Mima C. Hainsworth
Pearl O. Clement
Nona W. Slade
Janet P. Lee
Ivy C. Ashby
Alta C. Allen
Rebecca C.
Luella W. Walker
Nellie B. Jensen
Mary E. Wright
Margaret J. Olpin
Leah Kirk
Delia W. Alder
Appointed President
Thelma Johnson
Ruth O. Stapley
Jennie R. Scott
Naomi L. Brimhall
Isabell C. Ellison
Josephine Cannon
Beth V. Anderson
Vera R. Cantwell
Isabella P. Walton
Date Appointed
September 12, 1954
February 28, 1954
December 5, 1954
April 26, 1954
February 3, 1954
May 16, 1954
June 6, 1954
May 30, 1954
September 5, 1954
Vera Dugdale September 20, 1954
Eliza R. Robinson September 15, 1954
Elva F. Richins February 21, 1954
Florence O. Gillman January 24, 1954
Mona Hulbert Brown May 23, 1954
Dorothy Zaugg August 22, 1954
fSlndex for ig^jf uielief Society 1 1 iagazines Kyivadabie
r^OPIES of the 1954 index of The Relief Society Magazines are available
and may be ordered from the General Board of Relief Society, 40 North
Main Street, Salt Lake City 1, Utah. The price is 15c, including postage.
Relief Society officers and members who wish to have their 1954
issues of The ReUef Society Magazine bound may do so through the
Deseret News Press, 31 Richards Street, Salt Lake City 1, Utah. The cost
for binding the twelve issues in a permanent cloth binding is $2.50, in-
cluding the index. If leather binding is preferred, the cost is $3.50, in-
cluding the index. These prices do not include postage, and an additional
amount to cover postage must accompany all orders for binding of the
Magazines. See schedules of postage rates in this issue of the Magazine,
page 207.
If bound volumes are desired, and the Magazines cannot be supplied
by the person making the request, the Magazines will be supplied for $1.50
by the Magazine Department, General Board of Relief Society, 40 North
Main Street, Salt Lake City 1, Utah. Only a limited number of Magazines
are a\'ailable for binding.
It is suggested that wards and stakes have one volume of the 1954
Magazines bound for preservation in ward and stake Relief Society libraries.
■ ^
Announcing the Special April Short Story S/ssue
npLIE April 1955 issue of The ReUef Society Magazine will be the special
short story number, with four outstanding stories being presented.
Look for these stories in April:
"Reap If You Will," by Elaine J. Wilson
^The Wall," bv Mvrtle M. Dean
''Her Own Life," by Ruth Moody Ostegar
''Steak for Thursday," by Rosa Lee Lloyd
The Legacy
Ora Pate Stewart
1 would probably never have
known about the old, round-
topped sea chest in the attic of
Grandmother's house, if it hadn't
been that a big chain store company
needed that particular corner for
a supermarket. Grandmother had
been gone for many years. She nev-
er would have stood for selling it,
nor did Aunt Elon want to move.
She was living alone in the big
house at the time. She was a wid-
ow, and all her children were mar-
ried and gone.
''My roots are here," she persist-
ed; and she wouldn't budge until
finally a lawyer came out and told
her that the property was going to
be condemned, and she'd do well
to sell and get out while she had a
good chance.
''Gondemned, my foot!" Aunt
Elon ejaculated. 'They don't build
houses like this today. Adobe walls
nearly two feet thick! My father
made those adobe with his own two
hands. Of course, we had it faced
over with brick at the turn of the
century for the golden wedding;
and then two years ago I had it
stuccoed. But I was born in this
house, and I'd hoped to die in it!"
It was a sturdy old house. The
four rooms on the ground floor
were each exactly sixteen by sixteen
feet, and ten feet high. There were
no halls or corridors. Each room
was communicable with the two
that it adjoined by thick oak doors,
each eight feet tall. The upper
rooms were precisely the same. As
an afterthought, a veranda had been
Page 172
added, running the length of the
house on the north side, and wood-
en steps ascended on the outside
to the upper story. About the time
of the golden wedding, this stair-
way had been cased in, and the
place under the stairs had been
made into a pantry. A kitchen
lean-to had been added at the back
at the time plumbing had come in.
It was considered easier to extend
the house out to the water pipes,
as sort of a half-way compromise,
than to bring the pipes all the way
in through brick and adobe.
No, there wasn't another house
just like it. Grandfather had not
been a builder of houses; he had
been a schoolteacher.
When the house was wired for
electricity sometime in the twenties,
the inspector asked to see the at-
"We never had an attic," Aunt
Elon told him.
And it was true. They had never
had access to it. But the regula-
tions said there had to be an attic.
So Aunt Elon had an oblong hole
cut in the ceiling of the northeast
room upstairs. She had it framed,
like a little window. And when the
inspector came again, she brought
in the eight-foot stepladder from the
apple orchard, and he went up and
poked around in the rafters.
It was just as it had been when
it was built seventy-five years be-
fore, so he was quite surprised when
he stumbled onto a bulky, round-
topped sea chest. It was too large
to get it through the tiny dormer
window. And how it got up there
on the rafters was a mystery to him.
''Who in the world would build
a house around an old battered
relic like this?" he muttered, and
turned his flashhght the better to
examine it. It was made of wood,
covered with leather, and banded
heavily with thick iron bands. The
leather had been broken in several
places. The top was dusted over
with sawdust and cobwebs, and the
feather-soft residue of seventy-five
quiet years.
AUNT Elon's curiosity was suf-
ficiently aroused so that she
climbed up the stepladder to a
point where she could put her head
and shoulders through the oblong
It was her first glimpse of the sea
chest. She was then seventy years
old, and for sixty years or more the
sea chest had never been mentioned;
and for forty years it had been for-
It took some time for Aunt Elon's
thoughts to travel back into the re-
mote corridors of memory.
''Oh, that--" she said at last—
"that was the legacy."
The inspector looked expectant.
"No," continued Aunt Elon, "it's
not what you think. It's not im-
portant. I remember now, Ma told
me about it when I was very small.
But she was always sort of ashamed
to talk about it. Ma was a proud
woman. And whenever she had a
hurt she buried it. That's why she
had the sea chest built into the at-
tic. It arrived from England just
when the rafters were going up.
It's all she ever got out of her par-
ents' estate."
The inspector looked doleful, and
shook his head.
"It doesn't look like it's locked,"
he ventured. "Looks like the pad-
lock has been chiseled in two."
"As I remember the story, they
never even sent the key," Aunt
Elon said. "But, like I say, there
was never much talk about it. You
can open it, if you want to. It's no
skeleton in my closet."
Aunt Elon had pulled herself up
onto the solid old beams now, and
the inspector helped her to pick
her way over to the old chest.
After a few jostling tugs the
hinges creaked and the lid came
loose. The inspector bent for long
seconds while his flashlight probed
over the contents.
"Well, I'll be hornswoggled!" he
exclaimed at last.
Aunt Elon said, "Like I told you
—that's all she ever got."
TT was fifteen years after they'd
put in the electricity that Aunt
Elon wrote to me and told me
about the supermarket people and
the lawyer. She put up a lot of
bluster, but, as she said in her letter,
she was eighty-five now, and she
probably had passed her prime, and
if I'd come and help her with the
dismantling, she guessed she'd give
in. They'd promised her a sum
that would keep her in comfort for
the rest of her life and bury her in
style, she said. And it was time to
begin to think about those things.
Besides, a nice new supermarket
would be a pretty addition to the
neighborhood. It was a sign of
So I went out to help her with
disposing of her things. It was just
before I was married.
There's a lot of sentiment in an
old house. Love and life and death
all leave their traces. You find
them in the fingerprints between
the layers of wallpaper. You find
them folded away in yellowed linen
in the bottom of deep drawers. You
find them in button boxes, and
especially in old albums. I never
saw my grandmother. She died
about the time I was born. Aunt
Elon was the oldest and my mother
was the youngest of her children.
But it gave her a definite texture
and substance when I found a braid
of her black-brown hair in a remote
place in an old trunk. I held it up
to my own. It matched exactly.
Everyone always said I was the
''spittin' image" of Grandmother.
''Ma felt disgraced when they cut
it off/' Aunt Elon informed me.
"She respected the scripture that
says a woman's hair is her glory.
But there was an epidemic of scar-
let fever, and Ma had to give up
her glory along with the others.
She said she guessed she would have
died, if she could have reconciled
herself to being put away without
her hair. She simply had to live
until it grew out again.''
T^HE task of sorting and moving
Aunt Elon's possessions took
longer than we had thought. I guess
we talked too much. She had to
tell me the history of each piece in
the patchwork quilt. She was so
full of history herself. She told me
about her old beaux, and the dances
at Social Hall, and there was always
a glove or a scrap of brocade or a
tortoise-shell fan to illustrate the
''Now that young man of yours,"
she finally said, pointedly, 'what
about him — his background — his
"You mean Cameron Eldridge?"
I asked, knowing very well that she
meant Cameron Eldridge.
Cameron Eldridge was the only
young man in my life. He was not
exactly what you'd call a native, and
this disturbed Aunt Elon a lot. I
suspect that the whole reason she
had asked me to come was so that
she could scold me about it. She
thought it a prodigality that one of
her nieces would be interested in
anyone outside the valley. Cameron
Eldridge was practically a foreigner.
What folks he had had lived in
Johnstown, Pennsylvania. His grand-
parents and all the rest of his fam-
ily had been missing since the great
Johnstown flood. His father had
worked his way out West as a young
boy to seek his fortune; and his en-
tire fortune had turned out to be
Cameron Eldridge. The pretty lit-
tle wife he chose had died at the
child's birth. Cameron's father's
name was John, and he thought his
grandfather's name was John also;
and he'd heard talk of a Lafayette,
or Lafalgar— they'd called him Lafe
—who might have been his great-
grandfather. But he wasn't sure
of anything; and that was all he
knew about himself.
This was not nearly enough to
satisfy Aunt Elon. Being missing in
a flood was too easy a way to dis-
pose of one's ancestry.
"It isn't that there's any shadow
on your young man," she admitted
sympathetically. "It's just that
there's no light on him."
"I didn't know you were so in-
terested in genealogy," I said.
And then she went and got a big
book with long, hand-written pages.
'To tell the truth/' she con-
fessed, "I've worked on our geneal-
ogy for fifty years. I've written hun-
dreds of letters back to England.
I've copied all the answers I ever
received right here in this book.
And you know, I've run up against
a stone wall in every case. Theie's
not a single lead in all this. There's
not a soul could help me out. Pa
and Ma left England in 1853, ^ig^^^
after they were married. Pa was a
young schoolmaster— and the only
thing we know about Ma is that
her folks disowned her because she
married Pa. All they had against
Pa was that he had joined the
''Didn't they ever write to each
other?" I asked.
"Ma and Pa wrote back many
times," Aunt Elon said. "But they
never got any answers. Ma quit
writing when she found out her
mother was dead."
"But how did she find out," I
asked, "if they never answered?"
"Her mother willed her the old
sea chest that had belonged to her
father's family. Ma's sisters sent
the chest after her mother had died.
It was her legacy."
"How exciting!" I said. And in
my eyes flashed the butter-yellow
ambers from Oran, the delicate old
ivory miniatures from farther east,
loose rubies, unset, wrapped in soft
linen, and fragile silks spiced away
in the days when the Orient was a
land of silks and spices. Silver and
jade from the Caribbean, and gold-
en sandals from the Andes. Laces
from Spain and Italy. And my
nostrils drew in the rare essences of
Paris and Cologne.
^^VrO, child, there was nothing
exciting," Aunt Elon said. She
watched carefully while the ambers
and ivories slowly faded from my
eyes, and my nose got reaccustomed
to the familiar smells of the old
"As a matter of fact," she said,
"if you'll go out in the orchard and
get the stepladder while I rig up a
long extension cord, we'll go up and
examine that sea chest."
I brought up a couple of planks
to bridge the beams, and a large
cushion for Aunt Elon, because we
had to sit on the planks. Then I
helped her up carefully, and I
dangled the light globe while Aunt
Elon raised the lid on the chest.
The while she was telling me the
story. "Ma was never so disap-
pointed and hurt in her life. All
the pretty things her grandfather
had collected around the world
while he was a ship's captain had
been stored in that chest when she
was a girl. She told me about a
Spanish shawl that was embroidered
all over in rich, bright colors, and
of a carved ivory fan that had come
from India. But you see they are
not here. Ma had two older sis-
ters. They did not have the bless-
ing of the law to break the will, but
they found a chisel to break the
At that moment my light globe
revealed a yellowed letter, tightly
folded, and written in a fine,
cramped hand. There was no en-
velope, and the page was written
over itself, crosswise.
"I never knew there was a letter,"
Aunt Elon said. "Or if I ever knew,
I had forgotten. Read it, child."
I read:
To our sister, Emily Preece, who, with-
out blessing of bish-op or kindred, deserted
the home that nourished her, despised the
country that protected her, and spurned
the faith that fostered her, to become the
consort of the infidel, one Reyburn West,
who together with him did go to dwell
in a land of savages and heathens:
Emily, you have broken your mother's
heart. Ma is dead. She departed this
life on the 27th instant. She left a last
testament. We, your older sisters, Char-
lotte and Rhoda, do jointly inherit the
house and grounds. To you, Emily, is
left the old sea chest. The testament
reads: "the old sea chest and contents."
The contents, you see, are not itemized.
We, Charlotte and Rhoda, knowing full
well that you will never have any need
for silks and ivories in a wilderness of
buffaloes and Indians, have taken it upon
ourselves to supply a suitable contents
which will satisfy the demands of the
Respectfully and oblige,
Your sisters, Charlotte
and Rhoda Preece.
P.S. You asked for news. So we are
sending you news. We are sorry that
much of it is charred. The firemen were
careless when the church burned down,
and the printing establishment also caught
fire. We were able to rescue this much.
Respectfully, C. P. & R. P.
npHE trunk was full of rubbish-
broken plaster, bits of brittle
stained glass, charred wood frag-
ments, chips of stone, and old
papers, many, many old papers,
blackened around the folds where
the flames had eaten in, and yel-
lowed and water-stained in the cent-
ers where the fire had been arrest-
ed—just the sweepings from the
street where the rubbish had been
Poor Grandmother Emily! No
wonder she had closed the trunk
forever. No wonder she had had
it placed up on the rafters where
it would never be seen or men-
tioned. A legacy of rubbish! Her
mother had forgiven her enough to
send her the chest and contents.
But her sisters had forgiven her only
enough to send the chest.
I tugged at one of the larger frag-
ments of ''news." It was an edi-
torial to justify the Bill of Rights.
It was hard to make out, but there
was spirit in it. Another scrap
eulogized the virtues of Prince Al-
bert. I dug deeper. Here was a
court case between one Simon Pen-
der and the Crown. The Crown
won, and Pender was sentenced to
clean the stables of the royal
mounts for a term of two years.
Deeper still, my fingers found the
edge of a document, notebook-like,
hand written, and badly bitten by
the fire. Many of the pages were
stuck fast together. But many
names could be made out. They
read like vital statistics. This, then,
had been salvaged from the church.
It was a minister's log. There were
marriages, births, christenings, and
deaths. And the most interesting
names— names like Andrew Preece
and Charlotte Pemberton. There
was something I couldn't make out,
and then, ''married in Westertown
Chapel on this first day of Marche,
in the year of our Lord eighteen-
hundred and twenty-four."
There was another entry: "Rey-
burn West, infant son of Julian
West and Peerless Crosby, was
christened this eighteenth day of
October, eighteen hundred and
Aunt Elon's eyes grew deep and
bright. "Why, that was Pa! Read
more, child!"
T^HE pages were stuck badly. But
every once in a while a familiar
name recurred— Preece, Pemberton,
West, Crosby, Reyburn, and Jul-
ian. And enough dates and geneal-
ogy to bring great lights into Aunt
Elon's face.
^'Oh, Aunt Elon/' I cried, "here's
some Eldridges! 'Rupert Eldridge,
eldest son of Lafayette Eldridge and
Margaret Cameron . . . .' I can't
make out what happened to Ru-
pert—but it says Lafayette Eldridge
was married to Margaret Cameron!
Oh, yes, and here's a John. Oh,
Aunt Elon, listen to this— 'John
Eldridge's wife Rebecca Winslow
died and John left for America to
forget his grief.' It's the same one.
It's got to be. It says here that
later his parents followed and they
settled in Johnstown, Pennsylvania.
Here's a little scrap of a letter from
Margaret to the minister. It's prac-
tically glued to the ledger. And
guess what! The minister's name
was Eldridge. It says, 'My dear
cousin, Reverend Eldridge.' "
Aunt Elon wasn't listening at all.
''Does that throw any light on my
young man?" I nearly shouted.
"Now do you believe the flood
story? Now do I have your bless-
ing to marry Cameron Eldridge?"
Aunt Elon was on her knees,
looking into the old chest. But her
eyes were not seeing rubbish or
rubies. There was a kind of heaven-
ly look, and it was my first intima-
tion that Aunt Elon was so nearly
through with the things of this
world. It wasn't a fevered bright-
ness—it was more of a soft luster,
like the first rays of the sun, just
before it breaks into its glory.
"The legacy!" she exclaimed soft-
ly. "Even hidden treasures. Bet-
ter than rubies. Pearls of greatest
price." She gathered the bits we
had removed and placed them ten-
derly back into the chest and closed
the lid with great care. "Diamonds
in the rough!" Then she took up
the cushion and picked her way
carefully toward the ladder.
"First thing tomorrow," she said,
"we'll call the wreckers. Tell them
to start with the attic. But the old
sea chest, that, child, is our legacy!"
QJield of cHyacinths
Eva Willes Waiigsgaard
Here lies a field of starry hyacinths
As deeply blue as any mountain lake
That gathers blueness from its labyrinths
To spread before the sun for beauty's sake.
Oh, there are mirrored stars where skies have spilled
Their uncut gems down midnight's purple way,
And stars on water where the sun has filled
The lake's blue bowl upon a windless day!
But ne\'er were they beautiful as these
W^ith fragrance added, freed by sun and wind.
And ne\er could their thousand galaxies
Be gathered in the eager hand and pinned
Upon the breast, with petals redolent
Of Aprils lost, and all too briefly spent.
Hal Rumel
Jrind I low S/t s Spring ^gain !
Helen S. Williams
"1 7IOLETS are blooming, and spring is in the air. There never could be a lovelier
■ season in which to entertain!
Florence Williams looked out of her window and saw \'iolets pushing their way
through the dark earth — over in the corner of her garden rested an old rustic log. Yes,
it's spring and time for another party, she thought.
Um, um, what an unusual centerpiece that log would make. I'll fill it uith violets
from my garden and these African violet plants from my window sill, and then, for a
touch of color, I'll find some deep-red roses.
An idea was born on a spring day, and from it a beautiful and different table for
a party evolved.
The old log was hollowed out and filled with the deep-purple violets and roses.
There were small corsages of violets marking the places for the women guests and red
boutonnieres for the gentlemen.
Page 178
The log, as you see in the picture, curved naturally, and was proportioned perfectly
for the table which was laid for twelve guests. The beauty of this unusual centerpiece
was that the flower arrangement was low, and guests seated opposite each other had no
difficulty in conversing and admiring each other over it.
This same rustic log will be used again and again as the different seasons roll around.
For early summer, perhaps, it will be filled with buttercups, daisies, and forget-me-nots.
These will be arranged in the log. Hot paraffin wax will be needed to secure the con-
tainers holding the flowers. Then the flowers will stay as they are arranged without
danger of slipping or falling.
When summer comes and gardens are a riot of color, Florence may fill this same
rustic log with bachelor-buttons, poppies, roses, Shasta daisies, baby's-breath, and per-
haps lovely little figurines, quaint and colorful, will be placed along the sides of the log.
After summer, fall days will roll around. Nothing could be more colorful or lovelier
than to use this same log with green, red, and purple grapes, rosy apples, yellow pears,
and, maybe, ears of corn and green peppers to give evidence of the bounteous harvest
With each changing season, the cloth used will carry out the color scheme and
harmonize with the colors used in the centerpiece.
Yes, it's spring now, and violets are blooming, but summer and fall are sure to fol-
low soon. Each season has its own measure of beauty and is resplendent with flowers
and foliage, just waiting to be plucked and used by Florence to make tables and parties
beautiful and different.
JLet cJhere Ujc ijDeautii . , ,
MaryhaJe WooJsey
They err, who say joy cannot be in "things'*—
That paintings, tapestries, a willow plate,
Or even priceless books and jeweled rings,
Are only dead stuff, quite inanimate.
They do not understand what I can see
Beyond some fragile object in my hands . . .
What voices, through my treasures, speak to me
Of bygone years, from strange and distant lands.
For Persia's patient weavers were my kin,
And China's old men at their potters' wheels;
Smiths, sculptors, poets — all who knew within
Their hearts, such love for beauty as mine feels.
Across dim centuries we speak the common tongue
Creativeness has known since time was young.
Home Laundering
Rhea H. Gardner
Extension Service Home Management and Furnishings Specialist,
Utah State Agricultural College
THE term "blue Monday'' that has been made in providing
arose out of the common more efficient products for the
practice of homemakers do- home laundress, but they must be
ing the family wash on Monday, bought with caution and under-
With the meager and inefficient standing, if progress is to be noted
equipment and supplies homemak- in the final results of their use.
ers had to work with, there is no Today's home laundress will do
wonder a state of depression settled well to read labels and follow direc-
over the homemakers of bygone tions with great care. Measuring
days as they faced their laborious devices and temperature indicators
task of doing the family wash. Truly are needed just as much today in
it was a full day of hard work for the laundry room as in the kitchen,
many mothers. Easier washdays and fewer gray
While women in general were washes are easily attainable with cor-
laboring, often without the help of rect use of laundry aids now avail-
any mechanical aid, to free clothes able.
of soil, there were men and women By far the most important laun-
working almost as energetically in dry aid is a good cleanser or deterg-
laboratories to discover easier and ent. Today we have two kinds of
more efficient ways of doing the detergents, soap and soapless. The
task. As a result of the labors of latter are commonly referred to as
this group, much of the worry and synthetic detergents or syndets.
hard work has been taken out of Within each group are mild and
washday, and the life of laundered all-purpose detergents. The first are
items has been greatly extended. intended to remove hght soil from
Efficient labor-saving equipment delicate fabrics. The latter are
and supplies in the stores, how- heavy-duty cleansers intended for
ever, are just part of the solution the general family wash. Great dam-
leading toward snowy white washes age may result from using a cleanser
done with a minimum expenditure stronger than is necessary. Like-
of time and energy. Equipment wise, washday blues are almost sure
must be used efficientlv. Good to result if mild cleansers are used
work habits must be practiced by to remove deep soil from cottons
persons doing the home laundering and linens.
before ''blue Mondays" can be en- Just what is the difference be-
tirely forgotten. tween these two kinds of detergents,
Kinds and varieties of laundry soap and soapless, and how can they
aids seem to increase almost daily, best be used? These are questions
Shoppers wishing to make the best many are asking,
choice for their particular needs are Soap is an efficient and economi-
often bewildered as they view the cal detergent when used in soft or
vast array now available. I'here is no softened water. When it is put in-
doubt regarding the great advance to hard water, free minerals in the
Page 180
water mix with ingredients in the
soap to form a scum. By adding
more and more soap, the scum is
eventually dissolved, but it is ex-
pensive to use soap as a water sof-
tener. A better practice, if wash
water is hard, is first to soften the
water, and when the softener is dis-
solved, add soap. The idea that
soaps have a definite advantage over
even the best synthetic detergent for
washing clothes, provided that the
water is soft or softened, is not with-
out support from many who have
done extensive research in this field.
Soaps seem to have the ability to re-
move dirt that syndets just won't
get out. The effectiveness of soap
depends on maintenance of active
suds to float the soil, keeping it
from settling on the clothes. Brok-
en-down suds permit the soil to col-
lect on fabrics, thus a dingy wash
Syndets, like soap, are also made
from oils, but they are treated in a
much different way and are much
more complex in their chemistry. In
addition to fat, general purpose syn-
dets have other ingredients added,
such as water softeners, bleaches,
fluorescent dyes, ordinary bluing,
and products that will protect metal
parts of the washing machine. The
big advantage in the use of syndets
is that they can be used successfully
in either hard or soft water. While
they will completely dissolve in cold
water, they, like soap, clean best in
hot water (140° to i6o°F), a tem-
perature too hot for your hands. A
good two-inch suds is important for
good performance. Too much or
too little will minimize the cleans-
ing power, therefore, it is wise to
use the least amount of detergent
that will do the work.
Don't change from one detergent
to another every washday or so, and
never mix detergents. Washday
blues await if you start a wash with
one brand, then add another one to
the same wash water.
npHE removal of soil from clothes
is just one part of the laundry
process. A thorough rinsing of
clothes is likewise important. If
wash water is hard, soften the first
rinse, at least, for it is in the first
rinse that scum causes most trouble.
If the conventional washer is used,
lift clothes up and down in the rinse
water several times before putting
them through the wringer. Mini-
mize wrinkles in clothes by putting
them through the wringer as smooth
as possible. Sheets, towels, and un-
derclothing are almost wrinkle free
when dry, if care is taken to elimi-
nate unnecessary wrinkles earlier.
The sale of bleaches has greatly
increased during the past few years.
A bleach is a poor substitute for a
good washing, but it is frequently
necessary. If a bleach is used in
proper amounts and thoroughly
rinsed out of clothes before they are
dried, very little, if any, damage is
Chlorine bleaches are fast acting
and are safe to use on white and
colorfast cottons. Sodium perbor-
ate bleaches are designed for use on
synthetic fabrics. They can safely be
used on all fabrics, but, because of
their comparative mild, slow action,
they are not recommended for cot-
tons. All bleaches increase in ef-
ficiency with increase in water tem-
perature up to that recommended
for general washing. In every in-
stance instructions that appear on
the label should be carefully fol-
lowed. Some dry bleaches are so
highly concentrated, real damage
could result if they were used with-
out being properly diluted.
If you are sure bluing is needed,
use it with caution. Some brands
may be added to the wash water
prior to adding the clothes. Other
brands must be used 6nly in the
rinse water. If there is iron in the
wash water, it reacts with certain
kinds of bluing to cause rust spots
and finally holes in clothing. When
used only in the rinse water this
does not happen.
Even though fabric manufactur-
ers are making more and more ma-
terials with finishes that are not ap-
preciably removed by washing, there
is still hardly a fabric that will not
stay clean longer, wash easier, and
last longer, if it is given a touch of
starch when it is laundered. Starch
replaces some of the smooth finish
which eventually washes out of
many washable fabrics. The smooth,
slightly crisp surface finish of a
starched material sheds dust and
dirt much better than the rough
surface of unstarched fabrics. As a
result, clothing that has been light-
ly starched may be worn longer than
unstarched articles. Soil is also re-
moved more easily. The tendency
of nylon tricot slips to stick to the
wearer is much less when they are
lightly starched. Stains are much
easier removed from items such as
luncheon cloths, if they are lightly
npO soak or not to soak clothes
prior to washing has been a
controversial issue for a long time.
Now it is quite generally believed
that a twenty-minute soak in warm
water softens the fabrics, loosening
the soil. This practice shortens the
washing period and is a good prac-
tice before plunging them into hot
wash water. If the water is very
hard, add a little water softener to
the soak water.
Many of the newer synthetic fib-
ers require special care in launder-
ing. The finishes and chemical
composition of them cause soil to
be attracted to them and released
from them in a manner quite differ-
ent from the natural fibers we have
used for so long.
Synthetic fibers are generally eas-
ily washed, because dirt is not car-
ried into the fibers. Thus the
cleansing of these fabrics is more a
matter of washing off the dirt, rath-
er than getting it out of the fibers,
as is necessary with cottons, wool-
ens, and some rayons.
Most synthetic fabrics can stand
water just as hot as can any other
fibers, but because soil is not im-
bedded in the fiber, it is seldom
necessary. Also, outer garments
made of synthetic fibers may be un-
necessarily wrinkled if washed in
very hot water since the fibers are
thermoplastic. That is, they melt
when high temperature heat is ap-
White nylon, although generally
not regarded to be readily dyeable,
does have a phenomenal ability to
pick up color from other articles
washed with it. Such discolorations
are often very difficult to remove.
White nylon should, therefore,
always be washed alone, preferably
before anything else has been
washed in the suds.
Nylon, dacron, and orlon blouses
or shirts pick up dirt rather per-
manently around the neckbands and
around the edges of the sleeve cuffs.
This is due to the electrastatic prop- an ample amount of sudsy water, so
erties and to their absorbency of articles can move freely about dur-
oily dirt. Before putting these ar- ing the washing process, there will
tides in to be washed, rub the deep- be less chance that the fabrics will
ly soiled areas with a soft brush and be damaged, wrinkles formed, and
a good wetting agent, such as a hair seams damaged,
shampoo or mild syndet. Stams of ^j^^ ^^^^^^ ^f automatic appli-
this kmd are much more difficult to ^^^^^^ ^^^^i ^ ^^^i development of new
remove after the article has been detergents, bleaches, and other wash-
washed than before. After wash- ■ ^^^^^ ^^^^ synthetic fabrics, and
mg and rinsing, remove excess mois- r • i i . . . r n i • j
. ^ , • .1 r 1 • .1 1 nnishes and treatments ot all kinds
ture by squeezing the fabric through c r -i • -i j i a •
,T 1 1 1 1 ^1 ^,- , -^1 ot fabrics, have made laundering
the clenched hand or patting it with . . i i. i, • c ^
T_ ^, ^ 1 ^ ° practices and techniques ot past
a bath towel. ^ , . i. i i.
^Tjri , . r -. . rill generations obsolete.
When washing a fabric ot blends ^
of two or more fibers, treat it as you Today it is more important than
would the most delicate fiber pres- ever before that we buy carefully,
ent. keeping in mind such all-important
Because little heat can be applied factors as colorfastness, shrinkage
to the newer synthetic fibers to re- control, and fabric and garment con-
move wrinkles, it is important to struction. Buying with complete
minimize wrinkling, by folding washability in mind, followed by
blouses, shirts, and even curtain careful observance of proper laun-
panels and washing them in that dering methods, will reap rewards
shape. There will be far fewer in money, appearance, time, and ef-
wrinkles formed than if the article fort for today's homemaker, and
is put into the washing solution in ''blue Monday" will be a thing of
a mussed up condition. If there is the past.
(^ rand fa ther s U^eppermints
Elsie McKinnon Strachan
Grandfather's pocket always held a store
Of peppermints — not to be eaten fast
But agate-hard, which a small tongue might explore
And savor slowly, a sweetness coined to last.
Inseparable from him as were his cane
And pocket watch; aroma of the mints
Accompanied his voice and sage advice;
Till "talks" with Grandfather left their mezzotints
Upon my growing mind as flavorsome and nice.
This later day, nostalgia-dipped, mint scent
Brings back those flavored hours to be re-spent.
Vlyhy Tiot yoe oLappy?
Celia Luce
THE search for happiness is the
greatest search of the ages.
All men are constantly search-
ing, yet the way is there and clear
for those who really take the trouble
to look.
Fundamentally, happiness is a
habit and a way of life. You can
form the habit, if you will.
First, act happy. When things
seem worst, just put on a smile and
start to sing. It may not work the
first time, nor the second, but if you
keep trying, it will. Psychologists
tell us that we tend to feel the emo-
tions we act out. Act out happi-
ness and you will begin to feel hap-
But there is more to happiness
than just a smile and a song put on
for the moment. Real happiness is
a deep glow from inside that a smile
and a song help create.
The selfish person cannot attain
real happiness. Look around you.
Do what you can to make your
neighbors happy. If someone is ill
or in trouble, try to help him and
your own worries will seem less.
A surprise for the children brings
a glow of happiness to their faces
that will rub off on you. A smile of
encouragement and love for your
husband brings smiles and love back
to you. How can you make life
more interesting for your family and
those around you? Each way you
find is reflected back in happiness
for you. Give all the service you
can to others. But give it with a
smile and a song in your heart. Duty
done merely because it is duty will
bring a sense of satisfaction, but not
Page 184
real happiness. Add love to duty
and happiness will glow around you.
If you have to do a certain job
and can find no satisfaction in it, be
sure you have interesting things to
do in your leisure time. Hobbies
and a variety of interests can keep
you so busy that you will have no
time for boredom and worry. And
your interest in hobbies will spread
through the family, helping every-
one to be happier.
Do you use your eyes to add in-
terest to life, reaJJy use them I
mean? An artist and his family
moved into a neighborhood. They
employed a neighbor girl to help
with the housework. One evening
they sat on the porch watching the
glorious sunset. The girl asked
permission to return home for a few
minutes to show her family the sun-
set. 'There is no need to go,"
smiled the artist. 'They can see it
from your home."
''No, they can't," insisted the girl.
"I never saw sunsets until you came,
and they won't see it unless I go and
show it to them."
A whole world of beauty is just
waiting for you to look at it. Even
the ugliest neighborhood has a sky.
And there is the beauty of each
plant as it grows— even a weed has
symmetry and grace. Artists like to
paint old boards because of the rich
play of colors over their surfaces.
Snow turns blue at dusk with the
lighted windows shining a contrast-
ing orange and changing the drabest
spot to a fairyland.
Use your ears, too. Some sounds
are full of beauty.
Look for the beauty in people.
Every person on earth has much of
beauty in him.
But to find real happiness you
must face life for what it is. You
cannot expect to have a life free
from trouble. Trouble is part of
life, and it has its uses. Each person
who goes through great trouble and
faces it comes out with a greater ap-
preciation of life, and of the sing-
ing happiness in just an ordinary,
trouble-free day. Little annoyances
fade, and the way is cleared for great
Thank God for your great bless-
ings, and let the minor annoyances
take their proper place in the back-
ground. The great singing happi-
ness of an ordinary day is too won-
derful to be missed.
Facing life for what it is means
facing death, too, realizing it means
a continuance of our life which
opens up wonderful new worlds of
happiness for each one who has
lived righteously. Accept the fact
that no man knows when his last
day on earth may be. This may be
it. Look death full in the face, then
live each day as full of happiness
and goodness as though it were the
last you had to spend. Savor the
happiness of each moment with
your husband and children and
friends. A calm acceptance will
surround each day with its due
Take each worry and annoyance
out and look it full in the face. Is
it important enough to take up your
time? If, like most troubles, it is a
little one, discard it. If it is a big
one, fill your life as full as possible
with service which will bring hap-
piness and smother it out.
V{y inter s JLast CJung
Bernice T. Chxton
Late winter smiled and promised spring
And then swirled snow on everything.
Down from the north an icy blast
Ga\'e proof that winter had not passed;
An outraged nature, near to leaf,
Rebelled at promises so brief.
Great branches cracked as trees bent low
And snapped beneath their weight of snow.
Our cat, perched on a snow-piled rail,
Switched disapproval with her tail,
And shook wet paws as if to state
Her great disgust with snow so late.
I Lature s Ujouquet
Cecil G. Pugmire
PEACEFUL country lane! I have walked your path so many times! Would that I
*■ could share your soothing balm with all this tired, harassed and busy world.
I drop the limp wire gate and drag it back against the foaming, spraying headgate,
guarded over by gnarled poplars — grandfathers in their half-bald, half-bewhiskered
attire, but still standing in erect defiance of time, wind, and sleet. Whiffs of the
pungent bitterness of the closely knit willow trees on either side strike and sharpen my
nostrils as I plod my way through the deep wagon-rutted channels of the dampened,
weaving lane. Fresh spears of timothy, like pastel paint splashed against deeper greens,
cling to the enfolding willow branches, telling me that a load of hay has but recently
pushed its way down the narrow lane. A scarlet-breasted robin flutters low from the
worm-laden, spongy ditch where last night's irrigation stream ran rampant to the meadows
below. Interspersed, here and there, between the graceful willows, the full-blown wild
rose flaunts her delicate pink blossoms and sends dainty perfume to mingle with the
crisp bitterness of the willow.
I love the hollow sound of the rattling planks as my footsteps reverberate above the
brimming ditch beneath the bridge. Here, time is no element — the world stands still
just for me — all time waits just for me. I linger to watch the swirling waters carrying
bits of flotsam and jetsam from unknown regions above and beyond — dried, broken
twigs, loosened moss, a farmer's old glove, porcupine quills. A speckled trout flashes
her brilliant colors. My mesmeric fascination is broken as a baby water snake slithers
from the sodden bank and plunges into the pressing stream and is quickly lost to sight.
The willows drop behind, as I start up the hill, and are replaced by the lopsided
log fence, toppling in aged abandon as if leaning for support one log against the other.
The one rich, sappy brownness of the logs has turned to brittle silver. The lane me-
anders through the green alfalfa, where bounties of butterflies flit from blossom to blos-
som, playing hide-and-seek with the honeybees as they seek golden nectar from the
blossom cups. The coolness and the greenness slip away as golden sunflowers rear their
beacon faces above the blue sage brush. Bluebells, with their stepsisters, the sticky
aromatic arnica, hug the earth, seeking coolness in its depths. Up, up, I climb, around
the brow of the hill, where small, freshly pawed mounds rise like tiny pyramids where
the squirrel and the gopher have tunneled their underground villages. A small, beady-
eyed squirrel slyly pokes his head above his mounded home and watches me as intently
as I watch him. I wink an eyelid! He is gone.
The nearness of the winding lane slowly broadens into an expanse of golden yel-
lows. Broad fields of waving dry-farm wheat crown the sloping hills. Soft breezes send
the grain bowing and curtsying in ripples of amber waves. I look down — down from
whence I wandered. In the valley below the farm houses are tiny homesteads sketched
on a pastoral painting — a church, a schoolhouse, and then I sec — like a blue satin rib-
bon spread the length of the valley, the lake — Bear Lake. Blue, like the azure sky so
near me, then clear as an aquamarine changing next to the greenest of emeralds, she
flaunts her fair}' beauty as if constantly touched by a magic wand. All of nature's beauty
God has gathered together into a beautiful bouquet and bound with the streamers of
the blue satin bow of the lake below.
Page 186
Don Knight
Viewed From Lake Tahoe
1 1 La rch S/n te rluae
Pansy e H. Powell
This is the quiet time before earth wakes —
The silent hour before the robin sings.
Now overhead the beat of eager wings
Covers the stealthy step the jonquil takes
Out of her winter dungeon as she breaks
The crusty earth. Each dewy morning brings
A greater warmth, recalling other things
When sun jewels crescented on frosty lakes.
Though every movement nature makes is slow,
When skies are clear like these and lupine-blue,
No one can question what the end will be;
For underneath the calmness, firm and low,
There beats the surge of life arising new,
Strong as the sun and constant as the sea.
Page 187
Mother's Baked Apple
EsteUe Webb Thomas
THERE was a loud clatter and
a muttered exclamation from
the kitchen. I shuddered and
braced myself, knowing the hard
work Tom made of cooking. Fd
said I could eat only a piece of toast
and a cup of cocoa for supper, and
he seemed to be tearing the house
down preparing even that. Present-
ly, he shoved the bedroom door
open and came in with a tray. He
looked so funny, so tall he barely
made the bedroom door, and with
his face so flushed, his black hair
hanging over his forehead, one of
my aprons across his stomach with
the strings twisted in his belt, and
the little tray in his big hands, the
cup swaying perilously and the toast
already thoroughly dunked, that I
''What's so funny?'' Tom planked
himself down on the foot of the
bed and a wash of cocoa stained my
nailhead spread.
''You made such heavy going of
a cup . . . ." I peered into the bit
of muddy fluid that was left, and
amended, "a half cup of cocoa and
a piece of toast!"
Tom and I had always kidded
hard and boasted we could take it,
but now he glared.
"And just why wouldn't it be
heavy going, when you have to crawl
over two chairs and under a table
to make a piece of toast around
here? Can't you arrange the kitch-
en any better than that?"
"And is such a piece of toast
worth all that effort?" I drawled,
glancing at the poor little burnt
offering, sodden with cocoa. "And
Page 188
whose fault is it, Tom Thome, that
we live in a pint-sized house and
have to be contortionists to make a
piece of toast. Is it my fault Fm
lying here helpless for you to wait
on? If Tommy had anywhere else
to play, Fd never have stepped on
that marble . . . ."
But Tom grabbed up the tray and
stalked out, without another word,
banging the door behind him.
Someway, that bang reverberated
clear down to my toes. I had start-
ed to cry with self-pity, but Tom's
set, white face and hurt eyes kept
getting in front of the pathetic pic-
ture of myself as a poverty-stricken,
overworked wife, and I had a sink-
ing feeling that maybe Fd said too
much. I knew I had when Tom
didn't come in to kiss and make up,
as he always had done before. I lay
there tensely, waiting for his step,
mentally preparing my defense; but
as the bedside clock ticked off a
half hour, I decided to be sweet and
forgiving when Tom returned.
I could hear Tommy's prattle as
Tom gave him his supper, and
Tom's low, brief replies. No laugh-
ter, no shouts of glee from Tommy,
just the clatter of dishes and an
occasional exchange of words. I
began to feel terribly hollow inside,
and not alone from lack of food.
Presently I heard them go into the
bathroom and the sound of running
Later the door opened and Tom-
my shouted, "Now carry me in to
kiss Mommy, Daddy!"
"Run in by yourself," Tom an-
swered, and Tommy dashed in and
clambered up to kiss me. I whis-
pered, ''Now, run, honey, before you
catch cold/'
In an incredibly short time, con-
sidering Tommy's usual bedtime
ritual, his door closed and Tom
clomped into the kitchen. There
was silence for a minute and then
Tommy's tearful voice raised, ac-
cusingly, ''Daddy, I'm ready to say
my prayers!"
"Go ahead!" Tom shouted, above
the clatter of dishes.
"But, Daddy, I want to say them
to you!"
There was a moment's pause and
then Tom said, gruffly, "You don't
say your prayers to me. I'm
not . . . ." He checked himself,
"Not anybody," he muttered, and
the bitterness in his voice stopped
my heart for a moment, "not even
man enough, it seems, to support
my family." Then he raised his
voice, "Go ahead. Tommy. You
know how to say your prayers,
you're a big boy, now!"
npHERE was a startled silence, and
then Tommy's little voice, hesi-
tatingly fumbling at his prayers for
the first time alone. Warm tears
ran down mv face, but I knew this
was no time to override Tom's
authority, and I checked my impulse
to call Tommy to me. Proud of
my restraint, I went even further,
I decided that when Tom came to
bed, I'd admit frankly the quarrel
was practically all my fault. I began
trying, mentally, to word my apol-
ogy, because I really had not had
much practice, since usually it was
Tom who asked my forgiveness.
I could imagine his laughing,
"Forget it, kid!" his warm, vital
kiss, and the big bowl of soup he'd
insist on bringing me as a token
that all was well. But he didn't
come! And presently, a loud burst
of music from the radio, told me
he had settled down in the living
room for the evening. Last night
he had sat on the side of the bed
and told jokes and made love to
help me forget the pain in my frac-
tured ankle. I shed a few more
tears and tried to be patient. He'd
have to go to bed sometime.
When he snapped the radio off,
hours later, I started to wipe my
eyes, and then decided I'd be more
appealing with tear-drenched lashes.
I forgot it when the unmistakable
squeak of the hall closet door and
his footsteps going back into the
living room, announced as plainly
as words that he was making up a
bed on the davenport. Well, I had
a long night before me for think-
ing. I had evidently hurt Tom des-
Men were so touchy! I began
wondering how Mother and Dad
had always sailed along so smooth-
ly and wished Mother had given me
her secret. But Mother never
preached. She had her faults, just
like the rest of us, and yet Dad
almost worshipped her. They never
quarreled, although Mother had a
gay disregard for order and system,
and Dad was a perfect old maid
about such things! I remember
him saying patiently, "If you only
had a place for everything, Lucy,
and everything in its place, you'd
save yourself a lot of time and
trouble," and Mother's flip answer,
"I do, dear. It's the library table!"
But in spite of their differences,
they were the most devoted couple
I'd ever seen and the happiest. After
Dad's sudden death. Mother had
just seemed to fade away, although much you can do to spoil one of
she had always seemed as sound as those, provided it's a good baking
a winter apple. apple. Well, I detested baked ap-
* * * * pies, but I ate every bite of it and
A PPLE. The word suggested pretended it was so good I didn't
something — then it popped in- have room for the rest of the meal."
to my mind. Of course, the baked ''But, Mother . . . ."
apple! It had been during Mother's 'Tour father was so pleased and
illness. We had been terribly wor- proud, he never forgot."
ried because she couldn't seem to 'Ton mean . . .?"
eat. Then I had remembered Dad- Mother nodded, solemnly. "I had
dy always said, 'Til just fix your you six children and a broken leg,
mother up a nice baked apple, girls, besides all the small illnesses flesh
If there's anything she relishes when is heir to, and I ate baked apples
she's sick, it's a baked apple, and through it all."
she thinks nobody can bake it like "But why didn't you tell Daddy?
me!" I mean later . . . ."
So I had baked an apple beauti- Mother looked horrified. ''And
fully, and Mother hadn't touched it. hurt his pride and spoil all the pleas-
"Oh, Mother/' I had cried, and ure he'd had baking apples for me
I couldn't keep the tears out of my through the years? I'd have choked
eyes, "you must be awfully sick, or on them first! I never told a soul
you'd eat a baked apple! Or is it before, and don't you tell him,
because Daddy . . . ?" either!"
'Tisten, dear." Mother had tak- I knew now Mother was not de-
en my hand and pulled me down lirious, for the hereafter was as real
onto the side of her bed. "Don't and close as the here, since Daddy
be hurt, but I can't stand baked ap- was there,
pies!" She was silent for a few minutes
Then I had begun to cry in earn- and then said, with an apologetic
est. "Oh, Mother," I had sobbed, smile, "I promised never to preach,
"you're delirious, you don't know dear, but always remember this one
what you're saying. You love baked thing: a man's pride is a vital part
apples!" of him. He can't live and be him-
"Honey," Mother had said, with self if you take away his pride and
the twinkle again in her eyes that self-respect. A woman can recover
had been gone ever since Dad had, from shattered pride, but not a man.
"I'm going to tell you a secret. Your That's the one thing he must never
daddy was a darling, but he never lose!" After a moment, she had
could cook. Not up to — not ever, added, "I'll be seeing Daddy again
But he never knew it, bless his heart, soon, I hope." Her radiant smile
I remember the first meal he ever robbed the words of all hurt, "And
made for me— some trifling illness when I do, he'll undoubtedly meet
soon after we were married." She me with a heavenly baked apple,
smiled her old, mischievous smile. But until then, dear, just let me
"It was simply impossible. That is, rest."
all but the baked apple. There isn't {Continued on page 205)
1 1 iartha f/iary [Harrett cJolman QJinds a /lew crioovy
npWO years ago, when she was eighty-eight years old, Mrs. Martha Mary Barrett Tol-
•^ man found herself a new hobby. At that time her eyesight became so impaired
that she was not able to do the fine fancywork which had been her hobby for many
years, so she decided to try her hand at making crocheted rag rugs. In this project
she has found success and happiness. She makes her own design, chooses her own
colors, and has completed twenty-five rugs in the past year. She cuts the strips of
material on the straight of the goods, and she uses both cotton and wool material, but
she does not mix the two types in the same rug. Using old materials, almost exclusive-
ly, she tries to find pieces that are colorfast, so that her rugs will be "bright and cheer-
ful looking." Working with a steel rug hook, she uses the double crochet stitch, which
gives the rugs a firm texture so that they will not pull to pieces when laundered. Many
of Mrs. Tolman's beautiful rugs find their way into the homes of her relatives and
friends, and in this way she spreads happiness.
In her girlhood Mrs. Tolman lived in Farmington, Utah. There she married
Alexander Tolman and moved to Marion, Idaho. She attended the first Primary which
was organized by Aurelia Spencer Rogers in Farmington, Utah, in iSyS. Later, she was
a teacher in Primary. She also served many years in the M.I.A., and was a Relief
Society visiting teacher from her early womanhood until she was eighty-three years old.
She now lives with her daughters, Mrs. Elva Lunt of Los Angeles, California, and Mrs.
Alice Earl of Ogden, Utah.
■ ♦ ■
LOay SJ^s 'JJone
Mabel Law Atkinson
When the flames of life are embered
Slowly, one by one.
Let me hear a robin-bugle
Calling, ''Day is done."
Page 191
Green Willows
Chapter 2
Deone R. Sutherland
Synopsis: Lillian and her friend Pat
make pocket money by bicycling around
Green Willows selling Kold-ayde. They
visit the old-fashioned Diffendorf home
where Pat's three unmarried aunts live.
Agnes and Margaret are schoolteachers.
Karen, the youngest, is preparing to fol-
low the same profession. Margaret had
once been in love with Dr. Turner who
lives across the street, and Lillian and Pat
cannot understand why Margaret doesn't
marry the doctor, now that he is a wid-
VERYTHING wasn't all right
when I woke Sunday morn-
ing. My jaws were very pain-
''Mumps/' said my father.
I could hardly believe it. There
were only two more weeks before
school let out. This was the best
time of the whole year, and I had
to come down with the mumps!
''Oh, dear," said Mother. ''Just
think of all the people she's ex-
posed. I suppose she's exposed
everyone who bought drink mix
powder from them yesterday."
"Pat!" I said. "I've got to call
"You lie in bed," Mother said.
"I'll do all the phoning necessary.
We'll have the doctor in to look at
you, and then I'll call Pat's mother.
We'll get a list of everyone else I
should call."
Father held my hand while Moth-
er called Dr. Turner. "Don't wor-
ry, kitten, I'm sure most of the peo-
ple you've exposed have already had
the mumps. Of course, I don't
know about Pat."
Page 192
"I don't think she's had them,"
I said. It was beginning to hurt to
talk. I couldn't tell where the hurt
began and the lump in my throat
left off.
Dr. Turner didn't laugh or try to
console me, which made me feel
better. I liked it better when peo-
ple treated me as if I had some
sense. After all, I was no slouch up-
"Since both sides have come out
at the same time, you'll probably be
out within a week. This is a fairly
light disease. Now, what about the
people you directly exposed? Did
you go inside anyone's house yester-
He snapped his bag shut and
stood up. He was really tall, as tall
as Daddy. He wasn't too old look-
ing either. On consideration, I
could see why Myra Johnson might
be chasing him like everything. He
was smoothing his sandy hair back,
waiting patiently for my answer.
"Well, yes, I did directly expose
Pat's Aunt Agnes and hei sister
Margaret Diffendorf. We were right
next to Margaret for a long time,"
I added.
"If Pat hasn't had them, she
probably will now." Dr. Turner
looked out into the sunshine
through my window. "I'll call Ag-
nes and— Margaret. I can give them
a test to see if they're immune or
not to mumps if they haven't had
them. If they're already immune
to mumps, they won't need the
shots." He smiled at me. ''Of
course I may not be able to get
either one to come to my office. I
suspect Margaret's immune because
when I was a little boy, I exposed
her once myself.''
''But she should come in for the
test/' I reminded him when he
didn't say anything for a moment.
''Oh, definitely," he said, "but I
rather doubt that she will." He
stood up to go.
"Why?" I asked.
"You ask far too many questions,
Lillian," Mother said, coming into
the room.
"Oh, that's all right," said Dr.
Turner, "I always asked a lot my-
self. It's not getting the right an-
swers you have to worry about, Lil-
Mother and Father followed him
out, getting all the last-minute in-
structions and directions about me.
Well, Ld probably be back for the
last two or three days of school, any-
way. I wished I could use the tele-
phone, but that was absolutely for-
bidden. One thing, Beany wouldn't
have me to pester. I thought a mo-
ment. I was going to miss seeing
Beany as much as Pat. I turned
over and went to sleep.
'pHAT week I read through sev-
eral of the Louisa May Alcott
books I had and started on Robert
Louis Stevenson. Mother said I
read too much, but it helped the
time pass more quickly. Pat wrote
me a letter every day, and Beany
wrote me twice. Beany began with
"Hi, Jerk ! ! !" I liked Pat's letter
better. She wrote:
Dearest Friend, I guess we won't sell
Saturday because you'll still be too swol-
en??? Ant Agnes is sure she's immune
to mumps, because she had both sides a
long time ago. Ant Margaret doesn't
think she is immune, but she hasn't gone
for her test yet. She is too busy, she
says. Maybe the first part of next week,
though that may be too late for the shots
if she isn't imune. Ant Margaret isn't
going to Europe. She's going to help with
the straw hat theater here for the sum-
mer. We could help, but we're too
young, as usual. An instructor from the
University up in Orchard City is going
to be the director. Ant Margaret's going
to help him. I guess they hope every-
body from all around will drive out here
to see the plays. We can go if we em
enough money for tikets. I bet we can
anyway, because I'll just ask Ant Mar-
garet for tikets if we don't ern enough.
I am dying to see you. Dr. Turner's boy
Philip is coming and boy are the girls get-
ting excited. I hope you get well soon so
we can be ready for all the things that
are happening. Miss Fitch says you don't
have to worry about making anything up.
I wish I had your brane.
Love and kisses,
On Wednesday of the next week
Mother dropped into Dr. Turner's
office with me for my slip to go
back to school. We sat in the out-
er office and waited, llie nurse
said it wouldn't be very long, be-
cause there were only about three
people before us.
Mother and I went over and sat
by Pat's Aunt Margaret. "Oh,
Margaret," Mother said, "Fm so
sorry about Lillian exposing you.
Are you having to get the shots?"
Margaret Diffendorf looked up
from the magazine she was holding.
She wore a brown tweed skirt with
a beige sweater across her shoulders
buttoned at her throat over a cream-
colored blouse. She was really pret-
ty, I thought, but she seemed so
nervous. She put the magazine
back on the table.
**Well, not really," she said. 'Tou
see, I'm just coming in for the test.
In fact, Fm not even sure I'll wait.
Agnes was so sure I'd be immune,
but I thought perhaps I should stop
by for the test." She fumbled with
a button on her sweater.
''I thought you were supposed to
come in within three days after ex-
posure," I said, and then I could
have bitten my tongue. I never was
careful enough of what I said. Sup-
pose I'd spoiled it.
'Tes, well, you see, I'm afraid I
just never did get around to it. I
guess this is all useless .... I really
shouldn't wait. Been so busy with
school on, you know."
She turned to go, but Dr. Turner
came out just then. ''Margaret!"
he said with real warmth. ''Did you
come at last? Oh, yes, about the
mumps. Well, Lillian, be with you
in a moment. You should have
come sooner, Margaret. Oh, no,
don't go. Come in, and we'll try
the test anyway . . . ."
Margaret hesitated again. "I guess
it's really too late . . . ."
"No, it's not too late," the doctor
said urgently.
"You can come in this room,"
the nurse said to Mother and me,
and we followed her in.
The doctor stopped in with us a
moment, felt both sides of my neck
and wrote out a slip. "You never
looked better, Lillian," he said. He
seemed very happy, and his blue
eyes sparkled.
"He's certainly happy today,"
Mother said when he slipped out
again. Mother picked up her purse
to go. We could hear him talking
to Margaret.
"Just slip back the sleeve of your
sweater, Margaret. We inject the
fluid just under the skin in vour
arm. How have you been? Re-
member when I exposed you to the
mumps? I never did return your
Robinson Crusoe book."
"Agnes wouldn't let me take it
back. She said it was contami-
nated." Margaret laughed. "I real-
ly must be immune. I would have
caught them from you, if I hadn't
"I'm sure you must be, too," said
Dr. Turner.
"Well," said Mother dryly, "I
suppose we can settle our bill with
Miss Kennicott?"
"Oh, surely," said Dr. Turner's
nurse. "I can take care of your
Mother hustled me along, but I
could hear Margaret's laugh coming
clear and sure through the door and
the warm, rich voice of Dr. Turner.
The day seemed wonderful. Tomor-
row I was going back to school. And
as soon as I got home I was going
to call Pat.
"We'll have to hurry or your
brother's going to get home before
we do and spoil his dinner by
sampling everything he can find."
Mother started the car, and I slid
in beside her. I thought of asking
if I couldn't walk over to Pat's, but
I decided it was too close to dinner-
time. It was a beautiful spring af-
ternoon. Tulips in all the front
yards sparkled in all their color
against the background of green
grass and blue sky and golden sun.
I got on the phone as soon as we
got home.
"Pat? Pat, this is Lillian." I
held the phone away from my ear
while she squealed. "I'm coming
back to school tomorrow." I held it
away again while she squealed. Then
we got down to business. There
was everything that had been hap-
pening at school for us to discuss.
Fd missed Church last Sunday.
"Lillian, you have to come to din-
ner next Sunday/' Pat said. ''Ask
your mother tonight. Yes, it's still
your turn. You couldn't come last
Sunday, so we just postponed your
Sunday. I'll hold the line while you
ask her."
I asked Mother, She was busy
with the dinner in the kitchen. ''Is
it your turn, Lillian? Yes, I guess
it's your turn to go there. All right,
dear. Now hurry up and get off the
phone. Daddy will be coming in
any minute, and he doesn't want
you to use that phone too long at
one time."
"Yes," I told Pat, "I can come
next Sunday. I'll stop by for you in
the morning. If Mother insists on
driving me, we'll pick you up just
the same on the way to school. Oh,
just because of the mumps, she's
making me be careful for a little
"I'm glad I didn't get them," Pat
"Don't be so dumb, Pat. You
may come down with them any
time for the next few weeks."
"Oh, no!" Pat screamed.
Just then Daddy came in the
front door so I hung up.
It seemed strange to go back to
school for just the last three days of
the year. We really felt bad school
was letting out. Vacation was won-
derful, but it was sad just the same
to say goodbye to the teachers and
school. Saturday we didn't go sell-
ing because Mother wasn't sure my
strength was back. It was back, but
Mother thought I'd better not, so I
really looked forward to Sunday.
Sunday in Green Willows was
wonderful. I couldn't remember a
day more sunny or warm or nice.
Almost everybody in Green Willows
went to Sunday School. Pat was
already there, and we shared a book
for the singing. I could hardly wait
to get to my class.
"Dr. Turner's here with his moth-
er and Philip, his son," Pat whisp-
ered. "Phillip's dreamy. He's grown
during the winter so he's almost as
tall as we are!"
A FTER Sunday School we waited
on the steps so I could get a
good look at Philip, who had been
going to school in his other grand-
mother's town. Fd seen him many
summers before, and, of course,
when he was younger, he'd lived
here all the time. But since his
mother's death, he had stayed most-
ly out of town with his maternal
grandmother, who grieved so over
her only daughter's death. Dr. Turn-
er's mother was in a wheelchair most
of the time.
"Hi, Phil," Pat and I said almost
in unison.
"Hi," Philip said, and he hurried
on to catch up with his father who
was settling his mother in the car.
Phil had nice, blonde curly hair, but
he didn't seem very enthusiastic
about Pat or me, I thought.
"It's just because he doesn't
know us yet," Pat said. "You wait,
we'll have him eating out of our
hands. Come on. Daddy's waiting."
"Oh," said Pat's mother when we
were halfway home, "are you com-
ing to dinner today, Lillian?"
"Mother!" Pat said leaning for-
ward on the car seat, "I asked you!"
"That's right," said Pat's mother.
"Well, we're eating dinner up at
Aunt Agnes' today, if you girl's "That's the way it should be."
don't mind. I forgot all about your Pat's father kissed her on the fore-
coming, Lillian, and promised her head, and Pat's mother kissed her
at Church." on the cheek. Margaret opened the
''Well," I said, "do you think back screen door. "Come in this
she'll mind my coming up there?" way. You don't need to walk all the
"Oh, no, no, no! They always way around to the front."
have more than enough to eat. I'm We entered the tall, cool back
sure they'll love having you. I'll' hall. Pat's father called hello at
call as soon as we get home to make the kitchen door,
sure. We're not going to eat until "Go in the front room; take care
two." of them, Margaret. Our dinner's
Pat groaned. As usual we were been cooking while we were at Sun-
starved, but I thought it would be day School, so we're almost ready
fun to visit up there. We thumbed to eat," Aunt Agnes called from the
through Grimm's Fairy Tales while kitchen,
we waited for Pat's mother and fa-
ther. \A/^ went up the hall toward the
"Well, I think we can go now," front of the house,
said Pat's mother. "Aunt Agnes "Would you like to come upstairs
says to tell you you're more than and freshen up a bit?" Margaret
welcome, Lillian. They expecting stopped at the bottom of the stairs,
the director of the summer theater ''I would," I said. Everybody
for dinner, also. Agnes said Mar- laughed, but I lo\'ed to see the high
garet said he literally invited him- old-fashioned beds with their huge
self. I guess it's lonely way out feather mattresses. Looking out of
here for him." the high windows reminded me of
"There's only the cast, the crew, princesses in castles,
and half the local people to keep We walked upstairs, and Pat's
him company out there every day," mother left her purse on the bed.
Pat's father said dryly. "He probably I put my sweater beside it.
wanted a home-cooked meal." ''Say," Pat's father called, "I hear
"Yes, that must be it," said Pat's we're not the only ones coming to
mother. dinner. What's the director of
We drove up the long driveway those plays called?"
that circled around in back of the We went back down the stairs.
old Diffendorf house. There was an "It's Alder," Margaret said. "John
old carriage house in back that we Alder. He's very good, I under-
loved to play in. Pat's father parked stand. I've only met him once."
the car in front of it. Karen stood Karen stood in front of the small
on the back steps smiling at us. fire they had built to take the chill
"Dinner ready?" Pat's father want- off the room. "I think there's some-
ed to know. one at the front door now," she said.
Karen lauglicd. "It is. Agnes is "Oh, yes," said Margaret. She
delivering the final blows. She won't went into the front hall. "Just a
let us fuss much on Sunday, you small family dinner," she was saying
know." as she came into the room.
Pat and I stared at John Alden,
fascinated. He was tall and dark
and very nice looking, but he looked
almost too normal to be a director.
We had hoped he'd be wearing a
beret and a monocle or something.
Margaret made the introductions.
'Tve already met Karen," John said,
looking at her gravely.
Karen was fumbling with the
poker at the fireplace again. Her
cheeks really looked warm from the
heat, I thought.
''Oh, have you?" Margaret asked
in surprise. "You didn't mention
that, did you, Karen?"
''Well," said Karen, putting the
poker down carefully, though it still
clattered against the coal scuttle.
"It was quite a while ago, really. I
had a class from Dr. Alder in drama
at college."
"And then she promptly forgot
me, I guess," said John Alder, com-
ing over by Karen to help settle the
irons that were now rocking pre-
Just then Agnes came to the door
and, after she was introduced to the
new director, we all went in to din-
Roast duck my very favorite! I
unfolded my napkin blissfully.
There were definite advantages in
having Pat as a best friend.
[To he continued)
JLet o<
easons JLin
Ins \V. Schow
Let some snow fall in what we know as spring;
In summer have a few last leaves unfold;
When autumn comes and plants are tarnishing
Let late chrysanthemums mint burnished gold.
Send some belated dry leaves floating down
Where winter's dunes of snow lie gently piled;
And grant old age that life-prolonging crown —
To be companioned by a little child.
Doiothy ]. Roberts
Today I have no secrets;
I walk upon the land
Open as a flower
Summered on the sand.
Today I ha\'e no darkness
In the world of me;
Faith is on its landscape
Healing mightily.
Margaret Evelyn Singleton
Into days of sowing
W hispers rain
Reminders of growing
For plot and lane.
Hard buds swell
As blossoms rise
In the promise kept well
By springtime skies.
From The Field
Margaret C. Pickeringy General Secretary-Treasurer
All material submitted for publication in this department should be sent through
stake and mission Relief Society presidents. See regulations governing the submittal
of material for "Notes From the Field" in the Magazine for April 1950, page 278, and
the Handbook oi Instructions, page 123.
Photograph submitted by Elaine B. Curtis
Front row, seated, left to right: Marian M. Hanson; Maggie W. Smith; First
Counselor Merle R. Mackay; President Frances L. Hull; Second Counselor Fern S.
Rice; Secretary Hazel J. Janke; Edith T. Ferguson, visiting teacher message leader.
Second row, standing, left to right: Claudette R. Nielson; Donna R. Marsden;
Ruth K. Reynolds; Gertrude H. Suess; Vivian R. Tuft; Elsa O. Fors; Helen K. Schulz;
Minnie S. Fors; Ella J. Reynolds.
Back row, standing, left to right: Vir Jean H. Reynolds; Helen C. Naubaum;
Gloria R. Reynolds; Minnie A. Barrett; Alice M. Dunster; Irene R. Reynolds; Flora B.
Reynolds; Mildred M. Wilkins; Emma S. Holt; Berniece M. Madsen; Anita M. Maynes.
A number of the visiting teachers who helped to achieve this record were not
present when the picture was taken.
Elaine B. Curtis is president of Cottonwood Stake ReHef Society.
Photograph submitted by Elizabeth B. Reiser
Left to right: Anna Harvey; Isabella Kelly; Katherine McQueen; Mary Porch, Sec-
ond Counselor; Ellen Martin; Alargaret Hamilton; LuBeth Thomas, missionary; Vivian
Brooks, missionary; Elizabeth Wilson; Grace Herbertson; Catherine Richardson, Presi-
dent; Mary Wishart, First Counselor; Mary Toughill.
Elizabeth B. Reiser, President, British Mission Rehef Society, reports: "This pic-
ture is representative of the annual bazaars which are usually held in each branch. The
Relief Society members enjoy planning and preparing for these bazaars during the year."
Photograph submitted by Rhoda Thorpe
Front row, left to right: June Nielsen; Otella Atkinson; Julia Goldsberry; Amelia
Fredrickson; Ida Newbrand; Zelda J. Howells; Bessie Nielsen, Secretary; Jennie Danielson,
First Counselor; Esther B. Shaw, President; Maud Obray, Second Counselor; Zoe Tarns;
Josephine Bishop; Shirley Gibbs; Kate Obray.
Back row, left to right: Beth Rawlins; Clara Pearce; Ilia Rae Richman; Winona
Law; Veda Curtis; Bertha Johnson; Ilia Pulsipher; Annie Obray; Dora Burrell; Sylvia
Obray; Ada Nuhn; Edna Smith; Ferris Goldsberry; Veda Berry; Maxine Pearce.
Rhoda Thorpe is prsident of Hyrum Stake Relief Society.
Photograph submitted by Lola D. Bryner
October 12, 1954
Left to right: Zelma Leavitt; Effie Perkins; Lola D. Bryner, President Moapa Stake
Relief Society; Rosetta Bagshaw; Clara Logan, Second Counselor; Maudie Whitniore;
Roma R. Anderson, President, Overton Ward Relief Society; Arabell Hafner; Dora
Perkins; work director Dorothy Langfortl.
Many beautifully se\\'ed dresses and aprons, as well as children's clothing, were
displayed at this bazaar. An outstanding exhibit of house plants was one of the most
unusual and popular features. Many items of exquisite handwork, including crochet
and embroidery work, added to the beauty and interest of the occasion. Autumn flow-
ers were used to decorate the luncheon tables.
Lola D. Bryner is president of Moapa Stake Rehef Society.
Photograph submitted by Nida G. Jorgensen
Front row, seated, left to right: readers from Rigby Stake Lola Williams and
Thelma Dutson; readers from East Rigby Stake Mary Smith and Paula Newman; Anna
Brady, chorister, Rigby Stake; Charlotte Brown, organist, East Rigby Stake; Ruth Ses-
sions, chorister, East Rigby Stake; Esta Brizzee, organist, Rigby Stake; Bob Burtenshavv,
narrator; Willard Adams as George Washington, Gerald Lee as Benjamin Frankhn;
Morgan Lake, Jr., as James Madison; Charles Henry as Thomas Jefferson; Nita G.
Jorgensen, President, Rigby Stake Rehef Society; Virginia K. Campbell, President, East
Rigby Stake Relief Society.
This patriotic program was presented before an audience of about one thousand
people, who thoroughly enjoyed the pageant. The Singing Mothers choruses from the
wards of the two stakes combined to make a wonderful chorus, with about 160 singers
Photograph submitted by Bernice O. Dyer
September 11, 1954
Front row, seated, left to right: Bernice O. Dyer, President, West German Mission
Relief Society; Berta Hommes, Ruhr District Leader; Betty Noble, missionary; Crysta
Gorts, Cologne District leader.
Lucie Wachter, Bielefeld District leader, cannot be seen in the photograph.
Sister Dyer, in reporting the activities in her mission, tells of a number of recent
con\'entions held throughout the mission: "At each convention there were two sessions.
The morning session was only for the officers of each organization, and instruction was
given to them regarding their function as officers. The proper procedure of holding
Relief Society meetings was also discussed, and messages of visiting teachers, prayer meet-
ings, monthly officers meetings. Singing Mothers organizations, the November and
March Sunday exening meetings were taken up. The afternoon meetings were held for
all the sisters, and a good attendance in each convention was evidence that they are
eager for such occasions .... At each convention also a handwork display was held, and
the beautiful articles made by the sisters in each organization were exhibited to ad-
\antage. Much warm winter clothing was included among the articles, in addition to
the excellent handwork, such as knitting, crocheting, and embroidery. One group has
purchased a knitting machine, with which they make all kinds of warm knitted clothing.
The sisters of the home branch in each case prepared a simple lunch for all who at-
Photograph submitted by Vera R. Cantwell
PRESENT MUSICAL, October lo, 1954
The Singing Mothers of eleven Cache Valley stakes presented a musical at the
Tabernacle in Logan on Sunday, October 10th, for all the people of the valley. The
musical was directed by Florence }. Madsen of the general board of Relief Society, and
included a reader, piano solos by Irving Wasserman, and a trio by members of the Sing-
ing Mothers. The tabernacle was well filled, and the chorus sang songs they had learned
for the general conference. The following stakes were represented: Frankhn Stake
(Idaho); Montpelier Stake (Idaho); Oneida Stake (Idaho); Logan Stake (Utah);
Cache Stake (Utah); East Cache Stake (Utah); Mount Logan Stake (Utah); Hyrum
Stake (Utah); Benson Stake (Utah); Smithfield Stake (Utah); and Bear Lake Stake
Vera R. Cantwell is president of Smithfield Stake Relief Society.
Photograph submitted by Adriana M. Zappey
(KENTUCKY) BRANCH BAZAAR, November 20, 1954
Left to right: Mary O. Ilaney; Drema Harris; Beulah Sheffield, Second Counselor;
Thelma Harper, district Relief Society supervisor; Myrtle Rice, President, Ashland
Branch Relief Society; Emogne Ferguson, Secretary-Treasurer; Gladys Tuttle, First Coun-
selor; Wilma Jean Hays; Mollie Kirk; Amye McKinster; Elizabeth Smith; Mary Baker,
literature leader; Betty Tuttle, social science class leader; Josephine Davidson.
Adriana M. Zappey, President, East Central States Mission Relief Society, reports
that these devoted sisters travel long distances to attend their meetings, some of them
traveling as far as sixty miles.
The November bazaar was unusually successful, and the sisters were enthusiastic
over the displays, which included dolls and other toys, baked items, including cakes
and pies, also various kinds of candy; quilts, aprons, pillowslips, pot holders, shopping
bags, and numerous crocheted and hand-embroidered articles.
Photograph submitted by Julia N. Barg
Left to right: Julia N. Barg, President, Pioneer Stake Relief Society; Bertella Ash-
ard. President, Twenty-Fifth Ward Relief Society; Lovell Smith, Second Counselor, Pio-
neer Stake Relief Society; Ellen Thompson, President, Poplar Grove Ward Relief So-
ciety; Sarah Marchant, First Counselor, Pioneer Stake Relief Society; Alice Vonk, Presi-
dent, Thirty-Second Ward Relief Society; Adeline Weaver, Secretary-Treasurer, Poplar
Grove Second Ward Relief Society; LeOra Roush, President, Thirty-Fifth Ward Relief
Society; Lucille Noyce, President, Riverview Ward Relief Society; Rura Woodall,
President, Poplar Grove Second Ward Relief Society; Zada Jones, President, Poplar
Grove Third Ward Relief Society; May Hans, Second Counselor, Poplar Grove Second
Ward Rehef Society; Ida Deters, First Counselor, Poplar Grove Second Ward Relief
Society; Winifred Stanley, President, Twenty-Sixth Ward Relief Society.
When construction of the new Pioneer Stake Center started in April 1953, the
Relief Society members of three wards volunteered their services, by rotation, each
Saturday, to prepare food for the brethren volunteering their services on the building.
At one of the union meetings President Julia Barg asked the board members and ward
presidents if they would all like to help taking turns in preparation of food for the
brethren, cooking a hot meal each Saturday. Everyone was happy to offer this service.
A schedule was made up, with the stake Relief Society presidency and board members
serving first, then each of the nine wards taking a turn.
Photograph submitted by Ida A Gallagher
Front row, left to right: Louise Hansen, organist; Rhea B. Nelson, First Counselor;
Ida H. Steed, Second Counselor; Hennie Huetter, Secretary; Lazella Spencer, organist.
Back row, left to right: Peggy Dyches; Gertrude Humphries; Alice Turpin; Clara
Duffin; Eva Eddington; Reggie Erickson.
President Ida A. Gallagher reports that the making of the friendship quiU shown
in the picture was a most enjoyable as well as a profitable project. "Each person whose
name is embroidered on the quilt gave one dollar to help in the building of our new
stake chapel."
[Perfume of Violets
Zara Sabin
Perfume of violets.
For a moment we were together again,
Down on our knees by the \'iolet bed,
Picking them eagerly, while o\erhead
The apricots bloomed, and across the street
A brown lark was singing so piercingly sweet
I thought his vehet throat would burst —
A bee droned near, the very first
Which had dared to leave his fast-sealed
Home .... A church bell pealed ....
Nothing \\-as left but an old, old pain
And the perfume of violets!
Mother's Baked Apple
{Continued from page 190)
AS I thought of this, I was sur-
prised to find my face wet with
tears, for I felt so warm and com-
forted that, for a few minutes, I had
forgotten Tom and I were at swoid's
point. Well, I knew what to do
now. Mother had just told me,
and the first thing in the morning—
but why wait for morning? That
was hours away, and I knew I'd
ne\er sleep. Besides, Tom was not
sleeping either. I could hear him
through the thin wall, flopping rest-
lessly about. Undoubtedly, there
were eight or ten inches of him
hanging off at the foot, or jack-
knifed under his chin.
I didn't dare call him. He was
angry enough to ignore me. I looked
at my cutglass water pitcher on the
bedside table. Just like a man to
bring the very best dishes into the
sickroom. It was one of our wed-
ding gifts, and I loved it, but it
wasn't any more important than my
pride, and that must be shattered,
too. I deliberately reached out to
get a drink of water and knocked
the pitcher on the floor. There was
a splintering crash.
Then Tom, looking haggard and
very wide awake, stood in the door-
"What happened?" he demanded.
''I was trying to get me a drink."
'Til get you a drink." Looking
guilty, but sulky, he marched out to
the kitchen.
''Anything else?" he asked, when
I had gulped the unwanted water.
"You might see if Tommy's cov-
ered up."
"Fine," he said, brusquely, stick-
ing his head in a moment later.
Your Church deserves the
very finest organ music pos-
sible, to complement and en-
rich every service ... so why
not investigate Connsonata
NOW! No other organ offers
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Come in or Phone 9-7633 for
Demonstration. A private demon-
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convenience ... so you can give
Connsonata every test. No obliga-
IKai|nes Music |
Page 205
Mason & Hamlin
The Stradivari of Pianos
Firmest Toned Spinet Piano Built
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Finest Low Priced Piano Built
All Obtainable At
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Pioneer Piano People
Then he hesitated, ''Ankle hurt-
ing?" he inquired, reluctantly, 'Vant
a pain tablet?"
'Tm in a lot of pain/' I said,
"but it isn't in my ankle. It seems
to be around my heart."
Tom strode over to the bed, an
expression of consternation on his
face, ''Why didn't you say so?" he
demanded. "I'll call the doctor!"
"I don't need a doctor," I said,
talking rapidly before he could get
away, "just a lot of love and forgive-
ness from the one who promised to
love and cherish me in sickness
and . . . ."
"You know, darling," Tom mur-
mured a moment later, with his lips
against my ear, "you married me
for better or for worse, and just be-
cause it's all been worse so far, you
shouldn't . . . ."
I put my hand over his mouth,
"Hush, Tom! You know it's all
been wonderful! I wouldn't change
a day!" Then I made the supreme
"There's a pain in my stomach,
too," I said, weakly.
His anxious look returned. "What
on earth is it?"
"Nothing," I said, "absolutely
nothing— but emptiness. Just bring
back that supper you snatched away
and I'll be all right."
Tom looked embarrassed, "Oh,
that? I threw it in the garbage. But
I'll open some soup or something."
A big bowl of steaming soup!
How good it sounded. But I shook
my head, firmly. "No, just what
you brought before!" I insisted, and
knew I was sentencing myself to a
lifetime of muddy cocoa and scraped
toast whenever illness struck. But
the look on Tom's face was worth it,
a thousand times over. Already, I
could hear him climbing over the
two chairs and under the table to
hook up the toaster, whistling loud-
ly off-key as he did so.
"All right. Mother," I said, in
the general direction of the ceiling,
"Satisfied? It's cocoa and toast for
me, not baked apple."
■ ♦ »
Catherine B. Bowles
There is a nugget of gold to find
If sought by the searchers of right,
Moulded and shaped in God's design—
A precious jewel in his sight.
The value, priceless, needs great care
And is only found by faith and prayer.
Chiistie Lund Coles
Words are gulls
That lift the curve,
Above the clay-bound,
Listening earth.
Words are moons
That wax and wane
And light the night
To dawn again.
Words are cups
With water fulled,
Where those who thirst
Are beauty-filled.
Words are fire
In warmth and scope.
Flaming, alive;
And words ... are hope.
than we
can fill for
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Tour will include Temple Dedication
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Page 207
dierbs for 1 1 Lode rn (^ookeri/
Elizabeth Williamson
TAILL (Anethum graveolens) is an an-
■■-^ niial herb which grows to two feet,
and, occasionally, three feet in height. It
is a pretty herb, bluish-green in color,
with lacy foliage and small, yellow, clus-
tered flowers. It should be planted in
the center of the herb garden because of
its height. Originally it came from Asia
and the Mediterranean area, and was
probably carried across Europe by the
Romans. Some varieties are native to
Egypt and southern Africa.
The English use dill water for digestive
disturbances. Of course, dill is most fam-
ous for its use in making dill pickles, but
the seeds and leaves are good in many
different dishes. Use the leaves chopped
in salads, soup, and stews; sprinkle the
seeds on boiled potatoes, lamb, and fish.
Sauce for Broiled Fish
(Pour over before broiling)
V4 c. melted Initter
Vi tsp. dill seed
Vi tsp. chopped parsley
salt and pepper to taste
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When Beneficial Life was founded, near the turn of the century, the em-
pire-building engineers had already bound the West to the East with iron rails,
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The West was also built with dollars . . . including Beneficial Life dollars.
Since 1905, Beneficial has financed countless thousands of homes and important
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now has over 300 million dollars worth of life insurance in force ... a con-
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David O. McKay, Pres
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QJirst to Q>ee the Lriisen JLord
The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark,
unto the sepidchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre . . . (John 20.1).
Vesta P. Crawford
While it was yet early on the northern hills,
She came alone and stood beside the tomb.
Her grief was like the darkness roundabout
That veiled the temples and the towers
And lay upon the turrets and the gates.
Quiet was the street of sorrow,
And darkly rose the four great hills
Encompassing the valleys of Jerusalem.
While it was yet early in the garden,
In the first far reaches of the dawn,
Mary came to Calvary and waited near the tomb.
Mary of Magdala, her home the shore of Galilee,
A follower of the Master and one who loved him well.
Short days ago she wept beside the cross
And saw the soldiers and the sword ....
Saw Arimathea's rock-hewn sepulchre
Wherein the faithful laid their Lord.
So quiet in the garden, no stir of bud or leaf,
Only the woman waiting there, beset with grief.
Mary of Magdala, in the early day,
First to hear the question
Where the stone was rolled away.
Then she looked again into the sepulchre
And saw two white-robed angels sitting there.
Trembling, as wind might shake an olive bough,
She heard the words, old as earth's questioning,
"Why weepest thou . . . ?"
Softly, as wings of the dove might stir,
Mary turned in the morning light
And Jesus spoke to her ....
Mary of Magdala, first to hear his voice.
In that eternal moment, in that lighted place,
First to bear the message that he lived
And first to see his face!
The Coxer: "Wood Hyacinths," Photograph by Ward Linton
Frontispiece Photograph: "Easter Lily Portrait"
Photograph by Josef Nlucnch
Cover Design by Evan Jensen
Qjrotn I Lear and cfc
Thank you for an outstanding issue of
The Relief Society Magazine (February
1955). Arriving today (January 26th), it
came like a very special gift for my birth-
day, all the more so because you used for
a frontispiece my mother's exquisite poem
written for me. I then found my poem
(written for my daughters) 'The Un-
answerable," page 108. Also I noted how
every one of the other poems and each
of the stories are well above average in
quality. The Magazine always has some-
thing special in it, but this time it de-
serves superlatives!
—Mrs. Lael W. Hill
Salt Lake City, Utah
Thank you for the story "Faith and
Prayer and Johnnie Morton" (January
1955). I feel it is an answer to my
prayers. We have a little daughter eleven
years old who had polio when she was a
baby, and, in spite of our prayers, exer-
cises, braces, and massage, her back has
continued to twist — \'ery rapidly the last
few months. On January 4th she had
another appointment with a specialist to
see what his verdict was after seeing
X-rays taken the week before. So, on
fast day, January 2d, our family, including
those who are away, had a special prayer
after fasting, and afterwards our daughter
was administered to. The doctor said she
would have to have a serious operation
that would mean being in the hospital
about six weeks and at home on her
back in a cast for six months. On our
way home she nearly broke my heart by
saying, "What good did it do to fast
and pray?" I tried to explain that some-
times our prayers aren't answered as we
want to think they should be, but some-
times they are answered by our knowing
where to go for help to doctors who are
skilled and know what to do, and I told
her the story of Naaman and Elisha.
Then came the Magazine and the story
of Johnnie and his problem — just like
hers. I read the story to her and I know
it helped her to understand that God had
not deserted her and was still mindful
of her and our prayers. She is going to
need her faith to get through the coming
year cheerfully.
—Mrs. Thcron S. Hall
Springville, Utah
During the past one and one-half years
my family and I have been in Pakistan.
Contacts with the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints have been very few.
When I left Panguitch, Utah, friends gaxe
me a subscription to The Relief Society
Magazine. It has followed me over half-
way around the world to bring cheer, com-
fort, and reassurance of the stability of
the spiritual values of our life, and to
which we cling very tightly. The Maga-
zine is a never-ending source of knowl-
edge and inspiration. I have enjoyed the
group photos immensely, too, being able
to recognize many friends I have known
in N'arious wards. Being so far from home
I can more sincerely feel the influence the
Magazine is having upon e\'ery corner of
the world. May every Latter-day Saint
realize the values to be gained and not
let a single edition lie unopened.
— Mrs. Clyde T. Low
Rawalpindi, Pakistan
I wish to express my thanks for the
Magazine. I read it from cover to cover,
Mrs, Woolsey's poem "Poet's Mother" in
the February issue is very fine.
— Gene Romolo
Provo, Utah
The Relief Society Magazine has just
come, and I have read Mrs. Sharp's splen-
did editorial "Take Time to Safeguard
Children" (February 1955). It is most
carefully worded and written. It is one
of the best that I have read.
— Charles V. Worthington
Los Angeles, Cahfornia
We ladies of the Seventh Ward, Mt.
Logan Stake, do love our Relief Society
^^'ork and thank you sincerely for the
Magazine, and especially for the "Greet-
ings for the New Year" (January 1955).
I, for one, am going to try to make the
greetings a part of each day's living.
— Mrs. A. R. Gibbons
Logan, Utah
I would like to tell you how much I
enjoy our Magazine. Since my husband
is in the Air Force, and we arc awav from
home, it brings home so much closer to
— Mrs. Beverlee Nilsson
Cibolo, Texas
Page 210
Monthly Publication of the Relief Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Belle S. Spafford ------ President
Marianne C. Sharp ----- First Counselor
Velma N. Simonsen ... - - Second Counselor
Margaret C. Pickering - ... - Secretary-Treasurer
Mary G. Judd Evon W. Peterson Christine H. Robinson Charlotte A. Larsen
Anna B. Hart Leone O. Jacobs Alberta H. Christensen Edith P. Backman
Edith S. Elliott Louise W. Madsen Mildred B. Eyring Winniefred S.
Florence J. Madsen Aleine M. Young Helen W. Anderson Manwaring
Leone G. Layton Josie B, Bay Gladys S. Boyer Elna P. Haymond
Blanche B. Stoddard
Editor ----------- Marianne C. Sharp
Associate Editor .-..----- Vesta P. Crawford
General Manager ....----- Belle S. Spafford
Vol. 42 APRIL 1955 No. 4
The Resurrection George Q. Morris 212
Land of the Water Birds Willard Luce 221
We Serve As God's Hands , Caroline E. Miner 242
Cancer— A Quiz That May Save Your Life Sandra Munsell 244
The Lower Hills Lucille Waters Mattson 253
A Handful of Dirt Vivian Campbell Work 261
An Understanding Heart Anne S. W. Gould 261
The Ruby-Throated Hummingbird Roy B. McClain 262
"And Ye Shall Find" Beth G. Christensen 263
Reap, If You Will . . Elaine J. Wilson 216
The Wall Myrtle M. Dean 225
Steak for Thursday Rosa Lee Lloyd 245
Her Own Life Ruth Moody Ostegar 254
SERIAL , , ^^^
Green Willows— Chapter 3 Deone R. Sutherland 265
From Near and Far 210
Sixty Years Ago 238
Woman's Sphere Ramona W. Cannon 239
Editorial: Appreciation of the Gospel Velma N. Simonsen 240
Notes to the Field: Book of Mormon Reading Project 242
Notes From the Field: Relief Society Activities Margaret C. Pickering 270
Lilies— 1955 Varieties Dorthea N. Newbold 232
Jessie Evans Smith — Artist of Unusual Hobbies 243
The Hen Party Helen S. Williams 252
Make a Train Ruth K. Kent 260
Heirloom Quilt Presented to Missionaries at Carthage Jail Josephine Brower 264
Eggshells for the Garden Elizabeth Williamson 279
First to See the Risen Lord— Frontispiece Vesta P. Crawford 209
So Long As Springtime Comes Mabel Jones Gabbott 215
I Did Not Know Zara Sabin 220
Silence Catherine E. Berry 220
At Easter Dawn Iris W. Schow 224
The Reason Sadie OUorton Clark 230
Strange Chemistry .-. Eva Willes Wangsgaard 231
Let Me Hear Laughter Frances Myrtle Atkinson 237
Blue-Blossomed Jacaranda Elsie McKinnon Strachan 241
Friendship Elsie Sim Hansen 244
Cinquain •. Vesta N. Lukei 253
Moment of Music Dorothy J. Roberts 259
Friendship's Garden Gene Romolo 264
Heart Song Ida Isaacson 269
Home Arleen Sessions Bogue 278
Reflective Artistry Mabel Law Atkinson 279
Editorial and Business Offices: 40 North Main, Salt Lake City 1, Utah, Phone 4-2511; Sub-
scriptions 246; Editorial Dept. 245. Subscription Price: $1.50 a year; foreign, $2.00 a year;
payable in advance. Single copy, 15c. The Magazine is not sent after subscription expires. No
back numbers can be supplied. Renew promptly so that no copies will be missed. Report change
of address at once, giving old and new address.
Entered as second-class matter February 18, 1914, at the Post Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, under
the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in
section 1103, Act of October 8, 1917, authorized June 29, 1918. Manuscripts will not be returned
unless return postage is enclosed. Rejected manuscripts will be retained for six months only.
The Magazine is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts.
The Resurrection
Elder George O. A /orris
Of the Council of the Twelve
Thou madest man, he knows not why,
lie thinks he was not made to die.
(Tennyson: In Memoriam).
THE question of life after death
has always been one with
which people should have
been seriously concerned. There has
been much speculation about it
amoug pagan philosophers and
Christian writers. The sure and
clear auswer is to be found in the
gospel of Jesus Christ as taught in
the primitive Church and the re-
stored Church. The famous Roman
scholar Pliny probably expressed the
prevailing notion of his time and
people when he said:
It is not e\'en within the power of God
to endo^^' mortals v^ith an eternal existence
and recall the departed from the gra\e.
Pliny lived in the Roman Empire
from the year 23 a.d. to the year
79 when he was destroyed by the
sulphurous vapor coming from the
eruption of Mount Vesuvius which
overwhelmed Herculaneum and
Pompeii. What he had with such
certainty declared God could not do
was spoken in ignorance of the fact
that when he was ten years of age
there came forth from the grave in
faraway Palestine, then under the
dominion of the Roman Empire,
Jesus Christ, who was the first fruits
of the resurrection. Having had
power given him over life and death,
through his atonement for the sins
of the world and by the appointment
of the Father, he instituted the
resurrection from the dead. By this
act he provided that every soul who
Page 212
had died from the beginning of time
or who would die until the end of
time would be resurrected as he was
resurrected. Their belief or unbe-
lief, their being good or bad matter-
ing not. The Lord declared:
Marvel not at this: for the hour is com-
ing, in the which all that are in the gra\e
shall hear his voice, And shall come forth;
they that have done good, unto the resur-
rection of life; and they that have done
evil, unto the resurrection of damnation
(John 5:28-29).
The resurrection does not apply
alone to man. When man became
mortal through the fall, the earth
and the life on the earth also be-
came mortal. As man has an im-
mortal spirit so has the earth, and
it is to die and be resurrected as thus
revealed through the Prophet Joseph
And the end shall come, and the heaven
and the earth shall be consumed and pass
away, and there shall be a new heaven
and a new earth.
For all old things shall pass away, and
all things shall become new, even the
heaven and the earth, and all the fulness
thereof, both men and beasts, the fov\ls
of the air, and the fishes of the sea; And
not one hair, neither mote, shall be lost,
for it is the workmanship of mine hand
(D. & C. 29:23-25).
You will note in this revelation
that what the poet expressed in the
couplet, that God did not make
man just to die, is confirmed in this
scripture, which clearly implies that
this restoration occurs because it is
the workmanship of God.
npHERE are many who seem to
have difficulty in beheving that
the resurrection consists in the com-
ing forth of the physical body, the
idea being that if a body does come
forth it must be a body without
substance. The Prophet Joseph
Smith has proclaimed the doctrine
that there is no ''immaterial mat-
ter/' that what we call spirit is mat-
ter, but of a more refined nature
than the matter that we are familiar
with in this life (D. & C. 131:7)-
When the Savior appeared to
some of the disciples after the resur-
rection they were afraid of him; they
thought he was a spirit. He calmed
their fears, saying to them, "a spirit
hath not flesh and bones, as ye see
me have" (Luke 24:39). And he in-
vited some who were still skeptical
to feel of his hands and to put their
hands in the wounds of his cruci-
When the Savior appeared to the
people on this continent after his
resurrection, he invited twenty-five
hundred of them to do the same.
Some are still unwilling to accept
this demonstrated truth as applying
to all who are resurrected and argue
that a bodily resurrection was for
him alone. But showing this to be
an error, the apostle Paul in Philip-
pians 3:21, expressly states, referring
to the resurrection at the coming of
the Savior:
Who shall change our vile body, that
it may be fashioned hke unto his glorious
body, according to the worlcing whereby
he is able even to subdue all things unto
So the teachings of the gospel are
very clear that the resurrection has
to do with the bringing forth of a
purified, cleansed, and immortalized
body of flesh and bones to five for-
ever—those who have kept the com-
mandments of God to live in a con-
dition of glory, and those who have
rejected the gospel to live in a con-
dition of banishment from the pres-
ence of God.
As to the time of the resurrection,
there was the first resurrection
marked by the coming forth of the
saints at the time the Lord himself
was resurrected. Looking to the fu-
ture, the saints and the just are to
arise to meet him when he shall
come again to the earth at the be-
ginning of the millennium. The
resurrection of the wicked will not
take place until the end of the
world. Referring to this first resur-
rection of the future, this is given:
And then shall the heathen nations be
redeemed, and they that knew no law
shall have part in the first resurrection;
and it shall be tolerable for them (D. & C.
And after this another angel shall sound,
which is the second trump; and then
Cometh the redemption of those who are
Christ's at his coming; who have received
their part in that prison which is prepared
for them, that they might receive the
gospel, and be judged according to men
in the flesh (D. & C. 88:99).
The time and glory pertaining to
the resurrection are clearly explained
in the 76th and 88th sections of the
Doctrine and Covenants. The ques-
tion is sometimes raised as to the
resurrection of the sons of perdition
who are referred to in these sections.
Verse 32, section 88, thus describes
their coming forth:
And they who remain shall also be
quickened; nevertheless, they shall return
again to their own place, to enjoy that
which they are wilhng to receive, because
they were not wilhng to enjoy that which
they might ha\e received.
'T'HE Lord is explicit in stating
that all shall come forth. So,
through the atonement of Jesus
Christ, comes the renewal of the
earth and the renewal of life upon
it. Death and the grave are over-
come, and all are raised to immor-
tality when the body and spirit do
not again separate, made so clear in
this scripture:
Now, this restoration shall come to all,
both old and young, both bond and free,
both male and female, both the wicked
and the righteous; and even there shall
not so much as a hair of their heads be
lost; but every thing shall be restored to
its perfect frame, as it is now, or in the
body, and shall be brought and be ar-
raigned before the bar of Christ the Son,
and God the Father, and the Holy Spirit,
which is one Eternal God, to be judged
according to their works, whether they be
good or whether they be evil.
Now, behold, I have spoken unto you
concerning the death of the mortal body,
and also concerning the resurrection of
the mortal body. I say unto you that
this mortal body is raised to an immortal
body, that is from death, even from the
first death unto life, that they can die no
more; their spirits uniting with their
bodies, never to be divided; thus the
whole becoming spiritual and immortal,
that they can no more see corruption
(Alma 11:44, 45)-
Those who have obeyed the gos-
pel also have eternal life ''even the
glory of the Celestial Kingdom,''
others such glory or absence of glory
as belongs to the lives they chose to
Much ignorance and error exist
and much unnecessary sorrow
has been endured by bereft loved
ones regarding the fate of children.
Great and comforting truth has
come to us through the Prophet Jo-
seph Smith: first, that little children
are resurrected as little children, to
grow to maturity in a resurrected
condition. Also that children who
die before the years of accountability
die without sin and eiiter the ce-
lestial kingdom, which is explained
in this scripture:
Listen to the words of Christ, your
Redeemer, your Lord and your God. Be-
hold, I came into the world not to call
the righteous but sinners to repentance;
the whole need no physician, but they
that are sick; wherefore, little children are
whole, for they are not capable of com-
mitting sin; wherefore the curse of Adam
is taken from them in me, that it hath
no power over them ....
And after this manner did the Holy
Ghost manifest the word of God unto me;
wherefore, my beloved son, I know that
it is solemn mockery before God, that ye
should baptize little children.
Behold I say unto you that this thing
shall ye teach — repentance and baptism
unto those who are accountable and cap-
able of committing sin; yea, teach parents
that they must repent and be baptized,
and humble themselves as their little chil-
dren, and they shall all be saved with their
httle children.
And their little children need no re-
pentance, neither baptism. Behold, bap-
tism is unto repentance to the fulfilling
the commandments unto the remission of
But little children are alive in Christ,
even from the foundation of the world; if
not so, God is a partial God, and also
a changeable God, and a respecter of per-
sons; for how many little children haxe
died without baptism!
Wherefore, if little children could not
be saved without baptism, these must
ha\e gone to an endless hell.
Behold I say unto you, that he that
supposeth that Httle children need bap-
tism is in the gall of bitterness and in
the bonds of iniquity, for he hath neither
faith, hope, nor charity; wherefore, should
he be cut off while in the thought, he
must go down to hell.
For awful is the wickedness to suppose
that God saveth one child because of bap-
tism, and the other must perish because
he hath no baptism.
Wo be unto them that shall pervert
the ways of the Lord after this manner,
for they shall perish except they repent.
Behold, I speak with boldness, having
authority from God; and I fear not what
man can do; for perfect love casteth out
all fear.
And I am filled with charity, which is
everlasting love; wherefore, all children
are alike unto me; wherefore, I love little
children with a perfect love; and they are
all alike and partakers of salvation (Moroni
Thus, through the resurrection,
is established the truth of the Lord's
words: ''And whosoever liveth and
believeth in me shall never die"
(John 11:26). The only real death
is in sin and banishment from the
presence of God, which is both the
first and the second death (D. & C.
29:41). What we commonly call
death is but the doorway to im-
mortal life which cannot end. Each
of us, therefore, as the immortal
offspring of our Father in heaven
will finally live to come to the per-
sonal experience described in this
For we must all appear before the judg-
ment seat of Christ; that every one may
receive the things done in his body, ac-
cording to that he hath done, whether
it be good or bad (II Cor. 5:10).
00 JLong Kyis Springtime L^omes
Mabel Jones Gahhott
Some springtimes enter like a warm green breeze.
Through budding elm and oak and maple trees,
A slender grass stem pushing earth apart,
A low, round violet leaf, a tulip dart.
And spring sometimes in yellow is arrayed.
Wide fields with dandelions overlaid,
Forsythia that frames my neighbor's walk.
And sunshine in the sky, in smiles, in talk;
And often spring will beckon all in pink,
Glowing like children's cheeks, or dawn's wide wink,
Peach blooms, and white-pink apple witchery,
Rose-throated robins in the cherry tree;
Oh, I care not what colors first appear.
So long as sprmgtime comes year after year.
Reap, If You Will
Ehine J. Wilson
MY Grandma was a stickler for
fair play. She was sure that
if you were honest and
thoughtful, you'd receive just that
in return. She had a good argu-
ment for her feehngs, too. And that
comprised one of her favorite
stories . . . about Grandpa. She
loved to tell about how Grandpa
had come to agree with her.
Jake, that was Grandpa's name,
went north in a wagon about four
times a year carrying supplies. Some-
times he went as far north as the
Snake River before he got rid of
everything. He always came back
with a load, in return, of everything
from fine pelts and hides or gold
ore to sacks of onions.
He and Grandma had been mar-
ried three years then, and with the
second baby just arrived, she want-
ed him to settle down to farming
steady. He was going to do just
that after he returned from this last
trip ... if everything went all right.
He figured to get enough this time
to pay for a real good spread.
He had placed such emphasis on
that ''if everything went all right"
that she had made him promise to
be extra careful.
''Now, Bessie," Grandpa told her,
a little provoked, "you know I can
take care of myself."
"Jake, I haven't been married to
you this long without knowing you
pretty well. You sure live up to
your red hair, letting your temper
blaze away. Now you be cautious
and patient, promise?"
Jake gave equal measure for all
Page 216
the love he saw in her clear gray
eyes and sweet face. He put his
arms around her and held her ten-
derly. "For you, I'll do anything!
I promise, Bessie, I'll hold my
temper. I won't make a move un-
less I have to. Besides, there's no
need to worry; I haven't seen an
Injun on the trail the last two trips.
Everyone else knows who I am and
I know them."
"Well, remember . . . you'll only
reap what you sow."
Jake had laughed some at her
fussing, but as he rode along in the
wagon, he was anxious to get back
to his sweet wife and babies. He
was sure he was meant to be a farm-
er; to live closer to his family; no
more leaving them behind. And
it seemed the good Lord meant it
that way, too. Not only did he
have the usual amount of furs and
produce, but he had a nice little
sum of money, six hundred and
fifty dollars. One trading post had
paid up in full for the last three
loads of supplies he'd brought
Jake found a nice place to make
camp, where the land wasn't quite
so hilly and rather barren. He
stopped by a little stream, with a
few big rocks near and a scrubby
tree. He tied the horses to the
tree, so they could get a drink and
graze some, and then he made a
fire. He was hungry and tired, and
anxious to get started early in the
He walked over to the front of
the wagon to get something from
under the seat. There were three
things under there: the money, his
loaded gun, and some eornmeal. As
he reached under, he reahzed two
men had ridden up. But before he
could turn around, he heard the
unpleasant words, 'Tut 'em up!"
TN the seconds that it took him to
draw a deep breath, Jake's mind
played a series of thoughts. It would
be simple to reach for the gun,
swing, and fire. He was a better
than average shot and could prob-
ably get one of them. But Bessie's
words of caution kept stirrhig up a
cloud in his mind until he felt he'd
better not try anything yet. So his
hands went up slowly.
''Turn around."
Jake turned uneasily. He looked
into the gaunt, strained face of a
young man, and the hard, expres-
sionless face of his older companion.
Both wore dusty, sweat-stained
clothes, e\'idence of a long, hard
ride. Both held guns on him. Behind
them stood the most done-in looking
pair of horses Jake had seen for a
long time. They had been through
a rough time.
"We \\'ant the cash and pelts you
got . . . quick!" the younger man
Jake was outwardly silent, but
within him a conflict was raging.
He was trying to stick to his promise
to Bessie to be patient and careful,
when he longed to lunge at them;
to keep them from his store under
the wagon seat.
"Come on, we know you got
it. We been following you since
you left the trading post," the older
one said dryly, almost without in-
terest, so sure of him that it made
Jake's blood fairly boil.
"That money's mine. I need
it . . . ." He tried to talk calmly, as
Bessie would have him do, but he
felt like shouting. Even with two
of them, he could probably give
them a fight they'd not soon forget.
"Where is it?" the younger fel-
low snarled at him.
Jake pushed the words out of his
mouth, hesitating, forcing himself.
"It's under the wagon seat."
Right now, seeing the gleam of
victory come into the two bandits'
eyes, Jake felt like swatting himself.
What did Bessie know about hand-
ling trouble?
While the older one held a gun
on him, the other reached under the
wagon seat, and pulled out first the
gun, which he pocketed, the bag of
eornmeal, and dropped it, then the
sack of money. They took the string
of pelts from the wagon, too.
"This should get us to Cheyenne,
Marty." The younger one chucked
the monev into his pocket. "Let's
go . . . ."•
This was just like giving up.
Almost as if you had no brain to
think with, Jake thought. Bessie's
logic wasn't meant for this. What
would Bessie do now? Why, she'd
ask them to dinner, probably.
As he watched the two men
mount their horses, Jake heard
himself saying something mighty
strange. "As long as you've taken
my money and gun, there isn't much
I can do. But you might as well
stay and have some food with
me . . . ."
npHE surprise that flooded their
faces only egged him on. "I was
fixin' to make some johnnycake and
I got some comb honey and fresh
churned butter to put on it/' They
only stared at him. "I make the
best johnnycake ever. You look
like you could stand some nourish-
Marty, the older one, burst out
laughing. "Listen to that, Les.
After we rob him, he asks us to
dinner . . . ."
Les didn't laugh, however. 'Tm
hungry enough to do just that. But
no smart stuff or you won't need to
eat . . . r
Both walked back toward Jake.
Jake knew he'd said it. It was up
to him to go through with it now.
He fed the fire and arranged some
rocks around it on which to set the
frying pan. Marty raised his gun
suspiciously when Jake went to the
wagon for pans. As he stirred the
yellow batter in a blackened sauce-
pan, he could hear the horses blus-
tering their breath and stamping.
Off a way, a coyote set up his night-
ly solo.
'This is good cornmeal," he be-
gan, unable to bear the cold silence
longer, ''the kind that comes from
good corn, like I'll raise on my
farm . . . that is, I was going to . . . ."
Marty sneered, "Only we took
your money! What a pity."
Jake held his head high and
looked right into his face. "Oh,
I'll get it someday, anyway. I got
two young'uns; may have more.
They need lots of room, good food,
and a dad that's home. And that's
what they're going to have."
Marty started to laugh like it was
a big joke, but Les cut him short.
"I wonder how I'd have turned out,
if mv dad had been around home
once in a while . . . ."
Jake turned to look at the young-
er bandit and saw not a hardened
man like the older one, but a boy
deprived of companionship, lonely
and afraid of life.
Jake took a small crock of butter
from the wagon and put a dab in
the frying pan to melt. That butter
had been the last payment on a
bolt of calico for a sheep rancher's
wife, up near the fort. She was still
churning it when Jake had come
by. It was fresh and tasty.
Then he began to fry the cakes.
"I only have one plate and a mush
dish," he told the men, "you use
those, and I'll eat out of the pan
as soon as the batter's gone. I'll
take the last johnnycakes." He put
the crock of butter on a rock and
got a small bucket from the wagon,
pried the lid off, revealing a broken
comb of honey. There were a knife,
a fork, and the large spoon he used
to stir the batter.
He put the first three cakes onto
the tin plate, handed it to Marty,
then poured out more batter to fry.
Marty slapped on butter and honey
and promptly began to gorge him-
They watched the yellow cakes
bubble and listened to the crackle
of the fire. Then Les eyed Jake
curiously. "If you wanted that farm
so bad, why didn't you gun us down
instead of handing the money over?"
TAKE knelt to flip the cakes over
•^ before answering. "Well, Bes-
sie, my wife, has a strong code of
living. And I'm coming to believe
it, too. You reap what you sow.
If I'd gone for my gun, you'd have
done the same. One of us would
be dead, and you'd have got my
money anyway. You look like you
need it! Only probably no more
than I do. But, the other way
wouldn't have been any better."
He dished up the other cakes and
handed them to Les. Then he
poured out the rest of the batter
for himself. He didn't feel like eat-
ing, but he wasn't going to let them
know it. ''Yessir/' he went on, ''if
folks would be more patient and
think about what they'll get back
later, instead of grabbing all they
can right now, this would be a
much better world."
They ate in silence while the
world darkened around them, only
the glow of the sunset to give light.
Finally Les stood up. "Let's get
goin'," he said gruffly.
Jake watched them walk to iheir
horses. Funny, despite the great
loss they were causing him, he felt
no hate toward them. A little dis-
gust for Marty; a little pity for the
younger one.
''Aren't you going to ask us to
come again?" Marty asked, and
roared with laughter.
"You're a good cook . . . thanks,"
Les said quickly, then spurred his
horse and rode off at a gallop. Marty
had to mo\'e quickly to catch up
with him.
Jak.e sat for a long time staring in
their direction. There went his
big hope. For a moment he felt
remorse for adhering so directly to
Bessie's whims. It was sort of like
being whipped. He knew what
Bessie would say when he told her.
"I'm proud of you, Jake. Using
your head! I'd much rather have
you safe and sound than all the gold
in the world."
He wanted to go right on to Pres-
ton that night, but he knew his
horses were tired and night travel-
ing was hard. The sky was black
all over with no trace of sunset left,
when he finally moved. There was
a thin strip of the moon showing,
but no stars. The fire had gone out.
He felt depressed clear through. He
walked over to the horses, checked
them, and walked around the wag-
He knew he'd never sleep, but he
couldn't walk around all night. At
last he pulled some blankets from
the wagon and spread them thickly
on the ground, then lay down. He
didn't remember ever being an-
noyed before by the coyotes' howl-
ing. But now it made him feel
foreign and unwanted.
Suddenly he drew up sharply. A
horse was approaching. He gritted
his teeth as he remembered the
bandit taking his gun. They prob-
ably decided their horses were too
done-in and were coming back to
take his. Well, a fellow could take
only so much!
OE wouldn't give up without a
fight. He reached silently for
a large limb to use as a club. Then
he edged over to the side of the
The horse was close, coming slow-
ly. Then it stopped. "Hey, you
.... johnnycake cook!" Jake held
his breath as he heard Les' voice.
"Come out where I can see you."
Jake gave all his emotions vent
as he yelled at the bandit. "You
robbed me and ate my food. What
more do you want?" and he walked
boldly over to the approaching
In the soft night light, Jake could
see Les' face, and he felt a tinge
of surprise that he still saw the in-
security there. He tightened his
grip on the dead limb, just the
Bessie dear, he said to himself.
Fm soir/j hut I can't see doing your
way any longer.
"Is it really true about your wife
and two kids, I mean . . .?" Les
asked, mumbling.
Jake gasped under his breath.
''Call me a liar now, too," he yelled.
"Do I look like the kind of man to
let you take all I had without a
fight unless I had a good reason?''
Les, on the horse, towered above
him. He held the money and the
furs. "I want those kids to have a
good life. I had a hard time con-
vincing Marty that you needed this
worse than we did. It's been so
long since anyone asked me to stay
to dinner. I want you to know it's
the best meal I ever had . . . ."
He threw the money and furs to
the ground, hesitated a second, and
threw Jake's gun down, also, then
wheeled his horse and rode off.
Jake stood for a long time, listen-
ing to the last of the hoofbeats die
out, before he started to pick up
his belongings. In his heart, he
silently thanked God for Bessie's
way of life and prayed that the
young bandit would find peace for
his good deed. And, yes, the older
one, too.
^ CDiJ riot %
Zara Sabin
I did not know the locust trees had bloomed —
It seems just yesterday each branch was bleak
And bare, stiff against the morning light;
No sign of leaf or bud, but now they speak
A myriad tone from songs of seeking bees —
For suddenly the air is redolent
With perfume drifting down from flower-filled trees.
Q> lie nee
Catherine E. Berry
The day walks silently away
As night draws down the shades;
There is no sound when stars come out,
Or when the twilight fades.
No one can hear the crescent moon
That drifts across the sky;
And there is not a breath of sound
When clouds go sailing by.
The shattered dream, the passing time,
Play out their silent part.
And no one in this room can hear
The breaking of my heart.
Land of the Water Birds
Wilhid Luce
TODAY you don't have to sail
down Bear River in a buffalo-
hide canoe to reach Bear
River Bay and see "millions of
ducks and geese," as Jim Bridger did
in 1824. Not at all. You just take
the fifteen mile, hard-surfaced high-
way west of Brigham City, Utah.
This takes you to the headquarters
of the Bear River Migratory Bird
Refuge. From here you take a
twelve-mile circle over a gravel road
placed atop dirt dikes constructed
to keep the fresh water from the
river free from the salt water of
Great Salt Lake.
Of course you won't see those
''millions of ducks and geese" un-
less you happen to arrive at the
height of the fall migratory season
which reaches its peak during Sep-
tember. But then ducks and geese
make up only part of the 198 species
recorded at the Refuge, sixty of
which nest there.
One of the most interesting nest-
ers is the small, brown and white
avocet. Gliding along on tall, stilt-
like, blue legs, this bird could do
things to the hundred yard dash
record for shore birds. When he
flies along with your car, he makes
a noise that could easily startle you
into reaching for the oil can.
If you should get there during
the avocet's nesting season, late May
and early June, you might find a
nest along the dikes. The birds
make no effort to hide their nests,
and there are certainlv plentv of
them beside the road; but unless
you actually see a bird leave her
nest, you'll likely not find it. The
eggs are large, grayish-brown with
black markings. They are laid in
shallow depressions in the ground
lined with a few blades of grass.
And should you find a nest, or
especially a baby bird, the avocets
will put on a show such as you have
never seen before. They will lie
down and hold one wing up in the
air as if it were broken. They will
run down the road for half a mile
in front of you or in front of your
car in various attitudes of distress.
They will hold up both wings and
come straight at you as though in-
tending to run you through with
their long, thin, curved bills. They'll
squawk and scream and fly around
like mad, all to keep your attention
on them instead of on the nest or
the baby.
Another nester, about the same
size and build as the avocet, is the
black-necked stilt. This bird is
black and white and has long, red
From 3000 to 4000 Canadian
geese also use the Refuge as a nest-
ing ground. As soon as the young
hatch they are found along the
dikes. As a car approaches they
move out onto the ponds like a
flotilla of battleships and destroyers
—mother and father at both ends
and all the young between. Here
a' pair of field glasses comes in
mighty handy, since a family of
geese aren't exactly the most so-
ciable birds in the world when it
comes to striking up acquaintances
with mankind.
Page 221
Courtesy United States Fish and Wildlife Service
There is still another nester you
should become acquainted with,
since he stays around the Refuge
most of the year. This is the west-
ern grebe, often called the hell-
diver. He's the magician — now
you see him, now you don't. His
is a simple act, but one you'll never
tire of watching. When you get
a little too close, he simply dives
down under the water. The real
sport is to guess where he'll come
up again. Ten to one, you will be
HTHERE are, of course, a great
many other birds you'll see. The
largest concentration of whistling
swans in the United States, for in-
stance, is found at the Bear River
Refuge during the fall migration.
Flocks of 15,000 are sometimes
Long lines of pelicans can be
seen in the air and offshore, where
they catch trash fish for themselves
and their young. The snowy egret
(Brewster's egret) and the black-
crowned night heron can be found
fishing at most of the spillways.
The yellow-headed blackbird is a
bright and beautiful nester. And,
of course, there are the little black
mud hens, or American coots, fight-
ing and quarreling among them-
selves or sailing along the canals
with their young. They are awkward
out on land, and when trying to get
into the air, they make a terrific
racket, churning up the water for
a hundred feet or more before suc-
You likely won't see many ani-
mals except possibly the muskrat.
Conditions seem to be just right
for the propagation of this little ani-
mal; so much so that each year trap-
pers with special permits invade the
area. Each trapper is allowed so
many pelts— providing he can catch
that many during the short season.
All rats are skinned at the Refuge,
and half the furs go to the trapper
and half go to the Government.
Around 7,000 pelts are taken each
Two things brought about the
estabhshment of the Bear River
Migratory Bird Refuge. Indications
are that the Indians used the Bear
River Bay area for hunting and egg
gatherings, and ah the early ex-
plorers remarked about how nu-
merous the birds were there. Then
in the late eighteen hundreds, com-
mercial hunters invaded the local-
ity. It is estimated that during the
last ten years of the century, 200,000
ducks were slain annually for the
eastern markets. Soon after this
terrific destruction a disease known
as botulism was noticed. The
disease grew and spread until in
1910 half a million ducks died
around the mouth of Bear River.
Local gun clubs and sportsmen's
organizations attacked the problem,
and, in 1928, the Bear River Migra-
tory Bird Refuge was established by
a special act of Congress. The
Refuge had three purposes: to de-
vise means of curbing the heavy
loss of bird life from botulism; to
provide a suitable resting and feed-
ing area for the birds during spring
and fall migrations; and to give
food and shelter to birds that breed
in the locality.
A LL these purposes have been ac-
complished and more. Although
established for the birds and not
the people, the Bear River Refuge
has from 20,000 to 25,000 visitors of
the human variety every year.
A banding program has numbered
and banded more than 36,000 birds
on the Refuge. These have been
traced to twenty-nine states, to Alas-
ka, Canada, Mexico, and Honduras.
A pintail was found at Palmyra
Island in the Pacific Ocean just
eighty-three days after it had been
released from the Bear River bird
hospital where it had been treated
W. Grant McFarland
Photographed at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Utah
Photographs by W. F. Kubichek, Archie V. Hull, and W. Grant McFarland
for botulism. Palmyra Island is
3,600 miles from Bear River.
Continuous bird and nesting cen-
suses are taken. Sick birds are treat-
ed and areas of botulism concen-
tration have been drained. Bird food
has been planted. A hundred-foot
steel observation tower has been
erected at the Refuge headquarters.
From the tower, and with the aid
of fieldglasses, you can see over
the entire 65,000 acre Refuge.
All this adds up to more and
healthier birds. It gives additional
knowledge concerning bird migra-
tions. And, more important to
traveling America, it provides a con-
venient area for observing and study-
ing wild birds in their natural habi-
tat—birds which most of us would
never even see if it were not for the
Bear River or one of the other
refuges run by the Fish and Wild-
life Service, United States Depart-
ment of the Interior.
Kyit (baste r UJawn
his W. Schow
I woke to see that bars of light
Announce the Easter dawn,
And knew the sunrise song was sung;
The moment was withdrawn.
I thought how many must have slept
Long on that sacred night
W^hen morning came for every soul
Before the dawning light,
While those astir through loyal grief
Beheld in wonderment
And mounting joy, a fallen stone,
A folded cerement.
The Wall
Myrtle M. Dean
JEFF pointed out the old picket
fence that separated their lot
from the neighbor's. "It will
need a lot of repair of broken pick-
ets and a new coat of paint/' he
' ''It looks quaint and charming.
I like it," Paula answered, "but of
course we don't want any barriers
between us and our neighbors, do
we? If it is too bad, we'll just have
the fence taken away."
They had just bought this place
and moved in late yesterday. It was
a big, old-fashioned house, out on
the edge of town.
"It's like getting out of jail for
the children, after their being
cooped up in a tiny place in town,"
Jeff said, looking pleased.
"Maybe later on we can build a
modernistic, dream home, but, for
now, this is heavenly," Paula told
Paula walked with Jeff to the car.
He would have to ride into town
each day now to his job. They stood
for a moment watching Judy's chub-
by, little, three-year-old legs toddling
after her six-year-old brother, Steven,
as they ran joyously about the wide
Paula and the children waved
goodbye to Jeff, then she wandered
about the grounds. She loved the
tall birches at the back and the old-
fashioned yellow roses in one corner
of the lot. As she walked near the
old picket fence she was startled
as she saw a small, thin-shouldered
boy, with enormous brown eyes and
solemn face, watching her. His face
was pressed close, peering through
the pickets.
How nice, Paula thought, some-
one for Steven to play with. She
smiled and drew closer.
"Hi, there," she said.
The child did not answer her
greeting, but studied her closely.
His face held a distrustful scowl.
Paula tried again, "We are your
new neighbors, and we have a little
boy, just about your size. Maybe
you can play together, huh?"
For a moment the child's face
softened and his eyes lighted. Then
suddenly the frown returned, and
he said firmly, "I don't want neigh-
bors." He stood looking at the
ground, digging the toe of his shoe
into the dust, then turned and
moved slowly toward his own house,
leaving Paula in shocked surprise.
Well, something must have really
upset him this morning. Another
time he may be anxious to be
friends. I'll just let the children
make their own advances of friend-
ship, she told herself.
Paula had almost forgotten the
boy, when a little later, Steven came
screaming as though a desperado
were after him. She ran to the door,
"That naughty boy . . . that
mean, naughty boy chased me with
a big stick, and he won't play with
me. He hit me," Steven wailed.
Paula felt puzzled and rather dis-
couraged at such a beginning, when
she had thought everything was go-
ing to be so perfect here.
Page 225
''What did you do to make him
act that way, Steve?" Paula asked.
''Nothing, nothing at all. I just
went on his side of the fence; he
told me to git, and he hit me."
Fd better go have a talk with the
boy's mother, Paula thought, then
decided to wait and talk the matter
over with Jeff.
Jeff took the matter lightly. "Just
the animal instinct, king of the
jungle, cock of the roost stuff," he
said. "They will be playing like
David and Jonathan, soon."
TT didn't seem to go that way.
Every time the boys got together
things ended in an argument, or
Steve came crying from a hurt.
Paula had learned a few facts
about the neighbors, although they
had never called. She had seen the
child's mother take a bus in front
of the house. The boy had told
Steven that his mother worked
downtown. Paula had noted that
she was young and blonde and very
pretty; perhaps a few years younger
than she. The boy's name was Dan-
ny. But about the child's father she
had learned nothing so far. She had
never seen a man about. Another
thing she was curious about, who
looked after Danny?
Then one day as she watched the
children playing, she heard Steve
and Danny talking. She had noticed
often how Danny came to the fence
and watched hungrily, when Jeff
romped and played with the chil-
dren as they met him when he re-
turned from work. Now she smiled
at the competitive attitude they
were taking in regard to their dad-
"My daddy is going to take mc
fishing next Saturday. Don't you
wish that you were going fishing?"
Steve spoke in a tantalizing tone.
For a moment Danny's coun-
tenance fell, then, after a little
thoughtful study he came back
boastfully, "Naw, my daddy knows
where the biggest fish are. He takes
me, and I can catch fish this long."
The child measured his hands,
stretching them two feet apart.
Steve's eyes showed envy. Then
he spoke again, "My daddy plays
horse with me, and I can ride him,
even when he bucks like a bronco."
Danny looked very solemn for
awhile, then brightened as he said,
"Ah, but my daddy bought me a
really live pony. We keep him in a
pasture, but when my daddy comes
he'll let me ride him."
"Where is your daddy? I haven't
seen him yet?" Steve asked.
A trace of color stained the boy's
cheeks as he hesitated for quite
awhile, then he faced Steve with
firm lips, "My daddy . . . why, my
daddy is a jet pilot. He can fly faster
than anybody in the whole army.
Sometimes he buzzes right over our
house. Sometime you will hear
Steve came to his mother, his
eyes wide with excitement. He
spoke half accusingly, "Mother,
Danny's daddy is a jet pilot, ZiUd he
can fly awful fast." Then, looking
rather dejected, he complained,
"Why can't my daddy fly a jet, in-
stead of working in an old bank,
downtown? They catch big fish,
too, and Danny has a real live
"Yes, but vour daddv loves vou
very, very much, Steven. He comes
home every night to play with
you . . . ." Paula gave her bov a
loving pat, and said, "Run along
now, and play." last two families left here on his ac-
She watched him go. There was count."
still a bit of envy in his eyes. Dan- "Oh, surely it isn't that bad. I
ny and his daddy have suddenly be- think we shall stay out here." Paula
come heroes, she thought. She could did not want to get tangled or
not help comparing the two chil- prejudiced by neighborhood gossip,
dren: Steven, with his healthy, fine yet that child had proved to be un-
body and wearing a neat and clean friendly, and hard to understand,
cotton play suit; Danny, thin- When it was time to plant the
shouldered and with spindle legs, bedding plants, Paula let Steven
wearing faded jeans and T-shirt. help her. He carried water in his
little watering can and poured on
pAULA felt impatient. With a each plant, as Paula set them in the
father being a jet pilot, they rows along the picket fence. As
should have plenty. Danny's moth- usual, Danny came running and
er should be able to remain home stood on the other side of the pick-
with him. He's likely to turn out ets, watching with solemn eyes,
to be a juvenile delinquent, Paula ''Wouldn't you like to have a pret-
said to herself. Jeff doesn't make ty flower garden?" Steve asked, inno-
one third as much as a jet pilot, but cently.
I'll do without all the extras, and Danny replied quickly. ''My
take care of my children, she flowers are on the other side of our
thought with self-pride. Just this house. There's pretty roses and
morning she remembered Danny everything."
saying, "Mommy, please stay home. Early the next morning Steve ran
like Steven's mommy does. I want out to see the flowers they had
you to be home with me." planted.
Paula could not hear the mother's "I want to see if they bloomed in
reply, but she had kissed the boy, the night," he said,
then hurried to catch her bus. "Oh, flowers don't blossom that
Paula's peace of mind was not fast," Paula told him, laughing,
increased by Mrs. Rigby's visit. Mrs. In a few moments the child came
Rigby lived down the highway a from the yard, crying heartbrokenly,
few blocks. She had lived out here "Oh, Mommy, come and see, come
for years, so she seemed to know and see our flowers, hurry, our flow-
about all the people. ers are all spoiled."
"I hear you have bought this "What do you mean, all spoiled,
place," Mrs. Rigby said. Steven?"
"Yes, we think we will like it There could be only one answer
here very much. So much more to the disheveled flower border,
freedom for the children, and it's Some of the plants were uprooted,
a nice old place," Paula said. and many trampled. The whole
"Well, I hope you won't be dis- border showed evidence of small
appointed." Mrs. Rigby waited, footprints in the damp earth. Paula's
watching Paula's face, then con- impatience had turned to anger,
tinned, "That neighbor boy is quite She saw Danny peeking from behind
a problem, they say. I hear that the his house, watching Steve's tears and
her discovery. His mother had
akeady gone, and her first thought
was to rush out and give the boy a
sound spanking, with her own two
hands. Someone should correct the
child. She thought of going and
finding out who was really respon-
sible for the boy through the day,
but hesitated long enough to decide
to wait and turn the matter over
to Jeff.
JEFF showed surprise at her pro-
^ posal that the old, picket fence
be taken away and be replaced by
a nice tall, block wall.
''Why, walls are for new, modern-
istic places," he said. ''A picket fence
looks much more appropriate, here.
I thought I heard you say once that
we didn't want any barriers between
us and our neighbors."
'Tou know that it is that child,
Jeff. I just can't cope with him
longer." Tears of exasperation
sprang to her eyes at the light way
Jeff spoke of the matter.
Jeff's eyes grew serious, and he
spoke carefully, ''Listen, Paula, we
just can't do away with a problem
by hiding it behind a wall. Perhaps
there is something deeper than we
know behind the boy's behavior ....
Maybe we can help."
"Yes, with you gone all day, it
becomes my problem, Jeff." Paula
spoke intensely.
"But we cannot isolate our chil-
dren. We must face life and its
problems, Paula. Down in town,
there were too many children, all
kinds. Here we have one problem
child, we must help correct that,
too," Jeff spoke earnestly.
"Let his own jet pilot of a fa-
ther come and pilot his own son
for awhile," Paula decided firmly.
Jeff conceded quietly. The wall
was completed in a few days. Paula
felt glad; her own two children
played peaceably together. No Dan-
ny near to disturb them. She had
really expected that he might not
let the wall hinder.
"I don't like that old wall," Steve
said one morning. "I want to play
with Danny."
He will have to get used to it,
Paula thought. He actually looks on
Danny as quite a hero .... She
saw that Steven was lonely and even
becoming resentful. Fll have to do
something about it, she told her-
"Fll take you to the park," she
told him, "there will be lots of chil-
dren there to play with. You can
ride the ponies, and swing and slide
and everything."
Paula found that Steven was not
the only one who missed Danny.
Often she caught herself wondering
what the child was doing. As she
would walk along the wall, tending
the flowers, she could almost feel
the boy's presence, and she would
think of the thin-faced child, and
now as she thought of him, his eyes
looked big and sad, and almost ac-
cusing. At times she heard foot-
steps, close on the other side, but
always they receded and died away.
But she could not see through the
Well, the boy isn't my responsi-
bility, she told herself. I have a
right to have a wall built. Nearly
every one has nowadays. One
thing is certain, Danny's mother
must have forbidden the child to
intrude on our premises. She can
take a hint at least. Maybe this
will teach her a lesson, Paula
thought, trying to salve her con-
Then it was Saturday, and Jeff
had taken Steve and gone up Cher-
ry Creek to fish. They had left
early. Now baby Judy was taking
her nap, so Paula went to work in
the border of flowers along the wall.
She heard a sound on the other side.
Yes, surely it was a child crying. It
was not a cry of anger, or from a
hurt, but a broken-hearted sobbing.
TT is Danny Fm sure, but what has
happened? she thought. His moth-
er is at work, but why doesn't some-
one come to him. Suddenly, she
wanted to be the one to go to him.
But I can't, she thought. He
wouldn't want me. She felt sud-
denly very ashamed. I should have
learned more about the family, she
told herself.
''Danny," she called through the
The sobbing ceased for a mo-
ment, then she heard stifled, low
weeping, but Danny did not an-
swer. Paula walked around the wall
to where the child lay, his head
buried in his arms on the grass.
''Danny, what is it, what is
wrong?" Paula's voice was tender.
The child raised his tear-stained
face, his eyes hard and fierce, and
his body tense.
"Go away .... Go away," he
said savagely.
"But, Danny, I want to help you."
Paula bent down to touch the child
on the shoulder, but he tightened
and drew away from her.
"You don't like me. And you
made a big wall to keep me away.
You are like all the others; you go
away." Danny spoke between sobs.
"But, Danny, you didn't want to
be friends. I tried, but you trampled
the flowers, and you didn't play like
a nice boy."
For a moment the child's head
lowered, but Paula could not see
shame in his face, only heartbreak.
"Nobody wants me around. You
are like old Mr. and Mrs. Daniels.
When they moved here, they told
me they didn't want any pesky kids
around bothering them. I just went
over to see if they had any kids to
play with. Then one day I picked
just one pretty rose that was stick-
ing through to our side of the fence.
Old Mrs. Daniels saw me and she
called me a little thief. I wasn't
stealing, I just wanted it for my
Paula felt a tight lump in her
throat as she watched the child try
to stifle a sob, as he continued,
"The next family had two boys.
They were bigger than me. They
called me a little squirt, and told
me to git home, they weren't going
to have me tagging them around."
He hesitated slightly, then said, "I
took one of their baseballs and hid
it, because they wouldn't let me
"Oh, Danny, I'm so sorry; come
now and let's wipe your tears on
this nice clean hanky." Paula tried
to raise the child to his feet, but he
was still tense in his thin body.
"I want to be a friend, Danny,
and so does Steve."
rjANNY said forcefully, "But
Steve and his daddy went fish-
ing today, didn't they? I saw them
go this morning in the car."
"Why, yes, they did go, but . . . ."
"And I didn't get to go. They
went without me." Danny's tears
coursed down his face in fresh rivu-
lets. ''Why didn't they let me go
too? I wanted to go."
"But Danny, you said that you
would go with your daddy. I'hat
you knew where the biggest fish
For a moment he stood there
looking small and frightened, and,
somehow, desperate. Then he lift-
ed his eyes to hers, and they held
a look of pleading.
"I don't go fishing . . . never, not
ever at all. And I don't have a real
pony either, nor a flower garden by
our house, hke I told Steve." The
child hesitated briefly, then went
on with a burst of emotion, ''And
I don't even have a daddy, not even
a daddy. I don't at all, 'cause he
got killed when I was just little. He
wasn't a jet pilot, like I said. He
just got killed in an old car."
"Oh, Danny, dear, I'm so sorry.
I didn't know." Paula had trouble
• meeting the child's accusing eyes,
she was so aware of her petty in-
justice, of her misjudgment of him
and his mother. She put her arm
about the boy's slender body. He
relaxed now, and leaned against her.
He looked weary and emotionally
"I want to be your friend, Danny.
And Steven has missed you a lot.
You and he can play together again,
and you can share Stevie's daddy.
He has such a big strong back; I'll
bet both of you can ride him for
a horsie. You won't let him throw
you when he bucks and jumps
either, will you?" Paula was smiling
now, "You want to be friends, don't
The child raised his flushed, eager
face. His eyes were wide and shin-
ing, as though a light had just been
turned on. As though he knew she
really meant it.
"But Danny who cares for you all
day, while mother is away at work?"
Paula asked him.
"It's my grandma. I like my
grandma; but she can't come out-
side or do much of anything, 'cause
she is sick and crippled. She has to
stay in bed or in her chair."
"I want to meet your grandma,
Danny. Plea«se take me to her."
The boy's hot, little hand rested
confidently in her own, as he led
her in to meet his grandma.
oJhe uieason
Sadie OUorton C/arJc
Why did I fall in lo\'e U'ith you, dear heart?
I'll tell it in a sentence short and sweet.
You smiled at me one morning and my heart —
It skipped a beat.
It was autumn when we met and thus did greet;
The lea\es were falling and the wind uas sharp.
But to my ears the birds \\ere singing sweet,
And spring is with me still, though vears depart.
That first performance often does repeat;
Your smile can still plaj' ha\'0C with my heart —
It skips a beat.
Constance Cole
Strange L^heniistry^
Eva. Wilies Wangsgaard
By what strange chemistry
Does April conjure gold
From loam and sun and sea
For hly cups to hold?
Through what solution pass
The sheets of ice and snow
To form this ruby glass
The tulip goblets show?
The beakers filled again
With like ingredients
Create a cool, green stain
And purple lilac scents.
From these same chemicals
The butterfly takes wing,
The petal comes and falls.
And wild canaries sing.
Page 231
Courtesy Oregon Bulb Farms
The blossoms are enormous, widely expanded, a soft greenish-ivory tint. The
texture is soft and velvet-like, rather than smooth and shining.
Lilies — 1955 Varieties
Doithea. N. Newhold
Deseiet News Garden Editor
LET'S talk about lilies for your
garden — lilies that are as
new as tomorrow, and lilies
that are as old as the ages. Let's
talk about lilies that have their
origin in the far corners of the earth :
in Palestine, Lebanon, Japan, China,
and in the United States and Can-
ada. Let's take a look at what the
hybridizers ha\'e done with the orig-
inal wildlings — the results of years
Page 232
of painstaking efforts, for there are
hundreds of new varieties of lilies
that will thrive in your garden.
We refer to the true lily, and the
hybrids, members of the genus
Liliu ni, which is a very small part of
the much greater Liliaccae family.
Botanists ha\e placed such widely
separated plants as onions, aspara-
gus, Fritillaria, day lil}^ grape hya-
cinth, tulip, Sanse\ieria, and yucca
in the Liiaceae family. Then there
are many other plants which are
called "lilies," bnt they belong to
other plant families. An example
is the lovely perennial, Eremurus,
commonly known as the foxtail lily.
Polyanthus lily is not a lily at all,
but is the fragrant tuberose. There
are many others. The true lilies are
few in number, there being a few
more than eighty-seven known
species, while in the greater family
of Liiiaceae there are more than
2,000 separate species.
By "specie" we refer to the origi-
nal wildling lily, found growing in
woodlands, high on mountain peaks,
at sea level, on the sun-baked hills
and prairies, or in swamp lands.
Specie lilies are found everywhere
in the world. It is a matter of his-
tory that soon after Canada was dis-
covered, lily bulbs were among the
first items to be transported to the
Old World. They were eagerly
sought by amateur gardeners. Early
records show that lilies, native of
Canada, were grown in gardens in
London and Paris.
Later, when trade with China and
Japan was opened, thousands of
lily bulbs were gathered and
shipped from those countries to
other parts of the world. In 1832,
the beautiful Lilium speciosuni ar-
rived in America from Japan. Lflium
Heiiryi, which has been used exten-
sively for hybridizing and has ex-
erted such influence on our mod-
ern lilies, came from Japan to the
United States in 1889.
Then, with the advance of civil-
ization to the west coast of North
America, dozens of new specie lilies
were found. These were collected,
named, and shipped to growers all
over the world.
Lilies have been tagged with the
label "difficult to grow." This repu-
tation is undoubtedly the result of
distributors digging and shipping
the bulbs of specie lilies to all parts
of the country, with no thought
about being able to duplicate the
conditions under which the specie
lily had been thriving. All specie
lilies will grow in gardens, providing
the prevailing conditions are similar
to those under which the lily has
been growing while in the unculti-
vated areas of our lands.
npHE ethereal beauty of lilies has
intrigued hybridizers, and their
Courtesy Oregon Bulb Farms
Belongs to the Mid-Century hybrid
lilies, a lovely cool lemon-yellow; outward
facing flowers. Vigorous and hardy, it
makes large clumps in borders, and grows
to four feet in height.
Courtesy Oregon Bulb Farms
A vigorous and broad-leafed lih', with the upper part of the ray crimson, and the
remainder golden and hea\ily spotted crimson.
efforts with those plants have shown
surprisingly good results. They have
been able to develop hundreds of
new varieties of unexcelled beauty.
With the introduction of these
newer, hardier varieties, and armed
with a wider knowledge of lily cul-
ture, the amateur gardener can now
ignore that label of ''difficult to
grow," and go ahead, assured that
the hybrid lilies will bring unsur-
passed beauty to his garden.
Vital factors in successful lily cul-
ture include the procurement of
good, firm bulbs with the root sys-
tem intact. A lilv bulb with a sev-
ered root system is hampered from
the very beginning. Avoid purchas-
ing bulbs that are dried out.
A lily should be handled as a liv-
ing plant. It does not have a dor-
mant period as do tulips and daffo-
dils. Bulbs should be kept moist
and cool even in transit and storage.
Plant as soon as vou receive them.
Never let a lily bulb stav around
waiting until you can find the time
to do the planting. A good lily bulb
deserves prompt attention.
Most gardeners are familiar with
the terms ''perennial," "annual," and
"biennial." Did vou know that a
lilv is all three of these? The stem
is annual, growing from the soil to
produce stem, leaves, flowers, and
seeds, and dying, all in one season.
The bulb is perennial, as it lives on
from year to year. And the roots
are biennial.
Let's consider the root system, be-
cause it is so important to the wel-
fare of the bulb. Roots formed dur-
ing the growing season when a bulb
is planted will furnish nutrients
from the soil to the new shoot as
it is formed. These same roots live
a part of, or in some instances, all
of the following year, and at the
same time, another set of roots is
forming. These roots provide for a
great increase in foliage. That is
why lilies planted from newly pur-
chased bulbs will do much better
the second year, providing they are
left undisturbed in their new gar-
den home.
Garden soils that will produce
good vegetables, will, as a general
rule, produce good lilies. The soil
should be porous, and contain plen-
ty of humus and leaf mold.
, Most lilies prefer a slightly acid
to neutral soil. However, if your gar-
den soil is on the alkaline side, do
not be discouraged, there are lilies
which tolerate alkali. Among these
are L. candidium; Martagon hybrids;
Lilium Davidi; Lilium Heniyi;
Olympic hybrids, Mid-Century hy-
brids, and LiJium auratum.
pERFECT drainage is a must for
successful lily culture. A slight
slope in the garden is fine. Lacking
that, and desiring to plant a large
area in lilies, you might raise the
beds above the level of the sur-
rounding areas. Naturally, this in-
Courtesy Oregon Bulb Farms
Late-flowering, broad-petaled, golden-yellow flowers spotted with maroon; blossoms
held upright on the stems.
vohes work. But do not be guilty
of thinking that you can provide
the needed drainage by placing a
pocket of sand in which to set each
bulb. If the surrounding soil is
hea\v, water is drawn to the sand
pocket, and will cause the bulb to
The Horticultural Department of
the University of Saskatchewan,
Saskatoon, Sakatchewan, Canada,
was faced with the problem of win-
ter hardiness of lilies. As a result of
extensive tests and hybridizing, they
have produced some outstanding
lily varieties that are completely
hardy. The named varieties you,
might like to try in your garden in-
Courtesy Oregon Bulb Farms
Available in apricot, i\ory, orange, pale
yellow, and in a bi-color. Plants form
clumps in the border.
elude two creamy-whites. White
Gold and White Princess. Pink
Charm and Edith Cecilia are pink;
Rose Dawn and Rose Queen are
deep old rose. Plants of these va-
rieties will grow three to six feet
tall, blooms are of the reflex type
and range in size from three to five
inches across. Bulbs can endure
temperatures to forty degrees below
Plant lilies in groups in the peren-
nial borders, or set them against a
shrubbery border, where their beauty
can show to advantage. Plantings
may be made along drives and walks.
Or plant them in beds. Be sure
the soil is rich in humus and leaf
mold and that the area is well
drained. Lilies love a cool root run,
but this does not mean that they
should be planted in the shade or
even semi-shade. Rather, give them
a mulch and let them bask in the
sun. If securing mulching material
is a problem, use a living ground
cover. Try a shallow rooting annual
as candytuft, portulacca, or annual
TF you garden in an area where
summer rains are few, be sure you
irrigate the lilies about once each
week, soaking the soil to a depth of
six inches. Avoid wetting the foli-
age. Damp foliage encourages
The near perfect lily of them all
can be found in the Aurelian group
from the Heart's Desire strain. The
enormous, widely expanded flowers
have a texture unlike other lilies, for
it. is soft and velvet-like, rather than
smooth and shining. The blooms
are a soft greenish-ivory.
Courtesy Oregon Bulb Farms
Upright lily of excellent habit. Flowers
are a vivid nasturtium-red. Easy to grow,
vigorous, hardy, and disease-resistant,
From the Mid-Century group
comes a new color in lilies. Lihum
prosperity has blooms that are a
cool, lemon yellow; flowers are out-
ward facing. This delicate coloring
has been eagerly sought by hybridiz-
ers. Plants grow to four feet, make
large clumps through natural divis-
ion. Disease resistant, the Mid-Cen-
tury groups are extremely vigorous
and hardy. Enchantment is prob-
ably the best known variety in this
Sunburst lilies will be an asset in
the perennial border. They form
good sized clumps and come in
apricot, ivory, orange, pale yellow,
and yellow.
Then there are the Rainbow hy-
brids, the Green Mountain hybrids.
Fiesta hybrids, and Miss Preston
hybrids. This is only a partial list-
The correct planting depth for
lilies is a problem. They should not
be planted too deep. Lilies are di-
vided into two groups: the base-
rooters, which produce roots only
from the bottom of the bulbs, and
the stem rooters which also send out
roots from the stem above the bulb.
Stem rooters should be planted a
little deeper than the base rooters.
When you purchase lily bulbs, make
sure that the nurseryman gives you
this important information.
cLet I He uiear JLaughter
Frances M}'rt]e Atkinson
When I am old and wait the twilight call.
Though body-worn, may I with youth's delight
Hear quiet laughter in a waterfall
While moonbeams veil the loveliness of night.
May April fingers, tapping out a song
Upon my window, bid me see the hills
With greening bluebelled carpets; and a throng
Of nodding, waving, dancing daffodils.
Let me still hear the meadow lark in spring
Playing his flute, releasing crystal showers.
Let my glad heart forget its age and sing,
Climbing the hills of thought for April flowers.
Let me hear laughter in a waterfall,
When I am old and wait the twilight call.
Sixty ijears J/igo
Excerpts From the Woman s Exponent, April i, and April 15, 1895
"For the Rights of the Women of Zion and the Rights of the
Women of All Nations"
calculated to lead people to forsake sin as to take them by the hand and watch over
them in tenderness. When persons manifest the least kindness and love towards me,
O what power it has over my mind while the opposite course has a tendency to harrow
up all the harsh feelings and oppress the human mind .... The power and glory of
Godliness is spread out in a broad principle to throw out the mantle of charity ....
If you would have God have mercy on you have mercy on one another .... We must
walk uprightly all day long. How glorious are the principles of righteousness .... If
the sisters love the Lord let them feed the sheep and not destroy them .... The best
measure or principle to bring the poor to repentance is to administer to their wants —
the society is not only to relieve the poor, but to save souls ....
From the Proceedings of the Eleventh Meeting of the Nauvoo Relief Society
PATRIOTISM: We believe that patriotic teaching in the school, the introduc-
tion of the American Flag into every schoolroom in the land and its salute as the symbol
and prophecy of peace, of progress, of universal liberty, and obedience to the laws of
the land, and of equal rights under the Constitution, would unite the nation's children,
strengthen love of law, and develop the spirit of patriotism, which is the life of the
— From Resolutions Passed by the National Council of Women, 1895
With superstitious dread I view
A thing all black and sober.
No matter if I was born in
The late month of October.
Nor do I want my hat to bear
Art's tinsel grapes and cherries,
Or like Italian vender's tray
Piled up with flowers and berries ....
— Augusta Joyce Crocheron
Lindsey was pleased with the reports given, also thankful for the good condition of the
Relief Society on this side of the river as this shows the sisters are improving. Said we
had a great labor to perform as daughters of Zion, and there are great blessings in store
for us if we are faithful, we should remember the teachings of our Savior and try to
follow his worthy example and be kind and charitable towards all, not allowing our-
selves to indulge in selfishness .... She spoke of continuing to celebrate the 17th of
March the anniversary of Relief Society ....
— Jane Osborn, Asst. Sec.
HOW TO RAISE MULBERRY TREES: After trimming the old trees, take
the shps and cut to about eighteen inches long, and plant in the bottom and against
one side of a ditch eight inches deep; the slips about two feet apart and with one or
more buds in the soil, and two or more buds above the top of the ditch.
— Ella Pyper
Page 238
Woman's Sphere
Ramona W. Cannon
TN the Eighty-fourth Congress,
which convened in Washington,
D.C., January 5th, seventeen women
—the highest number to date— were
seated. Fourteen women— the sec-
ond highest number— sat in the
Eighty-third Congress. Mrs. Mar-
garet Chase Smith (R), Maine, re-
mains our only woman Senator. The
new members of the House of Rep-
resentatives are: Mrs. Iris Bhtch
(D), Georgia; Mrs. Joseph Farring-
ton (R), delegate from Hawaii;
Mrs. Edith Green (D), Oregon;
Mrs. Martha Griffiths (D), Michi-
gan; Mrs. Goya Knutson (D), Min-
nesota. Members reelected are: Mrs.
Frances P. Bolton (R), Ohio, in
the House since 1940; Mrs. Mar-
guerite Stitt Church (R), Illinois;
Mrs. Vera Buchanan (D), Penn-
sylvania; Mrs. Cecil Harden (R),
Indiana; Mrs. Elizabeth Kee (D),
West Virginia; Mrs. Gracie Pfost
(D), Idaho, second term; Mrs.
Edith Nourse Rogers (D), Massa-
chusetts, member of the House
since 1925; Mrs. Leonor K, Sullivan
(D), Missouri, first woman elected
to Congress from her state; Mrs.
Katherine St. George (R), New
York; Mrs. Ruth Thompson (R),
Michigan, first woman elected to
Congress from her state; Mrs. Edna
Kelly (D), New York.
Woman in the Pohi Night,
translated from the German by Jane
Degras, is a narrative of the author's
life with her husband for a year, off
the northern coast of Spitsbergen.
The drama and bleakness, the peace
and serenity of that mysterious reg-
ion, with their effect upon the hu-
man soul, are beautifully told.
jyj ABEL HARMER, well-known
Latter-day Saint author, and
contributor to The Rehei Society
Magazine has a new book off the
press in February— The True Book
of the Circus, published by The
Children's Press, Chicago. Beautiful-
ly illustrated by Loran Wilford, it
is one of the series of True Books
which are published under the di-
rection of the University of Chicago.
JUNG, young girls from Fin-
land, won two of the twenty-seven
grand prizes awarded at Milan,
Italy, at the tenth Triennial of Dec-
orating and Industrial Arts.
OIRTHDAY congratulations are
extended to Mrs. Dolly McFer-
son Brown, Clearfield, Utah, ninety;
Mrs. Annie Poxon Rhinehart, nine-
ty-three, of Hazelwood, Pennsyl-
ania, and Mrs. Sarah Ann Smith
Boren, ninety-three. Salt Lake City,
Page 239
VOL. 42
APRIL 1955
NO. 4
xyippreciation of the (gospel
ly/fUCH of the unhappiness that
prevails in the world today
comes from an ignorance of the pur-
pose of life, and an uncertainty of
that which awaits us after this life.
In these times of great calamity that
has befallen the world, when the
hearts of men and women are fail-
ing them, there is an increasing
need for comfort and guidance from
a higher source than earth can pro-
duce, a fuller understanding of the
purpose of earth life, and an in-
creased hope of life and happiness
after death.
How highly blessed are the Latter-
day Saints, as a people who have
received so much light and knowl-
edge on these subjects through the
channel of divine revelation! In this
respect, if in no other, the Latter-
day Saints should be the happiest,
the most contented, the most joy-
ous, and the most appreciative of all
people that live; for, not only has
the knowledge of the purpose of this
earthly existence been communicat-
ed to us, but we have had revealed
to us an understanding of where we
came from, how our earth life can
be made to contribute the most to
our own happiness here and here-
after, and also much knowledge con-
cerning our future estate, and how
eternal happiness may be obtained.
Everyone is see*king for happiness;
it is said to be the goal of our lives,
our life's work, indeed, the purpose
Page 240
of our being. The Book of Mor-
mon prophet Lehi said it this way:
'\ . . men are that they might have
joy" (2 Nephi 2:25). But the world
does not know how to obtain that
joy. In order to obtain happiness
we must understand and abide the
laws governing it. Again we are
fortunate in having modern-day rev-
elation, for another Book of Mor-
mon prophet. Alma, gives us the
law upon which happiness is predi-
cated. He tells us that there is no
real happiness in wickedness, no
real enjoyment in sin and transgres-
sion, that the only source of real
enjoyment and perfect happiness is
in the observance of the laws of
truth and righteousness. Where
Latter-day Saints are not enjoying
the peace and satisfaction the gos-
pel is designed to give them, the
cause is generally a lack of apprecia-
tion and gratitude for these bless-
ings, which result in a failure to
render obedience to the command-
ments of the Lord.
It is well for us to review, from
time to time, some of the gifts and
blessings of the restored gospel, as
an aid in the cultivation of a proper
feeling of appreciation and gratitude
to our Father for the blessings and
privileges which we enjoy as a peo-
ple. Blessed indeed, are we who
know for an absolute certainty that
God has inspired prophets and
apostles on the earth, to enlighten
and guide his people through all the joy. But in order to receive any of
vicissitudes of life; blessed indeed, these gifts and blessings, we must
are we to know that these di\'inely accept corresponding duties: to live
appointed men will be instructed m obedience to the revealed gospel
and prepared for the events that are of Jesus Christ. If we are true Lat-
to transpire before the great and ter-day Saints we will always keep
dreadful dav of the coming of the before us the recognized standards
Lord, of which glorious event the of religious and moral life, which
present sorrows and confusion of modern revelation has set up for
the world are but the predicted hi- our guidance. Strict adherence to
dications. these standards will make us the
With this assurance, the faithful happiest and the most secure people
Latter-day Saint can pursue life on earth.
with a sense of peace and security. Let us each strive to be worthy
And as an additional blessing, spiri- of the great blessings of the gospel
tual light and guidance are not con- which have been given to us in such
fined to a few chosen men who abundance and to show our ap-
stand at the head of the Church, preciation by accepting the responsi-
Every member who has obeyed the bilities that rest upon us to live the
laws of the gospel has received the gospel, thereby gaining happiness
gift of the Holy Ghost for his own here and hereafter,
light and guidance into peace and — V. N. S.
uj/ue-Ujiossomed ^acaranda
Elsie M. Strachan
Could it have been a woman,
A woman with a thirst
For shade trees and for blossoms,
WHio set these trees out first?
Could it have been a woman
Who coaxed each bannered sprig
To reach beyond the hitch rail,
Beyond the weathered rig.
To climb toward the heavens
With pioneering will —
Unfolding petaled beauty
And letting blossoms spill
Across those frontier Aprils,
\\^here land lay strange and new —
\\'here there was need of blossoms
And Jacaranda blue?
[Book of fliormon uieading LProject
EPORT forms on The Book of Mormon reading project will be sent
to stake and mission Relief Society presidents in May 1955, and should
be returned not later than July 15, 1955. The general board wishes to en-
courage all sisters to do the reading of The Book of Mormon for this year,
which includes tlie Book of Alma, chapters 9 through 63. In order for a
sister to receive credit, the reading must have been done during the year
in which the lessons have been studied in Relief Society.
Vi/e Serve as (^od s aianas
Caroline E. Miner
I^OT hy me, but through me shall come accomplishment. This is a humbling and
-^^ ennobling thought. We have always been taught in our Church that we are the
instruments through whom God works; we are the hands to carry forward his purposes.
Hands sometimes become crippled, palsied, and in other ways unable to carry out
the wishes of the mind that directs them. In like manner we may become unwilling,
unable hands to carry on the work of our Father in heaven. Other hands then must
do the work. The purposes of God will not be halted.
How can we ever become proud in our earthly accomplishments? They are in
reality the opportunities which God has given us. "For thine is the kingdom, and the
power, and the glory, for ever. Amen" (Matthew 6:13). So end the Lord's words
in the prayer pattern he gave the world.
We can be humbly grateful in the accomplishments made through us: the great
invention, the glorious picture, the brilliant musical composition, the beautiful poem.
Truly great people are ever humble and kind. Only little people. Utile in the soul
sense of the word, are vain and haughty and disdainful.
The philosophy that accomplishments are through us but not by us should not
lead us to a feeling of irresponsibility for our actions, but instead to a feeling of pro-
found responsibility. "Make me a worthy instrument in thy hands" may well be ouf
humble prayer. This philosophy makes us realize the di\inity in each other, and makes
us tolerant and merciful.
Page 242
yessie ibvans Smith — Artist of LLnusual uiobb
SISTER Jessie Evans Smith, wife of President Joseph Fielding Smith of the Council
of the Twelve, is \\idel\- known for her beautiful contralto \oiee, and for her
graciousness in sharing this gift with others, ^hmy are surprised to learn that Sister
Smith also finds time for several interesting and useful hobbies, particularly various
t\pes of needlework.
In the lixing room of Sister Smith's apartment is a beautiful maroon rug that was
wo\cn on a frame and looks like an oriental. Sister Smith used her own original design
and her own color scheme of gold, brown, blue, and fuchsia on the maroon background.
A lovely needlepoint screen, purchased in France, and stamped only in black
and white, was made by Sister Smith in soft colors of her own choosing. She has many
other articles of needlepoint and petit point, and has crocheted three tablecloths, two
bedspreads, and five afghans.
Her latest achic\ement is a beautiful and unusual quilt. After observing a quilt made
from pieces of girls' silk dresses, with a few men's ties mixed in, she conceixed the idea
of making a quilt entireh' of men's ties. With this in mind, she started collecting ties
from male members of the Tabernacle Choir, and succeeded in obtaining most of the
ties from this source. The ties were first carefully laundered, and then Sister Smith
ingeniousl}- made her own design. Finding in her collection only fourteen ties the same
size, she used these in the center, then worked skilfully from the sides and ends into
the center, forming the unique pattern. All of the ties were first sewed onto a sheet,
then she featherstitched around each tie. The South Eighteenth Ward Relief Society, of
which Sister Smith is a member, was asked to do the quilting, using maroon satin as a
background. Under the expert direction of Sister Emma Imlay, quilting chairman, the
sisters made an indi\idual design in each tie. Sister Smith declared the quilting to be
a perfect job, and then she worked a featherstitch around the entire quilt to make just
the right finish.
L^ancer — .Jl klutz cJkat /liai/ Save LJour JLife
Sandra MunseJJ
Supervisor, Magazine Services, American Cancer Society
What is cancer?
Can cancer be cured?
How can cancer be discovered in time?
What is the American Cancer Society?
An uncontrolled growth of cells. If per-
mitted to spread through the body, it in-
evitably leads to death.
Many types can be cured, but only if they
are discovered and treated early.
By your doctor who has available many
diagnostic tests.
The only national voluntary agency which
fights cancer by research, education, and
service to cancer's victims.
What has it accomplished?
Does that mean it has solved the
cancer problem?
Can I help to prevent this tragedy?
What will my contribution be
used for?
It helped save an American from dying of
cancer on an average of every seven min-
utes last year.
Unfortunately, no. Despite the advances
made, more than 235,000 Americans will
die of cancer this year.
Yes. By having regular health examinations
yourself. And by contributing to the
American Cancer Society.
For research that may some dav save \our
life, for education, and for helping cancer's
Strike back at cancer, man's crudest enemy. Q'wt to the American
Cancer Society.
Elsie Sim Hansen
With silver threads of friendship,
I weave a pattern true
Into my tapestrv of life,
My joyous hours ^^■ith you.
Page 244
Steak for Thursday
Rosa Lee Lloyd
CRISTEEN McCarthy put
Tommy in his high chair and
tied a bib around his neck.
"Mulk!" he crooned as his httle
hands went around the cup she
handed to him. He gulped raptur-
"Just like your daddy/' she ob-
served, glancing at Tom as he sat
contentedly eating his bacon and
eggs. "Give your daddy enough to
eat and a place to sleep, and he
crows with delight. He likes to live
in a rut. Even when he has a chance,
he won't get out of it!"
Tom put his fork down with a
little sigh. The smile went away
from his thin, Lincolnesquc face.
Cris ....
He reached for her hand, but she
balled it into a little fist. Tom had
to learn, she told herself \^•ith a
determined shrug, that he couldn't
kiss awav every argument they had.
He alwavs counted on her love and
the warm touch of him to melt her
down like maple sugar.
But this time she was gomg to
hold out if it took all summer, as
General Grant once said. Or was
it General Lee? Cris was nc\er too
sure about American historv. She
w^as much better in arithmetic, even
if she did get a little mixed up in
her budget.
''Now look," she persisted, "your
Aunt Julia has left us her house on
Circle Drive. It's ours, e\ery loxely
inch of it. Your cousin Willa gets
most of the furniture, and I'm glad
because she lo\'es all that old teak-
wood and those oriental rugs. I'm
not the tvpe for teakwood . . . ."
Tom pushed his chair away from
the table, unwound his long legs,
and stood up.
"And I'm not the type for a
mansion on Circle Drive!" he
almost shouted. "I'm a hard-work-
ing commercial artist, a nine-to-fi\'C
guy. You knew that when you
married me. I can't afford to own
a home on Circle Drive!"
Cristeen's smile was a nice com-
bination of wisdom and supplica-
"But vou do own one, Tom
McCarthy. A \'ery beautiful home
just a little way from Verny Sher-
man's. Think how wonderful! I
can visit her every day. She and
Arch entertain every night. She'll
sureh in\itc us when we live on the
Drive. Just imagine going to one
of Verny's parties!"
Tom groaned and sat down as
though the thought was too much
for him.
"Yes. Imagine. Me in my old
tux I had in college and you in a
budget formal from Karbecks!"
Cristeen glared at him. "I can get
along in a budget frock . . . if I have
His eyes had that haunted, hard-
pressed look that Cristeen dreaded.
Then he demanded, "But will you
tell me how we can live on Circle
Drive and still eat three times a
Her voice chided him.
"There you go," she said, "utter-
ly earthy. Always thinking of food
instead of counting the stars . . . ."
"Mulk!" Tommy veiled and
Page 245
banged his chair table with the
empty cup.
Tom looked at the baby and his
heavy brows were bushy points.
''See what I mean?" he count-
/^RISTEEN put Tommy's cereal
in a bowl and handed him a
'The house was a gift, Tom/' she
went on. "Your Aunt Julia must
have wanted us to live there or she
wouldn't have willed it to us . . . ."
1 om shook his head.
''I can't believe Aunt Julia was
that stupid! She knew what my
salary was. How did she figure we
could furnish a ten-room house since
she left the furniture to Willa . . .?"
''Only the teakwood and the
rugs." Cristeen was eager. "There
are a lot of old pieces Willa
wouldn't have. We can redecorate
Tom got up again and began to
pace back and forth. "Did she think
I could take care of that three-
tiered sunken garden and cut that
two-acre lawn after I got home from
"She counted on me, too," Cris-
teen consoled him. "The last time
I went to see Aunt Julia I told her
how much I liked her home."
He stopped pacing and glowered
at his wife.
"You didnt tell Aunt Julia vou
wanted to live there?'' he questioned
"Of course not
not exact-
ly . . . ."
Tom tossed his hands up. His
eyes were bleak.
"If she had only left us monev,
instead. Then we could have
bought that little place out in Or-
chard Bend and had money left
over ..." he sighed. "Sleep money
I call it. The kind that gives a fel-
low like me a little cushion of se-
curitv so he can go to sleep at
night . . . ."
Cristeen met his glance and her
eyes had fierce, challenging lights in
"Security!" she repeated. "You're
making me hate that word, Tom
McCarthy. At least you're making
me hate what that word means to
you— a safe little rut whether your
wife is happy or not . . . ."
Tom held her shoulders with firm,
steady hands.
"Listen, honey," he said, "secur-
ity is what I do want for you and
Tommy and for more children. Let's
sell that house on Circle Drive. We
can get a good buy at Orchard
Bend. Some of the gang from the
office live out there. You remember
Sid Garns and Buff Hatch?"
Cristeen did remember them.
Nice enough fellows in their middle
twenties, with nice enough wives
who were willing to settle down in
a nice enough rut. But that wasn't
what she wanted.
"They like it out there!" His
voice coaxed her. "Only an hour
from town— thev have fruit trees
and a little garden and there's a
golf course— their kids have a
pony . . , ."
She would die, thought Cristeen.
She'd simply die. She had been
reared on a small farm, and she
was not going back again.
Verny would laugh when she
heard about this! Verny had always
thought that Tom wouldn't get
ahead. She had the condescending
manner of a woman who has been
smart enough to marry a man who
was aheacly rich. Why couldn't
Tom remember how Cristeen had
struggled to get away from a small
town? Did she ha\e to remind him
of the effort it took, after she was
graduated from high school, to earn
money to pay her tuition to business
college? And had he forgotten how
determined she was to make good
on that first typing job at Langs?
Hadn't she progressed steadily until
she was one of the top secretaries
before they were married?
CHE twisted away from him.
"Orchard Bend!" she scoffed.
"Where is your vision, Tom? If
you're contented with a place in
Orchard Bend, you'll end up be-
ing like Orchard Bend. If you want
to live on Circle Dri\e, vou'll be
hke Circle Drive."
Tom folded his arms across his
chest. He had a worn, defeated
"I want a little peace and rest,
Cris," he said. "Maybe we who
have been through one war and half
expect another one and are now
fighting taxes and inflation are will-
ing to settle for a safe little spot
without all the glitter."
His face had that haunting ap-
peal that always gave her a guilty
stab. Her eyes flickered away from
his. She didn't want to hurt him,
but she simply had to make him
realize how much she wanted to
live on Circle Drive and how im-
portant it was to take advantage of
the opportunity Aunt Julia had
given to them.
"When you sulk," she said,
dimpling, "you look determined to
hold out till the end of time . . . ."
His mouth curved a little. Then
he caught her hand in both of his
and pretended to bite the tips of
her fingers.
Tom's strong arms went around
her and drew her close to him.
"Why do you have to be so per-
sistent?" His voice was husky. "A
guy doesn't stand a chance with a
persistent woman— if he loves her,"
he whispered against her cheek.
Cristeen's smile was a wide, sweet
cur\'e across her face.
"You mean— we're moving to
Circle Drive?"
"Isn't that what you want most
of all?" he countered.
Her eyes were blue as sapphires.
"If you say so, Tom," she mur-
"If I say so," he repeated. His
\oice was edged with misgivings.
"As though what I have to say
means anything. I'm only the guy
who pa\s the bills and does the wor-
rying for this family . . . ."
Cristeen hugged him.
"You're the guy who carries the
whole world on his shoulders— mv
world, that is. Now finish your
breakfast. You'll need strength for
the big move."
Tom sat down at the table again.
"I need my head fixed," he mut-
tered. "My state of mind is a per-
fect example of the world's con-
fusion . . . ."
"You'll feel like a king of Circle
Drive," Cristeen told him. Tom
didn't answer.
CHE was the busiest woman in the
world, Cristeen thought two
hours later, as she backed their
little car from the garage and sent
it humming down the highway.
Tommy, rosy-cheeked and freshly
bathed and in clean white rompers,
cuddled close to her side. She was
fresh and rosy, too, in her pink lin-
en suit.
"You're a nice young man/' Cris-
teen told him proudly. "Do you
like to go with Mama?"
"Go— go!" he gabbled.
"First, we'll stop at Central
Market for the groceries. Then we'll
go up to Circle Drive and see our
new home. Or shall we stop in and
visit Verny first?"
Tommy clapped his hands, and
Cristeen concluded that what they
did wouldn't make much difference
to him. Just being ali\'e was fun
for Tommy.
\^erny hasn't any little boys— or
girls either, she added to herself, her
brows puckering. She is busy be-
ing Mrs. Arch Sherman and enter-
taining. Cristeen wondered if she
e\'en wanted children, but maybe
she was misjudging her, she thought.
She and Verny had lived together
in a little apartment on Bassford
Street before they were married.
\^erny was LaVern Haynes then, a
commercial model, slender, darkly
fascinating, with a swing to her walk
and a lift to her chin that told you
she was going far in this world.
Was Verny the real reason she
had been so persistent about moving
to Circle Drive? Was it because
Verny lived there? Did she want
to show her they could live there,
Then her heart hurt a little as she
remembered how Tom's shoulders
had drooped when he walked along
the sidewalk to get the bus so she
could use the car. He was too
young to have drooping shoulders-
only twenty-eight— two years older
than she was.
Love, she thought, fiercely, is a
necessity. And the kind of love she
felt for Tom couldn't be a mistake
—it was the \'ery essence of life, the
magic that made the everyday heart-
aches endurable. It was her love
for Tom that made her so deter-
mined for him to succeed; it was
her lo\'e that would melt Circle
Dri\'e. She could hardly wait to tell
Verny about it. How surprised she
would be. Cristeen decided to go
there right after she bought the
She parked the car, lifted Tommy
in her arms, and hurried into the
Central Market. He squealed with
joy when he saw the wire baskets in
their metal carts, so she placed him
in the front end of one and wheeled
him from one department to an-
The butcher gave her a gleaming
white smile when she stopped be-
fore his counter, and as Cristeen
smiled back at him, she thought
how much she appreciated a neat-
looking butcher. She would miss
his cheerful greeting when she
moved from his neighborhood.
"Hello, Mrs. McCarthy," he
beamed. "Isn't this your steak
night? It's Thursday. How about
a nice thick prime sirloin?"
Cristeen hesitated. It was their
steak night, but they would have to
cut down on things like that no\\
they were moving. They would
barely be able to get by if Tom
gave up his Saturday golf and their
Thursday steak, and their Friday
movie and dinner out ....
She shook her head.
"Not tonight. I think I'll take
some chipped beef . . . ."
"You're missing something," he
said, tipping the steak so she could
see it better.
"I know/' Cristeen answered
slowly, watching him put it back on
the tray.
Tom needed that steak. He ate
only a sandwich and a bowl of soup
for luncheon. And he was thinner
lately. But they just couldn't af-
ford it now, she told herself, with
a frown.
TT was after eleven o'clock when
Cristeen turned the car from
Edgehill Boulevard and entered the
exclusive Circle Drive district. Her
heart winged with pride as she
looked at the expansive parkway,
velvet smooth as though even the
grass in this district grew to well-
groomed perfection by some prince-
ly right. Each house was of a dif-
ferent design, individually character-
istic of its owner. At the very top
of the curving street, on a stately
hill with a full view of both the
mountains and the valley was the
home Aunt Julia had left to them.
It was a large white stucco house
with a curving cornice and a round-
ed picture window that was unique,
and yet as regal as Aunt Julia had
It's the prettiest place on the
Drive, Cristeen thought, as she
stopped her car in front of Verny's
English gabled house about a block
below it. It had charm and charac-
ter and looked like something out
of a Chadwick novel.
She jumped out, took Tommy in
her arms, and was halfway up the
steps that circled the terraced lawn,
when she stopped dead still, staring
at the big sign on the grass in front
of her. For Sale/
She couldn't breathe. She put
Tommy down by her feet and stood
there with the world spinning
around her. Why hadn't Verny
told her? They had lunched to
gether only last week, and she
hadn't mentioned such a thing.
Something must have happened,
something serious ....
She lifted Tommy again, hurried
to the front door, and rang the bell.
She could hear the chimes echo in-
side. After a minute she rang again
and then the third time. Now she
could hear someone close a door
and then swift, impatient footsteps
coming through the hall as though
the one coming to answer was doing
so only because the ring had been
so insistent. Probably the house-
keeper, Cristeen thought.
But it was Verny who opened the
door, a pathetically pale Verny,
thin, drawn, with a dark satin robe
pulled tightly around her, buttoned
''Verny! What's happened? The
house— I didn't know . . . ."
*'Oh, Cris— come in—"
Verny's hands smoothed her dark
hair. Then she pressed them hard
against her face.
"I can hardly think— things hap-
pened so fast . . . ."
She turned and led the way into
the living room, and Cristeen fol-
lowed her. She sat down on the
nearest settee and put Tommy on
the floor.
'Tell me—" she said, feeling weak
and dizzy.
Verny's hands fluttered to her
"It's Arch— he's in the hos-
pital "
"Oh, no . . ." Cristeen breathed.
"A complete breakdown." Her
\oice was ragged. 'He collapsed at
the office— last Monday— I think it
was— and he's so young, Cris— only
twenty-nine. Too much work— and
worry— Dr. Garns said."
Cristeen couldn't speak. She
could feel her heart begin to thump
inside of her. Too much wony—it
might have been Tom!
''Oh, Verny/' was all she could
say, and it sounded so inadequate.
But she couldn't tell her that she
had thought Arch Sherman was
rich, and that he didn't have a
worry in the world. She hadn't
dreamed that anything could hap-
pen that would take Verny's house
away from her.
''Cris— I was so wrong," Verny
was saying. "You don't know what
it's like to know you've been so ter-
ribly wrong . . . ." Her voice
trailed away.
Cristeen's eyes squeezed shut. She
couldn't bear to see Verny so un-
strung. Verny was the strong con-
fident kind who sailed through life
on a high wind.
"He bought this house for me
when he really needed the money
for his business— he gave me every-
thing I asked for- and I kept on
asking and asking. Oh, Cris— Fm
so ashamed/"
She bent her head and turned
Cristeen touched her hand.
"Verny — please don't — Arch
loves you — he wanted to give you
things. Don't blame yourself."
"But I do— I do. I didn't know
how much he meant to me until
this happened. If you could see
him so— so exhausted— so sick."
Cristeen pulled her gently down
beside her.
"I'm glad I came," she mur-
Verny's eyes wavered and she wet
her lips. At last she spoke.
"I'm glad, too— now that you're
here. But— I wouldn't have called
you, Cris— I couldn't."
"Verny! Why not?" Cristeen de-
She shrugged and her shoulders
were sharp under her black robe.
"I guess— because I've been so
envious of you, Cris," she said in a
voice like dry leaves.
"Envious— of me/"
"Yes, Cris. That's why I didn't
go to see you very often or invite
you here. Seeing you and Tom—
and the baby in your cute little
home made me realize so many
things. You are the kind of wife
I want to be, Cris— the kind who
works along with her man and
makes him feel rich when he doesn't
have a dime." Her voice stumbled
Her eyes glistened. Then she went
on bravely. "I'll try to be like you,
Cris, if the Lord will give me an-
other chance. That's all I ask— a
chance to show Arch that I can be
the right kind of wife, too."
r^RISTEEN felt a great hot lump
in her throat. She turned her
head so she could look out of the
picture window and see Aunt
Julia's house at the top of the hill;
the beautiful white house with the
crystal chandeliers and the rooms
opening one into another—
What could she say, she asked
herself, wishing she could hide
somewhere. Should she tell Verny
about the house and that she had
made Tom promise to live there
even though he couldn't afford it?
Or would it be kinder to let her
friend think she was perfectly hap-
py in a httle place they could af-
Her mouth quivered and she
blinked hard to hold the tears back,
but they glazed her vision and she
saw the white house in the distance
through a misty blur. It was so far
She took a deep breath. The
noonday sunshine flickered through
Verny's heavy mesh draperies and
sprayed gold across the carpet.
Cristeen could tell her that she
had envied her all of this, but she
realized that was not the way to
help Verny now.
She looked at Verny.
''If you sell this house," she asked,
'Vhere will you live?"
Verny lifted her head and Cris-
teen thought she saw a bright new
courage come into her eyes.
''We'll have enough for a little
place somewhere," she said. "We
can start over. I'll have to work
until Arch is strong enough. But I
won't care— if he can just get well."
r^RISTEEN took a long deep
breath and listened as the big
clock in the hallway chimed the half
"You might like Orchard Bend,"
she suggested in a tender little voice.
"Tom and I are thinking of a home
out there. We want a place where
we can have fruit trees and a few
chickens— and a pony."
She gave Verny her rainbow
"Tom wants the kind of place a
fellow can afford and still have sleep
She bit her lip. She shouldn't
have said that.
''Sleep money?" Verny repeated,
and she almost smiled. "I like that.
I think Arch will like it, too, when
I tell him. We'll like a place out
there, Cris— especially if you and
Tom live there."
Tommy squirmed and sat up.
Then he began to yell and kick and
pull at his mother.
"He's hungry," Cristeen said as
she got to her feet. "He's just like
Tom. He likes to eat on time. I
have some milk in the car."
Verny stood up, and Cris saw
that hope had warmed her eyes.
And when she led the way to the
front door a gentle, confident swing
had come back to her walk.
"Why don't you come over for
dinner after you go to the hos-
pital?" she asked.
She tried to keep her voice casual,
but she knew this was a terribly im-
portant moment in their lives. If
Verny accepted, it meant the be-
ginning of a new kind of compan-
ionship for all of them.
Verny toyed a moment with the
buttons on her robe. Then she
"I'd like to, Cris," she said, "and
I will— if Arch is any better. But
please— nothing fancy."
"Oh, no," Cris called over her
shoulder as she hurried out. "We'll
just have salad— and steak. I always
have steak for Tom on Thursday."
Hal Rumel
cJhe uien [Part^
Helen S. WiJJiams
HAVE you ever thought about giving a Hen Party at Eastertime? Florence Wilhams
found a colorful china hen and nested her right in the center of the table. From
this friendly, comfortable-looking hen came dozens of ideas to make the midmorning
party unique and delightful.
Scattered over the table were kernels of wheat. Small flower frogs held tall stalks of
wheat as gracefully as if they were growing and blowing in an open field. On each
place card were miniature hens, roosters, and chicks, and even the fruit cup was served
in chicken-shaped dishes.
Not only did the table pictured here create an atmosphere for the Hen Party, but
the food served carried out the idea and was delicious. Each guest had been asked to
bring a favorite recipe which used eggs or chicken. These were exchanged and written
in recipe books with cover and pages outlined in the shape of a hen.
Have you ever tasted Eggs Benedictine? If you haven't, try this recipe which
Florence used. You and your guests will have a real treat. On a round piece of but-
tered toast, place a piece of ham, a poached egg, and cover with Hollandaise Sauce.
2 egg yolks
1 tbsp. water
1 tbsp. lemon juice
Vi tsp. salt
/'8 tsp. pepper
1 Vi tbsp. butter
1 tbsp. flour
1 cup boiling water
Page 252
Mix the first five ingredients. Melt butter and flour, then add water slowly. Pour
into egg mixture stirring constantly until thick. Pour over the poached egg and serve
piping hot. It is delicious, and such a glorified way of serving eggs!
The Hen Party at any season of the year is exciting and different, and can be
given by any one who has a little originality and who wants to do things a little differ-
ently. Besides, it's fun to be invited to a Hen Party, because women are sort of like
comfortable little hens, they love their chicks, and they like to keep careful watch over
their brood. They love to cluck a bit about their friends and children — so what
could be more fun than to entertain at a delightful Hen Party?
Vesta N. Lukei
Silver —
Gray cloud figures
Trail purple shadow-veils
And scatter raindrop sequins as
They go.
cJhe JLower uiills
Lucille Waters Mattson
<'^"V/f OTHER, look! I can sec the Teton Peaks! Why can't I see them from home?"
■*- ■'•I glanced out the car window at the majestic snow-capped pinnacles in the dis-
tance and answered briefly, "Well, son, it is because at home we are too close to the
lower hills, and they obstruct the view. Even though we are actually nearer to the
peaks at home than we are here, we cannot see over the little hills."
As the car sped homeward the little boy's question started a train of thought. What
a good simile the incident was for the ways of life.
How often we come close to the higher peaks, but involved in the business of living
and earning a living, we cannot see the higher purpose of this mortal life. It is so easy to
live in a rut of routine, habit, and worldliness that we go along for days, months, and
sometimes years without putting ourselves in a spiritual position to view the ultimate
heights of perfection for which we should be striving. So easy to live away a lifetime
with no broader view, no higher goal in sight than the foothills of worldly success.
It is dangerous to live thus, for we are receptive to Satan's wishes, and when world-
ly disappointments and sorrows befall us, we find our souls have become small and
hard and bitter. How much more rewarding it is to weigh any questionable pleasures of
our immediate surroundings at their true value, and keep in sight the goal of eternal
My son, my prayer for vou is that you may regard worldliness with detach-
ment, and during this visit of testing and trial on earth, have always before you the
pinnacle of celestial perfection.
Her Own Life
Ruth Moody Ostegar
THE soft, rose-tinted light of
the early spring dawn was
beginning to permeate the
room where Myra Glennon lay
dreaming. She wore the gown of
a bride, and seemed to float over a
gossamer bridge of dreams into a
shining, joyous land of warmth, hap-
piness, and love.
Suddenly she was awake; the
dream was gone forever, and she was
faced with reality.
Well, it's entirely possible, she
thought. Why shouldn't I become
a bride? Even if I am twenty-five,
I've still got a good future, and I'm
really not bad looking. If I could
only get away from this— this stupid
town! Everyone here thinks of me
as 'Toor Myra, a schoolmarm and
nursemaid to an invalid mother."
It just isn't fair at all! I should have
a chance to live my own life!
Four years previous to this, when
Myra was a senior at the university,
the sudden death of her father had
left a situation which had changed
her plans completely. Her mother,
an invalid, was left a home with a
mortgage, a car not completely paid
for, a pile of small debts, and no
means of support. Of her three
children, Myra alone was free to
care for her. Her oldest, a son
with a wife and two children, was
attempting to finish law school on
his G. I. funds. Her second son
was in Korea.
Bravelv gi^'ing up her plans for a
B.A., Myra had faced the situation,
finished her teaching requirements,
signed a contract as a teacher in the
Page 254
city schools, and had taken upon her
young shoulders the responsibility
of her mother and her home. She
had willingly volunteered her serv-
ices in this matter, and had never
regretted it. She loved her mother,
and no sacrifice was too great for her
sake. But this morning, with spring
in the air, she was frankly rebellious,
and longed for a husband and chil-
dren of her own.
If I were only back in school, she
thought. Fm sure I'd meet some
nice, older fellow there, perhaps
someone taking out a higher degree.
Her mind was carried away for a
few minutes on the incoming tide
of imagination. Then she sighed,
at any rate, if not a husband, I
might have a career: I've always
wanted to write. Who knows, I
might write the great American
novel, or be a foreign correspond-
ent flying to interesting spots all
over the world?
"My-ra," her mother's tired voice
interrupted the wild ebb tide of
fancy. ''Are you awake? It's time
to get up, dear."
'Tes, Mother, Fm awake." Once
again she sighed.
"Myra, will you please bring me
a cup of hot water when you get
''Hot water?" Myra yawned and
sat up on the edge of her bed. ''Yes,
of course. Mother, I'll have it there
in a minute."
She hastily slipped into a house-
coat and slippers, and for the
next hour and a half had no time
whatever for dreams. When she was
finally ready for school, she helped
her mother into her wheel chair, set
the telephone and radio beside her,
and made ready to leave.
"Now, Mother, Yve got every-
thing ready for your lunch. Mrs.
Manning (the woman next door
who eared for her mother while she
was away) will find my note in the
kitchen. I've got to run now; I hope
you'll be happy." She stooped and
kissed the frail, wrinkled cheek.
''Be careful, Myra. Don't drive
too fast."
''I won't. Mother, 'bye now."
A few minutes later Miss Glen-
non let herself into the room at
the Jefferson Street School where
she taught the third grade. She took
off her coat and hung it up, dusted
her desk, arranged the apple blos-
soms she had brought with her, con-
sulted her lesson plans for the day,
and began copying an assignment on
the blackboard. As her hands per-
formed these familiar tasks, her
mind was busy with but one prob-
lem. How could she arrange her
affairs in order to attend the uni-
versity again next vear?
John, her older brother, was now
a struggling young lawyer, ha\ing a
hard time to meet the payments on
his newly acquired home. His house
was already full, his wife over-
worked, and his children, whose
number had grown to four, made
her mother nervous. Dick, the sec-
ond brother, now an engineer, was
here and there on one job or an-
other, and a construction camp was
certainly no place for an invalid.
The door opened, and two little
girls came into the room.
. ''Good morning, girls," she greet-
ed them.
"Good morning. Miss Glennon,"
they chorused.
"What brings you here so early?"
"We didn't want to be late."
"Well run out of doors and play;
it's nice this morning, and I have
work to do."
"Can me and Sandra take out
the ball?"
"You should remember to say
'Sandra and I,' Judy. You're almost
through the third grade."
"Well then, can we?"
"Yes, Judy, you may. Come here
a minute, Sandra. Will vou please?"
The little girl stood before her
teacher who inspected her closely.
"Before you go to play," Myra sug-
gested, "I think you should go to
the rest room and wash your face.
You don't want all the children to
know that }'0u had egg and jam for
breakfast, do you?"
"Well run along now, and be sure
and get it good and clean."
As the door closed, Myra once
again took up her task, this time in
an annoyed manner.
Am I going to have to spend the
rest of my life correcting the gram-
mar and inspecting the faces of the
Judys and Sandras of this world?
she asked herself. It's so— so frus-
trating, telling the same children
the same things day after day. It
isn't that I don't like teaching, for
I really do, but I don't want to
spend my whole life at it!
riNCE again the door opened and
Mr. Johnson, the principal, en-
"Good morning. Miss Glennon,
the contracts finally got here. I sup-
pose we can count on you again
next year, can't we?"
Myra didn't like to be taken for
"Well, to be frank with you, Mr.
Johnson, I'm planning on going
back to the university."
"You are?" The principal did not
try to hide his astonishment.
"Well, that is— I mean I'm going
if I can make the proper arrange-
ments here at home," Myra stut-
tered. "It isn't certain yet, but I
do so want to go!"
"It would surely be nice for you,
but I don't know how I'd get along
without you. I've come to depend
upon you more and more."
Myra remained silent, slightly
stunned by her own revealing of her
innermost secret.
''Here's the contract anyway, so
keep it and see how things work
out. Good luck!" and the principal
was gone.
Myra, feeling suddenly weak in-
side, sat down. She crossed her arms
on her desk and laid her head upon
Why on earth did I say that? she
silently asked herself. By tonight
the entire school will be aware that
"Poor Myra" won't be here next
year. Now I've got to do something
or be the laughing stock of the
whole community! Hot, burning
tears started to her eyes, but she
choked them back. A few moments
later she raised her head, picked up
the contract, and thrust it into the
drawer, took a pencil and paper and
began putting down figures.
''Let's see," she mused. "I've
saved almost twelve hundred in the
last four years. That would see me
through school, in fact, I could
spare a little to help with mother's
care. Now if I could get John and
Dick to each agree to send mother
a check every month, and get the
Mannings to move in with
her . . . ." On and on, her mind
raced as she saw the fulfillment of
her dream becoming a reality — at
least on paper.
The words of the little engine
record which she often played to
her children came to her mind:
I think I can, I think I can,
I know I can, I know I can ....
"And I will, too," she added
aloud for good measure.
A very excited young woman,
with but half her attention focused
upon her work, conducted the third
grade that morning. The day
proved to be warm, the children
restless, and the teacher nervous.
TN the middle of the morning she
noticed Jimmy, a tall, lank, ten-
year-old, gazing off into space, day-
dreaming. His faded, blond hair
was badly in need of a haircut, his
clothes were shabby and not too
clean. His old, runover shoes failed
to hide the holes in his socks. Jim-
my was from the old trailer camp
down by the river. But he was
bright, in fact, Myra felt that in
spite of his apparent lack of parental
care, the boy had high potentialities.
There was something good, sweet,
and genuine about him, that seemed
to be ever reaching above his sordid
home conditions. She had always
been interested in him.
"Jimmy, why aren't you doing
your arithmetic?" she asked softly,
as she stopped by his side.
"Oh, I'm all' through," he an-
"What are you doing?"
"I'm writing you a poem. Miss
Glennon," Jimmy shyly admitted.
*'Well, that's nice. I like your
poems, Jimmy. When it's finished,
just put it on my desk."
Myra dragged through the morn-
ing. As she relaxed for a few mo-
ments before going to lunch, her
eyes fell upon Jimmy's poem. She
smiled as she read his crude verse,
which was practically without meter
and had very little rhyme. It ended:
We will always try and be quiet in school
And not make hardly any fuss,
For we all love you
Because we know you love us.
What a sweet thing for a child to
say, she thought to herself. I just
don't know how he could pay me a
higher compliment. And I really
do love them, every one.
At the close of the day, she was
busy correcting papers when the
door opened and a very angry little
girl entered.
''Miss Glennon, Jimmy's throwing
rocks at us. Come and make him
stop. He almost hit Annie."
''Why is Jimmy throwing rocks,
have you been teasing him?"
"No, honest, Miss Glennon, we
didn't say nothing about him."
"Weirril have to get to the bot-
tom of this."
At the gate of the school yard, she
found the boy, very much upset,
with a rock in each hand.
"I'm goin' to get 'em! I'm goin'
to get 'em!" he wailed.
"Jimmy!" Myra's voice held all
the authority she was capable of put-
ting into it. "Drop those rocks this
minute and come with me."
"Miss Glennon, thev said mean
things about my brother, and I
won't stand for it!"
"Come on in and tell me all
about it." She put her arm around
the sobbing boy and led him back
to the room. When he finally got
to the state that she could reason
with him, they talked about boys
whose brothers belonged to gangs,
and did things which were not right,
and about little girls who hurt the
boys they liked best just to attract
their attention. Then Miss Glen-
non abruptly changed the subject.
"Jimmy," she said smiHng, "you
need a haircut."
"Yes, Ma'am. Mom was going
to cut it the other night, but I ran
away and wouldn't let her. She don't
know nothin' about cuttin' hair."
OIS teacher, overlooking the gram-
matical errors, replied, "You
know it's spring, and I need a boy
to help dig up my garden. Tomor-
row is Saturday, why don't you
come over and help me for a few
hours in the morning? I think you
could earn enough to get a hair-
"Could I really?" he asked en-
thusiastically. Then his face fell.
"I haven't got a bicycle. How would
I get there?"
"How about the bus?" she asked.
Then, slipping a coin into the boy's
hand, she added, "Well run along
now, I'll see you tomorrow at nine.
Do you know where I live?"
"Yes, Ma'am. Leastwise I know
about where it is, 'cause I found
your address in the telephone book
one night when I was over to Don's.
I can find it all right."
She gave him a few simple instruc-
tions for getting there, and the boy
left, smiling happily, the incident of
the rock throwing forgotten entire-
I fear for Jimmy, she thought as
she watched him run across the
school yard. He's a good boy, but
he has a temper, and he is easily
led. I wish I could do something
for him.
Monday morning, after a satisfy-
ing week-end of garden work and
letter writing, mixed with church go-
ing and relaxing, Myra arrived at
school. Her plans for the future,
now that the letters to her brothers
were actually written, seemed much
nearer consummation, and she
smiled happily.
But her happiness was short lived.
The children began arriving, and
soon the whole schoolground buzzed
with excitement. Snatches of con-
versation came through the partially
opened windows. Myra did not like
what she heard, and walked outside.
''What's all this about someone
being sent to jail?" she asked.
"It's Jimmy!"
'They smashed all the windows!"
''She's going to send them to jail
for a year!"
"The cops got 'em!"
Many excited voices, all talking at
once, tried to inform her.
"Wait a minute!" she said, hold-
ing up both hands. Then, turning
to one of the older boys, she said,
"John, you tell me about it."
It developed that three boys had
broken into a woman's house,
smashed her windows, lamps, and
dishes, thrown things all over the
floor and generally made a shambles
of it. A neighbor, seeing something
was wrong, had notified the police.
The boys had been apprehended
and had spent the night in the
juvenile detention home. Two of
them, one of whom was Jimmy's
brother, belonged to a gang and had
caused trouble l^efore. Ihe third
was Jimmy.
Fear clutched Myra's heart. She
realized that he was in serious
trouble. She also felt that he was
undoubtedly innocent of any offense
except that of tagging along or be-
ing present. She knew that there
was usually a morning paper in the
teachers' room, and she hastily made
her way there.
AS juvenile delinquency usually
made the front page, she had no
trouble finding the article. She
scanned it quickly. The story was
much as she had gleaned it from
the children, with no names men-
tioned. The woman, a Mrs. Weems,
was pressing charges, and the three
boys were to be arraigned before
Judge Toft at three that afternoon.
I must do something! I've just
got to help Jimmy; I must see Judge
The telephone directory promptly
produced his number, and as the
distance to his office was a short
one, she made an appointment for
the noon hour.
"You'd have made a good lawyer.
Miss Glennon," the judge smilingly
remarked after she had poured out
her tale of the neglected boy who
expressed the beautiful thoughts of
his soul in poems, and was ready to
fight for his brother's good name.
"His age is in his favor. We rare-
ly send a ten-year-old to a detention
home. This is also his first offense,
but he should be taught a lesson."
Judge Toft, with the tips of his
fingers pressed against each other,
looked off into space, deep in
"Miss Glennon, if I were to put
Jinmiy on probation for a year, and
make him accountable to you,
would you be willing to— well, sort
of be responsible for him?"
"Oh, yes, certainly, I'll do any-
thing! I know what I'll do, I'll
gi\'e him a permanent job helping
me in the yard. He's large and
strong for his age, and he loves the
garden. That will give him some
responsibility and also a little mon-
ey for some decent clothes, hair-
cuts, and the many needs of a boy.
It will help me keep track of him,
too, and he'll be in good company
at least part of the time."
"Well, we'll try and handle it
that way, Miss Glennon."
Myra's mind was so full of Jimmy
and his problem that she never
thought of her own until she got
back to the schoolroom and pulled
out the drawer of her desk. There
she saw the teacher's contract.
"What have I done? What ha\e
I done?" she cried aloud. "I can't
do this! I'm going away to school!"
She dropped heavily into the chair.
The smarting tears stung her eyes.
She bowed her head down upon
her arms. She would have burst
into uncontrolled sobbing, but her
school teacher's aplomb and self-
control quickly asserted itself.
What should she do? Phone
Judge Toft and tell him she'd
changed her mind and couldn't help
Jimmy? Or give up all her golden
dreams of the future?
Deep within her heart she slowly
began to realize that all along she
had known that her plans were not
feasible. She couldn't go her own
way and leave her mother, her
home, and now— Jimmy. After all,
was not her job of guiding the feet
of the young into paths of knowl-
edge, integrity, honesty, and love of
their country much more important
to this land than writing the great
American novel? Or for that mat-
ter, was it not more important than
even her own selfish happiness,
which she would be seeking at the
expense of others?
Finally she raised her head, took
the contract from the desk, and
signed it, unwaveringly.
"Someone must look after the
Jimmys of this world," she said,
"and I guess the job falls to me."
Myra was dreaming again, but this
time her feet were firmly implanted
in the soil of reality, and by the
hand she led a shabby, uncared for,
ten-year-old boy.
if ioment of nlusic
Dorothy /. Roberts
Joy, joy — something sings inside me.
How could I ha\e earned this tune of peace;
Where could I ha\e paid the precious coinage
Time must have taken for its bright release?
Long ago did I select this music;
By some stern barter make the just decree
That for some sacrifice I ha\e forgotten
This sudden gladness should nou- sing in me?
1 1 Lake a c//
Ruth K. Kent
WANT to make a train of matchboxes? All you need in addition to the matchboxes
are half a dozen empty spools of equal size, a few pipe cleaners, and one bright
To make the engine, use the outside of the match box, the part that the box slides
into, and the box, too. F'irst glue one of the empty spools upright near one edge of the
top of the outside box (for the smoke stack). Now turn a spool down behind the up-
right spool that was glued to the top of the box (for the cab). Pull the ends of the
pipe cleaner down around the sides of the box and fasten underneath.
Now, for the wheels, run pipe cleaners through two spools. Turn the box over and
cut out two oblong places from the bottom, one inch wide and a little longer than the
spools. Place one spool with the pipe cleaner through the hole at the front of the box
so half of the spool sticks out underneath the box. Now pull the pipe cleaner up over
the box and fasten at the top. This makes the front wheels. Now do the same thing
at the other end of the box with the other spool for the back wheels. Glue the bright
button onto the front end of the box for a headlight. A red button is best. Now your
engine is finished.
\^_^ \_^SPOOL
To make the cars, cut out the places in the bottoms of the boxes for the wheels.
Then punch holes in the sides of the box a half inch from the bottom of the box and
just above the cut-out places in the bottoms. Put the spools with the pipe cleaners run
through them into the cut-out places, then pull up the pipe cleaners and insert the
ends into the holes that you punched in the sides of the box, then fasten the ends to-
gether inside of the box, and the cars are finished.
Page 260
To make couplings cut the pipe cleaners in two. Fold one of the pieces so the
ends are together and push the ends through the back end of the engine. Reach in-
side under the spool wheel and bend the ends back half an inch. Bend the part stick-
ing out up to make a hook. Make the same kind of loop at the back end of one of
the cars. At the front end of the cars, push the two folded ends of the pipe cleaner
through and bend back the ends. Make a loop of the part sticking out and loop it
over the hook made at the back end of the engine and the other car. (Milk cartons can
also be used in place of matchboxes.)
Now your train is ready to run and carry a lot of cargo.
uL uLandful of ^JUirt
Vivian CampheW Work
npAKE a handful of dirt, feel the dampness and the softness; feel the life in it. There,
* within the plain brown cover of the earth, lies a power that cares for all living
Get a wrinkled, dried-up little seed, and take a handful of dirt to cover it. Water
this carefully for a few days, and watch, watch the life come creeping forth, stretching
bright green fingers to the sun! The seed and the water cannot do this without the
power in a handful of dirt.
Think of all the trees and plants and grasses that are anchored firmly in the soil.
All mankind depends on these for hfe. Thus, our life, too, is held within that handful
of earth.
More than life comes from the earth. From her bosom wells forth beauty — the
beauty of outstretched fields, running gold and green and copper in the sun. She gives
us the shadows of the forests and the rugged upward thrust of hills.
Surely beauty comes from the earth! Her themes and patterns are repeated in
every story picture and song. All the loveliness that man creates he fills with the
beauty he sees about him, the beauty that comes from the earth.
Take a handful of earth now. Feel the softness, the beauty, and the life of it.
Within this handful is a little bit of yesterday, a part of today, and all the promise of
tomorrow. The soil is precious. Guard it carefully, use it wisely, and work it
■ ♦ ■
xyin Linaerstanaing uieart
Anne S. W. Gouid
E only see the surface of people, and know little of their struggles, tears, and
heartaches. We can only live nobly by the cultivation of compassion.
oJhe uiub^-cJ hroated uiufnmingmrd
Roy B. McLain
npHE hidden, sequestered touch-me-nots were in the ghmmering height of their in-
•■• evitable glory. Their extensive seed pods were intermittently snapping open at
the slightest touch.
Suddenly, there came a zooming, sinister noise and a flash of dazzling color. With
grace and swerveless poise, a tiny, ruby-throated hummingbird was thrusting its long bill
into the delicate colored, speckled flowers. Its bill inflexively remained very rigid while
the bird's body seemed to gracefully vibrate up and down. It could not have weighed
more than half an ounce. It withdrew its bill, and with rapidly vibrating and rotating
wings, it backed up, and like a helicopter, stood still, swaying from side to side, while
it selected the next spicy flower from which to draw nectar. Its untiring wings rotated
so fast that they appeared as a gray film; then it flew away' at a speed of at least sixty
miles an hour. (This rate of speed enables it to spend its winters in the region of the
Gulf Coast and Central America.)
The hummingbird lit on the limb of the huge oak tree that shaded the touch-me-nots.
What was this I saw? A tiny nest not an inch long!
Two tiny, beautiful, and aggressive heads popped up and were fed by the parent by
regurgitation. Instantly the father bird disappeared.
An examination of the cup-shaped nest revealed the fact that it was attached length-
wise on the limb, which caused the nest to take on an elongated appearance. The out-
side was made of lichens. The inside was composed of the softest material — like milk-
weed silk.
A chicken hawk ga\e out its erratic cry, as it spied with its keen e\-e the tiny nest.
Page 262
The ruby-throated hummingbird accepted the hawk's sweeping challenge. Like a plane,
the bird climbed for ele\'ation. With its sharp bill it stabbed the hawk. The ruby-
throated bird wheeled, maneuvered decisively below the hawk, and landed a very dis-
tressingly and painful jab to the hawk's heaving breast. The hawk flapped its wings
and hastily departed.
Our red-throat considers the hawk and the crow its number-one enemies and
usually attacks them with vigor and drives them away.
Of the more than five hundred species of the hummingbirds, the ruby-throated is
the only species found east of the Rocky Mountains. The male has a very beautiful
patch of ruby-red on its throat. The firm-faced female has a whitish throat and dull
gray coloring. Usually only two eggs of a whitish color are found in the nest.
In romance their actions seemed very peculiar. The delicate female sat mutely on
a twig. The ruby-throated male zipped an arc around her at a terrific rate of speed.
She appeared not to notice him. Next he passed her, flying on a straight line, and
uttered a very peculiar sound. Next he zoomed by like a flying saucer, but she quietly
withdrew to the wild touch-me-nots.
. . . Kylnd Lje Snail cfind
Beth G. Chnstensen
TT was the usual hurry around our house. Relief Society work meeting always means
•*■ lots of planning and preparation. I had set the table and fixed the lunches the
night before in order to save the valuable morning time.
Everything was going along very well — extra well in fact. My next-door neighbor
had offered to keep the two younger children, which would relieve me of their care.
I am the second counselor and in charge of work meeting. This meeting promised to
be an exceptionally busy one, so with the children taken care of, I could surely do
With my husband off to work, my older children on their way to school, and the
younger ones settled next door, I was ready to go. I rushed in to gather up my things.
I had just enough time to go the ten miles to the chapel. Suddenly, I realized my car
keys were nowhere to be found. I searched the usual places again and again without
success. I had to be there! I had to have those keys.
My first feeling was one of complete bewilderment, but then I decided to ask
our Heavenly Father's help. I rose from my knees and walked straight to a set of keys
we had not seen for weeks. I thanked the Lord for this blessing, and hurried on my
How marvelous it is to know that we have help so close and so freely given! Do
we appreciate it? Do we use this help as often as we should, not only for the big prob-
lems of life, but for the little things as well?
Our Heavenly Father meant it when he said: "Ask, and it shall be gi\'en you; seek,
and yc shall find; knock, and it shah be opened unto you" (Matthew 7:7).
Photograph courtesy Josephine Brower
dieinoom klutit LPresentea to if Lissionanes
at L^artnage ^au
Josephine Brower
npHIS beautiful quilt was not originally owned by Latter-lay Saint people. A pioneer
^ family settled in Illinois in 1819, at which time a daughter made the quilt. It
was hand-woven, hand-dyed, and hand-quilted, with thousands and thousands of small-
est stitches. The quilt remained as a precious heirloom in the family for many years,
finally being handed down to Bessie and Lillian Geyer of Fort Madison, Iowa, from their
great-great-aunt Ann Kar.
On June 21, 1954, Mrs. Bessie Geyer visited the old Carthage jail. The story she
heard impressed her so much that she was prompted to return the following week with
her family. It was then that she presented this quilt to the missionaries at Carthage
jail, Elder Richard A. Brower, and Sister Josephine Brower. As recipients of this
treasure, the missionaries feel that the quilt adds much to the bedroom of the old jail,
in which the Prophet Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum sealed their testimony with
their blood.
CJnendship s (garden
Gene Romolo
Two must create friendship's garden,
It takes two to make it grow;
Each must aid its cultivation
Through the years, its seeds resow;
Love and patience must keep vigil
To destroy intruding weeds
Lest there be no perfect blossoms
To produce renewing seeds.
Page 264
Green Willows
Chapter 3
Deone R. Sutherhnd
Synopsis: Lillian and her friend Patricia
are \ery miieh interested in the affairs of
Pat's three unmarried aunts — Agnes,
Margaret, and Karen. The two older sis-
ters are schoolteachers, and Karen is pre-
paring to follow the same profession. Lil-
lian and Pat, however, cannot understand
why Margaret should not marry her neigh-
bor Dr. Turner, who is a former suitor of
hers and now a widower. Lillian and Pat
and Pat's parents are in\ited to the Diffen-
dorf home for dinner. Another guest is
John Alder, the new director of the sum-
mer theater in Green Willows. It ap-
pears that John and Karen have met
PAT'S father car\ecl the meat,
and Pat and I helped serve
and clear the table. Karen
was sitting next to John Alder, and
she kept trying to get up to help, but
Agnes said we could do it fine. I
don't think she talked to the direc-
tor at all, though he said two or
three things to her that I couldn't
hear. Margaret said that yes, she'd
heard about Dr. Turner's son com-
ing home for good now. Yes, she
had meant to be at Sunday School.
This was the first Sunday she'd
missed in she didn't know how long.
Yes, it was certainly nice that they
were going to be together all the
time now. Two winters apart w^ere
too much even though they did visit
at Christmas and in the summers.
No, she hadn't heard whom thev
were going to get for a steady house-
keeper. Well, it was partly that
Gwennie's mother hadn't been able
to part with the boy after she'd lost
her daughter. Yes, everyone could
understand wanting to hold onto
something that was Gwennie's.
Gwennie had never had good health
from the time she married, Agnes
said. The conversation went on and
on while we ate. Pat and I didn't
say anything, but we did prick up
our ears when they talked about the
plays that were going to be present-
ed at the straw-hat theater that sum-
'T'm trying to persuade Karen to
come down and take a part, but she
won't co-operate," said John Alder
to Margaret.
"Oh, I'm afraid I've too much to
do with my music this summer,"
Karen said hurriedly. "Drama is
Margaret's field, reallv, not mine."
"You were just passing the time
away when vou took those drama
classes last winter?" John asked
"Yes," said Karen in a low voice.
"That is, I was filling hours. I really
enjoyed them, you know. I'm going
to be teaching this winter. I have
lots of obligations, Dr. Alder, that
I have to repay."
"What obligations?" Agnes asked.
"You certainly have not. You're go-
ing into teaching because you love
it, Karen. You don't have anything
to repay."
John Alder broke his roll. "Why
don't you come back for your Mast-
er's Degree, Karen? Didn't you say
once that's what you wanted to
"Well, I do, but after I've saved
enough money . . . ."
Page 265
'There are teaching fellowships,"
John Alder persisted.
Pat's mother looked up. "Oh, are
you interested in going on to school,
Karen? Daddy's business is doing
so well now, we can repay Agnes
and help you a little, too."
"Please," said Karen, "I really
don't know what I want to do now.
I thought I knew what I had to do,
or ought to do. Now I don't even
know what I want to do . . . ." She
stopped helplessly.
"For goodness sakes, Karen, do
talk sensibly," Agnes said. "Mashed
potatoes, Margaret?"
"Yes, I'll get them." Margaret
got up and left the room. She
brought back the bowl filled again
with whipped potatoes with butter
yellowing the dips. "Do wTiat you
want to do, Karen," Margaret said.
"That's the best way in the long
"Of course," said Agnes. "That's
what we all do. You'll make a
wonderful teacher, Karen. You have
no idea the satisfaction one can get
out of teaching children."
"It must almost compare with
teaching one's own children," said
John Alder.
"Well, I wouldn't know about
that," said Agnes, looking at him
in some surprise, "but it is a very
satisfying profession as you should
know yourself."
"Oh, I quite agree," said John
A FTER dinner we sat at the long
dining-room table cracking soft-
shelled walnuts and eating them.
Pat's father had leaned back com-
fortably in his chair. At last Aunt
Agnes said we really should go into
the parlor. Karen could play a little
music for them. Pat's mother and
Aunt Agnes and Aunt Margaret
cleared the table. Karen, after one
short selection, hovered between the
kitchen and dining room.
John Alder came to the door of
the dining room. "If you won't
play any more, Karen, won't you
show me the garden. I'm really very
interested in seeing the grounds
around here."
"Are there enough helping in the
kitchen?" Karen asked.
"More than enough," Margaret
said. "Run along."
"I'd love to, then," Karen agreed.
''The gardens are interesting to us
because we have kept the original
patterns and flower beds as outlined
by our great-grandparents . . . ."
Pat and I went out and sat on
the back porch. We were too full
to move. Why did dishes always
follow every meal? But no one
asked us to help.
"What do you say we walk in
front and see if Phil's out in his
yard?" Pat asked.
"Okay," I said.
We went around the corner of
the house. Karen was disappearing
up a path toward the little wooden
gate that led to the orchard. John
Alder followed, almost touching her
"See," he was saying, "all your
arguments, your imaginary obliga-
tions, everything disappeared like
magic at dinner. Why are you so
fearful about admitting to your-
self . . . ?"
His words disappeared into lower
tones when he caught sight of us.
We went up the front walk.
The Turner house was very simi-
lar to the old Diffendorf house. It
was large, with rounded cupolas and
long porches. Trees crowded the
yards. No one seemed to be out.
We crossed the street and walked
up and down the front ditchbank.
There was a bench swing under one
of the trees. We waited, balancing
ourselves on the little bridge across
the ditch.
"Maybe he's taking a nap," Pat
*'A boy our age taking a nap?" I
scoffed. ''Let's try the swing." We
walked into the yard to the side of
the house and began swinging.
''Well, hi," said Dr. Turner, com-
ing out of the French windows on
the side of the house. "Have you
seen Phil?"
"No," we said hopefully. "Is he
out here some place?"
"He came out with his book a
few minutes ago. I was going to
talk with him, but I got called
to the phone. Phil!" He cupped his
"Over here," Phil said. He got
up from behind the lilac bushes. "I
was just resting until you came out."
He didn't look at us. "I wonder
where all the fellows are?"
"Well, there comes Mike now,"
said Dr. Turner.
"Hey," yelled Mike, wheeling his
bike over to the ditch. "I came down
to see you for awhile."
"Swell," said Phil. He looked at
us uncertainly. We stood our
"Why don't we go on up to my
room, Mike? We can talk all right
up there." They ran into the
"I'm sure he'll get to be a little
more civilized before long," Dr.
Turner said to us.
"Oh, that's all right," said Pat.
"All the boys our age are like that
"Well," said Dr. Turner, "Fm
glad you understand anyway." He
looked over toward the Diffendorf
house. "Are all your aunts home,
now, Pat?"
"Yes," said Pat. "We just had
dinner. John Alder came to din-
"Oh, yes, he's the new director
of the theater for this summer, isn't
he?" Dr. Turner broke off a twig
from the lilac tree. "I really ought
to check on Margaret's arm. Come
on, and I'll walk you kids back."
We went across the street to the
"lATE went around to the back of
the house. I couldn't see any
sign of Karen or John Alder. Dr.
Turner opened the back door, and
we preceded him into the kitchen.
"Hi," he said. "Give me another
dishtowel, and I'll help."
Pat's Aunt Margaret had both
hands deep in the dishwater suds.
Everyone laughed, but Pat's Aunt
Margaret didn't turn around after
the first quick glance at Dr. Turner.
"We're almost through," Agnes
said. "There's a sliver of pie left if
you want it."
"She remembers how I used to
come begging slivers of pie years
ago," Dr. Turner said.
Agnes untied her apron. "It's too
long altogether since you came for
pie, Mark Turner. You shouldn't
keep so busy."
"Well, lots of things happen with
the years. But your pie hasn't
changed. The best I ever tasted."
"Well, you don't have to eat
standing up," Pat's mother said.
"Sit there at the table."
''Oh, Vm all right." Dr. Turner
cut another piece. 'Til mix busi-
ness with pleasure. Fll take a look
at your arm, Margaret, when you're
through with the dishes."
'1 was going to call the nurse
about it tomorrow or this after-
noon," Margaret said. 'Tm sure
I'm immune; there's a very strong
''My word," said Agnes, "I forgot
your arm. Wash yourself off and
go sit outside and rest a bit . . . ."
"Oh, how silly. It's nothing at
all," Margaret said hurriedly. "Be-
sides I'm almost finished."
"So am I with the pie," said Dr.
Turner. "Come outside, Margaret,
where the light is better."
Margaret washed her hands in the
little bathroom by the kitchen. Dr.
Turner and Pat and I went out on
the back porch and waited. In a
moment she came out the door.
"Really, I'm sure everything's just
fine. We have nothing to worry
Dr. Turner took her hand and
examined her arm. "You're quite
right, Margaret. You're immune
to mumps. But I hope you're not
going to be immune to my friend-
ship any more."
Pat and I walked around the
house again. Maybe Phil and Mike
had come out by now and needed
a couple of My Girl Fridays.
Pat's father came out on the front
porch. "Got to get started back,
girls. We need a little time to get
ready for Church and do a little
reading. Agnes and the girls need
some quiet, too. Did you have
VIT'E ran up the stairs to get my
sweater that Mother had made
me wear, though it was far too warm
for one. We stood at the high nar-
row windows. " The Lady of Sha-
lott' or should I say Two Ladies of
Shalott?" I asked, looking out of
the window with Pat.
"I didn't think you were such a
romantic," Margaret said, coming in-
to the room. 'Tour father wants
you girls to hurry."
'Tm not," I said. "I'd much
rather bounce just once on that
feather bed than be a dozen Ladies
of Shalott at castle windows."
"I've thought of something. Why
don't you and Pat come and spend
a night or two with us during your
vacation, and you can bounce a few
times on the feather bed in the
guest room? Agnes might not like
you bouncing all over her bed."
"Oh," Pat squealed, "can we real-
ly come? Lillian and I both at the
same time?"
"Surely," said Margaret. "We'll
name the day. Let's see. It can't
be next week end, but how about
two weeks from Friday? No, the
plays are starting. We'll make it
three weeks; everything in the the-
ater should be running smoothly by
then. You can go to the play on
Friday night and spend Friday and
Saturday nights with us. Is that
too far ahead for you to remem-
"Oh, no," we both said emphat-
ically. We were going to a play,
Pat's mother called from the
stairs. "Girls, we really must be go-
We all went down the stairs to-
gether. Dr. Turner was talking to
Karen and John Alder.
"I'd love to give you all a ride to
Church with me," Dr. Turner was
saying. 'Tve got to go home and
slick Phil up some. We can call
for you in about an hour. Is that
all right with you, Margaret?"
Margaret was on the stairs behind
us. 'Tes/' she said, "that's quite
all right with me. We'd love a
'Til leave my car here, then,"
said John Alder. 'Tm sure the five
of us can get in the same car. This
will make my first Sunday evening
in your ward a pleasant one, though
Fve never hesitated about going
alone. That was the first thing Fd
look up when I was away to school."
Karen laughed, 'They'll rope you
in on a fireside, John, and I don't
know what all. We have a celebrity
in our midst."
'Tm not," John Alder said.
''We're not going to make it un-
less we leave right now," Pat's fa-
ther said firmly, so we all followed
him at a trot to the car, shouting
our goodbyes and thanks. We could
hardly wait to get into the car to
tell Pat's mother about our invita-
tion for coming to stay with Mar-
"How kind of her. I'll talk to
Margaret later about it and to your
mother, Lillian. They have always
done so much for Pat and us," Pat's
mother said. "You've got to start
repaying Agnes for all the help
you've had, Arthur."
"I will. I'll make arrangements
tomorrow," Pat's father said.
"They're a wonderful group of girls.
Too bad none of them ever mar-
ried. All of them pretty in their
own way. Agnes is maybe a trifle
firm, but there's nothing wrong with
Margaret's and Karen's looks."
"Well, Arthur, you can hardly
call Karen an old maid. She's just
getting out of college. And just be-
cause she's going to teach a year
doesn't mean — "
"Now, Mother, look what it's
meant to Agnes and Margaret," said
Pat's father. "Of coiirse, it was
Margaret's own fault."
"We'd better discuss this later—"
Pat's mother nodded her head to-
ward the back seat. "Look at the
forsythia at Sister Daly's, girls. Isn't
that lovely?"
"Yes," we answered in a chorus,
a trifle disappointed in the change
of subject. We leaned back against
the seat. Would three weeks take
forever to pass, we asked each other?
It was so hard to wait.
{To he continued)
Crieart Song
Ida. Isazcson
Sweeter tones than a bow ever drew
Across a string,
Sing fiom my heart
All my glad days
And wing ... to you.
Margaret C. Pickeiing, General Secretary-Treasurer
All material submitted for publieation in this department should be sent through
stake and mission Relief Society presidents. See regulations governing the submittal
of material for "Notes From the Field" in the Magazine for April 1950, page 278, and
the Handbook of Instructions, page 123.
Photographs submitted by Hazel M. Robertson
Page 270
The upper photograph shows Sister Hazel M. Robertson, President, Japanese Mis-
sion Relief Society, and Sister Fern Tanner Lee, wife of Elder Harold B. Lee, riding
in jinrickshas in Hong Kong, China. The picture was taken in September 1954, during
the \isit of Elder and Sister Lee to the Far East (Japan, Okinawa, Hong Kong, the
Philippines, and Guam).
Commenting on this visit. Sister Robertson reports: "Sister Lee was an inspira-
tion to all the Relief Society sisters in the Far East, and her words of advuce and counsel,
and her beautiful testimony of the di\inity of the gospel of Jesus Christ and Relief
Society work will always be remembered by the sisters of the Far East."
The lower photograph shows the Tokyo First and Second Branches Relief Society
officers and teachers.
Front row, seated, left to right: Chiyoko Sasa; Katsuko Inagaki; Atsuko Uda; Fu-
miko Matsumoto; Hazel M. Robertson, President, Japanese Mission Relief Society;
Kyoko Azegami; Sister Hidaka; Sister Hiramatsu.
Second row, seated, left to right: Hiroko Nanjo; Chiyo Sato; Chiyoko Sagara; Mo-
toko Nara; Mutsuko Matsumoto; Miyoko Noguchi; Masae Sakuma.
Third row, standing, left to right: Sister Ozaki; Sister Yamaguchi; Yoko Takahashi;
Masako Kimura; Hideko Hata; Taeko Ishida; Ethel Young; Masako Miyajima.
Fourth row, left to right: Ikuko Kato; Fumiyo Saito; Kiyoko Yamagishi; Mikiko
Kanai; Kikue Yoshino; Miyoko Horikoshi.
Sister Robertson reports that this protograph was "taken at our Christmas party
commemorating the birthday of our beloved Prophet and founder of the Relief Society."
Photograph submitted by Eliza L. Robinson
Left to right: Charleen Putman; Cherie Luthi; Ida Robinson; Ida Jenkins; Roberta
Brower; LaVerla Bateman; Annie Crook; Josephine Laker; Fern Haderlie; Ina Erickson.
This project wa-s conducted under the direction of Work Director Counselor Clara
Robinson and work meeting leader Arlene Clinger.
Eliza L. Robinson is president of Star Valley Stake Relief Society.
Photograph submitted by Miriam Knapp
Front row, seated, left to right: Christie C. Robertson, First Counselor; Miriam
Knapp, President; Eugenia N. Logan, Second Counselor.
Back row, standing, left to right: Marion Cook; Mildred Jenkins; Eva Newton;
Louise Kaanapu; Irene Cannon; Virginia Quealy; Elisa Uale.
Irene Cannon, work director, Oahu Stake, reports this unusual and rewarding
project: "These blouses are made from men's dress shirts. They are worn by the mem-
bers of the Oahu Stake Relief Society. There is still much wear in a shirt, even though
the collars and cuffs are frayed and worn. Have fun, be your own designer, and dec-
orate your blouse. The hard part of the sewing is already done, for the sleeves are in,
the buttonholes made, and even the buttons sewed on, unless you wish to change them.
The neckline is already made and may be easily changed to any desired style.
"To make the blouse: 1. From the waistline, take in the sides up through the
underarm, and taper down the sleeve. 2. Make two large darts in front from the waist-
line tapered up towards the bust. 3. Make two pleats in the back about three inches
from the side seams, and stitch across the waistline, so that they will stay in place
^^•hen the skirt is on.
"If the shirt is still too large, it can be taken in down the center of the back, right
up through the collar. If you wish to have a collar on your blouse, use either the lower
end of the shirt or some contrasting material which may be placed on top of the shirt
collar, allowing about '/4 inch to turn under. Baste the top collar and sew around
the edge. Material for the cuffs may be taken from the lower end of the shirt, or
contrasting material may be used. The cuff is a double straight piece sewed on the
underside and turned up on the right side. A longer sleeve, reaching below the elbow,
may be made by cutting the shirt sleeve off just above the placket, making two large
pleats to fit the arm below the elbow, then sewing on the cufT. A blouse with a
Chinese neckline is very attractive and may be made by cutting the shirt collar off at
the band to which it is sewed, then trim with braid, rows of rickrack, or bias tape. A
round, square, or V-shape neckline can be cut, faced with white bias tape, and then
trimmed. Lace is also a good trim for these necklines.
"Nearly every ward in our stake showed interest in this project."
Photograph submitted by Rula E. Frank
CONFERENCE, November 1954
Austrid B. Jenson, chorister, is seated at the left on the front row; Ella Gregerson,
organist, is seated at the left on the third row.
Beth V. Anderson is president of Sevier Stake Relief Society.
Photograph submitted by Laura S. Beckstrand
Front row, seated, left to right: Rosetta Utley; Mollie Carling; Minnie Whatcott;
Mary Smith; Olive ^^■ ilkins; Martha Bushnell; Millie Callister; Hattie Partridge.
Second row, standing, left to right: June Smith; Alene Mitchell; Eva Robison;
Melba Anderson, Secretary; Eva Neilson, First Counselor; Alice Robison, President;
Nada Mehille, Second Counselor; Jannett Robison; Laura Warner; Hattie Whatcott;
Clara Robison.
Third row, left to right: Lottie Anderson; Josie Ashman; }ane Cox; LaNola Turn-
er; Edith Nechsic; Zina Hunter; Olea Davies; Ester Robison; Mary Jean Robison; Afton
Laura S. Beckstrand is president of Millard Stake Relief Society.
Photograph submitted by Aliene N. Bloxham
Front row, seated, left to right: Vilate Bowers; Vera Crissey; Catherine Sargent;
Mabel Villaneuva, First Counselor; Patt Scott, engineer.
Second row, standing, left to right: Clara Hogge, Second Counselor; Gladys Turn-
er, Secretary-Treasurer; Beverley Probert; Gladys Jensen; Alice Schoenfeld; Jennie Alan;
Vivien Hansen, President.
Aliene N. Bloxham is president of Humboldt Stake Relief Society.
Alice W. Ottley, President, New Zealand Mission Rehef Society, reports a suc-
cessful and inspirational project in which the sisters were asked to write articles on the
subject: "What Relief Society Has Done for Me This Year." These compositions were
first judged in the branches, then in the districts, and finally the best ones were sent to
the mission Relief Society board. The article written by a Maori sister, Eleanor Orms-
by, was judged to be the best composition submitted. It will be printed in the mission
magazine Te Karere, and Sister Ormsby will be given special recognition at Ilui Tau in
April 1955. Excerpts from Sister Ormsby 's article are given herewith:
"Relief Society has helped me to develop in so many \\ays tliis past year. I have
only been a member for a year, and in that time my mental outlook alone has broad-
ened considcral:)ly. When I think of each separate lesson, I rcaliz.c that in some way
each one has had its own influence and has taught me so iUuch of many things. I
think of the theology classes and those wonderful Book of Mormon lessons. I low they
ha\'e strengthened my testimony by increasing my knowledge of the first peoples of
the American Continent .... I think of the social science classes ["Signs of the Times"]
and am humbled by the feeling that I am at last beginning to grasp the prmciples and
meaning of existence and the creation ....
"I think of the \^■ork and business meetings and the joy and fellowship we enjoy
in our small Hamilton Branch. How, as our fingers are working to make useful articles,
our minds are occupied with the lesson, and wc learn more about the management of
our homes. We get to kno^^• each other more intimately, and, united in our interests
and beliefs, we know the true meaning of the \\ord 'friend.'
"Most often I think of the literature lessons, which is only natural, as I am the
teacher. I read a lot, perhaps not always wisely, but too much! The literature lessons
ha\e gi\en me a purpose and a road to follow in my reading .... I ne\er could quite
bring myself to read poetry before. Somehow, it seemed dead. Now it is \ibrant and
alive, at least most of the poems I have read in connection with the lessons are alive,
and they have whetted my appetite for more. I do not now pass the poetry section
in any library without a glance. The classical no^'els we ha\c studied this year have
developed my judgment, and now I am much more demanding of any novel I read ....
"For all these things and many more, I am truly grateful."
Photograph submitted by Zina P. Dunford
Front row, seated, left to right: Cecil Rowberry, First Counselor in ward bishopric;
Merle Stone, First Counselor, Bonneville Ward Rehef Society; Helena. Jorgensen, Sec-
ond Counselor; Beth Pace, wife of the ward bishop; Kenneth Pace, Bishop of Bonne-
\ille \\'ard; Faye Loveless, President, Bonneville Ward Relief Society; Reed Barker,
Second Counselor in ward bishopric.
This friendship quilt and pillow were made by the Relief Society members of
Bonnc\ille \\^ard. The names of three hundred ward members are embroidered in the
lea\es and squares of the quilt. Each member whose name appears on the quilt con-
tributed one dollar to a fund-raising project. The quilt was then presented to the
bishop as a personal gift at a ward Christmas party.
Zina P. Dunford is president of East Provo Stake Relief Society.
PhotoKraph submitted by Mavil A. McMurrin ,
Left to right: Jennie Wornstaff, Magazine representative; Mildred Elgmand, the-
ology class leader and former president, under whose direction most of the work for
the bazaar was accomplished; Gladys Mullen, Work Director Counselor; Phylis Wolfe,
Sister Wolfe, in reporting the activities of this new Relief Society organization,
tells of the unusually successful activities of this small group: "The Coquille ReHef
Society was organized in October 1953, and the picture shows the results of our work
for our first bazaar, November 20, 1954. It was held in connection with a hobby fair
.... In addition to dish towels, aprons, pillowslips, doilies, pin cushions, tablecloths,
and our first quilt, we had made and canned mincemeat and plum puddings, and filled
decorated cans with homemade candies. This was the first Relief Society bazaar to be
held in this community, and it was well received. All but ten articles were sold. There
were seven members of our Relief Society at the time of our bazaar. We have since
grown to a membership of nine."
Mavil A. McMurrin is president of the Northwestern States Mission Relief Society.
Photograph submitted by June Orton
December 29, 1954
Front row, seated, beginning fonrth from left, left to right: Verna Campbell, First
Counselor, North Ogden First Ward Relief Society; Hazel Gibson, President; Lavora
Mathis, Seeond Counselor; Bishopric of North Ogden First Ward: H. Eugene Nielsen,
P'irst Counselor; Grant L. Alder, Bishop; x^rthur Campbell, Second Counselor.
Third row, standing, second from the left: Diana lladley, visiting teacher message
leader; fourth, fifth, and sixth from the left, Clara Larsen, Ellen Bailey, and Etta Storey,
who were each honored for thirty years of \isiting teaching.
Fifth row, standing, left to right, Ben Lomond Stake Relief Society officers: Mil-
dred Cragun, First Counselor; Eleanor T. Nielsen, President; Olive Larsen, visiting
teacher message leader. Beginning se\enth from the left: June Orton, Secretary, North
Ogden First \\'ard Relief Society; X^iolet Jones, Ben Lomond Stake Work Director;
IVIelba Ileiner, visiting teacher supervisor.
Zina Orton, \^•ho was not present when the picture was taken, was also honored for
thirty years of visiting teaching ser\'ice.
Photograph submitted by Grace C. Crandall
A beautifully arranged and historically
authentic and valuable booklet Relief
Society History, SpnngviUe and Mapleton,
Utah, has recently been published by
Kolob Stake Relief Societv. Bound in
blue, and lettered in gold — the Relief
Society colors — the book contains 687
individual pictures and eighty group pic-
tures of women who ha\e worked in
Relief Societv from the time of the first
organization in Springville in 1859 to the
present time. Names and dates of serv-
ice of e\er}' stake and ward organization
are contained in the se\enty-eight pages of
the book.
The book was \\ritten and compiled by
Hannah Mendenhall Clyde, who was born
in Spring\ille and attended Brigham
Young Unixersity. She married Edward
Clyde and is the mother of a daughter
and fi\e sons. A devoted Relief Society
member and officer, she ser\ed as a mem-
ber of the Kolob Stake Relief Society
Board from 1924 to 1927, when she was
appointed President. In 1954, because
of illness. Sister Clyde asked to be re-
leased from her position as stake Relief
Society President. A few years later, she
became a class leader in the Fifth Ward.
In December 1953, she again suffered a
heart attack, and it was while she was
convalescing during the summer of 1954
that she completed her work on the his-
tory which she started in 1951.
Many Relief Society members in the
Springville and Mapleton areas assisted
Sister Clyde in the many details of compil-
ing her outstanding history. Clara J.
Sumsion, Minnie F. Groesbeck and Ardilla
Perry helped to obtain the photographs
used in the book. Thelma Carter and
Ph}'llis W. Chde assisted with the typing.
Ailcen H. Cl)'de, LaRue Walker, and
Kolob Stake Relief Society President
Grace C. Crandall gave much help and
Aileen Sessions Bogue
The quiet hand of trust,
The busy hand of making,
And two hands clasped in prayer
First thing upon awaking;
The happiness of giving
Without possessive fear;
The peace in the forgiving
Of someone who is dear;
A humble place of learning
Truth in words and deeds;
A constant faith that heaven
Will supply our needs;
Reciprocating smiles
While each performs his part;
The warmth of being wanted
By some loving heart;
A place to hurry back to
And know as you are known;
The spark of inspiration;
These make a house, a home.
for the Missionary
Two thought-provoking books
by Aubrey J. Parker
One time Methodist minister
To help the missionary to become a
masterful representative of his Church
and a successful missionary.
Beautifully bound in green and gold
cloth, hard back, in the popular pocket
size for greater convenience.
Sent to you anywhere in the world
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Elder Aubrey J. Parker
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''Our Motto''
Drive Carefully
We Can Wait
It^s awaiting
You . . .
X Ho there is still a tremendous amount
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ing you in this and other copies of the
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finest bindery and printing plant for $2.50
cloth bound and $3.50 leather bound per
volume plus postage for mail orders. Fol-
low these postage rates if you send your
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ibggshells for the (garden
Elizabeth Williamson
T CAN remember my grandmother tossing crushed eggshells out the door into her
■'• kitehen garden. It never occurred to me why she did it, until I read that herbs
and kitchen gardens thrive if thcv have a sufficient amount of lime in the soil.
Now I always put the eggshells in a paper bag, and when the bag is about half
full, I crush them by squeezing the bag, and empty the contents into the garden. It
is neater to trowel them under the soil out of sight.
LKeflective J^rtistri/
Mabel Law Atkinson
Now, when we are sketching
Every beauty-etching
For the face to wear,
Bid each thought-reflection
Be serene perfection
For our silver hair.
Page 279
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From the Writings of
President David O. McKay
1. We learn and take inspiration from the experiences
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the cherished experiences of our President who has
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sick, and leaving the force of his faith as a guiding
light. This book indeed offers "treasures of inspira-
tion" to build increased faith in the hearts of all
Latter-day Saints throughout the world. $3.00
Harold Glen Clark
2. Just off the press is this excellent guide on conducting
successful Church meetings. Whether the particular meet-
ing is formal or of a classroom-type, this book offers help-
ful hints on planning procedure that will greatly aid Priest-
hood leaders and auxiliary teachers throughout the Church.
You will find the information both practical and inspira-
tional. $2.25
Ruby K. Smith
3. Told with vitality and warmth is this story of Samuel
Smith, brother of the Prophet Joseph and first missionary
of the Church, and his devoted wife, Mary, who left the
comforts of a skeptical Bostonian society to become a Mor-
mon. Here is a true portrait of Joseph Smith's family, and
a colorful account of the trials and tribulations of the early
converts. $2.00
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VOL. 42 NO, 5
vl/here JLiu
acs \jre\s>
Alice Money Bailey
Lilacs pioneered this western place
Before begonias and delphinium.
Nurtured in the wagon's premium space
They rode beside the apple and the plum.
Down across the sage-locked valley floor
They sent a line of waxen green to grace
A cedar fence, a gate, a rustic door
With alien lavender and perfumed lace.
And many hearts that ached with homesick grief
Were salved by bits of home, transplanted here,
For courage grew in thrusting root and leaf,
And triumph waved in lilac's scented spear.
The coyote's wail, the hard, unyielding clay,
Were robbed of strength where lilacs led the way.
The Cover: 'Tavender Lantana/' Photograph by Ward Linton
Frontispiece Photograph: ''Lilacs/' Photograph by Ward Linton
Cover Design by Evan Jensen
Qjrom I i
ear an
d 3fc
We think The Relief Society Magazine
is wonderful. When it comes we just want
to sit down and read it right away. The
August issue (1954) arrived today. I have
just been reading it. It is most inspiring
to read in "Fruits of a Living Faith" by
Elder Clifford E. Young of the wonder-
ful faith and courage of the pioneers, and
the story "New Light" by Lucille Tour-
near is really lovely. The stories in the
Magazine are surely inspired. They touch
the heart and inspire one just as the gos-
pel does.
— Enid Layton
Victoria, Australia
May I express my appreciation and en-
joyment of the Magazine. I read each
issue from cover to cover. I read with
special interest the December issue and
the article "The Relief Society Building
Cornerstone-Laying Ceremony." It thrilled
my heart and filled my eyes with tears of
happiness and gratitude that the dream
of having a Relief Society Building for the
women of the Church is being fulfilled.
The prophetic promise has become a re-
ality, and the picture of the building now
under construction is evidence of that
fulfillment. The smiling faces of our be-
loved general presidency as they are stand-
ing near the building are inspirational, and
also the picture of the General Authorities
of the Church and officers of Relief So-
ciety at the ceremony. The picture of
our dearly beloved President Spafford as
she deposits the records in the cornerstone
brings us the thrill of that memorable and
historic moment.
— Emma M. Gardner
Sacramento, California
The Magazine always brings me great
comfort and guidance for my needs as a
mother of three very young children. It
is my prayer at this time that the inspired
and very well-planned Magazine will con-
tinue for years to come.
—Ethel T. Kurihara
Marbo AF
Page 282
Our Relief Society group here in Gilver-
sum wishes to thank you for the Maga-
zines we have received and want to tell
you that we have enjoyed them very much.
We could look at the pictures, and some
stories could be translated by one of our
sisters. It is very nice to read about our
sisters so far from here, but, by our
Church and our wonderful gospel, we
know that we belong all together.
— Susanne van der Wal
President Gilversum
Branch Relief Society
Gilversum, Holland
Living here in Rocky Boy, I have been
unable to attend Relief Society, and so
have enjoyed the Magazine more than
ever. I imagine the same situation will
exist in Standing Rock, our new home,
as it is also a very isolated reservation.
(Incidentally, my husband, who works for
the Bureau of Indian Affairs, will be
Range Management Supervisor there.)
We hated to move still further away from
Salt Lake City, our home town, and also
from the Havre Branch, where we have
been members for four years, but the won-
derful Magazine does much to keep us in
— Maurine B. Hansen
Standing Rock Agency
Fort Yates
North Dakota
When I thumbed through the pages of
The Relief Society Magazine for February
this evening and saw the name and pic-
ture by the story "A Home for Holly," I
found the story very much to my liking
and it leaves such a pleasant taste. Then
I found on the last page (in the bio-
graphical sketch) why the name HaimeT
was rather famihar. My teen-age girls
read Mabel Harmer's stories in The Des-
eret News quite regularly and their dad
also — wholesome stories, often about
animals — and animals, furry, feathered,
scaly — are quite important around this
house ....
— Dr. J. Sedley Stanford
Department of Zoology
Utah State Agricultural College
Logan, Utah
Monthly Publication of the Relief Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Belle S. Spafford -
Marianne C. Sharp
Velma N. Simonsen
Margaret C. Pickering
Mary G. Judd
Anna B. Hart
Edith S. Elliott
Florence J. Madsen
Leone G. Layton
Blanche B. Stoddard
Editor -
Associate Editor
General Manager
Evon W. Peterson
Leone O. Jacobs
Louise W. Madsen
Aleine M. Young
Josie B. Bay
- - - President
- - - First Counselor
- - - Second Counselor
- Secretary-Treasurer
Christine H. Robinson Charlotte A. Larsen
Alberta H. Christensen
Mildred B. Eyring
Helen W. Anderson
Gladys S. Boyer
Edith P. Backman
Winniefred S.
Elna P. Haymond
Vol. 42
MAY 1955
Marianne C. Sharp
Vesta P. Crawford
Belle S. Spafford
No. 5
on tents
The General Presidency of Relief Society With Three Gifts for
the Relief Society Building 284
Mother Elna P. Haymond 285
Contest Announcements — 1955 289
Eliza R. Snow Poem Contest 289
Relief Society Short Story Contest --- 290
On Writing the Short Story Pansye H. Powell 292
Forever Orchid Frances C. Yost 298
Highly Organized Dorothy Boys Kilian 311
Hurrah for Pete! Mabel Law Atkinson 315
Green Willows — Chapter 4 Deone R. Sutherland 321
From Near and Far _ 282
Sixty Years Ago 302
Woman's Sphere Ramona W. Cannon 303
Editorial: A Word of Appreciation Marianne C. Sharp 304
Magazine Subscriptions for 1954 Marianne C. Sharp 326
The Magazine Honor Roll for 1954 330
Notes From the Field: Relief Society Activities Margaret C. Pickering 334
Designing Original Applique and Block Quilts Velma MacKay Paul 306
Mary W. Piatt Has Enough Hobbies to Make Her Happy 320
Herbs for Modern Cookery — Chives Elizabeth Williamson 341
Cement Chimney Blocks as Planting Boxes Willard Luce 342
Where Lilacs Grew — Frontispiece Alice Morrey Bailey 281
First Friend Christie Lund Coles 288
The Lifted Wall Dorothy J. Roberts 291
Between the Bud and the Fruit Alberta H. Christensen 295
Legacy _ Elsie McKinnon Strachan 305
My Magazine Mabel M. Tanner 314
Of May Iris W. Schow 320
On Washdays June B. Wunderlich 340
Suddenly Butterflies Lael W. Hill 343
Father's Garden Bernice T. Clayton 343
Editorial and Business Offices: 40 North Main, Salt Lake City 1, Utah, Phone 4-2511; Sub-
scriptions 246; Editorial Dept. 245. Subscription Price: $1.50 a year; foreign, $2.00 a year;
payable in advance. Single copy, 15c. The Magazine is not sent after subscription expires. No
back numbers can be supplied. Renew promptly so that no copies will be missed. Report change
of address at once, giving old and new address.
Entered as second-class matter February 18, 1914, at the Post Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, under
the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in
section 1103, Act of October 8, 1917, authorized June 29, 1918. Manuscripts will not be returned
unless return postage is enclosed. Rejected manuscripts will be retained for six months only.
The Magazine is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts.
Left to right: President Belle S. Spafford; Counselor Marianne C. Sharp; Counseloi
Velma N. Simonsen.
In the background, a beautiful ryiji from the Finnish Mission, a wall hanging in
shades of browns and tans, showing plowing (hidden at bottom), sowing, and reaping.
The sisters prepared and dyed the wool, then wove the hanging.
The two lovely cut crystal vases are from the Swedish Mission, representative of
Swedish crystal ware.
In front is the interesting top of a low table, the gift of the Hawaiian Mission,
made of monkey tree wood which grows in the Hawaiian Islands.
Page 284
EIna P. Haymond
Member, General Board of Relief Society
What must this earthly home of divine destiny be, to become the celestial family
of infinity (President J. Reuben Clark, Jr.)?
THE above statement causes the plains in 1856. Years after this
one to wonder. It causes one baby was born, great criticism was
to reflect on the home of his being expressed by some of those
childhood and to ask the questions: present at a gathering, against the
Did my mother play her part well? Authorities for allowing the hand-
Did her mother honor the God- cart company to proceed to Salt
given role of motherhood? Am I Lake City. Over in the corner sat
carrying on the great work they be- an old man, his face white with
gan? emotion, listening to criticism of
In contemplating the joys and re- his and his wife's own story as they
sponsibilities of motherhood, I re- crossed the plains. In dignity, and
fleet upon the lives of my parents with great earnestness and sincerity,
and grandparents and draw from he said, '1 ask you to stop this
many of their marvelous and won- criticism. You are discussing a mat-
drous teachmgs — teachings that ter which you know nothing about,
cause me to evaluate the role of Was it a mistake? Yes, but I was
mother in the home and the far- in that company, and my wife was
reaching effect her teachings, her in it, too. We suffered beyond any-
actions, yes, and even her mnermost thing you can imagine, and many
thoughts have on the generations to died of exposure and starvation, but
come. did you ever hear a survivor utter a
In going through valuable family word of criticism? Not one of that
papers, I found a ''Last Will and company ever apostatized or left
Testament" left to the family by the Church, because every one of us
my grandparents. It does not be- came through with absolute knowl-
queath lands, stocks, bonds, and edge that Cod lives, for we became
riches, but it does bequeath a burn- acquainted with him in our extremi-
ing testimony of the divinity of Jesus ties. Was I, or the mother of my
Christ and of the divine origin of child, sorry we chose to come by
his Church, with its saving prin- handcart? No, neither then nor at
ciples which will lead to salvation any moment in our lives since. The
and exaltation, if put into practice price we paid to become acquainted
in the daily lives of their numerous with God was a privilege to pay."
posterity. We are all aware of the many
President McKay, in a talk en- dangers, the periods of near starva-
titled 'Tioneer Women," relates the tion, severe, biting cold, sickness,
story of a young mother having giv- death, and poverty experienced by
en birth to a baby girl during the the pioneers. During this time the
long, hazardous handcart trek across women became mothers, and with
Page 285
that God-given mother love and de- into our homes and coupled with
votion, they gave themselves in the other principles of the gospel,
every way for their children, and for become the code by which our chil-
the righteous preservation of the dren should be reared,
This soul-stirring story recalls to AATHEN we reflect on the home of
my mind a similar one of my our childhood and the part our
Grandmother Doney who came in mother played, these things come to
the Ellsworth Handcart Company mind: Mother was gentle, calm, and
in 1856. She, too, gave birth to a serene. She taught us to put first
daughter during her arduous trip, things first. She placed purely so-
Grandmother walked twenty miles cial activities in their proper posi-
the day her babe was born. After tion, never sacrificing children,
the birth, she was allowed to ride Church, or home to them. The
in one of the two covered wagons in stranger was never turned from the
the party. After the tenth day she door. The hungry were fed, and
carried the infant in her apron the the naked were clothed (Mt.
rest of the way, fording streams, 25:35-36).
climbing hills, trudging the long We all remember the Christmas
sagebrush and barren waste ahead, and Thanksgiving baskets laden
She did not complain. She, too, with food, which we, as children,
found and knew God through her took to the families who were less
trials and hardships. fortunate than we — the turkeys.
Rightly can we say of the pioneer chickens, potatoes, apples, and flour
mothers: They loved righteousness prepared and sent by mother to
because it was right. They were gladden the hearts and homes of
peacemakers because they loved many families.
peace. They loved the poor, for We mothers of today may well
they administered unto them. They pay homage to the great concourse
remembered the widow, the orphan, of mothers who have played their
and the aged, for they comforted roles well. They have brought
them. They were pioneers in word forth boys and girls, men and wom-
and thought and deed. They fought en, statesmen, generals, and Church
the battles of life with the weapons leaders who can look back on their
of love, determination, and faith, mothers' training and say: ''She was
They taught spirituality, love, har- the signal light, the beacon. She
mony, obedience, and tolerance, stood at the crossroads and showed
They honored the Priesthood, me the way to go."
taught and lived the celestial law of Our beloved President David O.
marriage. They prepared them- McKay has said:
selves for the ''earthly home ... to 1 ^„. ^. .,.u ■ ■ ^ a
1 1 1 f 1 r ^ emphasize the increasing power and
become the celestial family of in- influence of the Relief Society and of
finity." womankind in general, having one piir-
These precious truths and pre- POse in mind: That increased attention
cepts have become the family be pVen and more intensified effort put
1 ^., r T ,. 1 o • ■ lorth to maintain and preserve the disnity
heritage of many Latter-day Saint ^f motherhood [The Rehei Society Mag-
families. These teachings, if carried azine, December 1950, pp. 798-799).
His advice to Latter-day Saint
women decries the practice of
wives postponing, for worldly pleas-
ure, lack of finances, or similar rea-
sons, motherhood and the rearing
of families. ''Wifehood is glorious,
but motherhood is sublime." Presi-
dent McKay admonishes mothers to
''have more religion in your homes,
teach the gospel and honor the
The late President George Albert
Smith said of his mother:
But my training was different. I was
trained at the knee of a Latter-day Saint
mother. One of the first things I can
remember was when she took me by the
hand and led me upstairs ... I can re-
member it as if it were yesterday. She
sat down by my httle trundle bed and
had me kneel in front of her. She folded
my hands and took them in hers and
taught me my first prayer. I will never
forget it .... It is one of the loveliest
memories I have in hfe, an angehc mother
sitting down by my bedside and teaching
me to pray .... That prayer opened for
me the windows of heaven .... From
that day until now, while I have covered
approximately a million miles in the
world, every day and every night wherever
I have been when I have gone to my bed
or arisen from it I have felt I was close
to my Heavenly Father (Conference Ad-
dress of President Smith, October 1946,
quoted from The Deseret News, Church
Section, October 12, 1946, pp. 12, 20).
The Prophet Joseph Smith's
mother was quick to recognize that
her son had been chosen of God as
an instrument through whom his
gospel was to be restored. She, his
mother, expressed faith in him
against all odds and persecution of
the mobs. She was his constant and
devoted champion. Her faith in
him inspired his faith in himself at
a time when the world was against
him. Without his mother's un-
swerving faith, at a time when he so
needed it, he would have felt much
more keenly the opposition against
President Joseph F. Smith paid
tribute to his mother's love for him:
It was life to me; it was strength; it
was encouragement; it was love that begat
love or liking in myself .... When I
was fifteen years of age, and called to go
to a foreign country to preach the gospel
— or to learn how, and to learn it for
myself — the strongest anchor that was
fixed in my life, and that helped to hold
my ambition and my desire steady, to
bring me upon a level and keep me
straight, was the love which I knew she
had for me who bore me into this world.
Only a little boy, not matured at all in
judgment, without the advantage of edu-
cation, thrown in the midst of the great-
est allurements and temptations that it
was possible for any boy or man to be
subjected to — and yet, whenever these
temptations became most alluring and
most tempting to me, the first thought
that arose in my soul was this: Remem-
ber the love of your mother. Remember
how she strove for your welfare. Remem-
ber how willing she was to sacrifice her
life for your good. Remember what she
taught you in your childhood .... This
feeling toward my mother became a de-
fense, a barrier between me and tempta-
tion . . . (Gospel Doctiine, chapter XVI,
page 394).
TJiTHEN the Prophet Joseph Smith
"turned the key" in behalf of
the women of the Church, he placed
upon them great responsibilities as
mothers in Zion. As the Relief So-
ciety is to the women of the
Church, so is the mother to the
home. It symbolizes woman's place
in God's plan. When Joseph Smith
thus spoke under divine guidance,
he gave to us the plan of Jesus
Christ for women, for mothers.
God placed on women in all ages
the great and ennobling task of
motherhood. God's plan to give
mortal bodies to his spirit children
that they might progress along the
paths of righteousness to exaltation,
became dependent on mothers as
co-workers with him.
Jesus, while on the cross in his
hour of greatest trial, gave as one of
his last considerations his concern
for his mother.
Now there stood by the cross of Jesus
his mother, and his mother's sister, Mary
the wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magda-
lene. When Jesus therefore saw his moth-
er, and the disciple standing by, whom
he loved, he saith unto his mother,
Woman, behold thy son! Then saith he
to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And
from that hour that disciple took her un-
to his own home (John 19:25-27).
In closing, may I
President McKay:
again quote
Motherhood is the one thing in all the
world which most truly exemplifies the
God-given virtues of creating and sacrific-
ing .... the mother who, in compliance
with eternal law, brings into the v/orld an
immortal spirit occupies first rank in the
realm of creation {Gospel Ideals, page
God gave mothers this great role.
It now becomes a challenge to us to
make of ''this earthly home of des-
tiny" one that might become a ''ce-
lestial family of infinity."
QJirst CJriend
Christie Lund Coles
Over the red dirt road that lay between us
Day by day went our questing feet.
And all the things that are part of childhood
Made the world enchantingly sweet:
The river bed low in the lush, late summer,
The sandy shore where our feet ran, bare;
The marsh where the cattails were taller than we,
The first star like a drop on a chandelier;
The milkweed pods we robbed of treasure,
The feel of the down blown from the thistle;
The dusty road that led us homeward
The willowed lane, the high, dark trestle;
The high swing tied in the poplar's branches,
The breathless and ecstatic thrill
Of soaring into the purple twilight,
Into the sky above the hill;
First friend! First memories made to cherish,
0\'cr the jears \\ith their passing gain.
Childhood and a world of wonder . . .
Not to be captured quite again.
Contest Announcements — 1955
THE Eliza R. Snow Poem Contest and the Relief Society Short Story
Contest are conducted annually by the general board of Relief So-
ciety to stimulate creative writing among Latter-day Saint women
and to encourage high standards of work. Latter-day Saint women who
qualify under the rules of the respective contests are invited to enter their
work in either or both contests.
The general board would be pleased to receive entries from the out-
lying stakes and missions of the Church as well as from those in and near
Utah, Since the two contests are entirely separate, requiring different writ-
ing skills, the winning of an award in one of them in no way precludes
winning in the other. It is suggested that authors who plan to enter the
contests study carefully the article on story writing which appears in this
Magazine, the article on poetry writing to appear in June 1955, ^^^^ ^^^^
similar articles in the June issues for the last eight years.
It should be noted that the opening and closing dates of the contests
are one month earlier this year.
ibliza LK. Snow [Poem (contest
HTHE Eliza R. Snow Poem Contest
opens with this announcement
and closes August 15, 1955-
Prizes will be awarded as follows:
First prize $25
Second prize $20
Third prize $15
Prize poems will be published in
the January 1956 issue of The Re-
liei Society Magazine (the birth
month of Eliza R. Snow).
Prize-winning poems become the
property of the Relief Society gen-
eral board and may not be pub-
lished by others except upon writ-
ten permission from the general
board. The general board reserves
the right to publish any of the other
poems submitted, paying for them
at the time of publication at the
regular Magazine rates.
Rules for the contest:
1. This contest is open to all Latter-day
Saint women, exclusive of members of the
Relief Society general board and em-
ployees of the Relief Society general board.
2. Only one poem may be submitted by
each contestant.
3. The poem must not exceed fifty
lines and should be typewritten, if pos-
sible; where this cannot be done, it
should be legibly written. Only one side
of the paper is to be used. (A duplicate
copy of the poem should be retained by
contestant to insure against loss.)
4. The sheet on which the poem is
written is to be without signature or other
identifying marks.
5. No explanatory material or picture
is to accompany the poem.
6. Each poem is to be accompanied by
a stamped envelope on which is written
the contestant's name and address. Nom
de plumes are not to be used.
Page 289
7. A signed statement is to accompany
the poem submitted, certifying:
a. That the author is a member of The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
b. That the poem (state the title) is
the contestant's original work.
c. That it has never been published.
d. That it is not in the hands of an
editor or other person with a view
to publication.
e. That it will not be published nor
submitted elsewhere for publication
until the contest is decided.
8. A writer who has received the first
prize for two consecutive years must wait
two years before she is again eligible to
enter the contest.
9. The judges shall consist of one mem-
ber of the general board, one person from
the English department of an educational
institution, and one person who is a
recognized writer. In case of complete dis-
agreement among judges, all poems select-
ed for a place by the various judges will be
submitted to a specially selected commit-
tee for final decision.
In evaluating the poems, consideration
will be given to the following points:
a. Message or theme
b. Form and pattern
c. Rhythm and meter
d. Accomplishment of the purpose of
the poem
e. Climax
10. Entries must be postmarked not
iater than August 15, 1955.
11. All entries are to be addressed to
Relief Society Eliza R. Snow Poem Con-
test, 40 North Main, Salt Lake City 1,
LKeuef Society Short Stori^ (contest
*T'HE Relief Society Short Story Rules for the contest:
Contest for 1955 opens with 1. This contest is open to Latter-day
this announcement and closes Aug- Saint women — exclusive of members of
ust IC IQ^^. ^^^ Relief Society general board and em-
rpi . ,-, . .,, -L ployees of the general board — who have
1 he prizes this year will be as j^^^ ^^ j^^^^ ^^^ j-^g^^^y composition pub-
follows: lished or accepted for publication.
First prize %^0 ^- Only one story may be submitted by
Q^^^^A ^^^r,^ C.^ each contestant.
second prize mo -n, i. ,. u i
„, . T ^. I' 3. Ihe story must not exceed 3,000
1 llira prize ^3"^ words in length and must be typewritten.
The three prize-winning stories (A duplicate copy of the story should be
will be published consecutively in retained by contestants to insure against
the first three issues of The Reliei ^^^ t-u ,. ,. u' • i. ^
1, , rr>- 4- '■'^^ contestant s name is not to ap-
Society Magazine for 1956. Prize- pear anywhere on the manuscript, but a
winning stories become the property stamped envelope on which is written
of the Relief Society general board the contestant's name and address is to be
and may not be published by others ^"^^^^^^ "^'^^ the story. Nom de plumes
, -^ •,. • • are not to be used.
except upon written permission ^ ^ ^-^^^^ statement is to accompany
from the general board. The general the story submitted certifying:
board reserves the right to publish a. That the author is a member of The
any of the other stories entered in Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
the contest, paying for them at the , r^l^.^\.^^ .^ i ^ j . ^ ^
^.\. ^ .^ - , b. 1 hat the author has had at least one
time of publication at the regular literary composition pubhshed or ac-
Magazine rates. ' cepted for publication. (This state-
ment must give name and date of
publication in which the contest-
ant's work has appeared, or, if not
yet published, evidence of accept-
ance for pubHcation.)
c. That the story submitted (state the
title and number of words) is the
contestant's original work.
d. That it has never been published,
that it is not in the hands of an
editor or other person with a view
to publication, and that it will not
be published nor submitted else-
where for publication until the con-
test is decided.
6. No explanatory material or picture is
to accompany the story,
7. A writer who has received the first
prize for two consecutive years must wait
for two years before she is again eligible
to enter the contest.
8. The judges shall consist of one mem-
ber of the general board, one person from
the English department of an educational
institution, and one person who is a rec-
ognized writer. In case of complete dis-
agreement among the judges, all stories se-
lected for a place by the various judges
will be submitted to a specially selected
committee for final decision.
In evaluating the stories, consideration
will be given to the following points:
a. Characters and their presentation
b. Plot development
c. Message of the story
d. Writing style
g. Entries must be postmarked not
later than August 15, 1955.
10. All entries are to be addressed to
Relief Society Short Story Contest, 40
North Main, Salt Lake City 1, Utah.
S^he X^fted Wall
Dorothy ]. Roberts
Through the lens of a tear the world may tremble, quake.
Become distorted, unproportionate;
Splintered by the swollen waters of your grief,
Rinsed in your sorrow, yet soon will steel
Twisted in the flood, repair; the road
Be mended over fields you walked before.
With no drill's stutter nor tractor's throb.
All shall be restored from the sabotage.
A thousand facets of the earth must break
And reassemble for new vision's sake.
Your eyes alone have seen the town which fell
In trembling segments through the wavering air;
The bright land stricken, the shattered waste.
Remember, to others, the world is still the same,
The rooftops adamant against the sky
In the same rectangular horizon line.
Only for eyes that watched the ramparts fall
Shall a new grace be mitered in each lifted wall.
On Writing the Short Story*
Pansy e H. Powell
THERE is very little new to
be said in regard to how to
write the short story; just
about everything has been said over
and over again. But there is one
important thing that can never be
said too often, and that is the prin-
cipal message of this article: Wel-
come advice and criticism!
How can we convince would-be
writers of the necessity for taking
constructive criticism to heart? No
one can answer that question, but
it is a well-known fact that few writ-
ers become successful, even in a
small way, without having learned
to be objectively critical of their own
work and without learning from
others. Much that is profitable can
come from the experiences others
have had. Beginning writers must
take their feelings off their sleeves,
open their minds, look at their own
work with clear eyes unclouded by
pride and self-delusion, and realize
that they have much to learn, and
that there are more efficient ways
to learn it than by the trial-and-error
method. They must become ob-
jective toward their own work; if
criticism seems applicable and reme-
dial, they should accept it and put
it to work.
Good material should not be mis-
taken for a good story. That incident
that happened at the fair last sum-
mer makes an interesting anecdote
for conversation— but is it a story?
Not unless it has within it a conflict
of two opposing forces; otherwise it
is only the nucleus around which a
story could be built— the story is the
conflict and its resolution.
The new writer does wisely to
build his story around a wholesome,
normal situation. He should believe
in his story and feel its importance
himself— otherwise it wifl be inef-
fective because it is insincere. He
should not be disturbed because his
plots seem hackneyed; there are only
so many basic plots, and they have
all been used countless times. It is
the individual writer's talent that
takes the timeworn situations and
brings them forth in fresh, new
raiment, attractive to the reader.
A good plot should be simple.
Leave complicated plots to the nov-
el. It should be plausible; a con-
vincing plot has growth, developing
logically toward the point at which
the problem is solved or the con-
flict is ended. Mere chance or ac-
cident should not work out a plot.
A character (or characters) should
solve the problem in a believable
manner. What is done must seem
the logical thing for this particular
person to do under these particular
Whatever the plot, a story needs
an underlying theme. The writer
should be able to say to himself,
for instance: 'The basic idea of this
story is that the old and the young
do have a common meeting
ground." Or ''A man's duty to hu-
manity at large may, at times, super-
cede his duty to his own immediate
family." Or "Simple neighborli-
ness is one of the most satisfying of
*A helpful article on poetry writing will appear in the June Magazine.
Page 292
human sentiments/' Having de- and move naturally in a story if the
termined the basic idea, the writer writer has in mind real people he
then deliberately avoids overt has known; places are more believ-
preaching of the idea. His skill lies able if the writer uses locations with
in influencing the reader subtly which he is familiar. The writer
through incident, conversation, and feels more secure of his ground, too,
characterization to realize the idea, and can pay more attention to other
without deliberate indoctrination. details, if he knows his people and
his places are authentic.
HTHE beginning of a story, the first Dialogue is an important part of
150 words, should introduce the any story. Like action, it should be
reader to the principal character and the reasonable expression of the
indicate the problem involved. It character being presented. Most
should stir the reader to react emo- short story critics recommend that
tionally. In other words, the open- writers read plays to note the econ-
ing lines should be vital enough to omy of words with which exposition
attract and retain interest. They and necessary explanations are giv-
should establish the reader in a way en. Plays by Shaw, Barrie, and
of thinking and feeling. From the Milne are particularly recommended
first word, the story should move in for this. Anyone who is interested
one direction; nothing extraneous in writing should be always aware
should be permitted to intrude. If of voices, and what they are saying,
the writer finds he has introduced and be alert to catch unusual or
foreign material, he must ruthlessly characteristic phraseology,
cut it from his copy, realizing that A short story should cover a short
he will have a better story without period of time. It should move for-
it. Even the appearance of the ward rapidly. Beginners can use no
opening lines on the page is im- better advice than that of the King
portant. A compact, solid para- in Alice in Wonderland: ''Begin at
graph of twenty lines is not as at- the beginning, go to the end, and
tractive to the reader as short para- then stop." This is the path with
graphs, interspersed with dialogue. the fewest pitfalls. Simple, straight-
One successful writer always be- forward narrative with lively dia-
gins his stories with movement, logue, suspense, and plausible char-
preferably of a human being. ''A acters, plus a plot which involves
small, barefoot boy was walking the working out of a problem by
slowly through the dust of a back- one or more characters, equals one
country lane." "The old man sit- creditable (and credible) short
ting on the wooden bench before story.
the general store in Walters Corn- The best stories give the reader
ers, slowly lifted a gnarled hand to ample opportunity to live in the
shade his eyes as he squinted down story. The more a reader is permit-
the pavement toward the oncoming ted to experience vicariously through
automobile." Movement takes the sensory impressions, the more ef-
reader along with it, and the story is fective the story will be.
off to a good start. The world contains many people
Characters are more likely to talk whose friends have told them that
they ought to write, but such people
are not writing. What is wrong?
They have not reahzed that one
learns to write by writing, not by
looking and acting literary. No one
ever became a writer by sitting
around talking about being one.
Writing is a lonely occupation, and
no one can write who is unwilling
to isolate himself, at times, from
human companionship and apply
pen to paper.
OERE are some hints to help those
who seriously wish to write:
Read widely in good literature.
Think consecutively. Force yourself to
think logically, if your mind tends to
wander haphazardly. This sounds easy,
perhaps, but it is the most difficult trait
for a writer to acquire.
Discuss short story techniques, human
nature, world affairs — anything and every-
thing. Let your mind be receptive to
new ideas.
Observe people, nature, buildings,
voices, speeches, everything around you.
Keep notes. Have a notebook with
you always. Jot down plot ideas, bits of
clever dialogue, figures of speech that
come to mind, anything that you wish to
Form the dictionary habit.
Be alert for experience. Develop the
inquiring mind.
Study yourself — where you may find
firsthand information on why people do
as they do.
Develop work habits that are right for
you. No two people work in the same
way, at the same hours, under the same
conditions. I'^ind out what is best for
you and sit down to work. Sometimes you
will be surprised what you can do, if you
assume the position of writing.
Last, what about marketing your stories
when they are written? If you plan to
write for a specific publication, the best
plan is to make yourself familiar with the
magazine. Study several recent issues of
the publication to see the general tone
and favorite length of story used. Stories
too similar to those lately published are as
likely to prove unacceptable as those which
are too different in general tone.
Timehness is an important element. All
timely, seasonable, or occasional material
should be sent in from four to six months
ahead of the time it is expected to appear.
A carefully selected title helps sell a
story. The title should be attractive, short,
specific, fresh, and provocative of interest.
Manuscripts should be typed double
spaced, with margins on all sides, the
widest on the left. Careful preparation of
the manuscript is important. A story full
of blots and corrections has one count
against it at the start. When entering a
story in a contest, be sure to observe all
the rules carefully.
Keep a carbon copy of all stories sent
out, and a careful record of where, when,
and how you send and receive back your
short stories.
The following books are suggest-
ed as helpful on the subject of writ-
ing the short story:
Garrison, Roger H.: A Guide to
Creative Whtingy Henry Holt and
Company, New York, 1951, $2.95.
Gunning, Robert: The Tech-
nique of Clear Wntmg, McGraw-
Hill Book Company, Inc., New
York, 1952, $3.50.
MuNSON, Gorham B.: The Writ-
er's Workshop Companion, Farrar,
Strauss, and Young, New York,
1951, $3.00.
Smith, Robert Miller: Writing
Fiction^ The World Publishing
Company, Cleveland and New
York, 1952, $3.50.
Widdemer, Margaret: Basic
Pnnciples of Fiction Writing, The
Writer, Inc., Boston, 1953, $3.00.
Ward Linton
iuetween the [Jjud and the CJruit
Aiberta H. Christeiisen
Save space for these on your agenda, Spring,
Though duties brim the hlac-scented days;
One quiet moment of remembering
The frozen twig, the bleak retreating snow;
Then one recess from duty to appraise
The orchard branches, brought to sudden bloom-
White and ethereal as a wedding veil.
This interlude between the bud and fruit
Holds a white beauty to the snow denied.
How brief the inter\'al to mean so much!
Clusters of promise; velvet to the touch!
Page 295
Forever Orchid
Frances C. Yost
MAY reigned as queen, with
dandehons spreading a carpet
everywhere. The air, fresh
and invigorating, was heavily scent-
ed with hlacs while late blooming
tidips and early blooming peonies
mingled their brilliance with the
blossoming snowballs. The month
of May reigned in all her glory, and
tomorrow would be Mother's Day.
Ora Mathews was busy cleaning
her big house. It must shine from
basement to attic for the children
were coming home ... all except
Julie. Ora thought of her family
of grown children. She was proud
of all of them. They were good
citizens. They were all making a
place for themselves in their Church
and community. They were all
practical and thrifty . . . except
Ora's brow knit in a little frown,
thinking of Julie's extravagance. The
other children said she had spoiled
Julie, being the baby of the family.
Well, Ora thought, maybe she had.
At least somewhere along the line
she certainly had failed to plant the
seed of thrift. '' 'Easy come, easy
go,' is the motto Julie lives by,"
Ora said. ''Why it costs more for
Julie to go to college one month
than the others spent in two."
"Julie needs to learn a lesson in
thrift. That's why I wrote that let-
ter," she continued, above the whir
of the vacuum cleaner. Ora Mathews
was alone, she could give vent to
her feelings. "I thought the letter
Page 296
might teach her to be a little more
careful with her money."
Ora recalled the exact wording of
the letter she had written two weeks
Darling daughter Julie: With college
expenses like they are, perhaps it would be
best if you did not spend bus fare to come
home for Mother's Day. School will be
out in less than a month, and you will be
home for the summer, then every day will
be mother's day for me. Remember
Julie, make your money count. You must
learn to be practical and thrifty.
Your older brothers and sisters will be
here to stay overnight. So we will have
a houseful the eve of Mother's Day, but
they will all be leaving before dinner as
they have promised to have dinner at the
homes of their mothers-in-law. So . . ,
Daddy and I will be sitting down to din-
ner alone on Mother's Day, but we will
be thinking of you.
Lovingly, Mother
Ora wished now she hadn't writ-
ten saying not to come home. Steve
had said to send money for Julie to
come, but Steve was like Julie,
he lacked a sense of thrift. 'Td be
tempted to wire her money to come
home today, but she must learn a
lesson in thrift, even if it hurts me
more than it does her."
Ora turned off the vacuum and
went to the cleaning closet to get
the duster. In the kitchen she
noticed the bread rising over the
pan. She washed her hands
thoroughly and began kneading the
bread down.
"Ding, ding,'
the doorbell
''Either the door or the phone
rings every time I get my hands in
the dough," Ora grumbled. She
rinsed her hands, grabbed the hand
towel, and hurried toward the door.
''Ding, ding," the doorbell called
"Fm coming!" Ora answered it,
wiping her hands as she opened the
"Special delivery for Mrs. Steve
Mathews," said the service boy.
Then, with a twinkle of his brown
eyes, he added. "It's flowers," and
held out a white carton tied and
bowed with lavender ribbon.
"But I didn't order any flowers!"
Ora Mathews stammered.
"They're for you!" The boy's
smile grew larger. He seemed to
be enjoying the surprise. "Tomor-
row's Mother's Day."
With trembling fingers Ora Math-
ews signed the delivery slip, and
stood at the door watching the boy
drive away.
/^RA closed the door, dropped into
the hall chair, wiped her perspir-
ing hands on her apron, and took
the ribbon from the box. Inside,
enclosed in green oiled paper, and
resting on a bed of soft fern, was a
fresh, lovely orchid corsage.
"Queen of all flowers, and the
most expensive," Ora murmured.
She knew Steve had not sent the
flowers. Steve had never given her
flowers. He had wanted to once,
and she insisted on something
Ora closed her eyes, and instantly
the image of Steve on their wedding
day was projected on her mind ....
"But Ora, darling, I want to buy
a dozen roses for you. I want to
show you how very much I love
you." Steve's voice was pleading.
"Silly, a dozen roses will just wilt.
You're not made of money. Buy
me a cookerpot that I can use for
a long time," practical Ora insisted.
Steve bought the cookerpot. Since
then he had lavished her with pres-
ents, all of them practical. Ora
had planted the same practical seed
of thrift in all of her children . . .
all except Julie.
She picked up the tiny scented
envelope and withdrew the card.
She recognized the familiar scribbly
penmanship. Each little curlycue
of Julie's handwriting seemed like
her own little smile. Ora read the
card aloud: "To Mom, with love
from Julie."
For a moment Ora's heart was
touched. She wiped a moistened
eye with the corner of her apron.
But when she was able to speak it
was the practical part of herself that
reigned. "That girl! Here her fa-
ther and I are skimping along, try-
ing to make ends meet to keep her
in college, and she lets money run
through her fingers like water
through a sieve.
"Well, I'd better get back to my
breadmaking, or I won't have the
rolls done when the children arrive.
They do love Mom's fresh home-
made bread." Ora covered the
orchid with the green oiled paper
and found room for the box in the
refrigerator. She went back to her
bread mixing, but she couldn't for-
get Julie's extravagance in sending
a fresh orchid to her.
"If I had that girl here now, I'd
give her a paddling." Ora gave the
bread a full-handed spank, spread
some shortening over the top, and
covered it with a clean tea towel.
It was hard now for Ora to re- Steve's voice registered understand-
sume her housecleaning as she had ing. "She bought it out of her own
done before the orchid came. She allowance. Why, she probably
kept stopping in the middle of a made some very dear sacrifices to
task to peek into the refrigerator for buy it," Steve reasoned,
a glance at the orchid. "The petals ..g^^^ g^^^^^ ^^^^j^ ^^^ expensive
are soft ike velvet to the touch, and ^^^^^, Qf course I can't wear it.
the gold heart of it She ^j^^^ ^^^i^ j^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^
stopped her sentence, for a lump extravagance?" Ora remonstrated,
came up in her throat. 'They would think you have a
Ora put fresh linen on all the beds i^^^i generous daughter, and you
m the upstairs bedrooms. As she j^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ j^^^
worked, she wished she hadn't writ-
ten that letter to Julie. ''Practical ''^^t' ^teve, you know as well as
and thrifty, and preachy, that's what I ^^^ ^^^^ only people like Mrs.
I am," Ora chided herself, 'and I'd Montrose can afford orchids. I just
much rather have my Julie home won't wear it to the Mother's Day
than have an orchid." program." Ora's voice reached ere-
It was the practical, thrifty Ora, scendo heights,
that met Steve Mathews at the door "You'll wear it, Ora. You'll wear
at six P.M. "Steve, come see what it tomorrow to the Mother's Day
that rascal Julie sent me." Ora care- program," Steve said, quietly, but
fully opened the box and displayed firmly,
the fragile orchid in its green, lacy
bed. "THE eve of Mother's Day arrived,
"An orchid for Ora," Steve's voice and with it Steve's and Ora's
was jubilant. "Good for Julie. Pret- children and their many grandchil-
ty thing, isn't it?" dren, each with a gift for Ora. Early
Ora studied Steve's face while he on Mother's Day there were nylons,
bent over the orchid. There was and service-weight hose, aprons, a
a smile playing on his mouth. He cooking thermometer, yardage for a
was definitely pleased with Julie's house dress, tablecloth and napkins,
present. Ora remembered again the even a clothes hamper. Ora looked
dozen roses he had wanted to give around at her children. They were
her on their wedding day. They good children, they saw the things
had never mentioned the rose inci- she needed, they were practical and
dent in all of their married lives, thrifty, as she had reared them,
and she wouldn't bring it up now. Their array of presents proved their
It was the practical Ora who finally thriftiness.
broke the silence. The morning found Ora busy
"Steve, what are we going to do with so many extra for breakfast,
with that girl, spending your hard- then, all too soon, they were gath-
earned money for . . . for flowers? ering their children in their cars and
Why, the idea just burns me up!" waving goodbye. Ora hurried to
Ora expostulated. her room to dress for Sunday School.
"But we didn't send her extra She started slipping into her dusty
money for the orchid, Mother." brown dress, which had been her
standby most of the winter, when
Steve came into the bedroom.
''Wear that pretty gray dress,
Mother, the one you bought for
Martha's wedding," Steve suggested.
He watched Ora go to the ward-
robe, then he left the room.
Ora unzippered her garment bag,
and there was the lovely Bemberg
sheer. Funny, she had forgotten
she had it. The dress gave inspira-
tion for a new hair do. Ora combed
her soft waves up from her neck.
The slight wings of gray about her
face, seemed to lend a softness to
her skin. ''Mrs. Montrose wears
her hair sort of like this," Ora mur-
mured to her reflection in the mir-
When she was ready, Steve en-
tered the room, this time carrying
the box with the orchid. "Since
Julie isn't here to do the honors
herself, I'll pin the orchid on for
her," Steve spoke in his gentle, kind-
ly way. Ora knew there was no
slipping away without it.
i^RA felt conspicuous as she en-
tered the chapel. She was too
much the practical type to be wear-
ing a corsage. If she could just have
tucked herself into her gray shorty,
and hid the orchid under the coat,
but that would have crushed it. So
she had chosen to come coatless,
and now the orchid protruded so.
It seemed that everyone was watch-
ing her.
The Aaronic Priesthood boys
were acting as ushers today. One
lad, his face a cleaned, scrubbed
tan, escorted Ora to her seat. Mrs.
Montrose sat on her left. Ora
smiled at her and murmured good
morning, but Mrs. Montrose saw
only the orchid. Ora wished now
that Steve had pinned the orchid
on the other shoulder, away from
Mrs. Montrose's steady gaze.
Ora noticed that Mrs. Montrose
wasn't wearing a corsage, but as she
looked about her she saw several
mothers with gay corsages. Myrtle
Smith had a dainty little violet clus-
ter. Susan Moore had a corsage of
rosebuds. Several mothers were
wearing gardenias, but she could
see no orchids except hers. She
felt the eyes of everyone upon her.
How she wished the orchid were
tucked safely away on its bed of
fern in her refrigerator!
The program advanced from con-
gregational singing of "Oh, I Had
Such a Pretty Dream, Mamma," to
a vocal duet of "You Are a Won-
derful Mother," and a solo, "Moth-
er Mine." Ora heard the kinder-
garten class reciting: "M ... is for
the million things she gave me.
O ... is only that she's growing old.
T ... is for the tears she shed to
save me." Ora didn't hear any more.
Her mind wandered back to Moth-
er's Day. when Julie was tiny and
she was reciting verses on Mother's
Ora returned from her daydream-
ing with a start. What was the
superintendent saying?
"Sister Mathews' Sunday School
class will sing, 'You are a Lovely
Lady.' "
Startled, Ora remembered that
she was to accompany them on the
piano. She excused herself as she
passed in front of Mrs. Montrose.
At the piano, Ora felt all the eyes
of the congregation on the orchid
she was wearing. She was glad she
knew the notes well, for tears were
blinding her vision.
Remembering the big smile Julie
always wore, she managed to smile
and touch the right keys, as the
children's voices blended in melody:
You are a lovely lady, your life has proved
this true.
You have known joy and sorrow, you have
come proudly through.
Please tell us now your secret, do you greet
the day with a song?
Thank you for sharing this hour, we shall
remember it long.
The song was finished, a sigh
spread over the congregation. Ora
knew the children had never sung
the song so well. She saw her
empty seat through misty eyes, and
excused herself as she passed in
front of Mrs. Montrose. As she bent
over, the orchid brushed within in-
ches of Mrs. Montrose's face. Ora
heard herself murmur, 'Tardon me."
She settled in her seat for the re-
mainder of the program, after which
tiny books of poetry were given to
each mother present, and the meet-
ing was dismissed.
No sooner was the benediction
pronounced than Mrs. Montrose
turned to Ora. 'Tve wanted to tell
you all through the meeting, how
beautiful you look. Why, you're
the envy of all the mothers today,
Ora Mathews. I'd give anything if
my family would give me flowers on
Mother's Day. Even roses in a
vase, or violets in a saucer, but they
don't. They give me gloves, and
I have a drawer full of gloves. They
give me nylons, and I have enough
to tie around the earth. They give
me everything that is practical and
usable, but nothing to feed my soul
with beauty. I wish my family
would give me flowers occasionally.
I'd love to have an orchid like yours,
just once."
/\RA murmured 'Thank you,"
though she felt Mrs. Montrose
was being more tactful than honest.
Then she found herself surrounded
by her Sunday School class. She
was glad of their attention, for she
wanted no more mothers hovering
around making flattering remarks
about the orchid she was wearing.
It was hard to control her tears to-
day as she pondered over all the
events of the past two days.
The throng had thinned out. Ora
decided to wait at the chapel for
Steve's Priesthood meeting to let
out. They would go home together.
Other mothers would have their
children about them as they left the
chapel. Ora thought of her big,
empty house, and she and Steve
alone in it. If only she had sent
money for Julie to come home, as
Steve had suggested, instead of writ-
ing that practical letter. Well, she
might as well wait outside in the
sunshine for Steve.
Ora felt faint and unsteady as she
made her way down the steps from
the chapel. She was quite alone.
She stepped out into the bright May
sunshine. She felt smothered in
her own despair, until she saw Julie
tripping lightly down the sidewalk.
Seeing her mother on the steps
of the chapel, Julie called: ''Mother!
Mother! I'm home!" Julie had ar-
rived joyously, the way she lived,
full of silver mercury about every-
thing. Joy and sunshine were so
much a part of Julie.
"Julie, Julie, my darling, you
came!" Ora's voice changed key in
the middle of the sentence. 'Tm so
'T couldn't stay away on Mother's
Day, Mommie." Julie looked at her
mother and smiled, and Ora knew
this one was the nicest smile she
had shown.
''Mommie, I disregarded the first
paragraph in your letter about being
practical right after I read the sec-
ond paragraph about all the others
going to see their mothers-in-law,
and leaving you and daddy alone all
day," Julie explained.
Ora felt a rich emotional content
coursing through her veins. She
held Julie at arm's length. "But you
look so thin, darling."
Julie was slender, her large, soft
childish mouth curved up at the
corners when she laughed, and she
always laughed. Her light brown
eyes had flecks of black in them,
and her dark soft hair, like a halo
of short curls, glistened in the sun-
shine. Ora took inventory of her
daughter, her slender arms, the
smooth graceful contour of her hips
and legs.
''But you look so thin, Julie," Ora
'Til fill out, with some of your
good cooking. I'm awfully hungry.
Mom. I ... I haven't had any
lunches for three weeks. You
see . . . ." Julie stopped short, and
tears filled her eyes. She hadn't
meant to blurt out about the cost
of the orchid. ''I had to buy some
things, and I was saving to come
home to see you today."
rVRA remembered how Steve had
tried to tell her that living and
college expenses were higher than
when the other children had gone to
school. Perhaps she had been too
'Tou went without your lunches,
Julie, honey, to buy this orchid for
me?" Ora spoke tenderly. Love
opened like a water lily in her heart.
Suddenly Ora reahzed that it was
she, not Julie who had her values
mixed. It was she who was practical
and thrifty about the wrong things.
Julie, with her orchid, and Steve,
with the roses on their wedding day,
were the ones who had true values.
''I should have sent money for
you to come home," Ora tried to
explain. ''Daddy, told me to, but
I ... I thought . . . ."
"But I had to do it, Mommie,"
Julie interrupted, "I had to sacrifice
for you. You've sacrificed for me
for nineteen whole years."
Ora knew then that Julie had in-
vested in the most worthwhile quali-
ties of the heart, the mind, and
spirit. She looked down at the love-
ly orchid. She saw the beauty of
love and sacrifice in its petals, which
Steve had seen all the time. She
knew now what Mrs. Montrose
meant— and that she had the right
sense of values. The soft lavender
petals of that orchid spoke of love.
Why shouldn't she be the proudest
mother in town to have a lovely
daughter beside her, who loved her,
and had sacrificed to prove it?
The orchid would still be fresh
and pretty for evening services. Ora
knew that she would wear it, as she
should have worn it this morn-
ing . . . like a queen. Why, if she
kept it wrapped in the oiled paper,
in the refrigerator, it would even
be fresh for Relief Society on Tues-
day, and she could look at it and
enjoy it for many days. And then,
she would press it, in the family
Bible . . . and later frame it. It
would always be fresh and lovely
in her memory. Why, this. orchid
would last forever!
(bixti/ LJears J/igo
Excerpts from the Woman's Exponent, May i, and May 15, 1895
*'FoR THE Rights of the Women of Zion and the Rights of the
Women of All Nations"
TYPES OF WOMEN: The \^ome^ of the Repubhc are the direct heritors of the
women of the Revolution. All talk of a new woman is a mere fable. There is no
new woman .... the woman who sang the paeons of the Exodus; the woman who
spins among her maidens while Ulysses roams the seas; the woman who proves to her
Roman neighbors the redeeming power of Christianity .... the woman who launched
the bark of Columbus; the woman kneeling on the bleak shores of Plymouth; the
woman who made the homespun suit for the inaugural of her husband as first President
of the Republic .... Blessed womanhood of the world .... Behold the women of
the Revolution! They roll the logs beside their husbands to build the rude cabins; they
sow, they reap, they card and spin and make the garments of the household; they rear
rosy sons and daughters; they teach them the Sermon on the Mount — reverence for
holy things, respect for authority; courage, reliance, self-control ....
— Kate Brownlee Sherwood
A WORD FROM CASTLE DALE (UTAH) : My thoughts go back to the time
when I first came to this valley, how desolate and barren it looked. I stood on the
bank of the creek, and looking around saw nothing but the naked hills and the
ground all covered with sage brush and prickly pears, not a tree, except a few cotton-
woods along the creek and a hut or a dugout here and there to shelter the few people
that had come here to make their home; we heard no birds sing, except the song from
the owl and you know that is not a very pleasing one, but through the blessings of the
Lord and much hard labor in which many of the sisters have had a goodly share, the
land has produced in its strength for our need ....
— Caroline A. Larsen
. . . And everything seemed to say, "Come out.
Leave your window Easter hhes.
Come out in the hills and see what waits
Where each crystal, rippling rill is.
Come take us cowsHps out of the damp
And the ferns from out the shadows.
Wee violets and sweet buttercups
From out the spreading meadows ....
— Augusta Joyce Crocheron
dent Olivia Widebourg said: My heart is so full of gratitude to our Heavenly Father for
his kindness to all of us, and for that portion of the Spirit we enjoy today. If you want
to be the guardian angel of your homes, even if you are wronged, do your duty; our
work is to relieve sorrow, suffering, and the needy, and it is a work of peace ....
— Emilia D. Madsen, Cor, Sec.
HYGIENE AND PHYSIOLOGY: Sister Hannah Sorensen has just started one
of her classes here in the city .... the special subjects treated upon are Hygiene,
Physiology of Women, and Obstetrics .